
I had a lot of fun playing old pinball machines too ... EOMregular_smile
GoGoGretchen 804 reads


and your point is???..

DerekJeter1016 reads

Instead of replying to those specific "messages".

We know, business is slow.

Most of the gals abide by the rules TER set up for running ads once a week.  And perhaps you are simply trying to integrate yourself on the boards.  However posting what you did today is not related to fucking, sucking or sex.

Learn how to create a real threAD and the booing and hissing will subside.

Honestly the people who should (and probably are) be most offended by this type of spamming are the majority of the gals who post their ads on the ad board...and make comments on the discussion board regarding topics that are germane to the business.

I see your site...perhaps go and spend some time on upgrading it and add a blog to it.  Then you can have at this nonsense without interruption.

Prod...pinch..poke  LOL

Maybe time to ask "Where are the best pizza places in Chicago"?

Just to keep it in line with the sex based themes..."what are the best pizza places in Chicago to splosh at"?

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Hers looks like a tweet.  
 Just an observation. :D

I think it's cute, watching you boys bouncing around. She's just being cute. :-)

I did squirt today. I was so shocked I think I scared the guy lmao

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Prod...pinch..poke  LOL  
 Maybe time to ask "Where are the best pizza places in Chicago"?  
 Just to keep it in line with the sex based themes..."what are the best pizza places in Chicago to splosh at"?  
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Hers looks like a tweet.  
  Just an observation. :D

What in the hell was I possibly thinking  ;)

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
I think it's cute, watching you boys bouncing around. She's just being cute. :-)  
 I did squirt today. I was so shocked I think I scared the guy lmao  
Posted By: Dr Who revived
Prod...pinch..poke  LOL  
  Maybe time to ask "Where are the best pizza places in Chicago"?  
  Just to keep it in line with the sex based themes..."what are the best pizza places in Chicago to splosh at"?  
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Hers looks like a tweet.    
   Just an observation. :D

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Prod...pinch..poke  LOL  
 Maybe time to ask "Where are the best pizza places in Chicago"?  
Lou Malnati's!

GaGambler899 reads

Actually somewhere between a tweet and a threAD.

Either way she needs to learn how to better camouflage her threADs, there are plenty of threAD queens here for her to learn from.

GoGoGretchen1051 reads

I am not going to comment on how busy or slow I am ,,, but ,,, you should not assume negative things about me just because I am being conversational and friendly on a public message board ...

GaGambler707 reads

Most of us really don't give a fuck what time you took a dump yesterday.

If you are going to start a conversation, start an actual conversation not a tweet about where you were yesterday. Unless you are entering the competition for most BSC hooker in Chicago, but I warn you, the competition here is steep. Right now you aren't even in the top 100, but you do have potential

So let's spam the discussion board with her threAD.

Seems like it's the thing to do now.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
and your point is???..

This is how you post a threAD.  You highlight some sex act or bizarre fetish...and let the comments create the buzz.

Oh know it's piss.  Come on...admit it.  I'll bet you drank a couple of quarts of Dr. Pepper and let the dude have it.  And he loved it  ;)

GoGoGretchen1641 reads

I am a working provider here.  Therefore ,,, if I talk on there ,,, it is relevant !!!  Plus ,,, people want to see the provider's personality !!!  I am revealing a lot about myself on the board ,,, even if it is the fact that I am consistently present ... OR ... the fact that I am sane everyday ... It is a glimpse into my psyche on a day to day basis !!!  People wanna see that on the boards !!

Interesting how it's the same group of gals that seem to monopolize this board.

The ones that never ever post here (aside from an ad on the ad board) surely love that you want to let the rest of "us" in on your fantastic life.

Posted By: GoGoGretchen
I am a working provider here.  Therefore ,,, if I talk on there ,,, it is relevant !!!  Plus ,,, people want to see the provider's personality !!!  I am revealing a lot about myself on the board ,,, even if it is the fact that I am consistently present ... OR ... the fact that I am sane everyday ... It is a glimpse into my psyche on a day to day basis !!!  People wanna see that on the boards !!!  

I fell three times in DC today. Looked like a total doofus, but had fun blaming the nice guy next to me for pushing me. We had a ball.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Interesting how it's the same group of gals that seem to monopolize this board.  
 The ones that never ever post here (aside from an ad on the ad board) surely love that you want to let the rest of "us" in on your fantastic life.  
Posted By: GoGoGretchen
I am a working provider here.  Therefore ,,, if I talk on there ,,, it is relevant !!!  Plus ,,, people want to see the provider's personality !!!  I am revealing a lot about myself on the board ,,, even if it is the fact that I am consistently present ... OR ... the fact that I am sane everyday ... It is a glimpse into my psyche on a day to day basis !!!  People wanna see that on the boards !!!  

GaGambler1030 reads

Yet feels qualified to tell the rest of us exactly how this place works.

Yes, I see a long and prosperous future for you as a hooker here. lmao

Why don't you try listening for a while before telling those of us who have been here for over a decade what we really want. There is a newbie board, where even guys like DrWho and I have to be "nice" when chiding you for bad behavior. There are no such rules here. So believe me when I tell you NO ONE gives a fuck what you did yesterday. and NO ONE from Terland was PMing you asking WTF you did yesterday. Just because you are stupid and new, doesn't mean that the rest of us are. We have heard every lie in the book, don't think you are going to come on this board and put one over on us.

Damn you're hot. This is my kinda threAD points me towards a new target :

You like to mix it up on topics you find interesting.  And usually add interesting comments that are pertinent to the discussion.

Perhaps you were like Gretchen when you first found this board...but you (and most like you) figured out how to promote yourself here without being over the top.  

You should stop in more often.

I love the boards! I always try to add something relevant.

Alas... my addiction to cock has me "AFK" too frequently ;D

It actually wasn't pee. I put my finger down there and wiped some of it up. No flavor but had a little foaminess to it. Tasteless, actually, and didn't smell like pee. (Believe me, I know when it's pee lol.)

Regarding the thread, did you know guys look for personality too? I thought it was cute. I was really just joining in with her, trying to have fun with my big news too.

But I'm always ready to drink some Dr. Pepper and 'squirt' on you. That or I'll have to chase you down with a super soaker so you leave Gretchen be lol

Posted By: Dr Who revived
This is how you post a threAD.  You highlight some sex act or bizarre fetish...and let the comments create the buzz.  
 Oh know it's piss.  Come on...admit it.  I'll bet you drank a couple of quarts of Dr. Pepper and let the dude have it.  And he loved it  ;)

Bahahahaha! Actually, it isn't piss! But DOES have some of the same chemicals as piss.... scientifically speaking. #sexfacts #science #whatthefuckarewetalkingabout?

LawrenceOfaLabia1034 reads

Freud said it's a pathology: The pride taken by women in the appearance of their genitals is quite a special feature of their vanity; and disorders of genitals which they think calculated to inspire feelings of repugnance or even disgust have an incredible power of humiliating them, of lowering their self-esteem, and of making them irritable, sensitive, and distrustful. An abnormal secretion of the mucous membrane of the vagina is looked upon as source of disgust.

I think cumming like that is usually taken as a compliment by the guy.

Posted By: LawrenceOfaLabia
Freud said it's a pathology: The pride taken by women in the appearance of their genitals is quite a special feature of their vanity; and disorders of genitals which they think calculated to inspire feelings of repugnance or even disgust have an incredible power of humiliating them, of lowering their self-esteem, and of making them irritable, sensitive, and distrustful. An abnormal secretion of the mucous membrane of the vagina is looked upon as source of disgust.

Jkjkjk... But not... as long as its consensual for me to make them hate themselves and then give them a spanking for it!


Also, times have changed quite a bit since Freud. While he was possibly accurate in most of his theories - also highly misogynistic and probably the craziest person EVER.

However I do love his philosophy when it comes to psychological BDSM play - as mentioned ;)

I see both sides of this. Honestly, I had the same reaction when I saw this post - "WHY are you giving me this information?"

But I am the type of person who hates when useless information enters my mind. If someone gives me information that means nothing to me, asks for nothing, contributes nothing, and is just general verbal masturbation that squirts it's goo all over others - I want to hurt someone because three valuable seconds of my incredibly self-absorbed life has been wasted.

That being said. I think you sound adorably naive - and that is NOT a back-handed compliment. You hold to it through this post and I like it :)

On the flip side. YOU TARDS - AHEM - BOYS! You post dumb pointless shit on here all of the time. I understand you are here for fodder. And we are here to provide it, not recommend the best place to get a chicken sandwich.


GaGambler899 reads

Now a great pizza OTOH??? THAT's some info that someone like me not from Chicago might want to know. lmao

If nothing else GGG has reminded me why I don't EVER bother with twitter, NO ONE is as self absorbed as someone who tweets constantly.

Which is exactly WHY I love twitter.

I need a constant, consistent stream of attention - and random compliments from complete strangers in my feed puts dew on my lily. It's good to be self-aware when you're self-absorbed!

With just 13 words you managed to get dozens of responses...although I do wonder why so many guys responded just to give you crap....they probably have very little going on in their lives.  

Very well done - I'm impressed!

Funny thing is, no matter what anyone says, if it raises controversy, it brings more attention to the name. (I know, because I tend to raise a lot of shit here too lol).

Half the people are steered away, but half actually have an interest strike. I've seen ladies say some mean shit, funny shit, boring shit, informational shit, and crazy shit. I've also navigated their websites thoroughly, their rates, their pictures, and their writing, no matter what shit they post.

Over time, I don't even remember what was said three months ago, but when they post, I only remember their pictures, their websites, their rates, and their city. So I guess it works, though I'm not a paying customer, I do exchange banners and end up getting to fuck them in a double or two.

'Ehem - Zana & Jamie. (Hopefully more Chicago ladies soon! Lol!) I've also gotten to have fun nights in the city, and have made some great friends from afar, including a few from Vegas. Even get to meet Robyn Young with my already great friend and beauty advisor, Lynette Marie. Robyn has been on my bucket list since the start to meet, and it's mostly because no matter how mean people are to her, she's always nice back lol!

FWIW, I post in Chicago even when I'm not here, and also other cities and the GD board, whether I'm there or not. Chicago board, I have to say, is pretty interesting lately lol.

Posted By: alsam13
With just 13 words you managed to get dozens of responses...although I do wonder why so many guys responded just to give you crap....they probably have very little going on in their lives.  
 Very well done - I'm impressed!
-- Modified on 11/14/2014 11:40:17 AM

GaGambler983 reads

I will try to be a gentleman about my thoughts AFTER viewing said site. All I can say is that I understand why she has so much time on her hands. lol

Hey, I only said that I would TRY to be a gentleman about it, anyone who knows me knows this was as close to that unrealistic goal as I can come. At least I didn't call her old or fat, or a member of the OTHFBC. LMAO

Oh shit, I just looked at her reviews before hitting the post tab, her last review was a 6-5. Yes, I definitely see why she has so much time on her hands. Oh well she wanted attention, it appears that she got it.

Oh and it was a fun threesome! More to cum I hope. :)
I do agree with the posting and how so many people (guys) will respond just to give you some sort of grief. Just stay strong and keep it up. Stay who you are and have fun!  


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