
That sucks, LB...
2labman 26 Reviews 433 reads

You're way too much fun to leave alone like that.  The client should at least reimburse you for expenses; that was a tremendously shitty thing to do.

Vent all you want, girl.  You've got good reason to be pissed off.

For one, I'm a hott number!! I'm a dam good lay in the sack... I'm kind, I'm sexy, I'm smart,  there's absolutely nothing that a man wants that I don't have!!!!! I am a great lover and a great dam woman.., I will NEVER understand how rude men can be to ask a lady to come out to Charlotte then cancel on her, WHEN IM ON MY WAY!!!!  

Frankly I've never In my life been so disgusted by clients, not respecting my time and not valuing me... I had to get this off my chest n I will not be so quick to make myself available for anyone anymore!!!


I'm sorry ya'll  I'm just totally venting!!! Ugh!!!!!

You are all of those thngs and so much more Sammy! Not any way to treat a lady for sure!!!!

Posted By: Little-Bit-GFE
For one, I'm a hott number!! I'm a dam good lay in the sack... I'm kind, I'm sexy, I'm smart,  there's absolutely nothing that a man wants that I don't have!!!!! I am a great lover and a great dam woman.., I will NEVER understand how rude men can be to ask a lady to come out to Charlotte then cancel on her, WHEN IM ON MY WAY!!!!  
 Frankly I've never In my life been so disgusted by clients, not respecting my time and not valuing me... I had to get this off my chest n I will not be so quick to make myself available for anyone anymore!!!  
 I'm sorry ya'll  I'm just totally venting!!! Ugh!!!!!

and LB you have every right to get it off your chest.  You are correct, it is not right to cancel like that.  Like I said they REALLY have no clue what they are missing.  You are such awesome fun!!  Will look for you when you come back to Raleigh

You're way too much fun to leave alone like that.  The client should at least reimburse you for expenses; that was a tremendously shitty thing to do.

Vent all you want, girl.  You've got good reason to be pissed off.

Sorry Kid. The "not respecting" of your time thing is very disrespectful and inexcusable. The worst part is the BS you get told to justify it. Like you're supposed to believe it.

.....and anger.  This experience didn't happen to me in the Carolinas though (Minneapolis). Go thinking you're booked up and then BAM .... mass cancellations on the way (on the plane) and also when you get there with many of them being 2-3hrs before the date is to begin. Sucks balls (also the reason I created a cancellation policy after not having one for so long).

-- Modified on 6/10/2014 9:57:17 PM

and it's too late to cancel the hotel-sigh.

And @ LB, I'm sure some guys are now on your personal DSN-EVER list! Sending out a hug to you girlie!


wow. what a waste. In any city im sure you wont have a hard time finding someone that cant resist time with you.

I think he owes you.   I have always dreaded cancellations.   I have had ladies offer to come here and I usually tell them no I will go to them just because if something crazy happens it isnt as bad. Only had to cancel 3 times over the years.  

One thing though,  since I started doing photographs professionally I get a lot of last minute cancel and reschedule by the ladies. And not just once but more than once with some.  It can just piss a person off and I understand the pain.

...his appointment with another provider to come see me that same day.  Oh yeah, that really makes me want to see you now, I get really turned on by guys that screw over my fellow providers--lmao. I sent her a text and he ended up spending the night with Ms. Rosie Palms.  

Of course, crap just happens sometimes. I had a client get into a car accident. I've had clients that have had to cancel last minute because they got held back at work, but they always make it up to me on the next appointment or they send me a gift card.

Took me a second to figure out Rosie Palms ... good one! Your humor (among other things) always gets me!

Firstly, I am so sorry about this happening to you... Seriously fucks with ones emotions I am sure.
And this is why.... after so many requests and even me chewing on the bone for a while, about going out of town (meaning out of the woods) to come to Raleigh or Charlotte, is such a big bone to chew on.  
Every single thread I read between here int he Carolinas, in the ladies room, or even on "other sites" (trust me men, there's plenty of them.) But every time I hear about a "tour gone bad" I get the overwhelming feeling perhaps I am planning something that will not be fruitful.  
See men, when you do this SHIT, not only do you fuck up the first provider, you could be blacklisted in the hooker database, AND the next hooker isn't going to be tempted to come there (location) AND even if she did, she'll be screening and see what you did.
It's behavior like THIS that makes the hobby world .... ugh.  
No better phrase for it.

See what ya'll make a gal have to look forward to?
Not to nice, eh?
Very inspiring.
Yes, also why we are "forced" to make cancellation policies, so on & so forth.
If we tend to get bitchy, it ain't just because "we're about to start our periods."

Pardon my snarkiness, but I thought I'd point that out, in all honesty.
There really is a domino effect.

Lil Bit, do not fear doll, your sterling reputation proceeds you.
It will get better.
I wish I had some classy, smart advise to give you, but I don't.
Just keep your chin up!


Posted By: Little-Bit-GFE
For one, I'm a hott number!! I'm a dam good lay in the sack... I'm kind, I'm sexy, I'm smart,  there's absolutely nothing that a man wants that I don't have!!!!! I am a great lover and a great dam woman.., I will NEVER understand how rude men can be to ask a lady to come out to Charlotte then cancel on her, WHEN IM ON MY WAY!!!!  
 Frankly I've never In my life been so disgusted by clients, not respecting my time and not valuing me... I had to get this off my chest n I will not be so quick to make myself available for anyone anymore!!!  
 I'm sorry ya'll  I'm just totally venting!!! Ugh!!!!!

it happens to the guys too. The street goes both ways. Sometimes it's legit. Sometimes it's BS. But if a gent gets on TER and says that he got stood up by a lady then all hell breaks lose !!! It's a no win situation.

One time I drove to a city 2 hours away only to be texted within 15 minutes of the appointment that she had to cancel ...... & yes, I did confirm BEFORE I left my fair city.

On another occasion, I used business as an excuse to go out of town and I flew to a city to see a certain well known provider. I spoke to her on the phone the day before I left and all was good. I arrived and emailed her only to get the dreaded "so sorry hun, I have to cancel ....." reply. As you put it .... "Ugh" !!!! Plane tickets aren't cheap.

Yes it sucks. Yes I was disappointed. Maybe somewhat frustrated. But it does happen and the few bad times have never been what I have focused on. They could NEVER outshine all of the outstanding memories I have made with some special friends that have made this hobby so much fun !!!  

Just my 2 cents ......... which probably isn't worth much !!! ;

Charlotte I luv you guys and the town and have had some great experiences, but it's true, I have had the same happen to me where people would beg me to come down and when I do I get several cancellations and I'm left high and dry . . just a gentle nudge to think about guys, no harsh criticism though, I know things come up but if you try a little harder, you might see us more often down here . . We got the goods, you just need to show your stuff ;)


And that would be the reason I very rarely ever go to Charlotte anymore. It's a reoccuring issue for me and a few other providers I'm friends with. But then once I leave I'll get non stop texts about how they miss me and want to see me.. Whatever, over it lol. :) I have one, MAYBE two more visits through Charlotte until I move away this Summer so I hope the boys jump on the band wagon. :)


Hey, just does happen to you. Set an appointment with provided, showed up on time and made call to get room number and she never answered. Called three times and a text with no response.  Hate that you get cancellations but just doesn't happen to providers; and then no apology, thanks Mandy!!

That is what you can expect with BP hoes!  I have stayed away from BP because of this kind of crap!

Hope to see you At the Mansion soon!  You deserve to be treated like the Good Lady you are!

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