
Take is seriously
SCBodyRub 13 Reviews 672 reads

I would take it seriously... If you have an LEO friend.... If this was sent via email and they were not very smart, the header information on the original email message may give a clue about where they are from. Of course a lot of hobbyists use methods to disguise where they are from or who they are. But maybe this unfortunate soul doesn't know these tricks.

Anyway... Good Luck and sorry this creep is harassing you.

Merry Christmas to you and all hobbyists and providers

Hey :) Hope everyone is having an outstanding Christmas thus far!! I am very fortunate and thankful I can provide an amazing Christmas for my family this year.. Soo its been a great way to end 2o14... AND Im eXXXcited to see what 2015 brings to us all..

Anyways, I need some advice... Ive been getting these emails from some sort of monster! Apparently they think that 'prostitutes should die'... I dont know if this is a threat or what? But Im not so sure I should just ignore it, or take it as a threat to my life...

They attached pics of murdered women (Im only ataching the link):

And they attached a pic of the earth and where hell is (im only attaching the link):

“Whoremongers and fornicators shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” – Revelation 2

I replied back:  
"This is horrible.. WtF Are you sending me this??? You have problems.. Is this communicating threats to me? "

Then they replied back:
"Hell is not a threat. It is a promise for the wicked.
"You are of your father the devil and the lusts of your
father you will do. If you do not repent you will die
in your sins" - Jesus
"The wicked shall be cast into hell" - Psalm 9
"Prostitutes full of wickedness" - Leviticus 19"

I dont know what this is, but can someone help me get to the bottom of it? Puts a cold wind up my neck, I dont like this at all..............I wold like to see if we can find them? Or whatever.. .

Merry Christmas, I hope everyone is blessed!!!


I would take it seriously... If you have an LEO friend.... If this was sent via email and they were not very smart, the header information on the original email message may give a clue about where they are from. Of course a lot of hobbyists use methods to disguise where they are from or who they are. But maybe this unfortunate soul doesn't know these tricks.

Anyway... Good Luck and sorry this creep is harassing you.

Merry Christmas to you and all hobbyists and providers

Sending these fire and brimstone emails. He's harmless, hundreds of ladies have been on the receiving end of these.
just delete, block and have a Merry Christmas!

Agreed. I've read about this religious nut here on TER. He apparently gets provider's emails from online sites, which he only goes to in order to do God's work, which is to scare providers. He has been around for years and I wouldn't worry about him. He's the same kind of religious nut that you see in the Westborro Baptist Church assholes protesting at military funerals. Tabu is correct. Just block him. It's douche bags like him that make me thank God I'm an Athesist. :) Merry Christmas!

AuggyDoggy704 reads

The worst possible thing would be to engage with him. I agree with those who say block and forget.

unfortunately, people like him (or perhaps her) have been around for ages, and are not even worth one second of our time.  

 Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but trying to force them on others is and always has been a curse on the entire world.   Thank goodness that for everyone of "them", there are thousands of others who understand the real meaning of Christmas and do not judge or condemn each other.

With this hobby and how much we put ourselves out there your bound to run into a few crazies.  
Responding is just feeding him, your better off not. Ive got a few e-mails and I always save them just in case anything comes of it. Nothing ever has though.  
It sounds like this person has been around for a while and sticks to sending e-mails. If your spidey sense starts tingling though, step up your screening, don't hesitate to pass up appointments and be careful.

I love the hypocritical nature of zealots like these.  I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't act this way on his Father's behalf.

The truth is Jesus spent more time with prostitutes than he did religious zealots. Always cared for and loved on them. Actually showed them the one thing they maybe couldn't get from other men... A true love that had nothing to do with their trade. They were simply people to Him.

This nut almost ran another girl completely away. I think her name started with an A but I can not remember it. They created so many web hits that a search for her stage name had their site on the first page, which is really their main goal.

Maybe you shouldnt have told him that you ALWAYS write, "All the best, J.Christ" in every free bible you find in hotel rooms as a joke ...  

Oh wait, I'm the one that does that, nevermind.

Maybe you shouldnt have told him that you ALWAYS write, "All the best, J.Christ" in every free bible you find in hotel rooms as a joke ...  
 Oh wait, I'm the one that does that, nevermind.

Yeah, I got that a long time ago. I didn't even delete it. I plan on one day when I am feeling ornery, to write him a long and prolific email about being judgmental. LOL! I love it when people want to cast "stones"....

But since we're all going to hell ANYWAYS... LOL!

I'd rather hang with the cool people anyway ...

... I actually have gotten these before but it wasnt quite this dramatic.. Last time I thought it mightve been someone I knew possibly.. Also there wasnt explicit murder threats.. It was different.........

Like someone said, I may burn in hell but Ill have the best stories luv ya..


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