
I always start off with a LFK first ...........
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After the start of a LFK, because I love to tease the tongue action, not a lot at first.
I believe it has a lot to do with the connection between two people with that passion.

Best of Luck finding your true DFK


So, have any of you experienced the phantom DFK?  You know what I mean, she is kissing you and her mouth is wide open and the tongues is open for business, but you just know that this is not how DFK really is. Mouth too wide open and not enough lip lock. It is almost like pseudo DFK.  I have been experiencing this more and more lately and I almost feel it should be an item that should be checked off on the review form.  How do you know if she really gets it?  I just spent some time with a premium, well known provider that has all 9's and 10's and she pseudo DFK'd with me.

So, the issue is:  is it me or is it the provider?  Has anyone else experienced this phantom DFKing?  I would like to know.  I am a reasonably attractive middle aged guy, in shape, with a full head of salt and pepper colored hair.  I am nice, kind and sweet, IMHO.  Yet, I get this a lot.  

I know there was a thread a week or two ago about the importance of DFK as a requisite for a great GFE.  But nothing was mentioned about the quality of it.

So, guys and dolls, what do you think?

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been there..i call it tongue real intensity..just tongue action..a true dfk has a feel and passion to are into each is hard to describe bit when its and her both know it..

But I prefer LFK over DFK.

It's nothing to do with providers, as I feel the same for "civie girls".

I don't know, I've just never been a fan of sticking my tongue down someone's throat. But I love licking pussy and ass so go figure :D

News Flash...this is not the freaking 80s regardless of how that generation kissed!

Since this is such an iimportant part of any session, it really influences the Performance scores on my reviews. I hate the mechanical lets-go-through-the-motions type of kissing. Light or deep, feelings can be communicated through kissing. If the lady and I have good chemistry, usually developed at Meet&Greet parties or through email and phone conversations before hand, I find the kissing to be more genuine and more satisfying.

I do a very thorough oral scrub down before any appt, so I always know that my hygiene is not an issue. You can really gauge how a provider feels about you by the intensity of the kissing, that is...if she is billed as a GFE and her reviews reflect that. I saw an established GFE provider once who literally pushed me away when I went to kiss her after we had been doing it for a couple mins, and she just said "alright" as if the entire act of kissing annoyed her. That totally killed the mood! Needless to say, I never saw her a 2nd time. DFK is super important for guys who seek a GFE.

-- Modified on 5/27/2012 5:38:06 PM

I don't think that DFKs aren't that great. I like to kiss with passion (wet kisses). The lips should be open,  not too much, but enough so you can feel and taste the other person's mouth. They should be between tight and loose. I like to play with my tongue around my guys lips and tease a little bit.

Posted By: joedavola
So, have any of you experienced the phantom DFK?  You know what I mean, she is kissing you and her mouth is wide open and the tongues is open for business, but you just know that this is not how DFK really is. Mouth too wide open and not enough lip lock. It is almost like pseudo DFK.  I have been experiencing this more and more lately and I almost feel it should be an item that should be checked off on the review form.  How do you know if she really gets it?  I just spent some time with a premium, well known provider that has all 9's and 10's and she pseudo DFK'd with me.

So, the issue is:  is it me or is it the provider?  Has anyone else experienced this phantom DFKing?  I would like to know.  I am a reasonably attractive middle aged guy, in shape, with a full head of salt and pepper colored hair.  I am nice, kind and sweet, IMHO.  Yet, I get this a lot.  

I know there was a thread a week or two ago about the importance of DFK as a requisite for a great GFE.  But nothing was mentioned about the quality of it.

So, guys and dolls, what do you think?

[Shill sentence removed by admin.]

CatalinaDel, your link to RS2K didn't work.  I am interested to learn more about you.  Send me a good link or PM me.  Then I can see how awesome a kisser you are!

Hi Joe,
I don't know why it didnt work. If this time doesnt work, look at RS2K, I am in the weekly spoted provider as Catalina Del Castillo

Hope to hear from you

.....especially when a gentlemen is open to it. I can usually tell if DFK is in order by how comfortable the gentlemen is...if he wants LFK first - I don't push it and let him feel comfortable. Generally through in my experiences true DFK comes throughout the session with me! LOL

There are kisses where your bodies are entwined like your tongues, with passion and hunger, and then, like you say, there are those that feel like she wants to check off the box, but really has no interest in kissing me. Sort of a let's-get-it-done-and-move-on type of kiss. Sometime I feel that way about kissing a lady, too. So maybe there is a chicken and egg aspect to this - did you not hit it off with the lady because of the (lack of) quality of the DFK, or did the DFK suffer because the two of you did not hit it off?

Sure, there is a lot of pressure on anyone who provides and is reviewed here to do DFK, whether she genuinely enjoys it or not. And some may find it more intimate than many other things, so being comfortable with you can be very important.

Thing is, wonderful DFK is no longer as important to me as it once was. There is a certain style of teasing, attentive, passionate LFK that is great, better than pro forma DFK for sure, but great on its own, and there are all sorts of other approaches to foreplay that can work very nicely. So I will not keep seeing a woman over time if there is never any great DFK, but I am patient about letting it develop as we get to know each other so long as she pleases me even without that great, hungry, passionate DFK on the first visit.

my .02 anyway,

After the start of a LFK, because I love to tease the tongue action, not a lot at first.
I believe it has a lot to do with the connection between two people with that passion.

Best of Luck finding your true DFK


how to kiss. What you just described is the most annoying thing in the world to me. Why not just spit in a cup and pour it in my damn mouth if you are going to slobber all over me with no skill at all. Just sayin bro, you're not alone!

To all the ladies I've kissed before [and others] : I feel your, uh, pain in this matter.  Different strokes for different folks and all that.  Personally I favor the gradual approach and a discovery of interpersonal chemistry.

But have you thought of the privileged position and power you enjoy: Someone paying big money just for the pleasure of your company!  [" … and your kiss!" to quote the artist formerly known as The Artist Formerly Known As Prince]  And from this position, you have the power to educate.  Instead of unloading invective [the verbal equivalent of spit and slobber], why not use that power constructively and employ a little gentle persuasion?

Just sayin', sista.

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