
Provider Meet and Greet- Last Call!
dimndjim 18 Reviews 1410 reads

Time is a wastin' and the spots are filling fast. But we have still have a few spots left over for this Wednesday's Provider Video post-production cast party and meet and greet. Click the link for details and how to get an invitation.

Also, we have sent out the e-vites to everyone but so far- only 1/3 of the requested party-goers have RSVP'd. Maybe some of the e-vites wound up in bulk or junk mail folders. So check those and if you have not RSVP'd, please do so that we can make sure to have enough food and refreshments on hand.

It should be a cool time this Wednesday and we won't be sponsoring another one until next spring sometime so if you want to go, now is the time to speak!

If for some reason you requested and received an invitation but did NOT get the e-vite, e-mail myself of Amber Foxxx ASAP as the location and directions to the party were included in that e-vite and no place else.


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