
No double standards...some people have class, some don't
redhot See my TER Reviews 636 reads

There are examples of both providers and clients that act entitled, and take the other half of the transaction for granted.  

There are also plenty of examples of clients and providers that show respect for each others time, and make appropriate gestures when unforeseen/unexpected events come up.    

My motto is "don't reward bad behavior."  It's frustrating on both sides when cancellations happen, but if the person cancelling doesn't offer a remedy, all you can do is back-channel/blacklist their info and move on.  

Too much fun is out there still waiting...why waste time on anything that detracts from all the good things? :-)

*no pms please

How come a provider doesn't have to pay a cancellation fee if THEY cancel on you last minute???

You RARELY hear this... "I'm really sorry, next time compensate me with 350 roses rather than 500.  I feel bad that I had to cancel last minute, you drove all the way down and you had to rearrange your whole day."

I know it does happen but, not as often as one would think and I also know that some girls don't follow through on their fee collection.  I get it.  Just would have been nice for the gesture.

I know this is going to cause controversy (maybe not) but it happened to me the other day. I waited thinking that it would come up but, just got a lot of "sorry's" which I don't think cuts it sometimes.  It's been eating at me as I look for a replacement and there it is, in black & white on their sites stating, "That if YOU cancel..."

And before anyone attacks, it was a appointment that should have never been booked to begin with.  I had reservations about it, doubled checked and was told don't worry about it.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander...  Right?

Let the hits begin.... Or maybe not.


I agree with you that the ladies should make it up to you in some way when they cancel on you.  
But it at the the ladies discretion, it's not a written rule, it's all up to the ladies.

One point the ladies will make is when a gentlemen cancels on them they lose money which is true and they do have bills to pay (ie hotel, food, taxi, rent, and other bills depending on whether she is a local lady or a traveling lady)  

But ladies do not think of the cost to the gentlemen when they cancel on us.

Did we have to take 1/2 vacation day from work to see this lady.  

How far did we have to drive to see them, an hour or more ?

Did we have to pay for parking ? parking in a big city can cost up to 45 bucks plus.

How much time did we waste. (granted this applies to both the men and the ladies)

Add that all up and it end up being a good amount of money.

So yes I think the cancellation rule should apply to both the sides but it never will.

Yes I have had this happen to me a few times and when it happen, I just write the lady off and never plan seeing her again.  


Remember this people (see below) It applies to everybod

and yes I agree this will never be equal, unfortunately when you walk on the wild side with an industry the government does not condone you are rarely treated fair as a consumer of these questionable services.

Many reputable a upstanding ladies(myself included) will offer additional time on a next visit.  Sometimes I don't if I have provided enough notice or if the other person is really late and I can no longer accommodate.  It happens.

On the other hand I do have a non-published cancellation fee reserved for NCNS or 3 times in a row cancellations.  If at that point they would like to revisit they have to make good or I will decline future visits.

These are pretty much taken from mainstream businesses and how they typically run(which is what I think some providers are doing).  You schedule a Dr's appt, Hair appt, Massage appt ect and you have to pay the full rate of the appt if providing less the 24hrs notice, I know that I have been charged full boat for massages I couldn't get because I got the flu on the day it was scheduled.  

However same things happens with the Dr's or hair appt...  They sometimes will call you and say there was a mistake in their scheduling and the time you have set no longer works, can they reschedule you.  Sometimes this even happens last minute because an emergency came up and the Dr is no longer available.  They don't offer you $$ off your next visit, or extra time with the Dr.  Often times if this happens now you have to go back to the end of the line and start your wait again.

So personally i think it is ladies following normal business models.  

Is it right not to offer something?  Depends on how much notice I think but it is a nice gesture for the lady to realize the inconvenience and add a little something.  It would be rare for a lady to cut her rate though, more likely just to get a little extra time.

Keep in mind though I do not think one or the other's time is more valuable expenses are often loftier on the woman's side since now she has potentially:  Paid for a babysitter, paid for the room this was to happen in, and taken that time away from her family in hopes of making some $$ to feed and shelter them.  When a guest last minute cancels a lady may have to eat 100-200$ because of someone else's issue.  It is only right that if the issue was not the providers, that the hobbiest should make good on the expenses at the very least so that she is not backwards for having tried to see him.   Costing a provider $$ is a sure way not to get to meet her for sure

Just my thoughts...  Sage

One of two things happen
1. They still pay the same rate anyway
2. They never book again.

I think maybe once someone took me up on my offer. I've had to cancel last minute a couple of times, and / or bump the time a little bit. Usually for the client's good, because something uncontrollably gross was happening. Of course, I never tell the guy that's the case for his own good either. Just offer the discount.

Of course, I do not if I cancel because the guy is mean over email, or he sounds intoxicated when he calls to come up. No way Jose.

-- Modified on 12/4/2014 4:08:40 PM

Cardinal_Richelieu714 reads

Both occurred on a Saturday with different providers.  I planned to review both providers to get some points here, too. Both providers are highly reviewed and I had to go thru extra screening hoops because I don't have much of a track record yet.  

Maybe my luck will change after the first of the year. I know s*^t happens but I had to vent

Was really looking forward to seeing her for the first time. Judging by her reviews, it's seems unusual, as she's always on time or even early. I genuinely hope everything is ok though.

There are examples of both providers and clients that act entitled, and take the other half of the transaction for granted.  

There are also plenty of examples of clients and providers that show respect for each others time, and make appropriate gestures when unforeseen/unexpected events come up.    

My motto is "don't reward bad behavior."  It's frustrating on both sides when cancellations happen, but if the person cancelling doesn't offer a remedy, all you can do is back-channel/blacklist their info and move on.  

Too much fun is out there still waiting...why waste time on anything that detracts from all the good things? :-)

*no pms please

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