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STPhomer 176 Reviews 548 reads

Might have been on the porn board.....maybe general.

Consensus seemed to be drink plenty of pineapple juice.
As for volume, eat walnut

For the women, so does what guys eat change the taste of cum? If so what do you like the guy to eat before?

Might have been on the porn board.....maybe general.

Consensus seemed to be drink plenty of pineapple juice.
As for volume, eat walnut

hen it comes to cum, some culinary truths exist. (At least, for me!)

The worst:

Pack-a-day cum. Smoker's breath translates to smoker's cum. Horrible, sharp and acrid. The kind you want to swallow immediately... no playing with it, swirling it your mouth, or any other sexy play.

Caveman cum. Guys who eat lots of red meat and fatty foods. Hate to say this, but if you've smelled meat on the verge of going bad, you can imagine the taste.

Coors cum. Often paired with caveman cum for a unique taste combination.

The best:

Mid-life crisis cum. A fellow who's trying to keep his belt size down with a balanced diet that includes fruit and veggies. A mild to slightly salty concoction that goes down smooth.

Whole Foods cum. An organic diet, light on the meat, heavy on the clean fruits and veggies. The results? Two words. Yum-mee.

Vegetarian cum. What does a man's preference for pineapple, coconut, and lots of water do for your average provider? Makes her beg for more!  

Hope you found my tongue-in-cheek look at this topic fun and enlightening-- I had fun swirling it around in my brain.



Way to incentivize men to eat healthily! Not only does it make you more attractive it makes us beg for a CIM finish!  

Posted By: Tabu
 When it comes to cum, some culinary truths exist. (At least, for me!)  
 The worst:  
 Pack-a-day cum. Smoker's breath translates to smoker's cum. Horrible, sharp and acrid. The kind you want to swallow immediately... no playing with it, swirling it your mouth, or any other sexy play.  
 Caveman cum. Guys who eat lots of red meat and fatty foods. Hate to say this, but if you've smelled meat on the verge of going bad, you can imagine the taste.  
 Coors cum. Often paired with caveman cum for a unique taste combination.  
 The best:  
 Mid-life crisis cum. A fellow who's trying to keep his belt size down with a balanced diet that includes fruit and veggies. A mild to slightly salty concoction that goes down smooth.  
 Whole Foods cum. An organic diet, light on the meat, heavy on the clean fruits and veggies. The results? Two words. Yum-mee.  
 Vegetarian cum. What does a man's preference for pineapple, coconut, and lots of water do for your average provider? Makes her beg for more!  
 Hope you found my tongue-in-cheek look at this topic fun and enlightening-- I had fun swirling it around in my brain.  

Beg for CIM, um...nope. I don't beg for anything thank you..

It's a figure of speech, darling... and I speak only for myself. If a fellow's cum is delicious, I absolutely LOVE it.

happy sucking,


Posted By: ladyrose317537
Beg for CIM, um...nope. I don't beg for anything thank you..

Posted By: 1Bigr
For the women, so does what guys eat change the taste of cum? If so what do you like the guy to eat before?

I just tell the people at the store that I really miss living in Hawaii when they comment about the number of Pineapples I eat

And if they are not in season ... Jumex Mexican Pineapple Juice - Jugo de Piña - is the SHIT! ...

Posted By: miamidolls

Line in song that girls should listen to once they get to "dancing" age;P~~~
Just like learning to play a musical instrument--uh, trumpet, etc. blowing it just right  to make it respond takes practice, practice, practice;P~~  

Which reminds me:))  Probably preaching to the choir here on TER, butt still hear some guys moan in pain about it in their reviews, soooo, gotta say it----NO CBJs!, which cause the pleasurable sounds to be muted:((  

BBBJs 101: O how I remember those ladies who played my instrument so sweetly that I had a glimpse of Heaven when my "trumpet" blew it's pineapple laden notes;P~~~
For you ladies who do not like the taste of pineapple, there is a better way to compose a hit musical interlude than throwing those sensation-killing covers over a guy's instrument!!!
1. "Remember what your knees are for..."
2. Object of your affection is uncovered and twitching in anticipation of being played...
3. Movie, on T.V./Computer is playing in color of sweet, sweet ladies swallowing the whole thing... clearly visible to your "victim:))", whose guy eyes are going back and forth between your boo ful face and the ladies doing the real thing on the screen...
4. Your sweet mouth is being a potty mouth, i.e. talking dirty, dirty, while your lovely eyes are staring into his..
5. Your tongue---extremely important in getting just the right sounds from any instrument being blown---is washing the shaft, and boys in the band(shaved pls), BUTT...
6. NOT going over the end of the barrel, so to speak, just using a lot of pressure, mostly UP, while your lil handy girls are busy tickling the boys and helping Tonya Tongue with the pressure.
7. Should not take long to get the pineapple juice a flowing;P~~~~ AND you don't have to drink it, for you who are allergic to it, BUTT a lot better for the guy's instrument than being given claustrophobia in those stinking guy party hats:((
8. Class dismissed---lil blonde cutie by the pond wanna do some home work:)

I've always heard Pinapple Juice for the guys like others have mentioned. And I eat a clean, 100% organic diet at home, and I get compliments all the time on my taste. :-D

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