
I like P411...
beccablossoms See my TER Reviews 375 reads

I do use and like P411 and like it however, I do require your legal name so when I check your ID I know you are the gentleman I screened. Without seeing an ID, no amount of screening or screening method is effective.  I need to know you are the gentleman I screened when we meet.  I also do additional screening (check black list, contact the girls that gave OK's, etc)

7520user985 reads

I just joined this site and after reading on this forum, a lot of people recommend "Preferred 411". Will giving information to preferred 411 will get me in trouble down the road? Can I trust them? Sorry for being so paranoid. Responses will be appreciated

-- Modified on 3/12/2015 7:51:15 PM

Great site for hobbyists to join...  What trouble are you talking about? If you have worries just contact Gina at P411, she will put u at ease..

I personally use P411 and RS equally, but the difference with P411 is I don't just instantaneously accept anyone who has membership. I require at least 2 okays, with at least one of the ladies answering a pm. BUT, I am extra cautious with everything I do.  

On the hobbiest side, I think you can trust it just fine. A few of the things I really enjoy about P411 is that it has a profile section. So you are able to list a little bit about yourself, your TER handle, and what you like. That way, if say Greek is a dealbreaker if she doesn't do it- you can let me know that with the profile. It is convenient for someone who doesn't want to constantly give out reference information. And, she does check out every lady before she lists them, so as far as finding your ladies on there- I believe it is a pretty good go.

I've used it for verification all over the country and here as well and never once had a problem. RS an P411 make life easier for everyone concerned.

They are just a forum and do not book.  They would not be a target for any LE activity, if that's what you are worried about...same for RS2K.

Your information, however, obviously is in a database.  If that bothers you, then you probably don't on line bank either.

Signing up for P411 has made all the difference in the world, and some of the ladies even offer a discount to P411 members.

Great service (based in Canada).

TwoMints451 reads

Of late, it seems that the ladies, I'm asking to see aren't even reading my profile. I guess they don't care or trust that with double digit okays, I'm safe...

Gina told me that about 50% of ladies don't read profiles...    

Unless its in the text, just because I might like greek, and a lady doesn't offer it, doesn't mean we wouldn't be compatible. I know what they offer before I even ask to see them. So I'm well aware if they do or don't.  I like it but haven't gone that way in months... I guess I'm due..

I have been a member for over 7 years. Almost everyone new I have seen in the past few years was found through P-411 and my initial contact was made through the P-411 system.  

My assumption regarding your feared "trouble down the road" is you are worried about your information or real identity falling into the wrong hands or potentially being misused. According to P-411's published practices, they do not keep your identifying information after they use it to initially verify you. This seems quite simple and reasonable. Given their history and track record I see no reason to not believe their claims. Any internet connected system can potentially be hacked but over the years, based on communications I have read from Gina (via public announcements on the website), it appears they take their electronic security very seriously. Given this and their claim that the identifying info is not even on file I see nothing to lose sleep about.

Give them a call. Talk to Gina and I'm sure she will answer any questions you have.

TwoMints530 reads

Certainly LE could figure out who you are on the site just with the information that They use, but what are they going to do with it? Set you up? It's laughable. They are going to pick me out of the 1000's of john's, track me down, and then try to get me to break the law? Not going to happen.

Even if they busted a provider and she gave up her info to them. They would have to initiate contact or wait for guys to contact her. How many busts are they going to make? Not enough to warrant the man hours involved.  

I've never been contacted by a provider on P411 without me initiating the conversation. So if I did get the random message, I'd contact the Admin about it.  

The servers are in Canada according to the site. So they'd need the sec of state to negotiate with Canada to get those records. To bust a few john's?  

It was a risk I was willing to take and its paid dividends and given me access to a lot of wonderful providers

I do use and like P411 and like it however, I do require your legal name so when I check your ID I know you are the gentleman I screened. Without seeing an ID, no amount of screening or screening method is effective.  I need to know you are the gentleman I screened when we meet.  I also do additional screening (check black list, contact the girls that gave OK's, etc)

P-411 has a method so a provider can verify a client's physical ID w/o exposing their legal name. It's available for those providers that feel comfortable using that feature.

GaGambler358 reads

I can't see myself ever complying with a request like that. She would have to be an 11 for me to even think about doing so.

As a foreign girl I signed up for P411 last year before coming to the US for a 3 month visit. It was the best thing I did for myself and business. Gina who runs the site seems very professional and I had no worry then or since about giving her my ID.

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