
No, that's just called "using your brain." ...
some-guy 6 Reviews 309 reads

If you see a hot asian with an older dude with his hair combed over and suspect hooker ...  

No special senses necessary, my friend. :-) That's just good old fashioned common sense.

I was out at dinner and had to wait in line for bathroom by the bar. This hot young Asian girl in a tight dress comes and sits at the bar. This was not a pick up bar at all and she really didn't look that different from others but I just had this tingling feeling. When I get out of bathroom she had been joined by a mid fortyish heavy set guy and now I'm thinking "Wow what's her TER number and what's her rate? (And also "Lucky bastard!"). Anybody else find themselves noticing a heightened awareness after being in the hobby for awhile?

Then I find my self sreaching for her on line... Lol

So because I banged him, when I'd walk by another lady in his apartment complex, I knew if they'd been together or not.

And I messed with him about it lol! (Open relationship where I broke a ton of rules haha.)

If you believe in the intuition you gain, perhaps the intuition also can be gained because of the tie you've made with ladies you have met. One or some of those ladies have most likely banged some of your lady's clients, and you are all connected. Therefore, you recognize that person.

Totally fucked up thought, but interesting to say the least. And it does make me wonder. :D

I've been accused of my sexuality being too open when I literally do nothing to try. When I'm doing OK business wise, I get hit on a lot in random places when I am not made up, hair's not done, or even in dressy attire. And people proposition me a lot, (offer Sugar Daddy arrangements, etc.) at bars.

Back in the day a cousin who knew what I do for a living used to say "Have you been seeing guys around here? (out of town) Because I swear to god when you walk by their heads almost fall off and they panic."

I simply replied, "I'm in a small town and I have tits and ass. That's why." But - I honestly do feel like it may give off a vibe to people who know and understand the industry, and have been exposed to and felt it for a while. I now wonder if they were guys who are into this... back then my head was chopped off of all of my pictures, so no way they could have known.

When I'm doing really well business wise, it tends to center out and I get hit on a lot less, possibly because of the intimidation factor vibe I give off to men I'm not interested in. (Anyone who doesn't pay me lol.)

That shit never ever happened when I wasn't an escort. Ever. It did happen when I was 20 years old and considering becoming an escort though.

Guys can smell it, but you just have to, as the girl, say, "No, I'm not that kind of girl."

Courtney's Fucked Up Thoughts of the Day. :D

-- Modified on 11/28/2015 1:43:20 PM

I agree, Courtney. I think the whole pheromone thing is BS but guys can definitely pick up on the vibe when a woman is "open for business". This hobby actually makes that much easier because it diminishes the fear factor on both sides. I don't have to fret if she "likes me", and worry about the myriad vagaries of why a woman might reject me. I just have to be reasonably well groomed, polite, and have the right resources.  That helps me to be more confident and frees me to actually come off as more fun and confident. On the opposite side providers don't have to worry if they are attract enough and how far do I go on a first date. As long as your web presence and reviews are accurate you know we want you and we both know it's going. I think that's why so many reviews talk about feeling relaxed together after a few minutes while first dates can be 2 hours of nervous torture for both sides.  Maybe it would be better if everybody agreed to a good screw to start off the first date and then afterwards decide if they really liked each and wanted to hang out.

-- Modified on 11/29/2015 4:56:03 AM

"I don't want to be hit on, I want to be propositioned." Hilarious! But it's so true, obviously through the right channels, and in the right way... there's something about that dude at the bar who walks up and wants to "woe" you into the sack with no investment. That's for a different market. Nothing turns me on more than a guy resolving a need or want, and that "opens me for business." LOL.

The lady is brought comfort and supply, (or the guy, I know a few male escorts who cater to women,) and the "client" 's needs and desires are guaranteed if he does his research - and treats the lady how she'd want to be treated. Let's be honest - having sex is a dream for lots of people. It's a nagging feeling until it happens.  

A client can also pick his preferences, if he subscribes to the right resources, and find a woman who is into the same shit as he is too. There's no guessing like there is at a conventional pick up/one night stand. The same goes for us in the business too. I've done the hook ups where - well - ummm - not so great. :)

As I've said in the past... the easiest way to get laid for a woman is to charge for it. lol! All of the expectations are laid out on both sides, no guessing, and boom. Good to go. I think it's brilliant for both providers and clients, and if that's what the woman wants, you already know you're supplying, and you know that's what she's into.

If a woman books a date (that is suitable for her,) it's exciting for her in many cases. There's a level of accomplishment she feels.  

But yeah, if a woman is open for business, but not so much free business, there's a different feeling.

I was the "score" on first dates though lol! But nowadays I'm too spoiled to even do the whole conventional dating thing lol. I'm not gonna' lie, we're not always guaranteed sex either haha

-- Modified on 11/29/2015 10:14:35 PM

If you see a hot asian with an older dude with his hair combed over and suspect hooker ...  

No special senses necessary, my friend. :-) That's just good old fashioned common sense.

Once the guy arrived that was just the confirmation I was right. I had her pegged before when she was alone at the bar. Something about her just triggered a bell in me and I was 90% sure she was waiting for an SD or hobbyist or was at least a trophy wife. Just had that extra air of confidence and sexiness. Dress revealed curves just a little too well, shoes were a little too sexy, hair and makeup a Lille too perfect.  Nothing trashy or obvious but everything seemed chosen to make a guy horny.

I've been spending enough time sugar baby-ing, and I think I kind of know what you're getting at. I do get a sense that there is a difference between a girl who looks sexy because she likes what she's wearing, and she picks out her clothes because she likes the way she looks in them. Versus a girl who "invests" in her clothing. i.e. for a working girl, her clothing has to be selected differently. i.e. it is more like a uniform in a way, or rather an investment for her "business" which is looking good for other people and not necessarily herself.

But you could say the same thing about trade show models. And they sort of all have a provider or SB vibe, too, when you think about it.  

So yea, I think I'm following your reasoning sort of.

GaGambler255 reads

There was another couple in the restaurant, Him, old white guy. Her, young black woman, who appeared like they couldn't keep their hands off each other. It was pretty plain what was going on and my GF couldn't help but comment on it, but of course when I reminded her that she was thirty years younger than me, and an ex hooker herself, she told me the sweetest thing. She said "but we look like a couple, they don't"  

Yes, sometimes "spidey sense" is hardly necessary.

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