
Gentlemans clubs
beechnut 1 Reviews 10098 reads

I was wondering if anyone on this line has visited any of the so-called Gentlemans clubs in the Chicago area.  I have on a few occasions, and am really not impressed.  For one thing, they tend to charge very high prices for their private dances, and at most of them there are very strict no touching policies.  You can't even offer to give a dancer a backrub.  Personally, I don't think it's fair that if a dancer can touch you that you can't do at least some light touching back.  In fact, they almost have a Hitler-Gestapo like attitude with a very big bouncer waiting to toss you on your ears.  One I went to also charged six dollars for just a soft drink, which I consider to be a complete total ripoff.  When I complained I was derided as being cheap.  Does anyone have any ideas as to why they need to be so strict about this?

it because chicago is very strict when it comes to adult entertainment. if a dancer touches the guy the cops will use that as an excuse to shut them down. blame our elected leaders. if you want a more hands on experience at a club try vegas


ABB in 04
(anybody but bush)

If you can drive to Indiana, try their clubs.

I figured since the dancer was brushing her nipples against my lips that it would be ok to put my hands on her hips but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO the bouncer told me in no uncertain terms that it wasn't allowed.

I spent the rest of the the dances sitting on my hands hehehe

I have not spent a lot of time in the "Gentlemans Clubs".  I consider them total re-offs!

However, last year I was in West Palm Beach, FL, and went to a club called Rachaels.  Besides being a club, it was the best steak house in the area.  I went with a group of business associates and someone else paid the tab for everything but the tips.

And yes, prices were inflated.  The quality of the steak house was equivalant to Mortons. Gibsons or the Chicago Chop House.  The added benefit was VERY attractive, naked women  all around.  I would say that they prices were 25% or more higher than those Chicago steak houses.

The girls did "table dances", which translates into NO TOUCHING, by her or you!

On the plus side, on a scale of 1 to 10, every girl there, and there were over 50, rated at least a 8.  Whatever you were looking for, they were there.  And they were smart.  They knew that they had to have a personality in order to make money.

I remember a petite blond, early 20s, thin, 34 b cup, GREAT nipples and totally shaved, that I was interested in.  I probably spent around $100 on her, plus other guys also had her dance at the table.  Later in the evening, she would talk to us, naked, without us having to pay for a "dance".

It was fantastic eye candy and I "got no satisfaction".  

And you will not get any satisfaction at any of those "Gentlemans Clubs"

LOOK, but DON'T TOUCH!!!!!!

Save your money and check out one of the great providers here in Chicago.

squirtfan110932 reads

The best clubs, IMHO, are Skybox in Harvey, IL (709-339-1717) and Industrial Strip in Hammond, IN (800-350-9727).  You are allowed to touch at Industrial Strip, except the stripper's private area.  Skybox - $10 cover, drinks (including alcohol) are about $1, 3 stages for pole dances for $1 tips, $20 private friction dances in an area where you can see other people getting dances.  Industrial Strip - $13 cover, drinks are free (no alcohol), 2 stages for pole dances for $1 tips,  private area for private dances - 1 dance $30, 2 dances for $45, and 3 dances for $55.  First dance is topless only, the rest are completely nude friction dance, though they place a towel on your private area. (web site about strip clubs)

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