
Re:Your other reviews are just fine, sweetie. Anyone who's looking will see ...
timeoff 8 Reviews 5660 reads

when I look at reviews I look at all of them as a whole. One bad one will not ruin you. And, to play on coochmeisters words, don't sweat the small stuff, pet the sweaty stuff."

I just received a review that was from February and I am pissed. I just started doing incall for my repeat customers during valentine's day and continued on. I have had many repeat clients even up to this week and also several new ones. Most of the new ones I have been accepting lately are business men with the own places so it is getting harder for me to guess who this idiot is. He says I have bad botton teeth are slightly crowded but my tops ones are cosmetic. I go to the dentist and get the white fillings too.  He says that my face is weird and that I talk to much about myself.  Most of my dates talk a lot too as I like finding things out about my clients to make things personal so that they will feel like they are with their girlfriend.

I got VIP membership again and have noticed that this idiot has a low opinion of everyone except for one provider. No matter how many positions or how much you do, none of that matters. I allow most guys 2 cups unless they have problems getting the coffee started. One guy did that at his own location and I had to try my best at putting on a show and stay twice as long.

Although I want to put a fist through my computer at this poor review, I realize that I made most of my "dates" that month near best buy and at the waffle house so I am asking TER if this idiot put the wrong date in.

I am asking for all others to look at my other reviews amd the majority of them have people who hobby to other females although I am helping many newbies into the hobby w/ the dinner date.

I hope I haven't offended anyone but the worse looking guys and the worst clients demand the most and expect Cindy Crawford where the better looking guys treat you the best in this hobby.

You're not gonna please everybody, and if most of your reviews are good then guys will not pay attention to one bad one. Don't take it personally, this is too tough a business to let one bad review get you down.

I is just that I feel that a client should say something if he is upset b/c if you allow a guy two cups and he complains that you weren't enthusiastic, he might want to check his B.O. or what he is saying to you while you are together.  They need a Ladies Only Board here so we can ask these questions.

... that the one bad one is the "odd one out," so to speak.  Don't sweat the small stuff, nobody is loved by everybody.

jackandthebeanstalk6880 reads

Well,with that attitude,I can only wish you were in Raleigh.A lady that upset by one bad review has Got to be a must see.

when I look at reviews I look at all of them as a whole. One bad one will not ruin you. And, to play on coochmeisters words, don't sweat the small stuff, pet the sweaty stuff."

I have never seen you, and would never make a statement generalizing how you might be or how your performance might be.

What bothers me is your generalization about the "worst looking guys" and the "best looking guys", and how they treat the ladies.

I know I am probably in the "worst looking: half of the field, but I have always tried to treat every provider like a lady and with the utmost respect. I have met many wonderful ladies who I have seen on repeat times. Even in those few times where my experience varied and perhaps wasn't up to the standards of most customers (at least according to a consensus of reviews available), I never let the lady know of my dis-satisfaction or dis-pleasure. Or at least I tried to not show it.

In some of those cases the "sub-par" performance seemed to be caused by the  providers reaction to my looks, and was immediately put off. That can really hurt, and even if they attempt to put on a good front and provide a successful session, it makes a difference.

These reactions and feelings are human nature, and I totally understand them.

What I don't like is to put in a category of "bad customers" by association because of my looks. I know I am not Tom Cruise, and never will be. But I have always and always will treat every lady as just that - a lady. I will always respect each and every one of you, and ask the same in return.

Please think of the entire situation before making such broad stroke generalizations, as I don't think you really meant to hurt anyone's feelings. But to classify a customer as a bad one for a reason like his looks, is the same as saying he is a bad customer because he is a certain color, or has a certain job, or belongs to a certain religion, etc. etc. etc.

Respect and love to all of us...


my definition of good looking client :
nice, clean clothes, light cologne, in decent shape (not rolls of fat) clean teeth, clean nails, a clean coffeemaker, combed hair, nice manners.

I have had clients who made it past the first date and then come for the second smelling nasty or chewing tobacco. Not very tasty. I also love men who trim the hedges.

I just have noticed that men who take care of themselves, their car, their clothes tend to understand that we are worth our price. They don't try to get freebies or bargain with you. I had one guy make an appt and I warned him I was outcall b/c of family stuff and he tried to give me my fee minus the place he got for himself for business.

sorry if I offended anyone

dank1ne9502 reads

WELL, thanks for the info on who you want to see as clients.  I am older than most of the gents in this hobby and certainly am not a great looking guy,  but you willll nevvver find a lady that would say anything other than what a true gentleman I am.  Certainly ladies are at a disadvantage in this business.  They post photos of themselves and are more often than not chosen because of their appearance.  Most of the time they have no idea how the gent looks until they see him for the first time.  However, keep in mind that it is the hobbiest who pays the bill.

Since I would not be a good movie star, I attempt to make up for that, according to you, shortcoming by being a non demanding gentleman.  I often bring flowers and use humor to get a smile.  

More than likely, some of the statements that you made were partially due to the fact that you were upset.  However, I have found that when a person is unhappy, they show the true self.  Don't worry, you won't have to go thru the pain of making my acquaintance

has a certain job, or belongs to a certain religion, etc. etc. etc.

Does it freak anyone else out when you get a client who says he is a cop from Nevada (where it is legal) or a preacher who pays and spends the hours trying to get you to accept Jesus Christ?

they seem too desperate - "do anything" party gals, or too unreal. don't forget - real beauty has a flaw - the charm that endears people

I myself have a review written by the same gentleman. I also have read another review on here that I felt was inaccurate. I was upset, and spoke to the reviewer, and after awhile I forgot about it. I realized that the guys that know me...know me. Reviews do not make or break you, I would say attitude and honesty are more important. I do not agree with the notion that more handsome men understand our needs more than "the average joe". I believe that everyone deserves the same level of service regardless of a few extra lbs. Because I hold myself to a certain level of fitness does not mean I will only see "Arnold". I did have a client in the past that I would call extremely overweight. I made sure that I treated him like a king, afterall I am providing a service. In my personal life I have certain qualities I look for in a sexycarolina I am always going to please my clients and make sure they feel that pleasure. With regard to my reviews I would say they are accurate. If I have one beef in this hobby it would be the lack of consideration of those who do not feel it important enough to pick up the phone and cancel...I recall driving clear from Roanoke to Myrtle Beach to help another provider, changing my schedule to accommadate her..this after sev emails and phone calls...she never showed and she never returned my call...I actually was very concerned for her safety...but she showed unprofessionalism by not calling..ever!!! Decency, respect, and honesty will take you farther in life.

I knew so many providers in florida that got cancellations that I decided to skip traveling outside Charleston. Hurts my wallet a little but I keep this a profitable hobby.

I hate men who expect me to be Cindy Crawford and point out every flaw I have on a review (bad teeth when mine are yellow/white from mountain dew) and when I look at them...they come to me unbathed and nastier than the guys who think I am pretty on this board.

I am trying to understand here...I live up to my expectations...they are high, very high...I learned a long time ago not to expect the  same from others... I think I know what men expect of me, honesty, discretness, cleanliness, attentiveness to their needs, fun!! If there are other needs, they are discussed.A question for you ...Do you treat the guys that are nasty, nasty? or do you treat them like the guys that are hot? Are you cold to nasty men and hot to GQ men? Do both types pay the rent?  bottom line, you have choices as to who you spend time with. From reading your reviews you seem to get to see the men usually before the pre-screen them at malls etc?

Mary, is this you?? You are very inciteful. It comes from some intelligent thought!!! Go girl!

I prescreen the guys but not all private sessions are done the same day. Some men want to see me around midnight so I have a lunch date in a safe environment before letting them know where my incall is. These guys are nice and clean on the dates and then come to me for the private session looking and smelly any old way.

Also, you can tell on a lunch date if someone isn't washing down there and I hate it when a guy grabs my hair and tries to force my head down like I am some piece of trash.

If a man comes to me nice and clean, it is so easier to be with him since I do have a strong sense of smell. Men who come to me clean tend to treat me very lovingly not like some trailer trash which hurts my feelings.

I might be in this hobby but I don't appreciate being called a W. or other things just some guys is paying me.

I will do turn those guys down on the second date when they call back again.

MY site asks for clean professional acting GENTLEMEN not nasty foul mouth selfish pigs

I must see different clients. I have never had a Gentleman force my head down like a piece of trash. As far as cleanliness, when I was a newbie, I had a fella who had some cleanliness issue...I could not complete the service...I was unsure of how to approach it...but I have since learned that a shower can be offered, or I do the housekeeping...other than the one instance all of my men are well groomed gents who are looking for a GFE.
I am wondering, if you don't mind me asking...why are you still so angry? How many men do you think might be offended by your description of "nasty foul mouth selfish pigs"?
I have many clients in Charleston and I have not come across one like you have described.

Hey, you are absolutely correct. Not to put down middle income men, or those who aren't of GQ looks, but the worst clients, those who are not model material themselves, and often a far cry from it, are generally the most critical.
I had a client 3 yrs ago who said he made $65,000 a year... when I went to his place it was a trailer park and a run down one at that. LOL He had no car and admitted to having lost his license to DUI. He gives me $100 (my rate was $150) and then emails me a few days later saying I was "the ugliest fattest skank he had ever met" and that I had body odor and my p---y stank. This man had BEGGED to see me for 6 months, and has seen my pictures. Um, hello... you can see from my pics I am not 100 pounds, but to say I stink was uncalled for. I have never had anyone say I smell. Take it from me, redneck trash themselves are not anything special, so they exaggerate any flaws on the girl. I had a review in January that didn;t even make sense. on my appearance he gave me a 4 "okay if your drunk" but then said in the review I was "attractive". of course... he said my pu--y smelled. I think these losers just toss in an extra insult (true or not) for good measure.
Ignore the azzholes.

"Take it from me, redneck trash themselves are not anything special, so they exaggerate any flaws on the girl."

Needless to say, what you are working with there is someone who HAS to search for someone "lower" than them to justify their existence. Just say, "hey, why'd you pick me?"

I feel like asking them that but most of the time, I just keep switching positions and talking to them and keeping myself as busy as possible until they get their pop. Then I make sure never to see them again by always being busy.  

Note to anyone I do call...If I call you back, you are still loved by me..are schedules just keep conflicting. Terry...that definately means you :D

Rin Tin Tin5296 reads

you must be extremely intelligent!!!!!! It took me four years to get one degree(a BS), another two years to get a Master's degree, and another two years to get a PhD. You make me feel retarded.
What are your degrees in? And the diplomas, what are they in?
I admire you, I don't see many girls with your knowledge!!!!

I guess some people are slower than others
really 4yrs for a BS ??

It takes 4 semesters to get an A.A --you can get one quicker if you took pre-calculus and advanced english courses in high school. You can get a 2yr degree in one year by taking 15-18 courses a semester and starting after high school. After you get an A.A. you can take higher math and science and get an A.S and then take lots of programs at Trident to make you well rounded including art, medical, and computers.

I wasn't interested in attending a 4yr college b/c I couldn't figure out what to major in so I went back to Trident and took nursing (was disgusting), massage therapy and computer classes. I also took music classes and am currently enrolling in private language courses to study abroad since I have always wanted to travel Europe. Has anyone else taken classes from Berlitz?

when you are 18, you don't need sleep and when you do need sleep you can fall asleep to White Zombie being blasted from your stereo at full volume

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