
THe boy will need a crash cart -e-teeth_smile
Roadshow2 30 Reviews 362 reads


No really. I walked into a bar this evening to grab some dinner, have a few beverages, pass some time... and this was sitting right in front of me on the bar. (And yes this is hobby related) ;-)

Funny right?


Gabby, You bad. Good bad, but bad.
Sleek, compact, and cute. Yep, that's a Tonkatoy.

And yes hobby related indeed!!! Wink! Now my tummy hurts from laughing!!

Thank you!!!


Girrrl you have no idea-LMAO! She's a "Once In A Lifetime" I'll do more than once in this lifetime!



I bought my grandson a Tonka Truck for Christmas and I couldnt help but think of Miss Toy.  Gave the whole idea of the Toy dept a new thought process.  

As far as the trio of Gabby, Steph and Tonka???  I am not man enough to handle those 3 at once.  I have seen all three of you and damn I would be dead for sure.  A man must know his limitations.  The passion of Gabby, the sensualness of Steph and the sheer energy of Tonka.....  I think forfun has bitten off more than he can chew.

amen to that brother.....I have not had ALL the experiences you mention above, but close enough to know that forfun may need oxygen...

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