
Chicago's 3 Main Areas
goodwon 62 Reviews 416 reads

Downtown, O'Hare and Oak Brook. Downtown is best for those of us who work and/or live in or close to it. I go to O'Hare if I'm passing through for work but traffic is often bad coming from downtown. I go to Oak Brook only for very special ladies. But downtown is the best for me because I can walk to my appointments or take a short cab ride.

With 24-7 pay parking, traffic, and crazy high hotel rates does downtown work well for anybody? What advice would you give visiting providers?

Hard to argue with downtown if you see it through a visiting provider's eyes.  All the shopping, dining, sightseeing, etc is right there.  I think there's also the perception they're going to attract a better demographic surrounded by the high-end real-estate and big glass towers.  And its much harder to stand out or get noticed in the big high-traffic hotels.

I agree, though, that in an area this sprawling  a downtown location can rule out alot of generous potential clients from the burbs.  Daytime is playtime for many of us, and a roundtrip to the city from some areas plus session time could chew up a lot of a day, not to mention the expensive parking once you get there.  Sometimes it ends up being worth all the hassle, but if not the logistics just compounds the irritation that comes with a bad experience.

I'd encourage visitors to at least consider some of the large upscale hotels in areas like Oakbrook or Schaumburg or even near O'Hare- those put you in central locations that could open you up to lots of new potential clients.

Ditto!!   I no longer can justify the time away from work to travel downtown to see a lady.  Good topic!

Hope to see alot of feedback.

As for me, I am a visiting provider and I missed a lot of people because I was downtown. Being from NY, I can navigate thru the city with to walk everywhere.  

I think the logic behind providers going downtown is convenience for the provider and the notion that a lot of people work downtown/ visit downtown which means more business. We don't realize that traffic is absurd coming from the suburbs (take an hour to get from the airport if its not 2am) and then parking (only valet or parking garage). The hotel rates aren't that bad even with something going on so I don't think that plays a part. Of course, the rates are more reasonable outside of downtown.

Now when I tour I visit downtown & the suburbs.

What I notice is that every area, and every type of area, caters to different clientele.

Downtown is great for traveling guys who fly in and don't have a vehicle. It's great for a business man for a nice long lunch break. Especially if the girl can track conferences & events.

During big conference dates and events, hotels can be super expensive, but vacation rentals aren't as high as hotels, but much nicer in my opinion.

I get a ton of out call requests to the loop and Gold Coast.  

If you want to do a dinner date, budget in a few hundred extra for parking, cab, etc. There are a ton of great places to eat, comedy clubs, blues bars, just... Everything.

So I'm partial to the city, although suburbs are extremely convenient as well for a group of people. The north neighborhoods are great for those who like city living without all the hassle.

So, it depends what you are targeting. All areas, if done right, can be very profitable. You just need to know what's up in that area.

from home commitments. Travelers book ahead, book longer, are more relaxed, on time, and able to show their face because not many know them.

Most of my clients are traveling men, which makes my life easier and gives me less risk of being noticed/pointed out. Do I worry about that myself? I wouldn't say worry, but I can definitely see how a guy could reconsider a public dinner date for fear of bumping into a colleague, a boss, a wife, or a family member.

-- Modified on 10/2/2014 11:59:56 AM

Posted By: 88realguy
With 24-7 pay parking, traffic, and crazy high hotel rates does downtown work well for anybody? What advice would you give visiting providers?

Downtown works best for me.  I can call it a late afternoon meeting, catch a cab, enjoy my time, then cab back to the office and head home.  I find the suburbs to be problematic from a traffic issue.

I am about 6 miles from the loop, in my personal life I never go downtown for the reasons 88realguy shared.  
Anything or any place that is downtown can be found elsewhere with free parking and much less congestion making it much more appealing to me personally.

I venture downtown regularly for Outcall appointments but that's about it. I agree that the only benefit to downtown is for  
professionals who work in the area.

Happy Thursday ALL!
Carly  :)

almost everyone I see, I see regularly and they work downtown.  Almost entirely one hour and 90 minute appointments.  It's perfect for me, but I can't see it being very profitable as a visitor.  

I have a permanent incall there so I do have to commute from the North Shore, but I don't have to pay each time.  The METRA (train) helps too, otherwise parking is a bit of a sting.  Doesn't seem to be an issue for my guests as most are already nearby.

If I were visiting Chicago, O'Hare would be the way to go.  If you did pick up some outcall business downtown, the Blue line train is under an hour each way.  Possibly worth it for a longer appointment.

Sure Downtown is convenient for many.  I visit there quite often and I always stay downtown during my stay in addition to the airport and a suburb area(Oakbrook/Schaumburg).  I think if a lady is visiting to plan in advance and check sites like hotwire, priceline, etc to book a room and cut down on hotel costs.  

There are many business men and women downtown that want to escape sometimes during a lunch break or right before or after work.  So sure downtown works for many!  Just try it and plan well and see what works best for you.


Downtown, O'Hare and Oak Brook. Downtown is best for those of us who work and/or live in or close to it. I go to O'Hare if I'm passing through for work but traffic is often bad coming from downtown. I go to Oak Brook only for very special ladies. But downtown is the best for me because I can walk to my appointments or take a short cab ride.

I work there.  If you don't work there or live nearby, probably a bad venue.  Hotels are packed with business people and tourists so everyone blends in nicely.  Great place to eat, drink and shop.  Low crime and good transportation.  An old guy like me can hang out with young beautiful women and everyone will assume we work together and if I run into someone that's my story.

-- Modified on 10/2/2014 3:10:25 PM

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