
from the news today.....
Oi812 4 Reviews 4757 reads

video, not sure how long it will be on the website

what happened to her heard she was found dead in her apartment

puretwist8404 reads

This why I am interested in the details.  Is it suspected that an acquaintance did this?  Could LE dump files from a computer and contact hobbyists regarding this investigation?

Flagg7180 reads

This crime will not keep LE from trying to exploit any information they might collect from Cheryl's files (if she had any).  People can get on with their lives while mourning.  If it's okay for you to offer a Thanksgiving holiday special so soon after this tragedy, then it's okay for some clients to wonder about being contacted by LE.  For that matter, if this is related to a client, providers have every right to be concerned about what information this person may have about them.

I would want to help in any way possible.  I was very disheartened to see him post what he did.  

There was a murder in my family 23 years ago.  It took them 21 years to solve it.  I knew from age 6 that there were REAL monsters out there in the world.  I am forever greatful to the detective who could never forget about the case and finally solved it through DNA evidence 21 years later.  He was so affected by the murder of someone he didn't even know in life that he worked on it even after he retired.  People to this day who knew him cry when they find out that the bastards who killed him were caught and everyone can still remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard of his murder.  It's still that fresh in their minds.  That's how many lives he touched during his cut short life. I know Cheryl must have touched just as many lives and just as many people will wonder who her monster was until they are caught.

Sexy Talaya6645 reads

Backchannel if you're that worried about the cops, but a post that basically says "poor me, the cops may contact me. A lady is dead but I only care about myself." is insensitive. JMO.

Flagg6648 reads

After a tragedy like this, it's insensitive for a client to post a concern about possible LE contact, but it's okay for a provider to post and ask men to "Please visit the link below for all the hot, wet, juicy details!"

In my opinion, I think both are okay: clients have a right to be concerned and providers should continue to try and make a living.

Sexy Talaya4487 reads

Please show me how continuing to work is disrespectful to Cheryl's memory. Would she want everyone to take off? Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of meeting her, so I can't speculate. Her close friends aren't working but that's because they're her CLOSE friends.

I still think people(he's not the only one) who keep asking for details because they're thinking more about their own situation of exposure, is as Olivia said, disheartening to say the least. Only family and close friends really are entitled to all the details, not everyone on a public board who never knew the REAL Cheryl! If it was provider related, I'm sure the details will be released when the people in charge(or her family and friends) feel like it! We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

Flagg5286 reads

You've misread or misinterpreted most of what's been written.  It makes it difficult to discuss this intelligently with you.

She and Olivia are referring to people only caring about their names being found out when that isnt what the police are concerned about in the least.

They dont give a damn who you are all they want to find out is who the killer is. Get the picture now.

How can some of you people be so insensitive to not wanting to be found in a client database when there is a killer out there and that is all that needs to be dealt with.

The police dont care who you are as long as you didnt do it. If you can help and provide info then DO SO DAMN IT.

Stop being so petty as to only concerning about yourself and be concerned about what happened.


Flagg5161 reads

Your pretentious little lecture was unnecessary.  I understand what Talaya was saying, she didn't understand what I was saying.

Sexy Talaya6476 reads

Fear of being contacted by LE. Then there're other people demanding details(on another board). I just think it's all a little sad because it looks like people are thinking of themselves more. Like I said, we'll have to agree to disagree.

If the perpetrator was a client, each of you should be even more wary of unfamiliar clients.

Also don't lose sight of the fact that funerals and memorials are really for the living not for the dead.

Btw, that question about LE might best be answered on the legal board.

17 months ago, I was very close friends with a provider (Alexis Las Vegas) who was found murdered in her Las Vegas home. I was also her webmaster.

When contacting Alexis' former clients, the investigators went to extreme measures to be discrete as possible. They were only concerned in finding the killer and bring him to justice - period.

My advice is that if you recently saw Cheryl, I suggest contacting the police and explain your relationship/circumstance and make arrangements for a discrete interview. Most cases, they will do this over the phone.

Alexis' former client were more than happy to cooperate and they her killer was arrested one year ago this week. Trial is set for March 2005 (case has been delayed by the defense lawyer twice).

Vanessa-Sue6084 reads

That all LE wants to do is solve her murder, not bust her former clients.

If you knew her and saw her in the past six months - I URGE you to contact Kelly Shannon as soon as it was said on another board, what you say will be held in the strictest confidence. Please, everyone, do ALL you can to help Cheryl to be at peace!!


Vanessa Sue

The woman was killed and all you can think about is yourself!

Dont you have any concern that they need to find the killer and dont give a flying fu$$ about clientele.

Have some thoughtfullness would you about her family how they feel and police catching the person that did this.

(rolling eyes)

-- Modified on 11/26/2004 11:46:12 AM

I have made a post above relative to the concerns you gentlemen have....but I want to post it here as well.

Guys, I truly understand your concerns.  Please remember this...I have ALWAYS been only honest and truthful relative to this hobby and with you guys...and I am not going to do anything less now.

These detectives DO NOT CARE about what the ladies do.  These detectives are truly understanding and sensitive to the fact that you gentlemen are married and have lifes outside the hobby and famlies to protect as well as your reputation to preserve.

You know what????  I trust these detectives...I believe what they told me.

In my heart of hearts I believe when they tell me that they only want to solve a senseless horrible murder.

These guys are working hard on this case....Let's come together as a community....hobbyists and ladies alike and HELP THEM.  They are working very hard to KEEP US SAFE BY SOLVING THIS CRIME.

If you have ever seen Cheryl and despite what I said have fears realative to this issue, please feel free to email me....I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have.

No idea what happened.  I'm curious as to what extend (if any) it may be hobby releated.

edited for stupidity on my part!

-- Modified on 11/25/2004 9:39:35 AM

-- Modified on 11/26/2004 7:28:41 AM

Your right. It wasn't done maliciously, thought those who wanted to send donations, flowers, etc.. would benefit.  The brain wasn't engaged before posting.

Cheryl's website has been removed and a memorial page has been posted at her old website.  A thoughtful gesture by someone, probably her webbie.  I found it touching.


-- Modified on 11/25/2004 10:05:24 PM

acfire7072 reads

did anyone see the news story Ron Magers reported on ABC at 10 pm?
it mentioned her name, where she lived,and that the case is being investigated-they showed the website too

video, not sure how long it will be on the website

LargerCock4441 reads has the complete story, she was murdered, strangled according to the story. very scary indeed.

puretwist7610 reads

I have the utmost respect for the ladies I have had the pleasure of spending time with.  In fact, I spent an amazing date with Talaya.  I in no way want to denegrate the memory of obviously a very well liked woman nor did I want this to be construed that I was thinking only of myself.

But let's be screen and the like for a use pseudo names  for a reason, yet you have hobbyists legit info.

Hobbyists haved debated the merits of RS2K and the like on this site.  This unfortunate and tragic event did however made me take a moment of pause to simply want to know some additional information.

Again, my heart aches for this woman's senseless death and for the grief that it has caused anyone who knew her.

There is a link on TBD to the article dealing with Cheryl's death.  It is pretty ambiguous and does not give much information other than police are investigating.  The bottom line, if law enforcement has any details they are not sharing it.  I'm sure they do this for a reason.  We can only let law enforcement do their job.  

What saddens me is that on that board there are a number of individuals who are pressing Kelly Shannon and other friends of Cheryl for more details and berating Kelly and others for not providing it.  Everyone has their own reasons, fear of LE, fear for their own safety, etc. for wanting information.  However, it makes little sense for anyone to continue to press Kelly Shannon for details.  Chances are, police are keeping her and everyone else in the dark so that nothing leaks out to interfere with their investigation.  In fact, if they have told her anything, I'm sure she has been asked to keep any information they shared private so that they can catch the killer without tipping their hats.

This is a tragic time.. and Cheryl's friends are still reeling from the shock and loss.  Lets not push Kelly Shannon who has taken the lead in breaking the news to everyone for any more detail.. I'm sure that when she hears of an arrest or conviction, she will pass along the information in a timely basis.  After all, isn't that what everyone is hoping for.. that the killer will be caught and punished.

Lets have some compassion for Cheryl's friends.. provider and client alike.  Rather than berate Kelly Shannon and other friends for not providing more detail, why not offer her support and understanding.  She and others are dealing the best she can with the loss of a friend.

I'd like to simply say to each of Cheryl's friends, my prayers are with you and I am saddened by your loss.  I'll also add, I hope the SOB (whoever he is) is caught and prosecuted!

OK, off my soapbox now...

SINfully sin-thia

-- Modified on 11/26/2004 8:40:21 PM

This situation is, first and foremost, a tragedy, and I hope that the police are able to find the perp and bring him to proper justice.

But this is a message board and website with an intent: to educate and inform clients interested in providers.

If a former client of this poor lady has a concern about their personal well being, this is THE PLACE to cite that concern. Asking  such a perfectly legitimate question should in no way be construed as meaning disrespect to the deceased for even a second.

And in the meantime, a very productive suggestion was offered in the thread above: if you are a recent client of Cheryl's, contact the police yourself immediately --- especially more so if you might have something interesting to offer. This IS NOT a lawyer's advice (they'd never suggest calling the police on your own), but merely one way to 1. help the police, 2. relieve yourself of some stress, and 3. establish a way for the police to contact you, instead of possibly calling you on your home phone or showing up at your front door.

Sexy Talaya6748 reads

Thanks Satan, you summed up very well what I was trying to say!

-- Modified on 11/28/2004 10:10:32 AM

One local media outlet reported it on 11/26/04. It was also posted on their site.  I posted a link to it, but looks like the MOD didn't allow it.  The link can be found at the other chicago message board, (bow wow.)  
In brief: She was found in her apartment, initially thought to be a suicide, but autopsy proved otherwise.  CPD opened homicide investigation.  Friends and clients have been interviewed.

i initially post links to local media, i wasn't sure if it was allowed as it took some time for my post to appear.

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