
A fool and his money are always parted.
editor 8005 reads

Normally I rely on TER reviews to help me pick a date.  However, recently I flew in the face of negative reviews (i.e. Michelle Passion from Milwaukee, area code 414) because I was so enamored with her web site photos.  She was everything the reviewers stated, mechanical, not interested, no kissing, no allusions to being evenly remotely GFE, very much into this for the money only, and overpriced for the services provided.  I kick myself for assuming all those other reviewers were simply a case of ymmv.  Even her appearance ratings were imho way too high, she is not as appealing as those photos.  So, my recommendation to others is trust the reviews on this site to guide your decision, if several comments from reputable reviewers tend to be negative, pass on that girl.  Hopefully I have learned a lesson.

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