
The Trustworthy do the right thing when you are watching....regular_smile
MasterZen 33 Reviews 121 reads

those with Integrity continue to do so when you are not.

Thanks for showing integrity there, Marie!  

I've often considered doing things like you mention, and mostly stop short of doing so for the reasons you mention. I can say however, that there are some women in this world that I would trust with just about anything and who have earned that level of trust.

At this point, there are a few ladies I have known long and well enough to trust so implicitly. Top of that list for me is MatureGFE Stephanie. Thanks, Steph!  

I'm convinced that most of us are not in this to cause trouble or to hurt one another, and are inherently trustworthy. It just takes time and effort to get to know each other well enough to be able to comfortably extend that trust.  

Here's hoping I get to know more of you wonderful ladies well enough to be so comfortable.

While most parents tuck their children in at night and read them stories like Good Night Moon or Where the Wild Things Are. My dad told me this..... disturbing story. It's moral was.....Don't trust anybody not even your own father. My father never let me down...ever, but his words were pretty true. You can't trust everyone out there. Which leads me to my story.....

Some of you know, I don't tour and I don't have cable. It's fair to say, I'm behind on many, fashion (I fell off that train a long time ago), current events, news, politics..... Ok, now my story... I got an offer to go to a larger city for a REALLY exciting sexual encounter (which is another post all in itself). The gentleman who arranged it and who doesn't really know me well, offered the hotel room to me so I could see a larger city for an evening.  Wow! It happened to be on Friday, Inaugural Day, so you better believe I took him up on his offer. Also, I LOVE hotel rooms! Folks...I had an amazing sexual encounter and got to watch history in the making on cable. It was an incredible day!!!  

But lets think about this. What that gentleman did was over the top generous. So many things could have gone wrong...

#1 I could have decided to tour with the room being in his name (I ain't no saint. I thought about it)

#2 I could have thrown a loud and disruptive party

#3 I could have broken or damaged something in the room

#4 I could have rented the room out for half the price to another provider

#5 I could have ordered everything on menu from room service for myself and the ginormous  group of party goers I invited over and charged it to the card holding the room

I can't begin to tell you all how grateful I am for the experience I had on Friday. It was amazing! BUT PLEASE! be careful who you trust out there. While it was a great time for me, if could have been a horrible experience for the gentleman who trusted me in his room.

Be careful out there you all! Let's continue to keep the hobby fun!!!!

from your stellar reputation in hobbyland that he could trust you.  But your words are very true and caution should be taken.  I've been in similar situations where I met a lady for outcall in a room in  my name.  Even though the lady was an atf who I had known for years, I did not leave her the room.  What if she got busted in MY room, could I be liable for a pimping charge?

And what if she got busted and there were drugs in the room....or if she was working with someone underage???? Then what? The ripple affect could be frightening.  

Me thinks I just shot myself in the foot. No more rooms with cable for me :(

Posted By: doncord
from your stellar reputation in hobbyland that he could trust you.  But your words are very true and caution should be taken.  I've been in similar situations where I met a lady for outcall in a room in  my name.  Even though the lady was an atf who I had known for years, I did not leave her the room.  What if she got busted in MY room, could I be liable for a pimping charge?

Marie your points are very astute and taken out of context are incredibly wise advise. I am sure that when this gentleman arranged for the room, likely decorated it with red roses and arranged for a playtime all will remember for ever, he did so specifically for and with you. Yes he took a chance that could have horribly gone wrong but he likely trusted his intuition as he had likely visited with you before. He likely sensed your inherent values of caring deeply for others and your empathy for all. Yes he took a chance but as it's said, nothing ventured nothing gained. I'm sure the glee he saw on your face from the moment when the president left the whitehouse all the way through your escapades was a gained memory for a lifetime. Yes he likely took a chance but I am certain he would take that chance again not with just anyone, but certainly with you!

those with Integrity continue to do so when you are not.

Thanks for showing integrity there, Marie!  

I've often considered doing things like you mention, and mostly stop short of doing so for the reasons you mention. I can say however, that there are some women in this world that I would trust with just about anything and who have earned that level of trust.

At this point, there are a few ladies I have known long and well enough to trust so implicitly. Top of that list for me is MatureGFE Stephanie. Thanks, Steph!  

I'm convinced that most of us are not in this to cause trouble or to hurt one another, and are inherently trustworthy. It just takes time and effort to get to know each other well enough to be able to comfortably extend that trust.  

Here's hoping I get to know more of you wonderful ladies well enough to be so comfortable.

Thanks MasterZen. I am relatively new here and I get the same vibe from Stephanie. She has always been kind and generous with me. But when Stephanie comes out to play  wow.

-- Modified on 6/28/2017 12:43:48 PM

I'm honored to know you hold me in such high regard.  Ditto and then some!~

Steph xoxo

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