
What are the best sites to use to find providers, besides TER?
sinner24 2436 reads

I've been out of the hobby for better than 10 years, and nothings the same.   What sites are the ladies advertising at now that backpage is gone?  Thanks for your help

Tryst, Eros, Skipthegames.  A lot of gals also have a presence on Instagram and Twitter.  

Tryst, Twitter and P411... happy searching :)  

Blake Lovely

They’re rip off, they ripped off many ladies and clients and many of their profiles are fake. Avoid. Tryst is the best 👍

Not sure if tryst is the best… because I received mostly scammer from there that anything else.

I am on twitter but struggle with finding providers. What terms are y'all using to search to find ladies in a specific location/city?

I recommend cross referencing between Twitter, Tryst, P411 and TER. For TER, avoid gals that have 4-5 reviews in a single month and that’s it. Likely paid advertising / fake reviews. To find ladies on Twitter, once you have 2-3, they tend to pop up or you can see who they follow.

P411 has not been living up to its expectations. The guys feel entitled, like asking via pm what’s your rates? My website is literally linked to my profile & they are to lazy to click. I have paid for advertising & top placement, but booked 0 from that site. Twitter is free. Just do your homework by checking TER for reviews of legit providers.

Backpage!!! This was before my time, but I hear that site was legendary and I wish it was still around...  

These days I would recommend -- TER, Tryst, and Twitter.  I rarely use the others as they're overpriced and/or overrated. I think Twitter is on its way up in the hobby world as it's a fabulous free resource for hobbyists and providers alike. I would think for gentlemen, it would require a little digging initially to get started, but once you've "friended" a few ladies in your city, you'll start seeing many more hotties in your "friend suggestions"... Feel free to find me on there and you can find + add some of my hot Charlotte friends :)

Agreed about p411 being disappointing lately... It's hit or miss, but if I were a gentleman, I'd be taking advantage of the free tools before I was paying for overpriced memberships on the web... Just be sure to do your homework & read up/research as much as possible before meeting someone new because, as I'm sure you're already aware, there's unfortunately a lot of shady scammers out there, but sites like TER can help you avoid that sort of BS. :)

Warm Welcome Back and Best of Luck out there! :)


Research is your friend as others have  suggested.  If you are traveling get P-411, the top 10 providers in any major city in the US will be on P-411.  

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