
Plain and simple
KeilaniNYC See my TER Reviews 556 reads

Better she cried and you left early than for her to ride your dick and cry....

Seems like you're more worried about your dick getting sucked than if the girl is ok, so if that's the case,  I say find another girl. You didn't lose money here.  If you care about the girl, discuss it. what ever happened to communication? Most things in life can be handled when two people understand one another. It's not that serious,  and you didn't do anything wrong.

All the men are going to say "no." All the escorts are going to rave about how professional they are. I think you already knew what people would say...

I was doing a overnight with my regular and she want to get some drinks.
I thought fine so we head to a bar went in it was dead and real old, bad area too  she said she new the area and grew up there. Then she said lets meet my brother he down the street I said fine it was suppose to be a few beers the lets ride to are hotel. it was 10pm to 3am she did not want to leave and got drunk and started crying about family problems and told me to go home.  
calls me the next night saying she for go the money I owed here for the night in the car demanding it?
my question is do I owe her any thing.
I had a terrible time was embarrassed and in a awkward position with here brother.
let me know your what you think.
I seen this girl for 3 years now

normancooper945 reads

No dummy.  Jesus.  The fact that you need someone to tell you this is disturbing.

At least you are not like the herds of other johns here posting inflated reviews on ugly girls, so you got that going for ya

Did you discuss her actions with her and how it made you feel?   Does she even remember what she did?

I cannot imagine that you owe her much of anything more then the time she spend with until she told you to go home. If anything at all.

If you want to see her again you'll need to make it right with her but with so many other options and considering her actions I don't think I would. I don't think I'd ever consider seeing her again. Isn't the hobby all about being drama free

Do you owe her anything?  Yes. Do you owe her everything?  No. she didn't hold up her end of the deal, therefore,  you don't need to either.  I would give her a little something for the time she held herself together (Pre drunk time). This, obviously,  won't be a lot, but enough to cover the wasted hotel room. You called her your "regular," so I would assume  you'd have some interest in salvaging your relationship.In addition, I would also hope that she is apologetic and planning to make it up to you somehow.  

In my opinion,  if you have been seeing this girl for 3 years,  she's a good person, and  
someone you enjoy. Escort or not,  you have to care for her at some level to see her long term. I would think that you have to give her the benefit of the doubt because she's far from a stranger.  If she is a reputable provider,  one would have to believe that no girl would act this way on purpose.  At the end of the day, we are all humans.  Example:I was with a guy when my mom called to tell me my dog from childhood had died, and guess what...I sobbed like a baby!! Some emotions are hard to contain.  Sure, the timing was bad,  and it is certainly not a fun time,  but you have to weigh the pros and cons.  

In no way do I condone sloppy behavior, and in no way am I saying you would be a bad guy to stop seeing her. I suggest weighing the last 3 years of good experiences with her outburst, though.  If it was a one time thing, let it go. If she seems unstable and needing help,  maybe best to keep it moving.  

Just my two cents :)  


And this opinion can only be based on the one sided facts, but let's assume what is reported is all true, with no mitigating circumstances from the client factoring in (or being left out of his story).

While I can be empathetic to a slip in professionalism (as they say, we are all human), if you wake up the next morning not horrified and apologetic by how you treated a regular of 3 years, and ONLY think about how much money you are owed, there is something seriously wrong with this "professional".  Rewarding bad behavior is what allows things like this to continue.  If she is out a hotel room, perhaps she should think about how her actions created her loss of income-not the regular trying to have a nice overnight appointment, which her drinking and drama derailed.

Keilani-I appreciate your own anecdote, and certainly have my own stories of imperfect timing, but did you get drunk, send someone home early & not fulfill the expectation for the evening, then demand your money the next day? I would be surprised if you did...  And maybe I'm crazy, but if I had a family emergency come up and had to cancel a date, that is all ON ME, not the client.  If I had gotten a hotel room, I feel that is on me to eat that cost if I am cancelling or cutting things short.  Hell, when things like that happen, I try to go the extra mile finding a way to make it up to a long time friend because of the inconvenience to HIM (time off, if he paid for a room, money on any drinks/food before cutting things short...) to make sure he forgets all about any inconvenience...  I'm sure you do as well, along with the many other true professionals out there.      

If I was a client, and I was treated this way described by the OP, I would only be interested in salvaging the relationship if the person in question made an effort to make it up to me first.  Yes, seeing someone for a certain amount of time might warrant greater latitude, but respect is a TWO WAY STREET, and it doesn't sound like it is flowing both ways here... :-/  Ultimately he will have to weigh her past behavior against this episode to consider her character, but I caution against putting forth effort if she is not...that can set someone up to be a doormat down the line.  

Again, there could be other parts of the story we aren't hearing about, but if nothing important was left out, he doesn't owe her anything IMO.


(no pms please)


Posted By: keilani911
Do you owe her anything?  Yes. Do you owe her everything?  No. she didn't hold up her end of the deal, therefore,  you don't need to either.  I would give her a little something for the time she held herself together (Pre drunk time). This, obviously,  won't be a lot, but enough to cover the wasted hotel room. You called her your "regular," so I would assume  you'd have some interest in salvaging your relationship.In addition, I would also hope that she is apologetic and planning to make it up to you somehow.  
 In my opinion,  if you have been seeing this girl for 3 years,  she's a good person, and  
 someone you enjoy. Escort or not,  you have to care for her at some level to see her long term. I would think that you have to give her the benefit of the doubt because she's far from a stranger.  If she is a reputable provider,  one would have to believe that no girl would act this way on purpose.  At the end of the day, we are all humans.  Example:I was with a guy when my mom called to tell me my dog from childhood had died, and guess what...I sobbed like a baby!! Some emotions are hard to contain.  Sure, the timing was bad,  and it is certainly not a fun time,  but you have to weigh the pros and cons.    
 In no way do I condone sloppy behavior, and in no way am I saying you would be a bad guy to stop seeing her. I suggest weighing the last 3 years of good experiences with her outburst, though.  If it was a one time thing, let it go. If she seems unstable and needing help,  maybe best to keep it moving.  
 Just my two cents :)  

GaGambler669 reads

but it certainly isn't on his part. She is the one that owes him,  and the very fact that she had the gall to ask him for one red cent is enough for me to advise the OP to kick this cunt to the curb.

I don't really mean to sugarcoat this, maybe I should put this in stronger words in case some people aren't sure about how I feel about this? lol

Based on the story we were given, it it ballsy of her to ask for any money,  I agree. If I were her, I would be asking for forgiveness If anything!  Alas, it's her prerogative if she believes she deserves pay for hours she was sober and provided company.  That's on her though and no one really knows the full story or circumstances besides the those present. I am inclined to believe that the issue would be best resolved face to face because as outsiders, we're giving advice without all of the facts.  

"Kick this cunt to the curb", we were definitely cut from different cloth. aren't you a sweetie pie...

GaGambler637 reads

Lets say you go out to dinner and the waiter is attentive, caring, but has a drinking problem. Your appetizer is delicious, the wine is perfect, but by the time it comes for the main course, he is sloshed and not only does he spill your entree right in your lap, but then he proceeds to break down and have a breakdown right in front of you, ruining both your dinner and your entire night.

Now based on your logic, do you still owe for the appetizer?

Or would you "kick that cocksucker to the curb"???

and yes, I am a "sweetie pie" I just don't feel that "adult language" is out of place on a fuck board, not too mention that "kick that provider to the curb just doesn't have the same ring to it" lol

If you had been dining with the same waiter for 3 years who provides excellent service, and suddenly one night, he had a breakdown, you wouldn't be slightly worried for the person?  Or, are you only concerned with your entree?  

I understand your logic, but there is person attached to that vagina. Not to mention,  the guy didn't even lose any money here.

I don't know, that entree in my lap doesn't sound half bad when I compare it to the sense of pride you have about using "cunt" and "cocksucker." "Adult language couldn't possibly offend me, trust me Lol

Posted By: GaGambler
Lets say you go out to dinner and the waiter is attentive, caring, but has a drinking problem. Your appetizer is delicious, the wine is perfect, but by the time it comes for the main course, he is sloshed and not only does he spill your entree right in your lap, but then he proceeds to break down and have a breakdown right in front of you, ruining both your dinner and your entire night.

Now based on your logic, do you still owe for the appetizer?

Or would you "kick that cocksucker to the curb"???

and yes, I am a "sweetie pie" I just don't feel that "adult language" is out of place on a fuck board, not too mention that "kick that provider to the curb just doesn't have the same ring to it" lol

normancooper530 reads

No service = no cash.  Period.  End of story.  

If I wanted to hear blabbering from a girl, I'd go to eharmony.  The whole point of this hobby is that we don't pay attention to the girl attached to the vagina.  That is LITERALLY why this business exists.  If feelings about a provider are important to you, why not get a girlfriend??  

Now, would any provider give us a freebie, on the house, you know, because we were such good customers for three years?  Maybe.  Just like a bartender might give a steady barfly a free drink.  You might ask, "But Norm, isn't that a double standard?"  And I'd say, "No way fuckface, it is not."  You want to know why?  Because we are the fucking customer, that's why.  The idea of a freebie is to keep the customer happy and coming back for more, and in doing so keeping the business afloat.  What the customer says, goes.  Unless, of course, you have a business with some amazing product in limited quantity for which customers are clamoring.  But this is not such a business, my friends.  

Those of you with a golden pussy can charge more and make the customers (who may be stupid and not understand a golden pussy is an illusion) jump through all sorts of crazy ass hoops.  But, alas, there are no golden pussies, and the price of the pussy is low since there is just so much of it.  If it was legalized, it would be lower still.  

Now, if the relationship was such that these two were kind of friends, it would be a different story.  But that is not the case.  You might ask, "Oh, but Norm, how the fuck do you know this shit, you fat fucker?".  And I would reply, "I'll tell you how I know this shit, you dumb cunt."  Because she asked him for money for a service she didn't provide!  Friends don't do that shit.  Now, if she said something along the lines of, "Listen, I know last night didn't go so well, but I need money for rent, do you think we could meet up for a quick do-over tomorrow?", then I would say they are on friendly terms.  This hooker thinks this guy is a straight up sucker and nothing more.  

Now, I don't have hooker-friends.  You know why?  Because I'm a smart mother fucker, motherfucker.  [Those of you with even a rudimentary understanding of grammar are probably asking yourself right about now, "Why did he leave a space in the first "mother fucker"?  Is it a typo or is he fucking with us?"  No, it is to signify I actually fuck mothers and not the generic swear word, "motherfucker".  Now you know, motherfuckers.]

Norm "The Mother Fucker" Cooper
"You lost me at no CIM

GaGambler417 reads

So am I to assume you would still pay for the appetizer???

or are you still all butt hurt over my use of the word cunt?

I'm not butt hurt, cause whether we're at dinner, or we're fucking...I'm not paying, lol.  You are.  

Am I upset at the word "cunt?" Still no.  

What more do you want me to say? I mean, I'm not here to fight till the death or even change your opinion.  If you feel that by talking smack and supporting comments written by aliases (which could merely be you supporting yourself) has made you the "winner"...that really doesn't upset me.  

You know, there is such thing as "agreeing to disagree."

Your favorite cunt


Posted By: GaGambler
So am I to assume you would still pay for the appetizer???

or are you still all butt hurt over my use of the word cunt?

GaGambler701 reads

That list is topped by the likes of Tobi Telfod and H+T just for the record, they know how to be "cunty" with style.

and one last thing the chances of me paying to fuck you or to feed you are way less than zero, but I am sure you already knew that, didn't you?

Better she cried and you left early than for her to ride your dick and cry....

Seems like you're more worried about your dick getting sucked than if the girl is ok, so if that's the case,  I say find another girl. You didn't lose money here.  If you care about the girl, discuss it. what ever happened to communication? Most things in life can be handled when two people understand one another. It's not that serious,  and you didn't do anything wrong.

All the men are going to say "no." All the escorts are going to rave about how professional they are. I think you already knew what people would say...

Do I think that she should of done that?  No.  

Do I think you owe her?  No.

Do I think she should of asked you for money?  No.

Do I think that this is a much needed reality check for providers?  Yes.  Because you have been seeing her for three years, call her your reg, and go to the boards bitching.  Which is your right, of course.  But after three years of what I am assuming is good service, you couldn't even work it out with her and not come here with it?

Ladies, remember this the next time a long-term client tells you how awesome you are.

Seriously - THREE YEARS and you can't communicate with her directly?  I can see if it was your first time.  GAGambler, I am wondering who the cunt really is, lol

First of all, it's so badly written that it put Conan The Grammarian into a deep funk.
More importantly, you told us how long you'd been seeing the girl and, even though you didn't name her, a check of your reviews produces three leading suspects.  Even if you now deny she's one of them, many will believe she is and won't see any of the three.
So you've not only hurt your former regular, but two other girls who are completely innocent.
Nice work!

GaGambler440 reads

I have to say, I wouldn't see ANY woman that I knew this loser had been with before me.

It's one thing to be a "tough" grader, it's quite another to roll around in the mud and wonder why you keep getting dirty. This guy is beyond help, I take back my earlier comments, I bet you this chick earned every penny having to put up with him for even five minutes. It's no wonder she had to get drunk and ended up crying.

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