
Look BubbaZannetti....
Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 916 reads

What you did was a very nice gesture & for most hookers you would be an ATF STAT but to blast her saying she scam you isn't right, this situation has nothing to do with being a Hooker, it's between you & her on a personal level...  And comparing it to loans in "real world scenario" is irrelevant....  This had nothing to do with an appointments or her performance as hooker but everything to do with her as a just a bad human being..... When someone is blasting SCAM OR RIP OFF, it reflects on this business...  Most of us hookers are pretty fucking fabulous humans... Who are selling our pussies to better our lives financially with goals to achieve.  Not CRACKWHORE, thieves, ripper offers, scammers!!!

I didn't want to post this but have decided after three weeks and no resolution or restitution it's time to get the word out.  
Had seen Bella TER #281349 about 5-6 time beginning at end of July. My first impression was she was white trash but after getting to know here a bit she  wasn't fitting the stereotype.  Well, you know what they say about first impressions!  Anyway, on Tuesday Sept 2, 2015 she texted me and asked if I could wire her $150 via Money Gram. My first reaction was SCAM ALERT but then I analyzed situation, and made a judgment call. My rationale was this; she is a relatively new provider, is getting some positive reviews including one by me and she just got her website up so why would she rip off a "regular" for a $150?  Why burn a bridge from someone who is providing you a steady stream of income? Well, I was wrong, BIG TIME!  She received the money about 9:15 pm on Sept 2, 2015 and that was basically the last time I heard from her as she doesn't respond to my texts or vm.   See her to your hearts content but beware if she asks you to wire her money because if you do, that's the last time you will ever see her or your money!

Maybe she did really need the money... I'm sorry to hear about it, but that is pretty strange and one can only assume...

Lia.  Keep trying her, since you've seen her many times.  She may just be embarrassed.  I've seen her and she has never scammed me.  Great shaped buns on her too.

With an appointment gone wrong...  Or you being ripped off at an appointment ...  

She asks you for money, you give it to her, obviously you've been a regular, the money was given without plans on anappointment but as a favor & now she's a scammer??  WTF.... You shouldn't of given her the money in the first place if you were going to be this upset...  

Sorry, so you're blasting someone when it was ur decision to wire her money without an appointment ....  And it $150 bucks...  

All I can say is WOW....   MY ATFS have given me money but it's without strings & from the generosity from  their hearts...  

Hope everyone's having a wonderful week!!!  

Have to agree... this is NOT a TER problem, nor is it a ripoff. All he had to say was NO.

Ilikemwet758 reads

Well now you can see why nice guys finish last. Just by the 2 ladies and their comments, they don't care about you just getting the money. How do you stick up for someone who purposely deceived someone? That just tells me how they run their business. Remember not all women in this business are like these 3. Good luck and lesson learned.

There is a difference between someone who doesn't say "thank you" and someone who says you're going to get something and then steals your money.

A scammer is a thief. This girl literally asked him for money, and he gave it to her. Should a girl call a client and ask him for money for nothing? I don't think so, depending on the relationship. Should someone ask for something, receive it, then go radio silent? No! It's rude and immature.

But is it a scam to ask for something, then completely ignore someone? No. I have had some very giving people ask me for something, I gave it to them, they said "Thanks" and never mentioned it again, never felt the need to pay me back.

Why? I didn't tell them "This is a loan. If you want a loan, I expect it back. If you want a gift, sorry, I don't have a gift."

There are some people who give and then think "This person is going to email and text me whenever I want because I gave them $150 for free." Unfortunately, that is why I don't borrow money anymore. I've done it, and it sucked. The damsel in distress shit is just too much work lol. I need clear lines/clear boundaries.

Please note, and this is not a knock on truly nice people, nor you. But "Nice guys" sometimes finish last, because people can smell their intentions a mile away. Sorry, I may look like the Negative Nancy here, but both women and men sometimes give small amounts of money or gifts for FREE to create a string.

Just like when a woman gives sex away for FREE - there is a reason for it. Always? No. But when the intent is there, it's obvious.

I say anyone who is giving a gift, question yourself as to why you are giving the gift, and what you expect in return. If you are not fully communicating that "This $150 I'm giving to you as a gift per your request due to a need is given on the terms of: a follow up text every day on where this money went, and how it's effecting you as of the time of the text."

When you give a gift, you let go of it with no expectations in return. This is extremely difficult for anyone to do. I'm not saying a person is a BAD person for having expectations, even if it's something simple or complex. I'm saying we've all done it, and been disappointed when the thanks was less than we expected. But sometimes we have to check ourselves and say "Hey, why am I pissed off about this? Maybe I need to not give a gift if it gives me such a horrible feeling."

Just today I gave some dude a couple of cigarettes when he just asked for a butt. I felt really good about it. I did it for no reason. Then afterwards, I was like "Man, I hope so and so saw me do that, or maybe it'll be in the newspaper. That would be a great movie scene." blah blah blah. As I walked, I realized "No one will ever know I did that."  

It's a terrible way to think, but we're all human and wired that way. But just because that guy didn't take my picture and give it to the press, does that mean he did anything wrong by first asking - and then accepting what I gave him? Nope. Then I had to realize, if I never saw him again, and he was the only one who knew about that, was it wasted?

(By the way, I gave the guy cancer sticks lol. Bad example, but great example of the human heart.)

But here's one thing I do know, the things we do for other people - we will never know how it will affect them and their lives. Who knows what this girl was going through where she needed the money. There have been times someone, especially here, has done something for me where I couldn't express just how comforted I was just for the fact that someone was there, and noticed me. Never got to tell some people. But it still effects me to this day.

Just so many blessings in giving that we can never comprehend or feel fully for ourselves. And that blessing isn't always for us to feel, but for someone else. And someone will do something for us in such a way that we could never repay them, nor will we know how to thank them properly.



-- Modified on 9/24/2015 9:56:14 PM

Tell you what, would you mind just dropping it. I made a mistake making the post in the first place. I've learned all I need to about the people that post on this board and their mind set. I cannot do anything about that. The lesson learned wasn't the money I gave to the provider but realizing doing a good thing for someone is viewed with such disdain and disgust. I could understand people ridiculing me for sending the girl the money but the complete lack of recognizing the goodness in the act of helping out an individual but rather  how I am at fault to expect to be paid back.  That the comments are aimed at me rather than the person they should be aimed at.  I mean suppose a man goes into a bank to cash a check and a bank robber comes in the bank and shots him. The way this board would respond would be something along the lines as to  why was the person in the bank? What the heck was he doing there?  Boy what an idiot, for being there because banks gets robbed and this person should know that before going into the bank.  The posters on this site, especially you, Gemma, Ga Gambler and many others are cynical, mean spirited and totally vindictive individuals. You lack basic core empathy and consideration and only see things from your point of view. That is truly sad. I may have been stupid for going OUT OF MY WAY to help this girl and yes I did expect to be paid back. The money was to help her get by for the time being.  Excuse me for not having clarified that this was  a "loan" or whatever you want  to call it. I can't even think straight with how this whole things been twisted out of control. And so what if I told her "HEY THIS IS A LOAN, I still wasn't going to get paid back.  But be that as it may be, I know what I did. YOU DON'T . I know that in my heart I helped her out as I have conscience which is something you and the others lack! SO if you don't mind, I'd rather not have to read another one of your fu**ing diatribes. I've learned my lesson to never post anything controversial with cold blooded sharks like you out there ready to twist, rip and shred anyone that shows one ounce of compassion!

GaGambler635 reads

There is nothing wrong with lending someone money, or just giving someone money.  

Where you've lost us is by coming on this board trashing a hooker for something she did that has nothing to do with the way she conducts her BUSINESS, which is the only thing that really concerns anyone here. She didn't rip you off in the conduct of her business. She didn't NCNS on an appointment with you. She didn't underperform. Business wise, she did nothing wrong. Should she have paid you back? Of course she should have, but the rest of us aren't planning on ever loaning her money, so it just doesn't concern us, nor should it.

A lot of us have loaned "friends" money and a lot of us have never been paid back, but we don't go publicly trashing those people  on a public board or try to ruin their business for not repaying a loan. You don't sound compassionate, you sound petty.

If the girl needed money wired, then something went wrong with her and she asked. If she asked for it in exchange of something else than thats one thing but you just said you thought why not she wouldnt rip you off. Did she say she would keep it as credit for another time or she would count it towards your next session?

Seems to me like perhaps her life is kind of haywire. I hate the stereotype of "white trash" and all the hatred and judgement that happens. I see where your upset that she hasnt responded because you hoped your relationship was better. She has a life outside of this life and sometimes its easier to turn off one completely while you focus on another. Its a difficult balancing act, and takes awhile to master.

Lesson learned and I am sure there are plenty of other fish in the sea. I hope you have best wishes at the end of the day, you need to treat yourself to somebody new and take that stress away!

Excuse me, but I don't appreciate you b.s  comments.  She said she needed  $150 and I not only sent it to her but went out of my way to get it to her. I originally sent it by Money Gram on the internet but because I found out after the fact that it doesn't take 10 minutes as advertised but it was going to take 5 hours  I cancelled that wire and went to a local CVS pharmacy  and wired the money from there.  I didn't have to do this but I did it because  I wanted to help her out.  So I do a good deed, go out of my way to get  the person money when they are in a pinch and you have the audacity to give me sh**?  Call me an idiot for sending her the money but attacking me as the bad guy in this?? Screw You!

No ones saying you're a bad guy that's your assumption ....  But to say she ripped you off when it was your choice to send her the money isn't right... Yes she's a classless Hooker whore for not responding to you but you blasting her saying she scammed& ripped  you off .... isn't right, you scammed YOURESELF... In your ORigibal post you said she white trashy... Did you ever think something bad might of happened to her?   Likely she's a fucking CRACKWHORE...... But It's BS to whine about something when you had total control in the beginning!!!

As the old saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished.

So if a bank lends you money and you don't pay them back it's their fault for lending you the money? Nice logic.

What you did was a very nice gesture & for most hookers you would be an ATF STAT but to blast her saying she scam you isn't right, this situation has nothing to do with being a Hooker, it's between you & her on a personal level...  And comparing it to loans in "real world scenario" is irrelevant....  This had nothing to do with an appointments or her performance as hooker but everything to do with her as a just a bad human being..... When someone is blasting SCAM OR RIP OFF, it reflects on this business...  Most of us hookers are pretty fucking fabulous humans... Who are selling our pussies to better our lives financially with goals to achieve.  Not CRACKWHORE, thieves, ripper offers, scammers!!!

You are taking this situation and attaching my comments to every escort including yourself! THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU OR ESCORTS IN GENERAL!  I am referring to her and only her. And by the way I didn't attack her as being a hooker.  
So, what do you call a person who takes money from you and disappears?  
What I find truly interesting about yours and other comments is that you cover BOTH sides of the fence. Let's say she reached out to me and I turned my back on her an told her to go fu**  herself, I'm not giving her a dime, I could just read the words "How could you turn your back you cold, heartless SOB!!!! WHAT TYPE OF HUMAN BEING ARE YOU???  
Instead, I did give her the money and you've got the other side of the fence covered; "What were you thinking?" "You should have just said no, it was under your control and you decided to send the money so it's no ones fault but your own"  Either scenario I'm to blame and it's my fault  
 I was trying to warns other about what happened to me and that she had ripped me off.  I wasn't "whining" as you put it. Man, that pisses me off! What happened is coming from MY PERSPECTIVE. Pardon me for not taking her perspective a perspective you readily took on because after all your both "escorts" and on the same team, and I'm just some client who should be understanding and caring because who know what her problem is. I was UNDERSTANDING AND CARING! Please just let it go. I realized what a huge mistake it was to even to have posted this.
All I can say is I am glad I never called you to set an appointment as I had considered many of times. I have learned all I need to know about you from these posts. Look at it from my perspective.

GaGambler784 reads

If a bank were to lend money with no recourse, and no collateral to someone they already knew was a bit "white trashy" and they didn't get their money back, yes it would be their own fault for being dumb.

It's been said here a thousand times "all loans given to hookers should be considered gifts until proven otherwise" and that goes to loans to friends and family as well to hookers for that matter.

an unpaid loan is not a "ripoff" by TER standards, and unfortunately your "warning" won't save your readers a cent. Either they already know not to loan money that they will miss, or they don't. All the warnings in the world aren't going to change that fact.

BTW, I have been guilty of "loaning" hookers money in the past. My track record in doing so has been about the same as loaning money to any other "friend" some of it I got back, some of it I didn't, but none of it was money I could not afford to lose, and it simply never occurred to me to come onto TER and whine about it.

Thanks for enlightening me, and I'll make sure to remember your words of wisdom, Yakamoto! Hope you get ripped off real soon, now.

This isn't a problem that has to do with hobbying, she didn't stand him up, she didn't rob him at her incall.... She asked for help & He chose to send her money.... That's a personal level... My original response to this OP is he can't call her a scammer or a rip off hooker when he chose to send money... Did you actually read the OP??? It had nothing to do with an appointment!!!! That's fucking point!!! He's blasting & calling this hooker a SCAMMER & a Rip off, he should of post this in the hobbyist board instead he broadcasted it!!! What if she was in an accident, hurt, can't get to a phone ( unlikely since in the original post he called her WHITE TRASHY)....   Btw I'm not sticking up for this HOOOKER...  She's prob a cracked out whore who getting her next fix but pulling this shit..... PEOPLE STOP WITH THE DAMN PMS about this stupid POST!!!!....... Ugh...

Your really are a total a-hole! I have moved on and so should you

You have bad decision making and you're blaming on people... Please stop hobbying, people like u give hobbying a bad rep....  Christ over $150.00 bucks... My ATFs have given me 20x that much & don't fucking whine!!!! But then again I didn't ask they just gave out of generosity!!!!  

Posted By: BubbaZannetti
Your really are a total a-hole! I have moved on and so should you

Amen, and just quit replying to posts about it if you don't want to here more opinions.

Who said I  wanted to hear more opinions? I made my point and stand behind everything I said. This whole thread represents a microcosm of mob mentality.

You lent it to some girl you met in a PAID ILLEGAL context. Let me put it this way... the rules and boundaries here can only protect you if you follow them. No one put a gun to your head... you did it, live with it. She ripped YOU off... the real her and the real you, not the hooker and client so bringing this dumb shit to the boards is just stupid!

Move on Ahole! I get the gist that everybody on this board is a bitter POS!

Posted By: BubbaZannetti
Move on Ahole! I get the gist that everybody on this board is a bitter POS!

London, before you decide to join the masses and hang me in front of the entire board, would you be kind enough to read my original post? And from that would you please explain why exactly I am a total nut job.   Follow the story from A to B and elucidate exactly why I am a total nut job? Oh, never mind you've made up your mind....and the wolves are hungry and they haven't eaten for a while. I would hope that there were some people on this board that still have common sense and reason or is that asking for too much?

Just "Can you wire me money"
and "Yes."  
*wires money*

That's it. No, "Do you promise to pay me back?"

Unless we only have half the story?

After the Bank gets stiffed by this lendee, does the bank have the right or even moral authority to take out an advertisement in the local paper calling out the lendee for being a reprobate or ripoff regarding the lendee's personal occupation?

Of course not.

Okay I get the picture- Had I known I had steeped into a board that was nothing but shark infested escorts... oh fu** it I'm glad I posted what I did. And you know what, I'm glad I pissed people off.  Pardon me for pointing out someone who RIPPED ME OFF!  Take you self righteous b.s and shove it where the sun don't shine you classless aholes!

Serena, thank you for understanding. It appears other posters like this Gemma person and someone named Rayne or Rain or whatever seem to think I am the one who caused this issue.

This is just an unfortunate situation all around. From what you've said, it doesn't really sound like a loan, so I'm not sure what you were expecting or how she ripped you off... With that said, I wonder what has to be going on with her for her to feel compelled to ask a client for money?  

Hopefully she gets herself together and hopefully you've learned a valuable lesson.

GaGambler845 reads

There are a couple of women who come right onto TER regional boards begging for handouts.  

I don't remember if it's happened here on the Chicago board, but it seems pretty common on the Carolina and Florida boards.

It does seem a bit odd that a woman who is still in business in the local area would hit up a regular for money and then burn the bridge for such a paltry sum, but it's hardly the first time it's ever happened, and it's hardly going to be the last.

And remember, we only have one side of the story, for all we know she could have considered this "severance pay" from some guy she no longer wants to see? Doubtful I know, but I don't really know what the OP was expecting to accomplish with his "warning"

I was thinking the same thing, but I'm not clever enough to come up with a snappy two-word phrase.

Yes, I have learned a valuable lesson. Don't help people out. I'll make sure to remember that.

1) As stated a few times above, small loans (however you define that) should be privately treated as gifts.

2) If the monetary amount is greater than your personal threshold of loss then it is up to you to obtain a promissory note, collateral, or at the very least a verbal agreement amounting to a contract (not enforceable but at least then its far more than the story you painted).

As I pointed out in your bank analogy above, you should have handled this more privately

Maybe she took the money with every intention of making it right and then she just never had the money to pay you back.  Who knows.  

When family members ask to borrow money and swear to pay me back, I tell them they don't have to pay me back.  I know that if they are desperate enough to ask to borrow the money in the first place paying me back is going to be a hardship. At the time they swear they'll do anything, come clean my house or do yardwork.  Instead of paying me back or doing some work they will avoid me.

I just think it's human nature for many people who are having financial difficulties.

One time I had a client offered to pay me in advance for a bunch of sessions at for a reduced rate over all.  I said no and I told him not to ever do that for this very reason.  I said, I would never want to put him off because he had already paid for someone who was going to pay.  And that could happen so easily even if I wanted to honor our agreement.  

I'm sorry you tried to help and now you're being avoided.  I hate that anyways, when people ignore my attempts to communicate.  Just TELL me what's going on!

Very true words Freya, without a hidden agenda.  Refreshing on these boards!  :)

You spell out why it's hard to 'loan' to people if you expect to get he money back.

Actually holding my own quite well. Thank you.  Before winter arrives try and get some exercise outside. It will do you good.

Thank you. And in my photos, gentlemen don't have to add ten or more lbs in their minds before they see me. I am as advertised.

Also, I enjoy my body whether or not a guy here or there doesn't enjoy it.  

The men who do book and see me seem to be pretty pleased, and I appreciate that... also try to attract the man who is attracted to me

I'm sure there are a handful who don't know how to read, and are disappointed in the very simple research they neglected to perform, lol.

Appreciate the compliment. More pictures will be coming soon. I'm thinking they will be hotter. :-)

Posted By: GramParsons
You look great to me 😛
-- Modified on 9/28/2015 12:32:41 AM

Really?  I show someone some compassion and understanding and your retort is I got off easy? Here's a novel idea. READ - THE-ORIGINAL-POST!

ChiTownHeaux926 reads

Somethings "off" about YOU!

Ladies, skimming through them is all it takes.  
Instant creep alert vibe off this one for me

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