
i stand corrected
DamienScott 746 reads

I was wrong. I figured Nicoletta had kind of figured out what this was all about. I guess not. She sur can dish it out but sure can't take it I guess. Sad.  

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Figured it had to be one of the two.  
 Guess future posts will have to be on branches that she hasn't started to eliminate the pruning issues.  
Posted By: DamienScott
Why are you worried about negative threads when you can just get posts you don't approve of taken down? After you did that here look what's left. Not much. PPretty bland. Pretty lame. You, MacLeaker and a few others.    
  Now that you're into the 'editing' game this board will be just like many others. And soon you'll be whining about it wondering why life here is so bland. Reap what you sow. Have a good weekend. Really.    
Posted By: Zana12345
Hey there everyone (Hobbyists and Providers!)    
   I have a question...    
   There has been a lot of negativity here on the Chicago board lately (actually for months now)... so I was wondering.... could you help me with this question?    
   "What are your favorite witty replies to rude people?"    
   You know ... the ones who really get under your skin... they don't make any sense... you just want to say something to them... what is it? A one liner? Maybe something that will shut them up forever??? What do you think it might be?    
   Here are my answers.... Not always a good way to go though... so help me out if you could... LOL    
   "I don't care what everyone else says, you can't be that bad"    
   Also ~~~ Kill them with kindness ..... that always irritates them!!!! :)    
   I heard this one.... made me laugh........    
   "They said you aren't fit to eat with the animals. But I defended you: I said you were."      
   So, if you have any others please share.... would love to hear them.... they would be a break in the monotony. :)    

Hey there everyone (Hobbyists and Providers!)  
I have a question...  
There has been a lot of negativity here on the Chicago board lately (actually for months now)... so I was wondering.... could you help me with this question?  


"What are your favorite witty replies to rude people?"  
You know ... the ones who really get under your skin... they don't make any sense... you just want to say something to them... what is it? A one liner? Maybe something that will shut them up forever??? What do you think it might be?

Here are my answers.... Not always a good way to go though... so help me out if you could... LOL

"I don't care what everyone else says, you can't be that bad"
Also ~~~ Kill them with kindness ..... that always irritates them!!!! :)
I heard this one.... made me laugh........
"They said you aren't fit to eat with the animals. But I defended you: I said you were."  

So, if you have any others please share.... would love to hear them.... they would be a break in the monotony. :)


"You should do some soul searching - maybe you'll find one"

"Most of us live and learn, you just live"

"I don't know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce

"I'd like to see things from your point of view but I don't think both of our heads will fit up your ass."

This one is fun to send back to a dude who emails things such as,

*Disclaimer, these are real examples*
1. "Your auto reply has a portion, which offers Spanish in Spanish. Being American, I would have preferred an auto reply in all English."

2. "Well, if you need my real name in your screening, I'm afraid you'll be missing out on my multi-hour date I was about to book."

3. "I would like you to take more photos of your feet for me to consider you. While I enjoyed one photo, the other, not so much. I would like to make sure before I put forth the finances. You understand, I'm sure."

I'm beginning to consider incorporating this picture into response to haughty emails:

-- Modified on 11/12/2014 11:56:41 AM

It is great! All I wanted with this post is some fun answers... Looks like some took it personally. :)


WICardinalfan574 reads

....and be there.

And the all time standard, "Opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one and the other persons stinks"

True.... but I think that we are all stinky from time to time... bad days maybe... But we should just have fun in life!!! It is to short! :) :)
Thanks for your reply for the question. It was fun! :)


DamienScott545 reads

Why are you worried about negative threads when you can just get posts you don't approve of taken down? After you did that here look what's left. Not much. PPretty bland. Pretty lame. You, MacLeaker and a few others.  

Now that you're into the 'editing' game this board will be just like many others. And soon you'll be whining about it wondering why life here is so bland. Reap what you sow. Have a good weekend. Really.  

Posted By: Zana12345
Hey there everyone (Hobbyists and Providers!)  
 I have a question...  
 There has been a lot of negativity here on the Chicago board lately (actually for months now)... so I was wondering.... could you help me with this question?  
 "What are your favorite witty replies to rude people?"  
 You know ... the ones who really get under your skin... they don't make any sense... you just want to say something to them... what is it? A one liner? Maybe something that will shut them up forever??? What do you think it might be?  
 Here are my answers.... Not always a good way to go though... so help me out if you could... LOL  
 "I don't care what everyone else says, you can't be that bad"  
 Also ~~~ Kill them with kindness ..... that always irritates them!!!! :)  
 I heard this one.... made me laugh........  
 "They said you aren't fit to eat with the animals. But I defended you: I said you were."    
 So, if you have any others please share.... would love to hear them.... they would be a break in the monotony. :)  

How did it get taken down? All the responses? I checked with message board and my messages were taken down due to the content. I had nothing to do with it. I like responses..... Even negative ones... I do not discriminate ... all I want is a conversation on the board. I personally would encourage positive conversations because life is short and we should all just have fun but as to your question about  the "editing game" someone is going to have to tell me how that works... all I do is post a question... ask for answers and have fun with the comments. Either way I hope everyone has fun with them. So, to you..... I really do hope you have fun and have a great rest of the week. :) Play hard and stay safe! :)

Love always

Posted By: DamienScott
Why are you worried about negative threads when you can just get posts you don't approve of taken down? After you did that here look what's left. Not much. PPretty bland. Pretty lame. You, MacLeaker and a few others.  
 Now that you're into the 'editing' game this board will be just like many others. And soon you'll be whining about it wondering why life here is so bland. Reap what you sow. Have a good weekend. Really.  
Posted By: Zana12345
Hey there everyone (Hobbyists and Providers!)    
  I have a question...    
  There has been a lot of negativity here on the Chicago board lately (actually for months now)... so I was wondering.... could you help me with this question?    
  "What are your favorite witty replies to rude people?"    
  You know ... the ones who really get under your skin... they don't make any sense... you just want to say something to them... what is it? A one liner? Maybe something that will shut them up forever??? What do you think it might be?  
  Here are my answers.... Not always a good way to go though... so help me out if you could... LOL  
  "I don't care what everyone else says, you can't be that bad"  
  Also ~~~ Kill them with kindness ..... that always irritates them!!!! :)  
  I heard this one.... made me laugh........  
  "They said you aren't fit to eat with the animals. But I defended you: I said you were."    
  So, if you have any others please share.... would love to hear them.... they would be a break in the monotony. :)  

have an allergic reaction on BS coming from that side and had to cut that bursting appendicitis out :-) I won't do it again when the stalking by this individual stops. Please keep posting your uplifting greetings and questions. We love them and we love you always! xoxo

GaGambler578 reads

You do seem to have an allergic reaction to the truth. It does seem like the board is loathe to forget that fact. lol

what's wrong with that? Any lady has the right to respond on any of her reviews. It's not against the rules of TER. I have 140+ reviews and that was the only one I've ever responded on the board to. He should feel special and privileged. If he feels shamed, it means he tried to shame me in his review. I was only trying to apologize. He is not honest. In some reviews he says he enjoys DFK, then he says he doesn't care about DFK. I'm not saying he is more of a liar, I just think he is overly sensitive and takes everything as a personal rejection. After studying 5+ years psychiatry and psychotherapy, I can't help to see pattern. The best way to stop being so sensitive, he needs to face the truth and start working on overcoming it. A fear of rejection can result in a very damaging pattern of emotion and behavior that can cause real hurt to relationships and your enjoyment life in general; I was just trying to help. I care about people more than about my (pardon me) score as a hooker. I also have more valuable things going on in my life than worrying about my hooking score ;-) My son is in high school and I really care about his grades. I'm so proud when he shows me his report cards. It's my reason to keep going every day. I finished my Bachelor's with a gpa with of 3.8. I'm deeply care about my Master's gpa score even more. You still talking about a hooking score affecting the rest of my life? :-) I know you know it's not the case. The 7/7 tried to hurt my feelings and affect my job. Yes, it's a job, an income. He tried to stab me with his review in a way so I would have less business. But has you noticed he does it to every one he reviews, no matter what score he gives? When a man tries to degrade a woman, he has an issue of feeling degraded and normally that issue goes back to his childhood when he was abused, neglected, rejected as a child. It's sad and wrong. That should never happen to any child. I really want to say to 7/7, whatever horrible happened to you, in your childhood, it was NOT your fault; you did NOT deserve it; it should have NEVER happened to you; everyone deserves to be loved and it's OK to be loved; you ARE loved.


-- Modified on 11/14/2014 2:36:12 AM

GaGambler593 reads

You didn't really expect me to read that entire block of text, did you?

Your post gave me a giant headache just looking at it. If you really want a response, try reposting it in a manner that a person can actually read your thoughts without giving himself a migraine.


And save your headache excuses for your spouse; I'd screw you regardless how you feel this morning a.k.a. revenge sex



-- Modified on 11/14/2014 8:50:51 AM

GaGambler672 reads

not to mention less venomous. Maybe there is hope for you after all? but please, try to use a paragraph break or two when making a post that long. A solid block of text that long is almost impossible to get through, it's just painful on the eyes.

I won't wait till Black Friday; let me know if your shipping address is different. I'm all about the privacy and confidentiality. Santa is busy, so I'll go ahead and adopt you for my charity this year. Anything else you'd like? I could gladly become very quiet :-)


DamienScott584 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
You didn't really expect me to read that entire block of text, did you?

Your post gave me a giant headache just looking at it. If you really want a response, try reposting it in a manner that a person can actually read your thoughts without giving himself a migraine.


Thank you so much! You are sweet! I plan on it! No matter what others might think about my posts I do them to start a conversation or ask a question or maybe lighten up the air! Either way! I am happy with who I am and everyone who has actually met me agrees. :) Hope to meet you soon Nicoleta!


Figured it had to be one of the two.

Guess future posts will have to be on branches that she hasn't started to eliminate the pruning issues.

Posted By: DamienScott
Why are you worried about negative threads when you can just get posts you don't approve of taken down? After you did that here look what's left. Not much. PPretty bland. Pretty lame. You, MacLeaker and a few others.  
 Now that you're into the 'editing' game this board will be just like many others. And soon you'll be whining about it wondering why life here is so bland. Reap what you sow. Have a good weekend. Really.  
Posted By: Zana12345
Hey there everyone (Hobbyists and Providers!)    
  I have a question...    
  There has been a lot of negativity here on the Chicago board lately (actually for months now)... so I was wondering.... could you help me with this question?    
  "What are your favorite witty replies to rude people?"    
  You know ... the ones who really get under your skin... they don't make any sense... you just want to say something to them... what is it? A one liner? Maybe something that will shut them up forever??? What do you think it might be?  
  Here are my answers.... Not always a good way to go though... so help me out if you could... LOL  
  "I don't care what everyone else says, you can't be that bad"  
  Also ~~~ Kill them with kindness ..... that always irritates them!!!! :)  
  I heard this one.... made me laugh........  
  "They said you aren't fit to eat with the animals. But I defended you: I said you were."    
  So, if you have any others please share.... would love to hear them.... they would be a break in the monotony. :)  

DamienScott747 reads

I was wrong. I figured Nicoletta had kind of figured out what this was all about. I guess not. She sur can dish it out but sure can't take it I guess. Sad.  

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Figured it had to be one of the two.  
 Guess future posts will have to be on branches that she hasn't started to eliminate the pruning issues.  
Posted By: DamienScott
Why are you worried about negative threads when you can just get posts you don't approve of taken down? After you did that here look what's left. Not much. PPretty bland. Pretty lame. You, MacLeaker and a few others.    
  Now that you're into the 'editing' game this board will be just like many others. And soon you'll be whining about it wondering why life here is so bland. Reap what you sow. Have a good weekend. Really.    
Posted By: Zana12345
Hey there everyone (Hobbyists and Providers!)    
   I have a question...    
   There has been a lot of negativity here on the Chicago board lately (actually for months now)... so I was wondering.... could you help me with this question?    
   "What are your favorite witty replies to rude people?"    
   You know ... the ones who really get under your skin... they don't make any sense... you just want to say something to them... what is it? A one liner? Maybe something that will shut them up forever??? What do you think it might be?    
   Here are my answers.... Not always a good way to go though... so help me out if you could... LOL    
   "I don't care what everyone else says, you can't be that bad"    
   Also ~~~ Kill them with kindness ..... that always irritates them!!!! :)    
   I heard this one.... made me laugh........    
   "They said you aren't fit to eat with the animals. But I defended you: I said you were."      
   So, if you have any others please share.... would love to hear them.... they would be a break in the monotony. :)    

I was just trying to ask a question.... hoping for a good conversation. No bashing. I am sorry all of this happened. Next time it will be all nice and fun! I just am tired (like most people) are tired of all the bashing!

Love always  

Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.


No problem. You do not have to agree... all you have to do is respond and have fun. :) That is the whole idea. :) Thank you for your post. :)
Have a great rest of the week!!


GaGambler522 reads

You asked for examples, he gave you two. Too bad they flew over your head.

If you need to ask for help in how to "trash talk" you really shouldn't be trash talking in the first place. Some of us are actually rather good at it. You don't want to end up looking like the Turdmeister or MacLeaky, do you?

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