
Please some naughty nurse have pity.
nipring12 31 Reviews 383 reads

Just sign in as his niece, warn him not to make any noise and give the old boy a nice handy. If someone comes in just pretend you have early onset Parkinson's. If he has a roomie ask for double price and consider yourself a saint. And don't worry if his heart can take it. If I ever end up in one of those places that's how I'd want to go.

I am looking for a lady who is ok/fimular with hobbiest with disability. I  used to be very active in the community back in PHX before my stroke. And haven't found a lady here yet. Any help would do.  

Also, I'm currently at a rehab/retirement home. Who can come out to see me?

Tanks in advance

I have a guest of many years who is post stroke and he is great, well aside from the word stumble since it can sometimes be hard for him to figure out the right word he wants.  Otherwise, he is just fine.

However my only issue is if you are in a retirement/rehab home how would that work?   Most of them want your full name to sign in and need to know you are coming, and they check ID's.  Gran was in assisted living and now a nursing home and they were both very diligent about this.  So either this would need to be a lady you had already seen a bunch who would be ok sharing her real info with you and the establishment as well as being ok going into a place where everyone will know what is going on.  

If you have details on how you think you might be able to make this work please either post or feel free to share it with me.  I would be interested if there was a way to bypass the front door screening, kinda a turn on to have everyone know I was walking in rocking someones world and then walking back out.  Yummy

Merry Christmas!

I don't think any one is comfortable going to a rehab home...

Just sign in as his niece, warn him not to make any noise and give the old boy a nice handy. If someone comes in just pretend you have early onset Parkinson's. If he has a roomie ask for double price and consider yourself a saint. And don't worry if his heart can take it. If I ever end up in one of those places that's how I'd want to go.

I remember reading an article about a nursing home patient in Belgium.  He was spending most of the time in bed, and obviously, as a man, had needs.  One day, he made an inappropriate proposition to his nurse.  She did what many of us in America could only dream about.  She called an agency, and scheduled for a provider to come out to the nursing home.  Once she arrived, he was given privacy for her to do her job; then she promptly left.  Not sure if it was on tax dime or if the patient was billed for it (it is, after all, Europe),  but everyone was happy: the patient, the nurse, and the provider.

This is a pipe dream in America, obviously.  But perhaps vamptat2 and a willing provider can find a workable solution.  I remember seeing a provider website specifically stating she's disability-friendly.  Her name escapes me, unfortunately.  OP, if you can leave the home during the day and driving isn't an option, will a downtown incall work?  There are trains and buses all over, and most of them are now accessible.

-- Modified on 12/27/2015 10:15:39 AM

ModernLover66410 reads

If someone could come check you out for a few hours to "go to a movie" or "visit the new museum exhibit" I think you could make the rest of the connections yourself.

Thanks for all your responses. I do have quite a good relationship with the evening nurses (family snuck me back in late other night. Nurses saw me come in very late and didn't say anything. They were happy I came  back at all).  

And the level of disability is right side paralized, can't walk to good but can transfer to car or chair. So if someone wants to take me out to the "movies" or "lunch", that would work too. You just have to be careful I don't fall or if I do, be able to get me back up.  

I'm just not used to being in this situation. I was very independent back in PHX.


I have my CNA certification and have worked in nursing homes part-time for the past year. Memory care, to be specific. It was a demanding, but enriching experience to care for others. Also, I shed some tears and had a lot of laughs with the people that I cared for.  

Nonetheless, I have never "hobbied" in the nursing home, but I've had my fair share of male residents flashing the Jimmy Dean sausage. Heck, one was bold enough to give me a slap on the ass while I changed his catheter.  

PS - I am absolutely open to visiting, as I still have my scrubs from my old job. Which, there is absolutely nothing suspicious about a former CNA coming to visit one of her former residents. I think I have a great cover story here.  

Happy Holidays

Love to hear if this all works out.

yeah me too, I'm sorry to hear you are in bad shape, but I really hope you can get lucky with someone here.  Please report back if you do.

Posted By: nipring12
Love to hear if this all works out.

It is yummy!  

I also have no problem with people with disabilites.  Lets do you!

How did you get past the front desk, and what was your cover-up story?  (If you can share, that is.)  Inquiring minds want to know.  We're not in Belgium, obviously, so it couldn't have been easy.

I'm far from retirement age, but it never hurts to prepare in advance.  Kind of like a hobby 401(k).  Hey, just because I'll stop working doesn't mean "he" will.

-- Modified on 12/28/2015 10:24:36 PM

A regular friend of his brought me to see him so he signed in and I didnt have to sign in at all.

they're very lenient here about signing in here, especially at night. ;-)

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