
It's nice when someone understands where I'm coming from. eom
Zana12345 See my TER Reviews 966 reads
1 / 19

Now this is a question that might change from Provider to Hobbyist. As for me... well, I will explain after the question.  
Please answer the question and tell me why. :) As always...  

"How often do you want to have sex or think about sex during a day?" What do you do about it? Why?"

Now ~ For me... I think about it constantly. I have at least 5 or 6 sex toys with me at all times (for when there is nothing on TV and I am done "with fun client time") !!! :)
Especially since I have learned to squirt with two of them... so I think about it and dream about it constantly.  
What about all of you???
Thanks for answering.. I do appreciate all of your comments. You are all very interesting. :)


IsorokuYamamoto 559 reads
2 / 19

After going 'dark' yesterday I was worried about you.  

Posted By: Zana12345
Now this is a question that might change from Provider to Hobbyist. As for me... well, I will explain after the question.  
 Please answer the question and tell me why. :) As always...  
 "How often do you want to have sex or think about sex during a day?" What do you do about it? Why?"  
 Now ~ For me... I think about it constantly. I have at least 5 or 6 sex toys with me at all times (for when there is nothing on TV and I am done "with fun client time") !!! :)  
 Especially since I have learned to squirt with two of them... so I think about it and dream about it constantly.  
 What about all of you???  
 Thanks for answering.. I do appreciate all of your comments. You are all very interesting. :)  

Zana12345 See my TER Reviews 443 reads
3 / 19

I had my best friend from DC come in and we had a lot of fun all week... I am back now... LOL :)

Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
After going 'dark' yesterday I was worried about you.  
Posted By: Zana12345
Now this is a question that might change from Provider to Hobbyist. As for me... well, I will explain after the question.    
  Please answer the question and tell me why. :) As always...    
  "How often do you want to have sex or think about sex during a day?" What do you do about it? Why?"  
  Now ~ For me... I think about it constantly. I have at least 5 or 6 sex toys with me at all times (for when there is nothing on TV and I am done "with fun client time") !!! :)  
  Especially since I have learned to squirt with two of them... so I think about it and dream about it constantly.    
  What about all of you???  
  Thanks for answering.. I do appreciate all of your comments. You are all very interesting. :)  

IsorokuYamamoto 350 reads
4 / 19

Awesome. Brunch today with MacLeaker at the home? Have a great week.  

Posted By: Zana12345
I had my best friend from DC come in and we had a lot of fun all week... I am back now... LOL :)  
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
After going 'dark' yesterday I was worried about you.    
Posted By: Zana12345
Now this is a question that might change from Provider to Hobbyist. As for me... well, I will explain after the question.    
   Please answer the question and tell me why. :) As always...    
   "How often do you want to have sex or think about sex during a day?" What do you do about it? Why?"    
   Now ~ For me... I think about it constantly. I have at least 5 or 6 sex toys with me at all times (for when there is nothing on TV and I am done "with fun client time") !!! :)    
   Especially since I have learned to squirt with two of them... so I think about it and dream about it constantly.    
   What about all of you???    
   Thanks for answering.. I do appreciate all of your comments. You are all very interesting. :)    

Zana12345 See my TER Reviews 441 reads
5 / 19

My best friend was a former co-worker from DC (not in the business)... I am in the Naperville area this week. :)
Anything else negative to say?
Love Always

Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Awesome. Brunch today with MacLeaker at the home? Have a great week.  
Posted By: Zana12345
I had my best friend from DC come in and we had a lot of fun all week... I am back now... LOL :)  
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
After going 'dark' yesterday I was worried about you.    
Posted By: Zana12345
Now this is a question that might change from Provider to Hobbyist. As for me... well, I will explain after the question.      
    Please answer the question and tell me why. :) As always...      
    "How often do you want to have sex or think about sex during a day?" What do you do about it? Why?"    
    Now ~ For me... I think about it constantly. I have at least 5 or 6 sex toys with me at all times (for when there is nothing on TV and I am done "with fun client time") !!! :)    
    Especially since I have learned to squirt with two of them... so I think about it and dream about it constantly.      
    What about all of you???    
    Thanks for answering.. I do appreciate all of your comments. You are all very interesting. :)    

IsorokuYamamoto 372 reads
6 / 19

I love you too! Have a great week!

Posted By: Zana12345
My best friend was a former co-worker from DC (not in the business)... I am in the Naperville area this week. :)  
 Anything else negative to say?  
 Love Always  
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Awesome. Brunch today with MacLeaker at the home? Have a great week.    
Posted By: Zana12345
I had my best friend from DC come in and we had a lot of fun all week... I am back now... LOL :)    
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
After going 'dark' yesterday I was worried about you.      
Posted By: Zana12345
Now this is a question that might change from Provider to Hobbyist. As for me... well, I will explain after the question.      
     Please answer the question and tell me why. :) As always...      
     "How often do you want to have sex or think about sex during a day?" What do you do about it? Why?"      
     Now ~ For me... I think about it constantly. I have at least 5 or 6 sex toys with me at all times (for when there is nothing on TV and I am done "with fun client time") !!! :)      
     Especially since I have learned to squirt with two of them... so I think about it and dream about it constantly.      
     What about all of you???      
     Thanks for answering.. I do appreciate all of your comments. You are all very interesting. :)      

nipring12 31 Reviews 389 reads
7 / 19

That's a hard question to answer. When you asked how many times a day does that mean each individual instance? What about duration? Sometimes it's a 5 second flit, sometimes a whole hour (when I'm with a provider) and sometimes a couple hours straight (yep, porn).  Other times, when I'm focused on work or something else could be an hour or so without a single thought about sex. On average maybe 2 to 4 times an hour so probably 40 times a day.  

What do I do about it?  Depends on location,  time, budget, internet access, etc. Ranges from calling a provider to porn to a quick thought of "Damn, I'd like to hit that."

Time for you to spill

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 429 reads
8 / 19

fucking leech alias..

Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
I love you too! Have a great week!  
Posted By: Zana12345
My best friend was a former co-worker from DC (not in the business)... I am in the Naperville area this week. :)  
  Anything else negative to say?  
  Love Always  
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Awesome. Brunch today with MacLeaker at the home? Have a great week.    
Posted By: Zana12345
I had my best friend from DC come in and we had a lot of fun all week... I am back now... LOL :)    
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
After going 'dark' yesterday I was worried about you.      
Posted By: Zana12345
Now this is a question that might change from Provider to Hobbyist. As for me... well, I will explain after the question.        
      Please answer the question and tell me why. :) As always...        
      "How often do you want to have sex or think about sex during a day?" What do you do about it? Why?"      
      Now ~ For me... I think about it constantly. I have at least 5 or 6 sex toys with me at all times (for when there is nothing on TV and I am done "with fun client time") !!! :)      
      Especially since I have learned to squirt with two of them... so I think about it and dream about it constantly.        
      What about all of you???      
      Thanks for answering.. I do appreciate all of your comments. You are all very interesting. :)      

IsorokuYamamoto 421 reads
9 / 19

MacDiaper lol

Posted By: macdaddy1944
fucking leech alias..  
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
I love you too! Have a great week!  
Posted By: Zana12345
My best friend was a former co-worker from DC (not in the business)... I am in the Naperville area this week. :)    
   Anything else negative to say?    
   Love Always    
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Awesome. Brunch today with MacLeaker at the home? Have a great week.      
Posted By: Zana12345
I had my best friend from DC come in and we had a lot of fun all week... I am back now... LOL :)      
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
After going 'dark' yesterday I was worried about you.        
Posted By: Zana12345
Now this is a question that might change from Provider to Hobbyist. As for me... well, I will explain after the question.        
       Please answer the question and tell me why. :) As always...        
       "How often do you want to have sex or think about sex during a day?" What do you do about it? Why?"        
       Now ~ For me... I think about it constantly. I have at least 5 or 6 sex toys with me at all times (for when there is nothing on TV and I am done "with fun client time") !!! :)        
       Especially since I have learned to squirt with two of them... so I think about it and dream about it constantly.        
       What about all of you???        
       Thanks for answering.. I do appreciate all of your comments. You are all very interesting. :)        

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 337 reads
10 / 19

That was a lot of words to say "constantly."  Lol

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 413 reads
11 / 19

Surely?  That is some high volume, girl!  I thought I was into it...

I love sex, to the extent that after a year and a half I'm still giddy this is a real job, but I almost never take matters into my own hands anymore.  Occasionally on Sunday afternoon (because I don't work on weekends).

wonderboy69 38 Reviews 451 reads
12 / 19

My addiction kind of runs the route of an alcoholic, imo.  If I am busy at work or home, then I do not think about sex at all and am focused on the tasks at hand.  However, if my mind is on idle time, I think about it nonstop.  If I wake up on the weekend and don't get busy quick, then I have actually killed the entire time off with sexual thoughts and masturbation.  Yeah, I have actually jerked off an entire weekend damn near.  That is fucking sad, but I just have no self control.  I tell myself that I need to get some stuff done, but once my mind is on sex, it is all over for me.  Some times just trying to get to work can be a chore in the sense that my mind has wandered off in a sexual dream state, only to realize at the last minute that I am about to be late.

What's real funny as of late is with old age seems to be a calming effect at times.  I had sex with a provider the other day, and afterwards I went to a strip club to watch the babes dance.  I was so spent from the actual fucking, that I entered the club in a super relaxed state of mind.  I was content to just watch the beauty of the female form while spinning around the pole, and was awestruck at the gymnastic moves some of the girls did hanging and flipping from the pole.  I was not consumed with the need for a lap dance, and actually had a better conversation with some of the dancers.  When I was younger, that was an instant boner walking in to a strip club, even after just having sex with a woman an hour before.  Back then, I was so consumed with the dancers bodies and having sex with them, that the conversations were very tense and frustrating.  Now, as I am getting older, my sex addiction storms have some calm times in between.  For me, going to strip clubs now is a more enjoyable experience than in my younger years.

nipring12 31 Reviews 313 reads
13 / 19

Worried that someone would try to do an intervention if they knew the truth.  But yes, I basically think about sex constantly.

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 344 reads
14 / 19

Have you mentioned this to your doctor?  What you're describing is more than sex addiction, it really sounds like something is off.  To me it sounds exactly like a jolt of testosterone.  (Don't ask me how I know that ;P )  

If you're enjoying it, enjoy it man, but if you're not, they can fix that.  Really, any GP.  Or not.  Not judging in the least.


Zana12345 See my TER Reviews 336 reads
15 / 19

I want to go to a "Sex Addiction" class like "AA"... then walk in and say "Just one more time won't hurt!!! Anyone need a Sponsor???  
I have an addiction but think I would make a great Sponsor... :)

Posted By: nipring12
Worried that someone would try to do an intervention if they knew the truth.  But yes, I basically think about sex constantly.

wonderboy69 38 Reviews 287 reads
16 / 19

Thanks for your input Miss Marie, but I am pretty sure that it is more in line with an addiction than anything else.  

-- Modified on 7/29/2014 7:29:56 PM

GaGambler 330 reads
17 / 19

and yes, as you get a bit older sex is not quite as all consuming. I mean I have the opportunity to fuck ten girls a day if I wanted to, but I manage to be satisfied with only one or two, except on those special days. lol

and I also understand that as we get older at least "some' blood manages to reach our brain when presented with hot looking babes, at least it does if we've been laid within the last few hours. I was just like you describe when younger. even if I got laid in the parking lot before entering a strip club, I still couldn't think of anything but tits and ass after walking into a club. I am so much better now. lol

GaGambler 273 reads
19 / 19

Why should we have to apologize and "seek help" for a healthy sex drive?

I don't apologize for a damn thing. I am a fucking horndog, so fucking sue me already. lol

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