
Is TER history in the U.S.?
BrushFire 99 Reviews 1434 reads

Has TER been scared out of the States by the right wing wacko bedroom police?

94 YEA's
2 NAY's
4 Not Voting

Don't blame the right wing.

I think TER is just being careful and trying to make itself less of a target. Worse case TER will just end being a message board for USA users, which is better than nothing.

I certainly hope that it's not the case that TER ends up being nothing more than a message board in the US, that would be a real shame.  Over the years TER has been a valuable resource for me to determine (1) if a lady is safe to see and (2) some idea of what my time with her might be like.  And I have contributed to the cause by writing plenty of honest reviews about my own experiences.  I know the ladies can and have used reviews to help guide themselves in choosing clients too.  Other websites have already determined how to work around the new law by moving servers overseas and adjusting other aspects of their business and have come back to be pretty much the same as before the law passed.  I certainly hope that TER will do similarly and come back to the US in the same form as they were before, as it appears to the users at least, with some "behind the scenes" adjustments made as needed to remain viable.

I relied on reviews to find out which ladies had a warm personality, which is important to me. It was nice to find reviews that between the lines told a lot about those who were robotic vs. those who were genuinely friendly and easy to talk to. I have a very short list of those who I hope to meet someday, and only if and until TER resumes, that list won't be getting any longer.

TER is probably doing like a lot of other sites: Waiting to see the fallout of other laws in the pipeline and then trying to navigate a path to continue operating without being a target or a victim once those are in place. Such as the CLOUD Act recently, and  GDPR in EU coming this week as well. These laws cross borders and raise a lot of concerns for a lot of sites, apps, and even devices. Add in that some countries don't protect data in any way so a site hosted overseas may actually be a source for identity thieves or people who use your data to extort money from you under the false pretense of being a review site. I prefer to err on the side of caution and stick to those I know for now and not use any new sites.

I hop TER finds a way to resume in the US with continued safety and success as before. While I wait to see if it goes that way or they decide the US side is gone entirely, I will continue to reach out to those I feel comfortable with and try to find my way on the whitelist I am guessing some have put together.

Many of us still have reviews and profiles that are still active.  I'm quite sure with a little research  (twitter/switter) you can figure it out.  
Happy hobby hunting 💋

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