
Ok, whatever you say and think. (eom)
GBsmiling 41 Reviews 1885 reads
1 / 58

CHICAGO (WLS) -- A Man is charged with sexually assaulting a woman he met on

Police say XXXXX  met up with a prostitute but didn't have the money to pay her. When the woman showed up at his home in Chicago's Austin neighborhood, police say XXXXX  assaulted her at gunpoint.

Prosecutors say the 29-year-old sent text messages apologizing to the victim.

He was later arrested and police say he confessed to the crime.

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 4:34:32 PM

SashaStolin See my TER Reviews 928 reads
2 / 58
Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 896 reads
3 / 58

to not only try to avoid things like this happening but also to make sure we have info to be able to report the assultant.  There have been rapes, robberies, beatings, and even murders and not just by lower category providers and street walkers but also high end reputable ones as well.   It could happen to anyone.  I just hope she is ok and that the guy gets the time he deserves

Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 673 reads
4 / 58
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 851 reads
5 / 58

I'm sure the millions of women who have been raped on dates knew their attackers name.

If someone wants to rape you, they will.  

Don't know what that crazy Mitchell is talking about.  A girl who decides to have sex with a guy after a nice dinner and movie is doing the same thing.   Money for sex is older than dirt, it just is called different things by different people.  Marriage or dating changes when a guy is suddenly broke, doesn't it ladies

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 753 reads
6 / 58

The coward decided to change his alias since he got ridiculed by many under the old one.

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 648 reads
7 / 58
some-guy 6 Reviews 935 reads
8 / 58

Why should it matter where he met her or what she does for a living?

Woman gets assaulted. That sucks, whether they met on e-harmony or at the grocery store. And whether she were a nurse or a bus driver. It sucks when people assault people. No need to over-analyze the who, when why and how.
Posted By: GBsmiling
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A Man is charged with sexually assaulting a woman he met on  
 Police say XXXXX  met up with a prostitute but didn't have the money to pay her. When the woman showed up at his home in Chicago's Austin neighborhood, police say XXXXX  assaulted her at gunpoint.  
 Prosecutors say the 29-year-old sent text messages apologizing to the victim.  
 He was later arrested and police say he confessed to the crime.

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 4:34:32 PM

Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 830 reads
9 / 58

Posted By: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
I'm sure the millions of women who have been raped on dates knew their attackers name.  
 If someone wants to rape you, they will.    
 Don't know what that crazy Mitchell is talking about.  A girl who decides to have sex with a guy after a nice dinner and movie is doing the same thing.   Money for sex is older than dirt, it just is called different things by different people.  Marriage or dating changes when a guy is suddenly broke, doesn't it ladies?  
I was not just talking about having his real name, I was talking about screening by doing a little research and getting references.  Sure, it can happen anyway but at least you can report it!  You can bet your ass if some guy comes in and forces me to have sex at gunpoint I will be calling the police and going to the hospital for a rape kit as well as turning over his info to the cops for pick up.  Without properly screening, guys feel there will not be repercussion for their actions and are more likely to harm since they have no reputation to loose.

some-guy 6 Reviews 718 reads
10 / 58

Probably the reason it's so difficult to arrest someone for sexual assault of a "sex worker" ... is because it would be so difficult from a legal perspective to prove there wasn't consent. Unless you get a flat-out confession like you have in this case.  

Don't get me wrong -- sexual assault is a cowardly and heinous act. I don't care if you're married -- no means no means no.

But when I think of it from the cop's perspective ... I don't even want to think about how difficult it would be to try and prove there wasn't consent ... when one of the parties is openly selling sex. It would be kind of like trying to prove that the grocery store didn't really want to sell produce, despite the fact that they run coupons in the Sunday newspaper advertising their produce for sale. And if you're just some cop who's job is more dangerous than the sex worker, and you're making like $40K per year minus taxes, I can totally understand why a cop would just not want to touch that with a 10-foot stripper pole. So thank God for dirtbags like this guy who confess to the crime and make things easy.

But yea, I agree with you AP, that any time someone assaults another person and they get punished for it -- it's a good thing. Hurray for justice.

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 8:43:35 PM

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 8:47:51 PM

some-guy 6 Reviews 848 reads
11 / 58

This is just a philosophical question I'm throwing out there for fun. Don't take this too literally.

But if the sex worker isn't reporting her income and isn't paying taxes ... is he or she entitled to government services like protection from police? When you think of it, police officers are VERY expensive and cost the tax payer a lot of money. Now throw in the criminal justice system, the public defenders, jails, etc. etc.

If the sex worker isn't paying in to that system, is he or she still morally entitled to benefit from those public safety services?

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 832 reads
12 / 58

Even *if* she pays no federal income taxes, that doesn't support the police.

What does?  Mostly property taxes.  Then the local portion of sales tax, liquor taxes, gas taxes, and also... hotel and occupancy taxes.  A little filters through the state income taxes to local police, but not much and definitely not in big cities.

She's definitely paying her share.

But you know who isn't?  Kids. I say to hell with them then!  Also poor people.  F' poor people, they shouldn't be protected by the police!!!   If we quit funding those deadbeats with schools and all the police we need for "dangerous neighborhoods" or whatever, I wouldn't have to pay EXTRA to have my trash picked up twice a week and MAYBE it wouldn't take two gosh damned WEEKS to process a backyard ice rink permit!  You feel me?

Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 800 reads
13 / 58

the boarder illegally and get justice here without paying taxes, having insurance or anything then even a lady who doesn't pay into the system should get justice.  This is like saying a drug dealer who get shot down in the street doesn't deserve to have his killer caught and held accountable because he also was not paying taxes.  That idea is crazy.  The justice system is in place to help everyone be it they pay in or even are of a legal status.

So....  Welfare mom's who suck up money from the governament without putting anything in gets raped.  Does she then deserve to get help from the cops?  Same question different person.  Not sure if you see how dumb it is but there you go

some-guy 6 Reviews 881 reads
14 / 58

I was just asking.

There is no right or wrong answer. :-)

Personally, I think if someone spends their days avoiding law enforcement, but then expects them to be there to protect him/her ... wants to have their cake and eat it too.

Right or wrong it's just an interesting question to pose.

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 700 reads
15 / 58

I'm honestly not surprised that the Sun Times would run such garbage.  Completely disgusting.

some-guy 6 Reviews 745 reads
16 / 58

Good points you make all around. Everyone ultimately pays taxes one way or another. Even the bratty kids. :-)

The higher moral question isn't a matter of "Should we provide" the government service, because when all is said and done, I wouldn't want the system changed and to just suddenly abandon everyone who avoids paying taxes or evades the law.

But the question of DOES THAT PERSON DESERVE said government service? And that part I'm not so sure about. If I were a law enforcement official, I probably wouldn't pursue justice as hard and as fervently for some as I would others. The welfare queens ... I'm not going to ignore their calls, but I might take an extra 5 or 10 minutes at the donut shop before I rush to their aid.

Rutabaga_Baggins 714 reads
17 / 58

I also sent an email of disgust to the paper. I couldn't find Mitchell's email although it is likely [email protected] although I did find the following email addresses for those interested:

[email protected]            Jim Kirk   Publisher/Editor in chief

[email protected]   Tom McNamee   Editorial page editor

[email protected]        Chris De Luca   Deputy managing editor

[email protected]

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 725 reads
18 / 58

If she cannot see that there's a world of difference between being violently assaulted vs. rendering full-service and then being denied payment obviously she is not very intelligent and has no business opening her mouth about such things.

As soon as I calm down enough for my hands to stop shaking, I will email her too.  



JimmyRodgers 28 Reviews 783 reads
19 / 58

Wait? You have a backyard ice rink? How fun!

Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 640 reads
20 / 58

rape tears.  If we are not turned on then there is no moisture and it rips our poor kitten to death.  As well most rarests are not condoms wearers, so between the presence of fluids and the tears it is pretty easy with a rape kit to tell if someone has been forced or not.

The issue is that most sex workers because of the stigma and fear of cops will NOT report the crime and suffer in silence.  That stigma should go away.  Everyone should get justice, no matter

GaGambler 810 reads
22 / 58

Let's take your argument to it's logical conclusion. Criminals are not entitled to protection by Law Enforcement ie, it's ok to simply murder all drug dealers, hookers, and of course people who cheat on their taxes, jaywalkers and lastly but hardly least, guys who see hookers.

Come on punk, make my day


some-guy 6 Reviews 762 reads
23 / 58

Obviously it's in the interest of public safety that violent offenders be behind bars.

But if I am willingly and knowingly putting myself in danger, why should your tax dollars and police resouces go towards my risky behavior?  I.e. If I smoke 2packs of cigarettes and down 4liters of Mountain Dew every day, is it fair that I am taking up a hospital bed and a spot on an organ donor mailing list?

Not much different than someone willingly having sex with complete strangers off a backpage ad. I feel badly for the persin who is victimizes and believe the attacker needs to be punished.

But if someone wants to make the argument that sex with strangers is unnecessarily risky behavior that isn't worthy of being subsidised by our tax dollars, I will gladly hear that argument before chaulking it up as dumb.
Posted By: GaGambler
Let's take your argument to it's logical conclusion. Criminals are not entitled to protection by Law Enforcement ie, it's ok to simply murder all drug dealers, hookers, and of course people who cheat on their taxes, jaywalkers and lastly but hardly least, guys who see hookers.  
 Come on punk, make my day  

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 833 reads
24 / 58

I'm about to get all teary eyed and patriotic...

Justice for ALL, do you remember saying that?  About 180 x 13 times?  That's what we do here, because we have the resources and it's the right thing to do.  Also, it's better for everyone.  You don't even have to wonder hypothetically,  your system is alive and well in the world. Have you been to downtown Jo'burg?  Still plenty remnants of apartheid where they absolutely didn't and still don't GAF about protecting people who don't "deserve" it. If you have 500 rand to spend, you can have an AK-47 armed guard walk around with you to keep you safe, but when it starts to get dark, what you will see looks like a combination war and horror movie.  Everyone who espouses social darwinism should have to make that walk. When you get home and finish crying and vomiting, I bet you'd never say some 'ish like "deserve police protection" again.

Also, that's being really disrespectful of police officers. You might dawdle, but you'd never sign up for that job in the first place.  I've heard third hand accounts of intolerance, but every one I've ever personally known has a HUGE problem with men who hurt women.

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 704 reads
25 / 58

Same goes for children, the unemployed, the homeless, charitable institutions, religious organizations, and everyone else who don't pay taxes. Why should they be entitled to protections funded by tax revenues? What a great idea. Think of the savings the "taxpayer" will enjoy when we cut public services because there will be less of a need for them with so many people excluded from their protection. I'm sure by now you realize how utterly preposterous your "philosophical question" is, unless of course you're a member of the Aryan Nation or a Tea Party radical.

undercoverlover 28 Reviews 885 reads
26 / 58

All would have been consensual had the hobbyist kept up his part of the transaction. So this is more of a case of "no means no, because I wasn't paid".  There are tons of fantasy in this game and he could always claim role playing with the gun and the like.  Might work as a defense.  

There are some providers that screen well and don't look for the donation until they leave. I suspect this woman wanted money up front and this boy thought he could get away with it by gangstering.  This is not a legal business.  Walter White couldn't go to the police for theft of drugs and money running a criminal enterprise, so he issued some street justice.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 875 reads
27 / 58 then insult the hell out of the person/party to whom he is speaking.  

It absolutely IS a case of "no means no".   I've been there.  Trust me when I tell you that my boo-boos didn't magically go away just because he left a cash-filled envelope.    

When a woman says NO, it doesn't matter whether she has been paid or not, previously agreed to have a gun held to her head or signed a damned contract to let him have his complete way with her..... once she says NO, any activity after that is an assault.  Period.  End of discussion.

I have also had clients walk out without paying.  I was mad and felt duped, cheated, and really gullible.  
 I did NOT, however feel violated.  Abused.  Raped

some-guy 6 Reviews 855 reads
28 / 58

This seems like a topic you're very passionate about.

So I assume that you report all of your income so that your tax dollars can go towards education and for social safety net programs that allow people to become educated and thus avoid having to resort to violence to make ends meet.

What else do you do?

Do you volunteer your time to neighborhood watch groups? Volunteer your time and donate to self-defense programs so more women can learn how to defend themselves? At $500 an hour, I am assuming you are a very well-to-do person. That is more than most lawyers make, so you could probably open a shelter for battered women and not even put a dent in your lifestyle.

How about yourself? Do you take self-defense classes? Carry mace or a handgun and take safety classes on their responsible use? Do you choose only safe career paths that keeps you clear of unscrupulous individuals and prevent you from being in direct danger? Something gives me the feeling that the answer to at least one of these questions would be "NO."  

Which, in other words, means that it's everyone else's responsibility to ensure your safety so you can lie on your bed and rake in more coin in a month than I'll see in a year? It must be so hard to be you. :-)

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 7:14:36 PM

undercoverlover 28 Reviews 794 reads
29 / 58

When you are a hammer, all the world is a nail.  

This sounds like folks hiking on the border of Iran, then getting mad with the US government because we are trying hard enough to get them back if they are captured.  Let's don't dance around the fact that this is criminal activity as defined by most statutes  in every state. High risk behavior.  Take a selfie with a grizzly bear if you like.  Dog gone it, you have every right not to be devoured.

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 653 reads
30 / 58


Truth hurts, doesn't it les chiennes comme un poisson?  I llol at you since I can't tell if you are a low class male gigolo or a chimp who was taught to haphazardly swipe at a keyboard.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 842 reads
31 / 58

What you just stated is that in a high-risk activity it is not shocking for a provider to be assaulted, yes?

But in your previous post you wrote, "All would have been consensual had the hobbyist kept up his part of the transaction."

The two are not the same.   At first you stated that as long as a provider gets paid, it isn't rape.

That is the sentiment to which I was replying.  

And now I'm done discussing this

undercoverlover 28 Reviews 774 reads
32 / 58
some-guy 6 Reviews 787 reads
33 / 58

Own up to the fact that you've chosen a career path that carries with it some danger and risk.

And plan accordingly!

-- Modified on 9/15/2015 7:43:15 AM

beechnut 1 Reviews 897 reads
34 / 58

Isn't this why it's high time we take another look at the logic behind the prohibition of this activity, which clearly is as much of a failure as was liquor prohibition in the 1920s. If the activity were legal all the women would have the recourse they would need to report such violent activity. Maybe I have watched too many episodes of shows such as Criminal Minds, but I feel excessive violence against street hookers is every bit as horrifying as those against more mainstream types. The reason there is more of it is because they are usually willing to take more risks than are most mainstream women, who have long ago wised up to some of the tricks of the trade. Perhaps the saddest part is that it make it that much harder for us to get legitimate dates in the mainstream.  

Posted By: Sage of Chicago
to not only try to avoid things like this happening but also to make sure we have info to be able to report the assultant.  There have been rapes, robberies, beatings, and even murders and not just by lower category providers and street walkers but also high end reputable ones as well.   It could happen to anyone.  I just hope she is ok and that the guy gets the time he deserves.    

beechnut 1 Reviews 685 reads
35 / 58

I have been semi-broke, or at least more than I would like to be, ever since having suffered a fall back in 2008, the same year the big recession screwed so many of us (in a different way). But I'm not about to go out and do these kinds of things to protest. You protest by blogging on forums meant to air out our frustrations over government and corporate policies, etc. And have any of you noticed that also we are told that there has been a big drop in crime in recent years, there seems to have been an increase in sexual assaults. Do any of you feel this is related to an entitlement ethic that many have developed among men back during our awakening years around the time of free love and singles bars?

beechnut 1 Reviews 684 reads
36 / 58

It wasn't someone on this board, was it. If so, he should be barred from the board for life!

beechnut 1 Reviews 718 reads
37 / 58

Where screening comes in, I fully admit that I do some screening of the ladies as well. They may be less prone to committing violent acts, but there are many that can rob us blind when least expecting it. Trying to screen out the "give 'em an inch and take a mile" type.

beechnut 1 Reviews 498 reads
38 / 58

He obviously was looking for someone to assault rather than one to have a good time with, don't you think?

beechnut 1 Reviews 564 reads
39 / 58

Amen! This is a reason why we should, if not totally legalize, then at least decriminalized the activity, just as we did first with gambling and now, more recently, are starting to do with at least small amounts of pot. Then the women could report said violent activity without fear of negative reprisal.

beechnut 1 Reviews 725 reads
40 / 58

But don't forget the old adage that "There for the grace of God go I". Meaning that anyone could fall into poverty, especially in recessionary times such as ours where companies are often very ruthless about cutting people from their payrolls. It could even happen to you someday. Some can rise above poverty, but many are not as lucky. You can make a case of being at fault if you are a druggie or an alkie, but certainly there are many upstanding people who just don't happen to have beaucoups of money at their disposal. I don't, and have to really save and scrimp for a long time to be able to participate in this venture maybe once every nine months or so.

beechnut 1 Reviews 783 reads
41 / 58

But police officers themselves are often guilty of hurting women, and spousal abuse is common among them. There are good and bad ones just like there are good and bad car mechanics.

beechnut 1 Reviews 682 reads
42 / 58

Can't help but noticing that the person you directed this post to withdrew from this discussion, so we still don't know her answers. But I do believe that, for the most part, this so-called "hobby" is only affordable to the top 15 percent or so of the income spectrum. Someday I hope it will be affordable to more. Maybe once it becomes officially legal, which I believe it should be. Streetwalking, no.

beechnut 1 Reviews 914 reads
43 / 58

That was the original dream of communism, to create a world where there wouldn't be the need for a police force. But yet they were police states themselves. Since the 911 attacks we have somewhat moved in that direction as well.

beechnut 1 Reviews 784 reads
44 / 58

Who is/was Walter White? You could say the same about Jack Ruby, couldn't you? He couldn't wait for the government to execute Lee Harvey Oswald so he took matters into his own hands. It proved that two wrongs don't make a right, as he was sentenced to death but died of natural causes first.

Posted By: undercoverlover
All would have been consensual had the hobbyist kept up his part of the transaction. So this is more of a case of "no means no, because I wasn't paid".  There are tons of fantasy in this game and he could always claim role playing with the gun and the like.  Might work as a defense.  
 There are some providers that screen well and don't look for the donation until they leave. I suspect this woman wanted money up front and this boy thought he could get away with it by gangstering.  This is not a legal business.  Walter White couldn't go to the police for theft of drugs and money running a criminal enterprise, so he issued some street justice.  

beechnut 1 Reviews 677 reads
45 / 58

This is why so many ask for it upfront. But you have to be careful with whom you do that, because there are many that will, as in the classic Steve Miller song, "Take the money and run", giving the client absolutely nothing. Yes, those "Give 'em an inch and they will take a mile" types do exist. Yet in most restaurants other than fast food joints you don't pay for your meal until after you have eaten.

beechnut 1 Reviews 809 reads
46 / 58

Any career path contains a degree of risk. Just think of all the football players who suffered concussions that drove them to the point of suicide. And the doctors who are prone to getting sued if their surgeries aren't as successful as they should be.

Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 701 reads
47 / 58
shenghansen 8 Reviews 757 reads
49 / 58

I have nothing but the utmost appreciation for this rant. Hopefully sometime I can spend some time with you commiserating on the entitlements to freeloaders in this day and age

some-guy 6 Reviews 700 reads
50 / 58

Posted By: beechnut
Any career path contains a degree of risk. Just think of all the football players who suffered concussions that drove them to the point of suicide. And the doctors who are prone to getting sued if their surgeries aren't as successful as they should be.

ModernLover66 598 reads
51 / 58

She seems to not realize the constitution guarantees all citizens equal protection under the law. Not just frigid, suburban trophy wives who need to drink a bottle of wine and swallow 5 valiums to get through their once-monthly sexual encounter with the rich husband they can't stand.

sfloridian 14 Reviews 776 reads
52 / 58

BRILLIANT responds back!

My two cents,

sfloridian 14 Reviews 617 reads
53 / 58

Are you saying that if someone doesn't pay taxes, we have the right to kill them?


beechnut 1 Reviews 888 reads
54 / 58

Don't you believe that, by screening, that the ladies are doing their part to make it safer? One of my soapbox subjects, it applies to mainstream dating as well. A few nutjobs ruin things for all the rest of us, and in some ways make us all suspect.

beechnut 1 Reviews 824 reads
55 / 58

May take you up on it if you will start with the biggest soapbox approach. Can't say I will entirely agree, however, but you may try me out.

undercoverlover 28 Reviews 717 reads
56 / 58
MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 801 reads
57 / 58

I do report my income, but more importantly I have a nice house and pay more in property taxes than the full rent of a decent apartment.  So yeah, I put in my share.

If any of my clients read this, they would laugh about your "Do I personally protect myself?" question.

But even more importantly, none of those things matter one smidge.  I'm an attractive white woman in a nice part of town, so even if I'd been an art student for 20 years, the police will protect me.

Thank god, here in Chicago at least, it seems like they protect everyone.

(My charitable work is not safety based.  I volunteer as a coach in the inner city for a couple of traditionally upper class sports. I'm solid.)

some-guy 6 Reviews 610 reads
58 / 58

Wow, this quote doesn't make you sound like a spoiled Barbie Doll at all ....

"But even more importantly, none of those things matter one smidge.  I'm an attractive white woman in a nice part of town, so even if I'd been an art student for 20 years, the police will protect me."

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