
Were you serious here darling? :)confused_smile
HectorBlack 12 Reviews 704 reads

Because a lot of these "manly men" like a lot cock and yes Im sure their tongue and cock could still be "yummy" to you without you ever knowing that they do. Was that a short enough response for you? Not even on your best day lady. Love it how your response below screamed, I don't know what to say to his message except Sometimes.....

Well, not today!  
Posted By: HotCougarMilf
Just one example and his tongue and cock are yummy. No, he doesn't suck dick.

Theres this poor guy that got "dumped" by his lady.  Ok, no big deal, move BUT one post has me a bit confused and a little conflicted about the reply.  Someone had mentioned that he gave a review on a TS girl and that might have been the reason she dumped him.  Now if thats the case or not, is that a valid reason?  My first knee-jerk reaction is "heck ya, dump him!" but then I think.........why?  I dont remember the review clearly, but Im pretty sure he blew her and then he did the deed with her.  Covered FS and BBBJ, pretty standard stuff.  So whats the big deal?  Dont female providers give BBBJ's and occasionally do greek?  So if this guy blows a TS girl BB, then why does a female provider who probably (not always but in general) has sucked alot more Penis get grossed out by that..............makes no sense.  TS girls are just as clean, and hygienic  as the next provider or hobbyist so whats the hang up here?  Thoughts?

it's a guy sucking another guy's dick and fucking him in the ass.  A great percentage of women see that as not cool. That would be my guess.

Do you have a problem with it?  Your post leans towards yes.  

Posted By: HotCougarMilf
it's a guy sucking another guy's dick and fucking him in the ass.  A great percentage of women see that as not cool. That would be my guess.

You OP leans towards saying there is something wrong with a lady feeling that way.

It simply makes no sense to me.  And that is my opinion.  I wasnt under the impression I couldnt ask an honest question.  Like I said your opinion is your own.  Just because I may not agree doesnt make it less relevant.  

Posted By: MatureGFE
You OP leans towards saying there is something wrong with a lady feeling that way.

And that's my point. some things are private. It's not a matter of opinion it's a matter of privacy dude.

And theres absolutely nothing wrong with me having a question about it.  At all.  And at no point did anyone say "sorry none of your business"  That would have been my queue to shut up about it.  It seems that everyone wants to just throw out "its my opinion" and that everyone is cool with that.  Sometimes we're not, and thats ok.  I/we can ask questions.  Saying "why would I ask her that" is silly.  I have that right last I checked, and she can tell me to go pack sand.  Im not an asshole, I wouldnt push anyone, but simply asking is not rude or demeaning or inappropriate at all.

And whether you are an asshole or not is a matter of opinion as well.

As you wish.  I will not ask you anymore.  You think Im an asshole because I dont agree with you.  And your behavior towards it is very opposite your handle.  You seem very upset over something as trivial as my curiosity.  Not very MATURE.

Posted By: MatureGFE
And whether you are an asshole or not is a matter of opinion as well.

And since I don't agree with you I'm immature-BAWHAHAHA.

And BTW my opinion of you was formed WAY before this post. It was your blow hard post about being a local celeb blah blah blah. That post. You are a blowhard who can't even wrap your head around  putting someone on the spot was not cool.

Now don't you have some studio you need to be at? and congrats the whole sensitive subject got more press here than it did on the GDB.

GaGambler649 reads

So take THAT, both of you. neener neener. lmao

And the way he worded his OP was slanted. so anyone who god forbid didn't feel like he did would look like they were wrong.

again this is a sensitive subject. so sensitive that a lot of guys have two handles so they won't be linked to seeing TS ladies by the mainstream.

PLUS he ASSumed if a lady chose to pass or guys had a problem seeing GGs who saw a guy who also saw TS ladies somehow that meant the parties thought the TS were disease ridden and the rest of his sad description. Who the hell is he to say that?

Pretty much an asshole move.

Now the follow up question (which you dont have to answer if you dont want to, to be CLEAR for everyone) why is it that is not cool for you?

Posted By: HotCougarMilf
You would be correct. That is not appealing for me.    

Fair enough.  So if a guy is with a TS girl then that removes him from that category?  At least for you?

Posted By: HotCougarMilf

Rock Hudson was the quintessential Manly Man by any cultural measure; he just liked to stick it in young men. I've certainly encountered very effeminate men whom I was convinced were gay but were as straight as can be. I'm not insisting that you see anyone you find undesirable, but it's a good exercise to contemplate why you feel the way you do.

Just one example and his tongue and cock are yummy. No, he doesn't suck dick.

Plenty of gay beefcakes that fit that profile. And what if he admitted that occasionally, feeling the high after a really good workout, he and his locker room buddy just felt open to exploring... Granted, I get how that might kill the fantasy you held in your mind, but is it really such a big deal? Could you forget about it and just pretend you never knew?

fucktard that is who you are.

I know your ALIAS(S) handle(s) so why would you feel the need to even respond to any of my posts?  I know the reason but I'll just keep it to myself for now.

Grow up and get a fucking life already will ya.  Please don't respond I have no desire to even look at ANY OF YOUR POSTS.

You know my 'alias?' Ok, happy for you but not sure what that has to do with my question. I don't think this is an 'alias' just my regular handle. You don't care what I think yet here you are. For sure you're  a ray of sunshine on this gorgeous spring day. Well played, lol.

Now move along because I don't wish to converse with a follower. My preference, not prejudice.

-- Modified on 3/20/2015 6:56:58 PM

Because a lot of these "manly men" like a lot cock and yes Im sure their tongue and cock could still be "yummy" to you without you ever knowing that they do. Was that a short enough response for you? Not even on your best day lady. Love it how your response below screamed, I don't know what to say to his message except Sometimes.....

Well, not today!  

Posted By: HotCougarMilf
Just one example and his tongue and cock are yummy. No, he doesn't suck dick.

I am not disagreeing with your stance Cougar but you're going to have to explain to me exactly what a MANLY MAN is.  Im not being critical here but come on. I'm sorry but I despise statements like that. You do realize that there is not a characteristic a heterosexual man has that is not also possessed by many homosexual/bi-sexual men as well don't you? So what in the fucking flame of all flames is a MANLY MAN when talking about sexual orientation and preference? Please take that backwoods, religious driven often, dumbass societal bullshit back to the shack. I'm being critical now because Im getting more pissed by the second. No, I am not gay by the way. Nor bisexual. I'm still a HUMAN however with an evolved mind. Are you following?

Now again I don't disagree with your stance. I have decided to not see companions because they have seen a guy who saw a TS based on his review history. Was it right? Was it smart really? Did it make sense for me to feel this way? NO. NO. NO. Any reservation I had or negative thought that popped in my head about it could easily be had in heterosexual encounters. It's still what it was for me though and still is. Just can't shake it. Everyone's total history is never shown on TER anyhow, soooooo, my stance was mainly stupid because of that fact. Lol. Just to note, I for one have also made the same decisions of not wanting to see a companion because a guy reviewed her who had several ladies in his review history who I wouldn't even touch with someone's elses tool!. I just couldn't shake the degrees of separation when there was proof of it! Of course, more times than not, there is no proof of it. You just never know who anyone has been with in totality except yourself.  

Again, not disagreeing or not understanding your feelings regarding not wanting to see bisexual men but because you love MANLY MEN. Really!? That is ignorant and mis-guided to say the least to use that terminology suggesting that homosexual/bi-sexual men cannot be "manly". This is a fact. You can disagree but you would be wrong. See this is where a lot of women mess up. Thinking that if a man is this way or that way, has these characteristics verus these, he could never be gay/bi-sexual or have ever dabbled in those activities. WRONG!

Ok, I'm going to stop now.  My ego is starting to show :( Get back in there I'm telling it. I'm sorry but that manly men comment just brought out my passion for irradicating such thinking in our collective minds as a society.

Posted By: HotCougarMilf
-- Modified on 3/20/2015 6:42:56 AM

This is very akin to the statements Similar to "Stand up and be a man"  God I hate that.  Such a crap statement that is so ambiguous its comical yet women throw it around like confetti.  Nonsense.

Posted By: HectorBlack
I am not disagreeing with your stance Cougar but you're going to have to explain to me exactly what a MANLY MAN is.  Im not being critical here but come on. I'm sorry but I despise statements like that. You do realize that there is not a characteristic a heterosexual man has that is not also possessed by many homosexual/bi-sexual men as well don't you? So what in the fucking flame of all flames is a MANLY MAN when talking about sexual orientation and preference? Please take that backwoods, religious driven often, dumbass societal bullshit back to the shack. I'm being critical now because Im getting more pissed by the second. No, I am not gay by the way. Nor bisexual. I'm still a HUMAN however with an evolved mind. Are you following?  
 Now again I don't disagree with your stance. I have decided to not see companions because they have seen a guy who saw a TS based on his review history. Was it right? Was it smart really? Did it make sense for me to feel this way? NO. NO. NO. Any reservation I had or negative thought that popped in my head about it could easily be had in heterosexual encounters. It's still what it was for me though and still is. Just can't shake it. Everyone's total history is never shown on TER anyhow, soooooo, my stance was mainly stupid because of that fact. Lol. Just to note, I for one have also made the same decisions of not wanting to see a companion because a guy reviewed her who had several ladies in his review history who I wouldn't even touch with someone's elses tool!. I just couldn't shake the degrees of separation when there was proof of it! Of course, more times than not, there is no proof of it. You just never know who anyone has been with in totality except yourself.  
 Again, not disagreeing or not understanding your feelings regarding not wanting to see bisexual men but because you love MANLY MEN. Really!? That is ignorant and mis-guided to say the least to use that terminology suggesting that homosexual/bi-sexual men cannot be "manly". This is a fact. You can disagree but you would be wrong. See this is where a lot of women mess up. Thinking that if a man is this way or that way, has these characteristics verus these, he could never be gay/bi-sexual or have ever dabbled in those activities. WRONG!  
 Ok, I'm going to stop now.  My ego is starting to show :( Get back in there I'm telling it. I'm sorry but that manly men comment just brought out my passion for irradicating such thinking in our collective minds as a society.  
Posted By: HotCougarMilf
-- Modified on 3/20/2015 6:42:56 AM

If a woman ever said that crap to me that would be my very next statement followed by don't say another word to me. The conversation and our relationship/friendship is over because you have proven to be a child in ways aged humans should not, IMO! Yeah, don't ever let a woman play that crap on you. She would better be served to just say she would like for you to do this or that or be a certain way because she needs it or simply just would like for you to do it or be a certain way because she just wants it. At least better served when talking to me. Lol. I don't play certain asinine crap with people. It's below my dignity and pursuit of deep universal thought.  

Just a disclaimer: No, I do not think its a woman's place to "sit down" or be submissive to a man because she is a woman. I demand the same type of thinking in return. Still men, don't be no girly-man as Hans and Franz would say! Lmao. "We want to pump YOU up!"

Agreed Leon.

Posted By: Leon3798
This is very akin to the statements Similar to "Stand up and be a man"  God I hate that.  Such a crap statement that is so ambiguous its comical yet women throw it around like confetti.  Nonsense.  
Posted By: HectorBlack
I am not disagreeing with your stance Cougar but you're going to have to explain to me exactly what a MANLY MAN is.  Im not being critical here but come on. I'm sorry but I despise statements like that. You do realize that there is not a characteristic a heterosexual man has that is not also possessed by many homosexual/bi-sexual men as well don't you? So what in the fucking flame of all flames is a MANLY MAN when talking about sexual orientation and preference? Please take that backwoods, religious driven often, dumbass societal bullshit back to the shack. I'm being critical now because Im getting more pissed by the second. No, I am not gay by the way. Nor bisexual. I'm still a HUMAN however with an evolved mind. Are you following?  
  Now again I don't disagree with your stance. I have decided to not see companions because they have seen a guy who saw a TS based on his review history. Was it right? Was it smart really? Did it make sense for me to feel this way? NO. NO. NO. Any reservation I had or negative thought that popped in my head about it could easily be had in heterosexual encounters. It's still what it was for me though and still is. Just can't shake it. Everyone's total history is never shown on TER anyhow, soooooo, my stance was mainly stupid because of that fact. Lol. Just to note, I for one have also made the same decisions of not wanting to see a companion because a guy reviewed her who had several ladies in his review history who I wouldn't even touch with someone's elses tool!. I just couldn't shake the degrees of separation when there was proof of it! Of course, more times than not, there is no proof of it. You just never know who anyone has been with in totality except yourself.    
  Again, not disagreeing or not understanding your feelings regarding not wanting to see bisexual men but because you love MANLY MEN. Really!? That is ignorant and mis-guided to say the least to use that terminology suggesting that homosexual/bi-sexual men cannot be "manly". This is a fact. You can disagree but you would be wrong. See this is where a lot of women mess up. Thinking that if a man is this way or that way, has these characteristics verus these, he could never be gay/bi-sexual or have ever dabbled in those activities. WRONG!  
  Ok, I'm going to stop now.  My ego is starting to show :( Get back in there I'm telling it. I'm sorry but that manly men comment just brought out my passion for irradicating such thinking in our collective minds as a society.  
Posted By: HotCougarMilf
 -- Modified on 3/20/2015 6:42:56 AM

Thanks for letting me know you never really were after anything unbiased here.

Sometimes there doesn't have to be a long, drawn out, motherfucking response.

Sometimes people like to nitpick things until death do us part.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Sometimes most of you men act like little pussies.

Sometimes you just never know if I'm serious or not.

Sometimes you should just shut the fuck up and stop writing dribble that means nothing to most of us.

Sometimes you shouldn't call people names that don't call you names first.

Sometimes you don't know what you're talking about

There are two reasons: 1. the provider is prejudiced against TS herself. 2. There are guys who won't see a provider who has been with a TS or (even more ridiculously) who has seen someone who has seen a TS, so she's trying to protect her potential income.  

You can search the GD and other boards for TS discussions, and you might be surprised at how touchy the subject is. The anti-TS crowd's reasoning basically boils down to a form of homophobia. Similarly, I've heard stories of providers who won't see black clients because they have white clients who wouldn't approve. Same stupid shit

when they read a client or potential client sucked on a dick or took it up the ass. I consider it a woman's personal choice just like if a client crossed sword and it gross her out. Again maybe it's not PC but if it grosses some ladies out, well what is she supposed to do about it? She's free to see who she wants to.

Just one perspective on the why some ladies can't get past it.

Steph xoxo

Sure I understand the bias exists.  Thats very clear, Im just trying to figure out the reasoning behind it.  Thats all.  Everyone can have their opinion.

Posted By: MatureGFE
when they read a client or potential client sucked on a dick or took it up the ass. I consider it a woman's personal choice just like if a client crossed sword and it gross her out. Again maybe it's not PC but if it grosses some ladies out, well what is she supposed to do about it? She's free to see who she wants to.

Just one perspective on the why some ladies can't get past it.

Steph xoxo

GaGambler744 reads

There is also a financial factor to consider. Just like there are "some" men who don't want to see a woman who's been with a black guy (yes, it's true, even in the 21 century) there are a LOT of men who will avoid like the plague any women who "sees guys, who see trannies" I am not going to get into a discussion of "what is fair" it's simply a matter of "what it is" and like it or not, by getting reviewed by a guy with TS reviews a woman can literally cost herself thousands in business.

I am sure you can find lots of people to debate the fairness of all of this, I simply don't have the inclination to do so today, I am simply pointing out a very real reason why some women make this decision.

that some guys see TS girls, review GGs and TS girls under two different handles.


Steph :-)

-- Modified on 3/20/2015 8:57:16 AM

Well I can say thousands of dollars is a relevant reason.  And I also understand that some folks just dont like it.  And I have to accept it whether I like it or not.  And I dont want to entice a flame session by any means.  I just want to understand it.  Now this particular reason makes sense and Im pretty sure Steph mentioned it also.  And when you state it like you did then yes I guess my argument is about the fairness of it.  These people are not monsters, they're just other people.  Its pretty sad they get lumped together as being nasty and disease-ridden etc.  They dont deserve to be treated like that.

Posted By: GaGambler
There is also a financial factor to consider. Just like there are "some" men who don't want to see a woman who's been with a black guy (yes, it's true, even in the 21 century) there are a LOT of men who will avoid like the plague any women who "sees guys, who see trannies" I am not going to get into a discussion of "what is fair" it's simply a matter of "what it is" and like it or not, by getting reviewed by a guy with TS reviews a woman can literally cost herself thousands in business.

I am sure you can find lots of people to debate the fairness of all of this, I simply don't have the inclination to do so today, I am simply pointing out a very real reason why some women make this decision.

Who the hell is talking about thinking a Ts is disease ridden and the rest of the BS you just brought into the convo? gotta run, I'll check back later to see what kind of Bs response I get from you. Just because a lady declines it doesn't mean she thinks those things at all. Nice projecting!

-- Modified on 3/20/2015 9:14:18 AM

I beg to differ, it was brought up in the OP "TS girls are just as clean, and hygienic  as the next provider or hobbyist so whats the hang up here?"  I dont know what you think that means but Im pretty sure that covers it.  You simply overlooked it and harbored no attention towards it.  It was always there.

Posted By: MatureGFE
Who the hell is talking about thinking a Ts is disease ridden and the rest of the BS you just brought into the convo? gotta run, I'll check back later to see what kind of Bs response I get from you. Just because a lady declines it doesn't mean she thinks those things at all. Nice projecting!

-- Modified on 3/20/2015 9:14:18 AM

It has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER THETY ARE CLEAN or not or anything else YOU are projecting onto to others to don't see it like you do! You never  were just asking an unbiased question. You ere a judgmental blowhard legend in your own mind, who REALLY has no game at all.

Its an odd double standard if you think about it.  And nobody can talk about it without SERIOUS flame sessions starting, but WTH.  This guy sucked a what.  Im not sucking a dick, his actions are his alone.  Not my business.  But provider A over here has sucked upwards of 50 dicks.......but he's unclean and shes not????  That makes NO sense.  He screwed this TS girls ass with a cover on.............k.  Once again so what?  It was covered and safe.  Perfectly acceptable as far as I can see.  Not my thing but hey to each his own.  Nothing happened that doesnt happen in any other normal session with a provider.  Sex happened.  End of story.

Posted By: cocktail-party
There are two reasons: 1. the provider is prejudiced against TS herself. 2. There are guys who won't see a provider who has been with a TS or (even more ridiculously) who has seen someone who has seen a TS, so she's trying to protect her potential income.  
 You can search the GD and other boards for TS discussions, and you might be surprised at how touchy the subject is. The anti-TS crowd's reasoning basically boils down to a form of homophobia. Similarly, I've heard stories of providers who won't see black clients because they have white clients who wouldn't approve. Same stupid shit.  

Do you think women only make decisions based up the whole clean or dirty thing you are running into the ground? Can you even have multidimensional thoughts?

Rufus-T-Firefly1064 reads

This world is becoming awfully politically correct.  

People should be allowed to have preferences without them being castigated as prejudiced. If a girl doesn't want to be with a guy that is bisexual or of a certain race or age or body size, she has that right. In the rush to call out everyone else's so-called prejudice we can be awfully judgmental.  

It would be awfully totalitarian if a girl is made to feel compelled to have sex with a guy whose past behavior makes her uncomfortable just in order to avoid the criticism of people on the board who don't have a clue about her or her decisions.

I never inferred any such thing.  Nobody has to sleep with anyone they dont want to.  And they have no requirement to explain themselves to me.  Im not anyone special.  But I do have the right to say "hey whats the problem here?"  They can say "Leon go F**K yourself"  And thats the answer I have to deal with.  Not saying anything ever is what robots do.  Im not a robot.  Doesnt anyone ever get curious around here about decisions people make?  You may not get the answer, but asking the question is not wrong in the least dont you agree?

Posted By: Rufus-T-Firefly
This world is becoming awfully politically correct.  
 People should be allowed to have preferences without them being castigated as prejudiced. If a girl doesn't want to be with a guy that is bisexual or of a certain race or age or body size, she has that right. In the rush to call out everyone else's so-called prejudice we can be awfully judgmental.  
 It would be awfully totalitarian if a girl is made to feel compelled to have sex with a guy whose past behavior makes her uncomfortable just in order to avoid the criticism of people on the board who don't have a clue about her or her decisions.

If she's trying to protect her potential income from clients who wouldn't see someone who's had sex with someone who's had sex with a TS, that's understandable, if unfair. But do you not see how ridiculous the basic concept is? If she herself feels that TS sex is "icky," that may be her preference, but it's also prejudice. Throw a plate of macaroni and cheese in front of a Chinese family and watch them want to barf. If it's the "ick" factor, you can have your preference but don't act offended if you're called out on it.

-- Modified on 3/20/2015 9:32:36 AM

YES thats all.  No flame no nonsense.  Just wondering why?

Posted By: cocktail-party
If she's trying to protect her potential income from clients who wouldn't see someone who's had sex with someone who's had sex with a TS, that's understandable, if unfair. But do you not see how ridiculous the basic concept is? If she herself feels that TS sex is "icky," that may be her preference, but it's also prejudice. Throw a plate of macaroni and cheese in front of a Chinese family and watch them want to barf. If it's the "ick" factor, you can have your preference but don't act offended if you're called out on it.

-- Modified on 3/20/2015 9:32:36 AM

Rufus-T-Firefly796 reads

But I do take offense when my preference is labeled as a prejudice. I may not want to eat grasshoppers, but I'm not going to accept having that preference labeled as a prejudice. Not because it isn't a prejudice in the technical sense (as I've never eaten grasshoppers so I am pre-judging them) but because the accusation of prejudice carries with it connotations of being a bad person, of being a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc.  

Now, Leon says he's not going to suck a cock. Why not? Is he prejudiced? Is he a homophobe? My point is that people are entitled to their preferences without being identified as bigoted and prejudiced. I have no objection to the original question Leon asked, namely, why do some girls not want to deal with men who have reviewed transexuals. But what I do object to is the blanket assertion that any girl who makes this decision for herself is prejudiced.

"Grasshoppers are not appetizing to me" = preference. "People who eat grasshoppers are disgusting" = prejudice. Where do you stand? Prejudice is distinct from racism/sexism/other-isms, and it's worth recognizing what prejudices you have so that you can evaluate and address/correct them.  

My point is that on this topic, when you dig into an individual's reasoning against TS sex, there's usually some prejudice at some point along the line, whether  (in this particular case) it's the provider who is grossed out by TS's, or she's protecting herself from other clients who are grossed out by TS's. If she *knows* that the particular TS her guy has seen is awful/gross/other negative attribute, then that would be a legitimate reason to jettison him.

Rufus-T-Firefly679 reads

I'm sorry, but I think you are making a distinction without a difference. Let me change your example slightly. "Eating shit is not appetizing to me" = preference. "People who eat shit are disgusting." = prejudice.  

I don't buy it for a minute. Being "grossed out" is not necessarily irrational prejudice.  If I find the idea of some other person eating shit to be disgusting, that doesn't make me a prejudiced person as you have defined it. The disgust is rational and I feel entitled to apply it to another person who engages in such disgusting behavior.  

When we talk about sucking TS cock we are not talking about whether you prefer chocolate or vanilla.  

Now, you might feel that one man sucking another man's cock is not disgusting. Someone else may feel that it is. Why are you so certain that only your opinion on this issue is correct and that the other person is irrationally prejudiced?

unprejudiced person I know of.  You can verify that with other providers that know me and of course my family would vouch for me 100%.

I never made any such statement.  And I wont suck cock because Im simply not gay and have no desire to.  See how easy that was for me?  No flame, no hurt feelings.  I answered a question freely.

Posted By: Rufus-T-Firefly
But I do take offense when my preference is labeled as a prejudice. I may not want to eat grasshoppers, but I'm not going to accept having that preference labeled as a prejudice. Not because it isn't a prejudice in the technical sense (as I've never eaten grasshoppers so I am pre-judging them) but because the accusation of prejudice carries with it connotations of being a bad person, of being a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc.  
 Now, Leon says he's not going to suck a cock. Why not? Is he prejudiced? Is he a homophobe? My point is that people are entitled to their preferences without being identified as bigoted and prejudiced. I have no objection to the original question Leon asked, namely, why do some girls not want to deal with men who have reviewed transexuals. But what I do object to is the blanket assertion that any girl who makes this decision for herself is prejudiced.

everyone is entitled to their opinion--especially here.   You are right in your questions, but others, of course may have other ideas.    It is not really a big deal, the lady/guy might be a great person.  None of us know.

We make decisions every day.  Most of them are of little importance or have no consequences.  But we all have some sense of who we are and we enjoy our freedom to decide as we please.   The smallest of issues or observations will often times influence our choices.  

 Just different strokes for different folks.  It may not be logical, but many of us have our values and make our decisions on things that are not even considered or thought of by others.   And that is what makes this whole community interesting.

Its exactly what makes this community interesting.  So many people with different views.  Its great.  Just dont understand why people get upset when you question a decision they made.  I dont get offended by that.  You're not me, and my decision confuses you.  That makes sense to me.  So by all means ask me why.  I'll tell you.  :-)

Posted By: smallsteps
everyone is entitled to their opinion--especially here.   You are right in your questions, but others, of course may have other ideas.    It is not really a big deal, the lady/guy might be a great person.  None of us know.  
 We make decisions every day.  Most of them are of little importance or have no consequences.  But we all have some sense of who we are and we enjoy our freedom to decide as we please.   The smallest of issues or observations will often times influence our choices.    
  Just different strokes for different folks.  It may not be logical, but many of us have our values and make our decisions on things that are not even considered or thought of by others.   And that is what makes this whole community interesting.

Usually it means that you're pointing out something that they subconsciously (or consciously) feel bad about or are struggling with. Take the rabid anti-homosexual crusader who's living in the closet for example.

I'm about as open-minded and "let live" as there is, but I'm bothered by people who accept things just because "that's the way it is," rather than reflect and seek to improve.

Exactly.  A damn drone.  Not I sir.  You are free to do whatever you like, but every now and then a me will come up and say "ummmm hey whats the deal?"  No judgement, just wondering.

Posted By: cocktail-party
Usually it means that you're pointing out something that they subconsciously (or consciously) feel bad about or are struggling with. Take the rabid anti-homosexual crusader who's living in the closet for example.  
 I'm about as open-minded and "let live" as there is, but I'm bothered by people who accept things just because "that's the way it is," rather than reflect and seek to improve.

And I would think that most people here would agree.  We all have our own opinions, and if others read and consider them, that is what is most important.    Let's all offer our best, and try not to be too judgmental.

I'll admit that I have certain preferred ethnicities, gender, sexual orientation, age, and body types. What we lust for has been programmed in us for years and we can't all of a sudden change our sexual desires with a flick of a switch. Sorry, but that's the truth.

Posted By: Leon3798
Theres this poor guy that got "dumped" by his lady.  Ok, no big deal, move BUT one post has me a bit confused and a little conflicted about the reply.  Someone had mentioned that he gave a review on a TS girl and that might have been the reason she dumped him.  Now if thats the case or not, is that a valid reason?  My first knee-jerk reaction is "heck ya, dump him!" but then I think.........why?  I dont remember the review clearly, but Im pretty sure he blew her and then he did the deed with her.  Covered FS and BBBJ, pretty standard stuff.  So whats the big deal?  Dont female providers give BBBJ's and occasionally do greek?  So if this guy blows a TS girl BB, then why does a female provider who probably (not always but in general) has sucked alot more Penis get grossed out by that..............makes no sense.  TS girls are just as clean, and hygienic  as the next provider or hobbyist so whats the hang up here?  Thoughts?

"What you are is Where you Were, When"  Some PhD came up with that some time back, and I guess it sorta fits the bill here, somewhat:))

doesn't mean you think someone is "drug ridden, unclean, or clean. That Leon's projections. Glad you get it that people just do what feels right to them when it comes to intimacy.

IMO nothing about Leon's questions were ever unbiased from the get go. He chose to debate/retort people's answers if they aren't similar to his.

But what do I know according to Leon Peon I'm immature-LMAO!

See ya soon sport!

Steph xoxo

Absent experience, the OP was every bit as prejudicial as any response. And it all went downhill from there.  

Show me a human being, and I'll show you prejudice. Shouting prejudice is itself prejudicial, as is denying it.  

Thank goodness Steph at least recognizes that PRIVACY (on an individual level) is NEVER prejudiced.  

"if we were to wake up one day to find the entire world was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon."   - George Aiken

Firstly, thankyou ALL for the entertainment whilst I sip my coffee. I REALLY needed some mental stimualtion this morning....
Seriously, tired of the mundane this week...  

So here we all are debating the finer points of what is prejudism and what is preferences.

plural noun: prejudices
preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

(That is the first result on Google, from "define prejudice." No source given.)
I'm a Webster's gal myself, so for arguments sake;

Merriam-Webster definitions:
Full Definition of PREJUDICE

:  injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially :  detriment to one's legal rights or claims
a (1) :  preconceived judgment or opinion (2) :  an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge
b :  an instance of such judgment or opinion
c :  an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics


Now with that being said...
I think that anyone's judgement on someone they personally do not know or have factual information about on an individual basis and in fact judge soley on being lumped in with a "group" and judge them soley on that factor, is in fact a prejudice.

"I won't sleep with a hooker/escort because all hookers/escorts are nasty, have bad sexual habits, and are disease ridden."

That is not a preference, that is a judgement. That is a prejudice. Against hookers/escorts.
The same can be said if you fill the blanks with TBoy/TGirl or BiClient, or what-have-you.

I am not saying that a persons preferences can not be formed from these prejudices, because I believe firmly that they are in fact formed by every experience/opinion we have, including our prejudices.
I am not saying it is fair, or right, because contrarily, I do think it is wrong to lump every single "what-ever-it-is" into a group of many of the same, without any distinction being made.

Yes, there are a plethora of reasons a provider won't see a client;
One of them being the TS reviewers.
Yes, there is definately a sense of disdain and "Ick" when it comes to it from the "straight guys" and then yes, you are black-balled from them, if such a case arises.

Same, yes, being said for "black guys." Some guys just won't see you if they know you have done so.
(I do and have and haven't had any backlash from that, that I know of. Guess I am glad I don't know!)

No, not all TS are unlean (many from practice/knowledge, that I have interacted with, have above par habits, imo.) and certainly, not diseased, and probably have better track records of being safe than most of the "civvie" gals I know....
Not all black guys have large equipment, and no, don't rip the "box out of the box." Sorry, haven't had that happen... yet.

The true kicker, is that we are all a bunch of mongers (or in the monger club.)
Noone truly knows who has done what with whom, and even trying to act like you "know" is simply laughable, and trying to "act" on that "judgement" (cough, prejudice, cough cough) is even more idiotic.
All you can TRULY know is what YOU do YOURSELF.

Unless you have a bitch chained up like Black Snake Moan, goodluck with thinking you actually have some control over it or her or who or what has been in or with her, or even vaguely trying to boast that you "know who has been with her."
Even the post man/milk man has that 2 minute gap of time.... Just sayin.  

Be responsible for yourself, because in the end, that is ALL you CAN do.

And for fucks sake, stop trying to judge other people. You might pass over a chick because she has seen a client who has reviewed a TS, but for every girl who  has been reviewed by such a character,  there's another 10 out there you WOULD see who may have done the SAME exact shit, without you ever knowing.... And I bet the prejudiced minded wouldn't say how they feel to a TS's face or to the reviewer of a TS.... I'm just saying, because of what you FEEL, doesn't make it a fact. It is in fact, a prejudice. The same as how some feel they are "nasty," another portion of people think it is just as "nasty" to sleep with escorts/hookers.

Not saying you aren't entitled to feel how you feel.... Or to your preferences. (I don't let my preferences dictate my income, sorry. I prefer income! I cater to wants, not my own.)

We are all only human, and we do the most irrational illogical shit sometimes. You know, like fucking hookers (or being a hooker, lol.) Or being prejudiced about TS or clients or TS or escorts who slept with a client who slept with TS previously.... (And there goes your clusterfuck.)

If a few degrees of seperation is the problem for some of you, you might want to consider becoming an ostrich and just go ahead and stick your damned head in the sand. You might be very VERY afraid of who has done what with whom and for how many cookies. You may sleep with someone who slept with someone who is your dad/friend/brother/uncle/sister/mother, etc etc. How's that for seperation?


Me? I'm even prejudiced. I have coulrophobia. (A fear of clowns. Laugh, it's ok. I know, it's kind of wacky.) Is it rational? Maybe. Ok, maybe not so much. Is it logical? Probably not. Is it a preferrence? I prefer not to be within 100 feet of one of them sommmofabitches..... Is it prejudism? Towards clowns? You damned skippy.
I wear that shit like a badge of honor.
Is it right? I suppose you all would say it isn't wrong, until I offend a fucking clown. (Great , now this fictional clown is all butt-hurt.)
In any case, if any clowns are reading this, I am sorry truly, but you fuckers scare me, and I am always waiting for one to come out with a hunting knife to attack me. Just... stay.... away. And no, I won't be fucking a clown, not even for double my hourly rate.... It just.... ain't gonna happen. Not in my comfort zone. Weird, us humans, how differently and intensely we are hardwired.  Preferences, prejudisms, etc etc...

It is what it is, but at least I paint it as it is.
I don't try to paint a turd and call it a gold nugget, ya know.


GaGambler623 reads

Anyone who can answer yes to that question goes on my "I am NOT having sex with that person" list. If that makes me prejudiced, so be it.

OTOH, do I care what other people do? Not in the least. Just don't ask me to join in, or watch, or give you "special rights" because of it, or expect me to support changing the English language to make you "feel better about yourself".

What you can expect from me is to treat you like anybody else, no better and no worse. I am a full believer in "equal rights" just don't expect me to support any "special rights"

The huffington post link actually does have sex worker sources in it if you'd bothered to read it.

Once again, I am glad you get it.  

We just call a duck a duck is all.  

Ain't no special ducks around here.  

It wasn't a blanket statement, please refer to a dictionary if you need a source on what a blanket statement is.  

As for the source on TS's having a higher rate of STD infection than genetically born females.  Here are two sources to get you started:  this is from the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL, a non biased gov. group tasked with correlating a variety of statistical data from a huge sample base in order to keep the population informed as to prevent and protect against infectious disease outbreaks.  this is from the Huffington post but cites more scientific sources within it.  

To be clear, I have no problem with gay or transexual people as a whole but I will NOT pretend that their inclusion in this hobby doesn't up the risk of STD infection for the whole group as a whole. Statistics are what they are and you can call me what you want but I have not and will not see african american males, any male under age 30, or any hobbyist that I know to be a client of a gay or transgendered individual.  If you need sources for why I won't see those groups of people I welcome you to check the FBI crime stats by age and race for violent offenders.  

I'm an open minded person and liberal in many ways but I will not put my health or safety at unnecessary risk in a field that is already quite risky enough. That is my right.

Show me the sex worker statistics, and you will have made your case.

It's along the more similar line of,

Escorts have more STD's than civvie gals. Sorry, I ain't buying it.
In my humble opinion sex workers are by far more conscientious and educated, and actually act more on this education that 90% of civvie gals (that I know personally.)

You are entitles to your opinions.  
I never said you weren't.  

The kicker is, you can exclude people by what you think you know about them (or their activities bcd), to "make yourself feel safer," but I guarantee you don't know the half what the clients who pass screening do or have done, the truth of all that is, and probably never will.  

All we can do is protect ourselves.

I'm not knocking you.  
I just asked for sources, again.  


The second source I listed actually does go into detail about sex workers. I invite you to read it before commenting again.

Your stream of consciousness, philosophical gibberish is peppered with thinly veiled insults and I have nothing more to say on the subject. Facts based on empirical evidence are facts and that's the beautiful thing about them.  We'll just have to agree to disagree.

See, when you state facts, you need to state your source.

Yes, we all know gay men have a higher AIDS rate. It is a fact. Has been since the mid 1970's.

I have not once laid my eyes apon any statistics about escorts/prosititutes & AIDS rates, nor any MSM* escort AIDS statistics.
(*That is men who have sex with men, as paraphrased by the CDC. )

Speaking of CDC, this link is actually from 2015, so, yes staggering homosexual AIDS rates, although the young black male MSM age 13-24 range is the most prevalent.  

(No mention of escorts, prostitutes, or the word hooker, trust me, I searched (Ctrl+F) those words.)

Documentation please.

Saying what you "know to be obvious" does not in fact make it true or a fact. As a matter of fact, it is that very same attitude of un-researched "I know everything" attitude that has people wallowing in ignorance, there-by continuing the chain of ignorance.
With google readily available, it astounds me that you posted that.

Please, if we are so ignorant and YOU know SO MUCH, show us, so we can apologize.
I bet I don't see that happening.
But just for shits & giggles, I actually posted my source.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, USA
800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) TTY: (888) 232-6348 - Contact CDC–INFO

Hope that is good enough for YOU.
Please, stop spreading stigma.

I don't have the energy to get in a pissing match with you about this when you clearly have your mind made up. I cited a CDC source in the post above and even just going by that it would be common sense to extrapolate those MASSIVE numbers of STD rates among transgendered men to transgendered men also working as prostitutes. It's not stigma, it's fact.  

You clearly have an agenda here to be spreading misleading stats and info, are you a mentally ill man that cut off his balls and takes daily hormones in an attempt to LOOK like a woman? Sorry, you are still just a mutilated dude in a dress.

Posted By: HannahHeresy
I don't have the energy to get in a pissing match with you about this when you clearly have your mind made up. I cited a CDC source in the post above and even just going by that it would be common sense to extrapolate those MASSIVE numbers of STD rates among transgendered men to transgendered men also working as prostitutes. It's not stigma, it's fact.  
 You clearly have an agenda here to be spreading misleading stats and info, are you a mentally ill man that cut off his balls and takes daily hormones in an attempt to LOOK like a woman? Sorry, you are still just a mutilated dude in a dress.
GaGambler is gonna be so disappointed because I thought I already told him I never had a penis.  
And then there shall be the real fall out..... how disappointed you both will be when I have no Y chromosome.
Ah....Sniff sniff...  
I know he would've loved a new pinata. But, once again, I've evade targeting... Whew!  But.... There's always a new position open for SPOTY or Board Pinata.... Hell, maybe it's you?

Perhaps you don't even understand the words that I used & are ignorant enough to "attempt" to throw my own words back at me, as if they were your own, when CLEARLY you never sited anything (and I'm seriously wondering if you even KNOW what siting means..... (whispering)  It's ok, here's a cookie, you can sit down now.)  

I just asked for a source. Not a pissing contest, dick measuring contest, whatev's....  
Simply a chick who likes FACTS, when people debate/argue, I would like to know where they get their info... So I ask!
No info? Then sorry, I am gonna call B.S. (every... single... time.) That is what discussion boards are for the exchange of ideas, facts, informations,  and opinions.

(FACT) Yes, the homosexual community has a higher percentage of infection of the HIV virus.
As sited by the CDC I posted in my previous post. (Yeah, so I guess those must be the misleading stats you mentioned?)

You made a point to single out the ones of the escort variety & statistics.
I asked for a source, or where you got that info. I don't like anyone picking at anyone unfairly.  
If it were factual, fair enough, proceed. Anything less...  is simply biased ignorant prejudice.  

I take my licks like a grown ass woman.  
I suggest you learn to do the same instead of trying to question my sexuality and/or gender, and my mental condition? Taking personal jabs at me? LOLOLOLOL REALLY??  

I have plenty of reviewers who will attest to just whom, what, and how I am, so that I need not do so.
You want to tangle with me? I think not. I wasn't making it personal. You didn't need to try that.
Good try though.

But I do thankyou.  

It's chicks like you.... that make my level of BSC look smaller & smaller on the bell curve....  

Take care now!


YOU don't know its fact unless you were the one to actually publish the statistics paired with you being in every medical facility and reporting each STD there was along with some other variables I'm sure I'm missing at the moment. Then there still would be the cases of untreated thus undocumented STD cases out there. Carry on though. As if anything touched by humans cannot be manipulated. Why would they you ask? Why the fuck do humans manipulate a lot of things! I am not saying that's the case here but if you are going to call yourself open-minded, let's really open it up. Don't half ass it!

There is one true fact that still remains. You will never know the full steps and path of any soul who you meet for a brief second or seconds in time. If you meet them past that 30 mark you spoke of and actually spent everyday with them until they or you die, you would never know for sure. Humans love closets. Past, present and those yet to be explored. It's nice, dark, warm and cozy in them places and to many, kind of a blast I would think. Oh my. Provocative. They love having their secrets, even away from those close to them. You as a companion to a client, isn't even what most would consider in the ballpark of being close to one another. Soooo, if you do come back to this hobby and stay away from the TS loving fellows, youngsters and blackies, ummmmmm, you may want some of your categories on your profile to change. I'm just sayin. Oops, sayinG.

Mentally ill man? What would you know about the mind of a man or better said woman born as a man who decides to go that route? I'm just asking since you seem to be this superhuman of sorts with abilities not known by science or anything of this world. At least none I have found. You have an url for that? A Signature spot in the webosphere where this can be found. Proof of these superhuman abilities to know what goes on in the minds of other human beings whom you are not like in any way in a sexual/gender identity capacity. Take your time. The World Wide Web is very vast I must admit. Maybe you can produce this evidence of such skills. Suppose it's a part of the "Dark Web" along with your credentials. Come back and discuss when you have and only when you have.

If hermaphodites exist in nature, then you may want to open your mind truly up and examine just how juvenile and void of sense that last statement is you wrote. How incomplete and really void it is of empathy or at least truly seeking empathy. Come on, let's get deep up in here since you think you're so intelligent. Now let me be careful here and ask a question: Was that last statement just a joke?

An open-minded person wouldn't dare write that last statement. They wouldn't think it nor feel it thus say it or write it unless they were acting and gettig paid to be a dumbass "character" in Hollywood. This ain't Hollywood even though sometimes it really should be considered a part of it. You're just a closet pc bigot but I'm glad people like you exist. Gives this world balance. I much more respect the ones who don't fumble with it like you did in your responses though. Let your bigotry shine bright. Don't put it in second place behind stats and supposed reasoning. It belongs in first if it exists at all. Don't you agree?!!

Get out and live fellow one. I mean really get out. Don't just rely on statistics that a lot of times leave out pertinent and hard to research or purposely left out of research variables to hide your bigotry and inexperience with the human race.  

I've moved on now, so if you read this, no need to respond if you think you will be talking to me. You can write to talk to anyone who will read your message or for the sake of TER archives :)

You've been served. Wipe your mouth young one and don't talk with it full. And I am not talking about youth in regards to years living on this earth and I'm not talking about full in regards to undigested food. Just the digested form.

This has been an impromptu performance brought to you by E Productions. Guess what the E stands for. It's up to you to know what is meant as comedy and what is not, what to listen to and what to not. The comedic portions of this message are only included because I so love the humor humans such as yourself bestow to me and thus I feel obligated and moved to return the favor. Plus as I have read many times, it's just a Fuck Board playa. The rest is because you're too inadequate in thought and empathy. Find the stats for that disease. It is surely the most crippling and the one we should all judge and FEAR.

One last thing: Sexuality is one of the most powerful forces in our universe. People don't just play with it.

Have a TS Lover, under 30, blacky day. That was part of my comedic routine just so you know ;) I'm practicing.

Posted By: HannahHeresy
I don't have the energy to get in a pissing match with you about this when you clearly have your mind made up. I cited a CDC source in the post above and even just going by that it would be common sense to extrapolate those MASSIVE numbers of STD rates among transgendered men to transgendered men also working as prostitutes. It's not stigma, it's fact.  
 You clearly have an agenda here to be spreading misleading stats and info, are you a mentally ill man that cut off his balls and takes daily hormones in an attempt to LOOK like a woman? Sorry, you are still just a mutilated dude in a dress.

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