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Who was the provider in LA that did the outing?

normancooper2417 reads

Apparently a provider started a thread on the LA board complaining of a john who NCNS on her.  So for revenge she told everyone to PM her for his info, which she gladly gave out.  With just his name and number, anyone could find his home address and business through Google.  The thread was removed by TER.

Do you want an easy way to ruin your life?  Or is it too boring?

Do you hate your job?  Your wife?  Your kids?  Your entire family?  Your dog?  Anyone who ever called you their friend?

I got the solution!  Join RS2K!  In no time flat, BSC providers will have your name, phone number, and city.  Who knows what they'll do with that info......exciting, isn't it?  

But Norm, you ask, how will I know if the provider I see is BSC??  


-- Modified on 5/16/2015 10:37:47 AM

BSC ladies and others just have to learn the hard way. I prefer neither. Thanks Norman.

Posted By: normancooper
Apparently a provider started a thread on the LA board complaining of a john who NCNS on her.  So for revenge she told everyone to PM her for his info, which she gladly gave out.  With just his name and number, anyone could find his home address and business through Google.  The thread was removed by TER.  
 Do you want an easy way to ruin your life?  Or is it too boring?  
 Do you hate your job?  Your wife?  Your kids?  Your entire family?  Your dog?  Anyone who ever called you their friend?  
 I got the solution!  Join RS2K!  In no time flat, BSC providers will have your name, phone number, and city.  Who knows what they'll do with that info......exciting, isn't it?    
 But Norm, you ask, how will I know if the provider I see is BSC??    

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 10:37:47 AM

This happened more than a year ago with an RS provider. A photo of my car in her driveway reached the SO. She hired a PI and got a report of my activities and those of other guys who saw her. The only way she got my address  to mail the photo is with my RS info. I warned a lot of guys whose names were on the PI report.  
Many guys are regular posters with over 50 reviews. May be they will chime in.

normancooper940 reads

Sorry buddy.  That's why I keep harping on this.  Something similar happened to me that I don't want to get into, but it is a BIG mistake for anyone to use RS2K or any service that requires real names and info

I was on the receiving end of your pm regarding that provider. I saw her before your message and since. Have never had any kind of issue with her. A very nice sweet lady. My car has been in her driveway several times.

Since I am not you, I can't dispute your story. She tells a different tale and my experience with her is very different as well.

Others can judge for themselves.


Posted By: dickit
This happened more than a year ago with an RS provider. A photo of my car in her driveway reached the SO. She hired a PI and got a report of my activities and those of other guys who saw her. The only way she got my address  to mail the photo is with my RS info. I warned a lot of guys whose names were on the PI report.  
 Many guys are regular posters with over 50 reviews. May be they will chime in.

yosh88544 reads

don't laugh too hard, but can someone share what BSC means?  Sorry for the rookie question.

. . . but no one is going to say it's somehow "safer" to give out your real name.  That's an argument you can't really lose, so I am not sure why you make it so often.  Those who have chosen to use RS2K have accepted the risk.  You see it as such a profoundly foolish decision that anyone who makes it must be -- a fool.

I think the common denominator is the favorite term, "BSC".  Avoid the crazies, and you will be fine, so the argument goes.  And there's another argument you can't lose.  As we used to say in school, all you have to do is find the land mines and defuse them.  But you don't get a map.  All of us take the same risk, on both sides.  There is absolutely no way to know if you are dealing with a crazy provider or a crazy client.  The obvious crazies were picked up a long time ago.

Who was the provider in LA that did the outing?

normancooper770 reads

It is posted on the RO board, but I'm not sure TER will allow it here. know what to do.

The fact that this guy is an RS2K member, and that this is the screening method the lady used, had nothing to do with this lady's actions.  

Many ladies who do not use RS2K DO require real names, and any one of them could go off the deep-end and make the NC/NS offender's details publicly available. Any provider, regardless of her screening requirements, could go BSC on you at any given moment.  
So yes, giving out your real name does involve a certain amount of risk on your part.    

I do not personally agree with what this lady did; she should have simply reported him to RS2K, and that would be the end of it.  If this lady advertises on RS2K, someone should make them (Cathy) aware of what this lady did here.

normancooper660 reads

asks for a client's real name, ID, work info, address, phone number, etc.

ANY time a client reveals those things, they are putting themselves in danger.  

I doubt agencies or RS2K puts providers through a bunch of tests to see if they are BSC.  Anyone can go BSC, there may not be warning signs.

Again gentlemen, you have been warned.

I agree with you on every point you made; that is not in dispute.    

What I am saying is that there is no more risk of encountering the situation on the LA board with an RS2K lady versus one who does her own screening with real names and personal details.  

Yes, this was the screening method used in this particular instance... but other than that, there is no reason to single RS2K out

Here_I_Go550 reads

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
I agree with you on every point you made; that is not in dispute.    
 What I am saying is that there is no more risk of encountering the situation on the LA board with an RS2K lady versus one who does her own screening with real names and personal details.    
 Yes, this was the screening method used in this particular instance... but other than that, there is no reason to single RS2K out.    
I think there is a very good reason to single out RS2K.  When a verification service makes your real name available to every person you meet through it, then it becomes way more dangerous than all the other alternatives.  It has certainly convinced me to never use it, so I am glad this singling out happened.  It is not clear in their application form that your real name can become such public knowledge.  I was considering joining, and am glad I didn't after reading this.

Posted By: Here_I_Go
When a verification service makes your real name available to every person you meet through it, then it becomes way more dangerous than all the other alternatives.

That characterization of the process could be misleading.  RS2K does not make their clients' info available; the potential client does this himself.  It's not like you contact the lady using only an alias/screen-name and she can go to RS2K and get your real name... no, no, no.    

Here's how it goes: Potential client contacts RS2K-accepting lady to inquire about a date; she asks for his "verification information".  HE, the potential client, then tells the lady his real name and a couple of other specific details for her to then submit to RS2K.   RS2K then responds to the lady's verification request with a Yes or No as to whether or not that information matches a member's profile.   If ANYTHING is incorrect, that is all RS2K will say to the provider.  Example: That information does not match our records, please go back to the client and re-check that the info he gave you is correct.  
They will NOT give the inquiring provider his information.  Say, you are a member and tell me your phone# is 312-555-6666 although your registered member phone# is 312-555-6969: I submit "312-555-6666 for verification and, as stated above, they will only reply the phone# is incorrect and that if you have a new phone#, you need to update it with them.  They will NOT, at any time, reply "No honey, his real phone# is 312-555-6969".    They don't violate your privacy.  

If you want to be verified, well, you have to violate yourself.  LOL.  ;-)

All that being said, what I meant by "singling out" was that to say RS2K is what is to be avoided is not broad enough.  To remain anonymous, one should avoid all screening services, agencies, and independent providers who require your real personal data.  Essentially, NEVER give up that info to anyone.  Because any of those could intentionally or accidentally leak those details at any time.

And I'm pretty sure RS2K tells potential members how they will be "verified" by each individual provider or agency.  It's not a secret.   So if you had begun the application process, you likely would have learned that prior to surrendering your private information.   :-)

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 12:31:01 PM

Jack_Inhoff603 reads

Your long post does nothing to refute any of the arguments against RS2K.  It does nothing to refute the fact that if one uses RS2K, he needs to reveal his FIRST and LAST name. This is extremely risky and dangerous.  If RS2K wants to do things the way they want to do them, it's a free country. But there are several reasons why many of the guys here discourage using it.  It's a ticking time bomb that can explode in one's face.

Posted By: Jack_Inhoff
Your long post does nothing to refute any of the arguments against RS2K. .
No, it sure doesn't.  I wasn't trying to make a case for RS2K or their verification method.    

My very long-winded post (my posts do tend to run un a bit, don't they?) was strictly in reply to the previous poster's statement regarding RS2K making members' information available to providers.  
And that was all my post was.... so, I made my point and will not belabor it any further.  



PS~ One of my mottos has always been, "Why use 50 words to say something when you can use 500??"   LOL

normancooper548 reads

Yes, agreed.  

RS2K just asks for much more than others and also uses the real name as a verification with pros.  P411 does not.  Ter whitelisting is the best IMO.

By your reasoning we should not give our info to anyone including utility companies, etc. give me a break! people here think that they are so important while they are not..I have been giving my real name from day one and nothing has ever happened to me..RS2K is a great service

Posted By: normancooper
asks for a client's real name, ID, work info, address, phone number, etc.  
 ANY time a client reveals those things, they are putting themselves in danger.    
 I doubt agencies or RS2K puts providers through a bunch of tests to see if they are BSC.  Anyone can go BSC, there may not be warning signs.  
 Again gentlemen, you have been warned.

Too late after the fact. Tell these biotches to take a hike.

Here_I_Go466 reads

I read that thread over on the LA Board. I had no idea that RS2K membership meant that providers get your real name via this service. Seems to defeat the whole purpose of membership, if every provider you see through it gets your real name.  I travel to Chicago on business a fair bit and have been thinking about hobbying there. If I do, I will not be signing up for this service, and will stick with P411, which masks who you really are.  When I first became a hobbyist I was forced to give personal info, but I was able to do a ton of research on the provider who asked for it.  That lead to referrals, other appointments, P411 OK's and white listing.  I still come across providers who want my real name, but now just decline and move on.  No hard feelings, as I don't question their rationale.  

Thanks again for the heads up.

Jack_Inhoff859 reads

Considering that Chicago is the capital of BSC providers in America, one would have to be an idiot to join RS2K these days, especially if they are seeing escorts in Chicago.  It's not hard to see why most to all escorts here LOVE RS2K. It gives them ALL the leverage.....especially if they want to blackmail, or get revenge for a perceived "insult".

normancooper679 reads

Yes, it is crazy.  I can't believe they exist still actually.  Telling a stranger your name / address after you just did something illegal is nuts.  For married guys, it is MUCH more risky.   For guys with a career or business it is even worse.

If we get the word out, maybe RS2K will change.  Otherwise, they can just lose business

Jack_Inhoff581 reads

"If we get the word out, maybe RS2K will change.  Otherwise, they can just lose business."

That's actually what I was thinking.  Perhaps if there is enough outcry, RS2K will reform their system, and make it more along the lines of p411, which would provide piece of mind for both escort and client.  

Anything is possible, but I'm not counting on it, so I won't hold my breath.

Posted By: Jack_Inhoff
"Perhaps if there is enough outcry, RS2K will reform their system, and make it more along the lines of p411, which would provide piece of mind for both escort  and client.
Perhaps it would still provide "peace of mind" to some providers, but not to those who will never be comfortable seeing a client without knowing his real name.   And there are many reasons some providers insist on full legal names, and it's a topic that has been debated to death so let's just leave it at that.  

I, for one, hope that RS2K's screening & verification processes remain the same as THAT gives me much more "peace of mind" than any other verification service.  And yes, requiring real names/RS2K does limit my number of potential clients.  
I can live with that.  

I respect anyone's desire to remain anonymous, please respect the viewpoint of the providers who are not ok with meeting anonymous clients.  :-)

Jack_Inhoff493 reads

Hey, I respect your and other escorts' rights to know the first and last name of your clients.  But, please understand that I have the right to choose not to see you if that's what your require.  

Although I will never see you, I actually respect someone like you who will state up front that they require first and last name for screening.  You, at least, are being upfront about what you require. RS2K, on the other hand, engages in a subtle form of deception.  They imply that it's discreet.  Well, it's not as discreet as they imply it to be.  

By the way, do you give your first and last name to RS2K and/or to clients?

normancooper502 reads

Johns have to give their info out but we can't know anything about a provider.  Both parties are engaging in the illegal act.  

Before the whole "violence against hookers" wing pipes in, let me just say that johns can get beat up and robbed (by pimps) as well

Posted By: Jack_Inhoff
 By the way, do you give your first and last name to RS2K and/or to clients?
That's so over-debated that I will let that go mostly unanswered.....  

But you know, now that I think on it, no one HAS ever asked me for my real last name.  There were a few occasions when I traveled with someone where it was necessary but other than that?  No.   Oh, and when I used to do outcall there were a couple of office buildings where I was required to show my ID and use my real name to sign in with the security guard and I absolutely complied with that.  

The most frequent questions I get are for my real age, where I live, and whether or not my breasts are real.  LOL.  
So I guess those details are what matters more to my clients lol.    

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 1:39:32 PM

When was Chicago granted the dubious honor of THAT distinction?

Dangit, I never get the memos about these things!!!  ;-)

Ah well.... I guess my slut-tastic formal gown will just have sit in my closet till the next BSC Awards event.  LMAO!

You also have to worry about your full name and number being exposed via......

1) a provider being careless and losing her phone or laptop where your RS2K info was provided
2) hackers obtaining access to RS2K
3) hackers obtaining access to any of the providers you have seen

I joined RS2K because I was self-employed and verification for me wouldn't have been the easiest for the strict providers. I figured I could register with RS2K and then receive a member ID (or user name, etc) to use for verification. I would only verify once (and have that verication documents deleted) and then be able to book appointments with my rs2k ID. I was pretty shocked to find out that I was expected to provide my full legal name to EVERY provider. I mean, what's the point of RS2K if I'm giving out my full name and even being asked to show ID when I see the girl.

It is a poor and unsafe practice to use RS2k....... and it's not about running into a BSC provider, it's about having your full legal name exposed (and likely stored) by providers who can simply be careless with your info. There's no reason for RS2k to exist like it is.

The first time you call back to an agency and ask for an appointment and you hear an old man typing your full name on a desktop or laptop where your info is stored will put a lot of fear into you. I was careless with rs2k. Never again.

I am more afraid that my name and other info are taken from regular businesses than providers. I had my CC info and SS# stolen from At&t, Home Depot, and last year and not once a provider or RS2K has misused my info in over 8 yrs in the hobby.  

Posted By: premiumsoup
You also have to worry about your full name and number being exposed via......  
 1) a provider being careless and losing her phone or laptop where your RS2K info was provided  
 2) hackers obtaining access to RS2K  
 3) hackers obtaining access to any of the providers you have seen  
 I joined RS2K because I was self-employed and verification for me wouldn't have been the easiest for the strict providers. I figured I could register with RS2K and then receive a member ID (or user name, etc) to use for verification. I would only verify once (and have that verication documents deleted) and then be able to book appointments with my rs2k ID. I was pretty shocked to find out that I was expected to provide my full legal name to EVERY provider. I mean, what's the point of RS2K if I'm giving out my full name and even being asked to show ID when I see the girl.  
 It is a poor and unsafe practice to use RS2k....... and it's not about running into a BSC provider, it's about having your full legal name exposed (and likely stored) by providers who can simply be careless with your info. There's no reason for RS2k to exist like it is.  
 The first time you call back to an agency and ask for an appointment and you hear an old man typing your full name on a desktop or laptop where your info is stored will put a lot of fear into you. I was careless with rs2k. Never again.

Here_I_Go424 reads

Posted By: bootcutlad
I am more afraid that my name and other info are taken from regular businesses than providers. I had my CC info and SS# stolen from At&t, Home Depot, and last year and not once a provider or RS2K has misused my info in over 8 yrs in the hobby.  
Posted By: premiumsoup
You also have to worry about your full name and number being exposed via......  
  1) a provider being careless and losing her phone or laptop where your RS2K info was provided  
  2) hackers obtaining access to RS2K  
  3) hackers obtaining access to any of the providers you have seen  
  I joined RS2K because I was self-employed and verification for me wouldn't have been the easiest for the strict providers. I figured I could register with RS2K and then receive a member ID (or user name, etc) to use for verification. I would only verify once (and have that verication documents deleted) and then be able to book appointments with my rs2k ID. I was pretty shocked to find out that I was expected to provide my full legal name to EVERY provider. I mean, what's the point of RS2K if I'm giving out my full name and even being asked to show ID when I see the girl.  
  It is a poor and unsafe practice to use RS2k....... and it's not about running into a BSC provider, it's about having your full legal name exposed (and likely stored) by providers who can simply be careless with your info. There's no reason for RS2k to exist like it is.  
  The first time you call back to an agency and ask for an appointment and you hear an old man typing your full name on a desktop or laptop where your info is stored will put a lot of fear into you. I was careless with rs2k. Never again.
Ya, if your friends and family found out that you were an AT&T customer, you would lose all respect and be ruined.  I don't blame you for not wanting such damning information being outed.

Posted By: Here_I_Go
 Ya, if your friends and family found out that you were an AT&T customer, you would lose all respect and be ruined.  I don't blame you for not wanting such damning information being outed.  
Exactly! Nobody cares if you shop at Home Depot, but if your name came up on an rs2k data dump by............ oh boy! I think we should all consider ourselves lucky that the hacking community are usually nerdy pervs who leave porn sites alone :)

It is all about being safe. Do you use your real e-mail when setting up appointments with RS2K? Why not? If you use your real name, you might as well use your real e-mail if you are not worried about Rs2k or BSC. One example of my "1) a provider being careless and losing her phone or laptop where your RS2K info was provided" was when a provider I had seen put me on a mailing list. But instead of putting all the e-mail addresses in the "bcc" field, she just but it in the "cc" field. So EVERYBODY saw EVERYBODY's e-mail. She wasn't BSC, but it was just a careless mistake that many people do all the time. If anybody was using an e-mail that wasn't a complete throw-away, they just opened themselves up for a lot of trouble for no reason.

I am a clean cut professional working at a prestigious company here in Chicago, I certainly don't want trouble and like to be discreet and low drama, hence I never show my face in my pics or advertise too blantantly, however I want to be safe and see only classy, respectable men who too want to be discreet and avoid drama.  So how do I know who is a true gentleman and who is a psycho or LE?  I have noticed that the guys who show me their IDs are usually the sweetest, most respectable and charming gentlemen, THEY hand their IDs to me, its as if they want to say "hey sweetie, don't be afraid, I will not hurt you and I want you to be comfortable and have fun with me"  So I ALWAYS give them preference.... And we always have great fun....

TwoMints536 reads

What's norman have to worry about? His momma finding out he uses his disability to see BP hookers?

I love how the chicks are coming out of the wood works to define it.

YourNemesis457 reads

Your email tells everything about you, those that are computer savvy can find out your real identity its not hard.

Every email has an ip address. The majority of people who have set up their emails, both providers and hobbyist, if one wants to find out your real identity they can.

No one is anonymous, if you want to protect your identity then you need to not use email, phone numbers, or any other communication which will not happen in today's world. Websites, even domains that you made private, can be found through the ip address.

Nothing in today's society is private nor can you disguise yourselves. If one is determined to find out who you are there is a way if you just keep digging and digging.

I was told to join if I wanted to frequent Chicago, so please enlighten me. If I wanted the guy's info, I could simply require that for myself without paying 200 a month for it. I am confused as to why they would give out the guy's info.

They don't give out the client's info.   The member gives you his basic details for you to check with RS2K to see if he is a member (meaning he's already been fully screened by them) or not.

They don't offer up any additional data on the clients/members.  

I gave an example of how it works higher up in this thread and sent you a PM on how it works too.  :-)


I think it is bizarre. The client is supposed to send you his full legal name, city and phone number and then you take that info and verify it with rs2k. I think on your side you will see the date that the client joined rs2k, and sometimes a comment or two left by previous providers he visited.

Yes, you're correct, sir!  ;-)

We get confirmation that the info provided is correct (or isn't, as the case may be) and the date he joined.

Comments from providers the client has either contacted or met are not too frequent, and it has to be something that other providers might felt helpful in deciding whether or not to see him.  Usually things like Chronic Canceler, NC/NS, excessive texter, and so on.  When I meet with someone who has a negative comment, if everything goes smoothly I will then leave a positive comment for him to balance it out.  Because sometimes these situations are a he-said/she-said or just a one-off occurrence.  :-

TwoMints502 reads

Is it ever explicit?

A comment like, hey make sure you are clean he's got a talented tongue?  

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
Yes, you're correct, sir!  ;-)  
 We get confirmation that the info provided is correct (or isn't, as the case may be) and the date he joined.  
 Comments from providers the client has either contacted or met are not too frequent, and it has to be something that other providers might felt helpful in deciding whether or not to see him.  Usually things like Chronic Canceler, NC/NS, excessive texter, and so on.  When I meet with someone who has a negative comment, if everything goes smoothly I will then leave a positive comment for him to balance it out.  Because sometimes these situations are a he-said/she-said or just a one-off occurrence.  :-)  

I have gotten a few different ones and they tell you not to tell.  I think the obvious one is the only one I can share, and should give you an idea of what is shared or not.  

NCNS 9/14, last minute cancellation 12/14

Again that is just an example I made.  This is helpful info to have, just like you guys check to make sure we are not a flake it is a way for us to get that info.  

To address the rest of the thread:
I mean you guys have the review system to see that we are legit.  You can cross check with the guys and make sure they have a solid history and many times it states how careful she is or not about her screening which believe it or not is meant to protect you the guest as well.  How safe would you see about seeing random ladies if there were no sites like this with reviews?  We don't have them.  

Now if there was a review site for us to do the same for the guys including a Monicur, their email, and phone contact as well as reviews on the type of person they are then I would be happy to cast aside requiring a name.  Then we could obtain the same info that you all are able to get via these sites.  Preach at my white lists, no f-ing way.  Every lady here has had a guest try to black mail her into white listing him after a visit or no visit by threatening a bad review, most know forwarding that info to TER will keep that from happening but some are not as enlightened.  Then there is the whole I have 50 zillion reviews, so anyone can write reviews and that is NOT proof you actually saw the lady.  Reviews to us really mean nothing but a marketing tool if they are our own, otherwise they are worthless to us the provider.  As well back in the day P411 only gave you "points" on your account if you gave the ok, not if you turned it down.  They have tightened their reigns but still how can I trust that 100% since many try to use different emails, admit SHARING accounts(which I guess admin over their doesn't inforce the IP address rule of only 1 per account, HMMMM).  

So, I will stick to my guns and see only those who are comfortable enough with me to share what I need to be comfortable.  I mean both parties being comfortable with each other does lead to a more relaxed and even more exploritory session in my experience.  If you are not comfy with sharing that much, I simply wish you well and good luck but I can't do it.  Please respect the ladies who need more by not getting pushy(that will get you put on warning lists) about it, or trying to force your idea's apon them.  Most of us make no bones about it, our site stating what we need.  If It is not cool with you then just walk away, pretty simple and it is not wasting your or my time.

TwoMints432 reads

About that IP address...  that wouldn't be possible.

Some of us log into our accounts from a computer and a phone. Some of us us a VPN, which masks our true IP address. An IP address is basically a fingerprint, so I'm told.

Posted By: Sage of Chicago
I have gotten a few different ones and they tell you not to tell.  I think the obvious one is the only one I can share, and should give you an idea of what is shared or not.    
 NCNS 9/14, last minute cancellation 12/14  
 Again that is just an example I made.  This is helpful info to have, just like you guys check to make sure we are not a flake it is a way for us to get that info.    
 To address the rest of the thread:  
 I mean you guys have the review system to see that we are legit.  You can cross check with the guys and make sure they have a solid history and many times it states how careful she is or not about her screening which believe it or not is meant to protect you the guest as well.  How safe would you see about seeing random ladies if there were no sites like this with reviews?  We don't have them.    
 Now if there was a review site for us to do the same for the guys including a Monicur, their email, and phone contact as well as reviews on the type of person they are then I would be happy to cast aside requiring a name.  Then we could obtain the same info that you all are able to get via these sites.  Preach at my white lists, no f-ing way.  Every lady here has had a guest try to black mail her into white listing him after a visit or no visit by threatening a bad review, most know forwarding that info to TER will keep that from happening but some are not as enlightened.  Then there is the whole I have 50 zillion reviews, so anyone can write reviews and that is NOT proof you actually saw the lady.  Reviews to us really mean nothing but a marketing tool if they are our own, otherwise they are worthless to us the provider.  As well back in the day P411 only gave you "points" on your account if you gave the ok, not if you turned it down.  They have tightened their reigns but still how can I trust that 100% since many try to use different emails, admit SHARING accounts(which I guess admin over their doesn't inforce the IP address rule of only 1 per account, HMMMM).    
 So, I will stick to my guns and see only those who are comfortable enough with me to share what I need to be comfortable.  I mean both parties being comfortable with each other does lead to a more relaxed and even more exploritory session in my experience.  If you are not comfy with sharing that much, I simply wish you well and good luck but I can't do it.  Please respect the ladies who need more by not getting pushy(that will get you put on warning lists) about it, or trying to force your idea's apon them.  Most of us make no bones about it, our site stating what we need.  If It is not cool with you then just walk away, pretty simple and it is not wasting your or my time.

I do not give two shits if a guy is on that site... I want a TER ID with a year of review history of legit providers. I want to join because many of you only look there for ladies in addition to TER. I do not care if I have your personal info unless you are seeing me in my home town where I have family and a job... in that case, damn right I want all your info including a damn fingerprint  lol. Eveyyone clear? Don't blame a site for some hooktard with no job skills who needs to blackmail johns. I can assure you I want nothing from some married dude but his d(ck and his money. You're welcome.

If somebody doesn't give me their name and age then im not seeing them. Accountability comes with providing your info imho. I haven't had any issues since I've been screening this way and I hope I don't. With a reputation and longevity of being in the biz like mine I can't think of why I would risk everything I've worked so hard for just to "out" somebody.  

Outing somebody to their wife could in turn cause myself issues. An angry wife on the warpath is not what I want for my biz. While I was in Chicago I had a cop call me 2 days in a row. Because of my screening requirements I caught it. Had I not required it I wouldn't of and then you gentlemen would be pissed that I'm not handling my biz and your information safely.  

Wrong either way I suppose

His beef concerns the wisdom of using a real name...bringing RS2K into it is for hype.  

Posted By: Hardwood469
Norman used gets a star.

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