
DirtyUncleJoe 1055 reads

Posted By: Lexxx74
Is it just me or does it seem a lot (ok maybe just some) of Chicago land providers are migrating from RS2K to P411????  Ladies, is this true from your perspective or any reasons you have or would change?  Thanks
It's been a long time since I hobbied in Chicagoland. I have used RS2K in the past and never had any issues. Not every client is going to be comfortable sharing all their personal details like you have to do with RS2K so it's not for everyone. However some guys have less to worry about in their personal lives so it's not as big a deal.

RS2K is almost exclusively a Chiagoland service though and P411 is national. That is what makes a big difference to me. I don't live near Chicago and haven't used RS2K in many years. Personally, I like the layout and setup of P411. Very professional. Always great customer service from Gina and the folks who run the site.

There are always risks and you can't just rely on a single service to screen. Like others have said on this thread you have to take a lot into account when deciding to meet someone new. From a guy's perspective you have to read many reviews of the lady, see how she behaves on the boards, check alternative review sites, does she put effort into keeping her website up to date, overall professionalism. Putting effort into getting an idea of what she's like beforehand is the key to avoiding BSC's and meeting the true pros

Is it just me or does it seem a lot (ok maybe just some) of Chicago land providers are migrating from RS2K to P411????  Ladies, is this true from your perspective or any reasons you have or would change?  Thanks

Tony_Montana2286 reads

RS2K is bad news for several least for johns, it is.  It's a dream come true for BSC hookers, though.  If a John uses RS2K, he has to give his first and LAST name, along with his town of residence to the hooker.  Now, I'm sure the hookers will reply with the typical "If you're not going to do anything wrong and act like a gentleman, you have nothing to worry about."  Well, that's just a bunch of naive BS, even if it's well intended.  W all know that there's no shortage of BSC hookers here who will blacklist and/or out a guy for all kinds of petty reasons.  I know of at least a few providers who have advertised in the past or currently advertise with RS2K.  It would be a nightmare for these BSC hookers to have a john's personal info.  It also doesn't help that there is an abundance of white knights who have no problem aiding these BSC hookers in their dastardly deeds.  A hooker having RS2K info also opens the door to possible blackmail.  

Don't believe me? Check a few threads down. I had one of these jerks tell me to "filter my piehole" or else a hooker would out me. That definitely borders on threatening language.  

I certainly hope it's true that providers are migrating to p411 from RS2K. P411 is far from perfect and has had it's issues, but everything in this industry is a risk, and I'll take my chances with p411 over RS2K any day.  Besides, for providers, p411 is free, while RS2K is not.  

This is just one man's opinion, though. Take it for what it's worth.

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 7:10:54 PM

DrunkTextOn996 reads

I refuse to play with RS2K.  They are the only place that demands real info.  To give that out in this day and age (or any day and age) is absolute insanity.

There is no room for discussion.  

This is like saying: We need your wife's cell phone number just in case you are not a gentleman.

Give me a break.  Ridiculous.

I can only speak for myself, not for the other ladies here. But- if you do the research on the lady that you are interested in - you shouldn't have any problems. I understand that some ladies may not be responsible with the information that they get, but I am very careful with my personal safety, and I would NEVER, EVER act responsibly with anyone's information. It is truly sad that there are ladies that are so irresponsible, because they put us all in danger. Not just the "johns". There has to be some trust between the parties, and if you research a lady you should be able to see the red flags that would indicate that you are dealing with a BSC.  

I personally prefer RS2K over P411, but I accept both. I think it's very wrong of ladies to black mail the gents that they see. It's really fucked up and makes things harder for everyone else.  

Posted By: Tony_Montana
RS2K is bad news for several least for johns, it is.  It's a dream come true for BSC hookers, though.  If a John uses RS2K, he has to give his first and LAST name, along with his town of residence to the hooker.  Now, I'm sure the hookers will reply with the typical "If you're not going to do anything wrong and act like a gentleman, you have nothing to worry about."  Well, that's just a bunch of naive BS, even if it's well intended.  W all know that there's no shortage of BSC hookers here who will blacklist and/or out a guy for all kinds of petty reasons.  I know of at least a few providers who have advertised in the past or currently advertise with RS2K.  It would be a nightmare for these BSC hookers to have a john's personal info.  It also doesn't help that there is an abundance of white knights who have no problem aiding these BSC hookers in their dastardly deeds.  A hooker having RS2K info also opens the door to possible blackmail.  
 Don't believe me? Check a few threads down. I had one of these jerks tell me to "filter my piehole" or else a hooker would out me. That definitely borders on threatening language.  
 I certainly hope it's true that providers are migrating to p411 from RS2K. P411 is far from perfect and has had it's issues, but everything in this industry is a risk, and I'll take my chances with p411 over RS2K any day.  Besides, for providers, p411 is free, while RS2K is not.  
 This is just one man's opinion, though. Take it for what it's worth.  

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 7:10:54 PM

I'm sorry everyone, the line that says "I would NEVER, EVER act responsibly with anyone's information" should ACTUALLY SAY IRRESPONSIBLY! Sorry about that!  

Posted By: Jamie.Solo
I can only speak for myself, not for the other ladies here. But- if you do the research on the lady that you are interested in - you shouldn't have any problems. I understand that some ladies may not be responsible with the information that they get, but I am very careful with my personal safety, and I would NEVER, EVER act responsibly with anyone's information. It is truly sad that there are ladies that are so irresponsible, because they put us all in danger. Not just the "johns". There has to be some trust between the parties, and if you research a lady you should be able to see the red flags that would indicate that you are dealing with a BSC.  
 I personally prefer RS2K over P411, but I accept both. I think it's very wrong of ladies to black mail the gents that they see. It's really fucked up and makes things harder for everyone else.  
Posted By: Tony_Montana
RS2K is bad news for several least for johns, it is.  It's a dream come true for BSC hookers, though.  If a John uses RS2K, he has to give his first and LAST name, along with his town of residence to the hooker.  Now, I'm sure the hookers will reply with the typical "If you're not going to do anything wrong and act like a gentleman, you have nothing to worry about."  Well, that's just a bunch of naive BS, even if it's well intended.  W all know that there's no shortage of BSC hookers here who will blacklist and/or out a guy for all kinds of petty reasons.  I know of at least a few providers who have advertised in the past or currently advertise with RS2K.  It would be a nightmare for these BSC hookers to have a john's personal info.  It also doesn't help that there is an abundance of white knights who have no problem aiding these BSC hookers in their dastardly deeds.  A hooker having RS2K info also opens the door to possible blackmail.    
  Don't believe me? Check a few threads down. I had one of these jerks tell me to "filter my piehole" or else a hooker would out me. That definitely borders on threatening language.    
  I certainly hope it's true that providers are migrating to p411 from RS2K. P411 is far from perfect and has had it's issues, but everything in this industry is a risk, and I'll take my chances with p411 over RS2K any day.  Besides, for providers, p411 is free, while RS2K is not.    
  This is just one man's opinion, though. Take it for what it's worth.  
 -- Modified on 10/22/2014 7:10:54 PM

Not only did Tony_Montana gave great reason on why RS2K is more unreliable and safer but P411 has time and time again been infiltrated with LE and unverified clients.  I didn't know there were providers who chosen p411 over RS2K

Posted By: Lexxx74
Is it just me or does it seem a lot (ok maybe just some) of Chicago land providers are migrating from RS2K to P411????  Ladies, is this true from your perspective or any reasons you have or would change?  Thanks

I'm a member of both p411 and DC.  p411 is much more professional, and I have also found it much more up-to-date.  Many of the providers listed on DC have not been around in a while, with some approaching 10 years.  IMHO it is hard to be a credible site with way out of date listings.  With that said, I will still use DC on occasion, but not nearly as much as p411.  I have found that sometimes providers will advertise different rates on the different sites, with DC usually being lower.

Do most providers accept Date-Check?  Is it significantly lower or higher than others?

Posted By: joehanson112
Do most providers accept Date-Check?  Is it significantly lower or higher than others?
I don't accept it, Date-Check that is.  Almost no one who see's me tries to use DC so I long ago cancelled my membership there.  I did like the varying levels of ok's, that would be nice on P411.  While some guys are safe they might be nasty by some other means, it is helpful to know and be prepared for these things in advance.  In the last year I have only had 1 guest inquire and want to use DC membership, when he found I did not take that he gave his RS which he was also a member of and I gladly saw him.

P411 I do not accept by itself due to being infiltrated several times by LE, I just do not want to take the chance so I still ask for full name, contact #, city of residence and email so I can check you out with the latest most reputable providers from you P411 ok's.  This takes about the same time as a normal reference check.  I also do some personal checking as well because trusting one meathod of screening by itself is foolish.  RS, is quick so usually by time I have made it through doing my other checking I have gotten back the ok.  Personally for those who plan to provide little notice I think RS is a must(usually have an OK in 30mins).

Yes there is a chance you could run into a BSC provider and now she could use your ok's to do something unethical.  However if you do careful research read through the ladies posts if she has any, ask about her from her reviewers to find out her personality and possible issues(contacting someone who mentions visiting multiple times is most helpful you can pretty much illuminate that possibility.  If you are attracted to that type then that is on you.  You are responsible for your own hardon, only let it drive responsibl

LawrenceOfaLabia851 reads

Finally!!! you took off your little jealous alias mask and showed your deep rage under your name: BSC hooker. My little respect to you for that although... ليس مهم

I don't have an alias.  If I have something to say I say it with my screen name.  You can check with TER if you want, I do not have nor have I even had or used an alias.   Though that is kinda funny, that this is coming from an alias

My use of that word was tongue in cheek, DUH!  I was using the wording presented by the previous poster.  I do agree there are some nutters in this industry on both side of the fence.  Wondering what side you are on Mr Alias

Besides, who am I jealous of?  I am myself and no one else is exactly like me.  I have not changed my name in all of my years and while I may not agree with all of my reviews I am certainly not jealous of those with better scores.  Each and every woman is unique and special so I certainly see myself that way

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 12:43:18 PM

NotAN00b1322 reads

Someone who is BSC crazy is a problem wherever he or she is found.  We can't avoid them whether we hobby or not.  

Johns have to work exceptionally hard to eliminate risk. Friend of mine was absolutely, positively 100% never going to use RS2K.  I remember a few years ago when that Senate Bill passed and we thought hobbying in hotels was going to become a felony . . . we spend hours trying to figure out how to avoid that liability.  The answer was there is nothing foolproof.  All it takes is a hotel employee who doesn't like what he's seeing.  It's been three years and here we are.

Agree with Sage - best to do homework and avoid the nutballs.

Cardinal_Richelieu1172 reads

RSK2K was very good for me.  Quick approvals, and (I thought) reasonably priced for the hobbyist.  I asked them to totally delete me from their database, because I was becoming paranoid about the possibility that LE would subpoena RS2K's customer list someday.  (And of course, the results of those subpoenas magically appear in the next day's paper.)

Even though I've been on TER since 2006, since I left RS it's become a lot harder for me to meet a provider I haven't seen before.  Everyone has gotten a bit paranoid.

There's a more on subpoenaing referral agencies in the legal forum here.


P.S.  Some providers are reluctant to accept alternate means of verification, such as your work web site, call backs to your business, or even looking you up in the phone book.  Wish that could change.  Whatever.

the issues with work screenings are that so many have used that creating fake sites and printing out fake pay stubs and work info that most of us will not even consider those avenues.  LE also frequently uses local businesses with phone #'s routed to their fictitious person for screenings, making work screenings dangerous unless you do not mind getting busted.  While the chances are low the fact that the risk is there is too much for most of us to want to use that method of screening.  Some will, alot won't.

However since you say that you have ladies that you have visited in the past, then you have references to visit with new providers.  USE THEM.  Most of us don't mind using us for a reference, some do.  If they mind then you can make up your own mind if that is a provider you really want to see again.  The lady that happily said wonderful things about you that allowed you to visit this new provider you longed to see, or the one who refused to help you and then started begging you to visit them?  Ladies, that is how you come off to men if you don't give a reference, especially if you contact them after and ask why they want to see this new girl, they should see you.  Possessive is how most of them see that, they get possessive at home, the last thing gentlemen want is for it to happen here

NotAN00b1050 reads

I haven't visited the legal board in years, I remember that it was quite good. I thought the debate on subpoenas missed the point.  LE can with the proper authorization subpoena anything and that includes erased data.  And we all know it has been done.  Can registering with RS2K be used to embarrass someone?  Yes, if it gets out. Can it ruin a marriage?  Probably?  Can it be used to convict/sue a john?  I would say a prosecutor or plaintiff would need quite a bit more than that.  In cases I have seen where the W knows the H has been seeing hookers, it doesn't go any further.  The guy is prima facie gity of dissipating marital assets. (Yes there are defenses but come on, he's caught at that point.). No one takes it further by subpoenaing hooker or agency records, the plaintiff doesn't need to.  

The point is if things have gotten to the subpoena stage, you have a bigger problem on your hands.

I am sharing my personal opinion. I prefer RS2K over anything else. 90% of the clients I have seen are perfectly fun, safe guys to visit with. I am like Sage in that P-411 alone doesn't work for me. I need to see a reputable provider on the list of Ok's and contact them myself. If there is someone I know on there I will reach out and ask if they remember so and so and if they have anything to add. I also ask if they wouldn't mind sharing what his features are so I know what to expect at my door. Ie; race, tall, short, thin, heavy etc.. basic info.

Checking reviews's here should alert a guest as to whether someone is BSC, rip-off etc..  
It's not in a providers best interest to slap the hand that feeds her and do anything negative to a client with regard to his personal info. I also am very provider reference friendly. Am happy to give them for a good client for several months. I wish my clients who reach out used reputable provider references.  

My motto is you can't tell people how to spend their money. I also rarely reach out to clients. I let them contact me if they want to. It is rare for me to reach out without being contacted first. I can't keep up with who is married or in a relationship etc...  

Some may think my scores aren't high enough as far as my reviews. But my reviews are for massage and max u can get is 7, maybe an 8. I don't think I have one review that states I was rude or unpleasant and that's what I focus on. How I treat gents who visit me is what matters most. I think it is safe to join RS2K when you do your homework with the provider you are interested in seeing.

Every client and every provider is different. There is no right way or wrong way we should always do what we are comfortable with and try not to judge those who disagree with us. Everyone has an opinion and we can agree to disagree.

I think guys should join RS2K but that's MY opinion. I also like when they use provider references!!

Thank you :

DirtyUncleJoe1056 reads

Posted By: Lexxx74
Is it just me or does it seem a lot (ok maybe just some) of Chicago land providers are migrating from RS2K to P411????  Ladies, is this true from your perspective or any reasons you have or would change?  Thanks
It's been a long time since I hobbied in Chicagoland. I have used RS2K in the past and never had any issues. Not every client is going to be comfortable sharing all their personal details like you have to do with RS2K so it's not for everyone. However some guys have less to worry about in their personal lives so it's not as big a deal.

RS2K is almost exclusively a Chiagoland service though and P411 is national. That is what makes a big difference to me. I don't live near Chicago and haven't used RS2K in many years. Personally, I like the layout and setup of P411. Very professional. Always great customer service from Gina and the folks who run the site.

There are always risks and you can't just rely on a single service to screen. Like others have said on this thread you have to take a lot into account when deciding to meet someone new. From a guy's perspective you have to read many reviews of the lady, see how she behaves on the boards, check alternative review sites, does she put effort into keeping her website up to date, overall professionalism. Putting effort into getting an idea of what she's like beforehand is the key to avoiding BSC's and meeting the true pros

Personally, I like P411 better but neither system is very good. Rs2k is pretty pricey if you want to do a "per gentleman" verification, I think it's $10. Obviously if you buy a month, three months, etc. then it becomes cheaper. However, it can be relatively useless as a screening tool. Okay, so you get a gentleman's name. You have no idea if he has seen any providers or what type of behavior he has had in the past, just that he has been a member for X months/years. Furthermore, you have no idea when they'll get back to you and in Chicago where 99% of clients want last minute appointments, it creates a headache.  

As for P411, you can actually see what ladies the gentleman has seen so you can contact them for further info if needed. You also get a profile so you know what the gentleman likes, which I find to be helpful. However, Gina has made it very clear that P411 is not a blacklist site and she will allow gentleman with very bad behavior (assault, trespassing, stalking, etc.) to stay as long as they continue to pay the fee to her.

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