
Re:TER vs The other BoarD
JimmyPW 58 Reviews 5285 reads

Hey, do not pay any attention to the O2, he is a real pervert, comes to Atlanta , picks up one of my ATFs, Candace, and brings and shows her off at our "board meeting", stays a little while, licks and kisses on all my lady friends, takes Candace off early and just has his way with her,  but I KONW he could'nt do 6 to 1 with her(grin)  Love the ol fool, you are lucky to have him in your midst.

Lacy, how about Lunch in Ashville , Tues or lets say Wens,  please, just lunch and conversation, that is unless you just have to have me(RITFLMAO).  True about the lunch tho,  Love and saving many licks for you,  Jimmy

You have some visitors on your board from ATL. We thought that we'd come up here and breathe some life into an otherwise dull dialog. You might say that we're here to raise hell!!! Are all these Carolinians this quiet?? We've been trying for several days to inflame the locals, but we're not having much luck. Save for one or two, Lacy for one, but we really haven't got her dander up.... wait a minute... isn't dander what you find on a pussy? Come on all you providers, bring it on!!!

I thought that The other BoarD was just a place for ad posts? ;)


It does seem rather quiet these days.  What so wrong with the ad posts.  You may see something you like.

Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with ad posts. That's the  main reason why everyone is here. However, if all you ever see is ad posts, the boards get pretty boring. What keeps people checking the boards everyday is the interaction.

Just MHO,


There really isn't any drama... only good-natured fun. Does that not stimulate you. The "other board" had a Board Meeting this week at the Pink Pony, with a turnout of about 40 guys and gals. There was an opportunity for some of the providers to meet new clients, make new connections and have fun. As a result, I had two appts in two days with the creme de la creme.
We chide each other, all in good humor. I'm sure that if you had been there you would have enjoyed yourself.
It serves as an eye-opener as well, because now you see people that you've known only through their aliases. Often it's a pleasant surprise. Don't be so negative, give it a try!!!
You could have your own "Board Meeting" in RDU, or the seat of north central NC providers, Greensboro, or that metropolis Charlotte.

After reading all the posts, I realize that I have been misunderstood!! When I say "the other board", I'm referring to TER Atlanta Board. Sorry if I mislead !! I'm sure that "thirsty" knew who I was referring to.
That "BOW WOW" board, we do not mention, you could say it was an "unmentionable". It just doesn't have the sophistication of the TER boards. Anyone want to debate that???

Just don't spill anything on the new rugs! ;)


It's obvious from the National Board that TER has a great bunch of people who really can carry on about a number of topics, while the other nat'l board really sucks. However the other North Carolina board is much more lively than the TER carolina board. Don't know why, but it definitely is a lively bunch over there.

Hey, do not pay any attention to the O2, he is a real pervert, comes to Atlanta , picks up one of my ATFs, Candace, and brings and shows her off at our "board meeting", stays a little while, licks and kisses on all my lady friends, takes Candace off early and just has his way with her,  but I KONW he could'nt do 6 to 1 with her(grin)  Love the ol fool, you are lucky to have him in your midst.

Lacy, how about Lunch in Ashville , Tues or lets say Wens,  please, just lunch and conversation, that is unless you just have to have me(RITFLMAO).  True about the lunch tho,  Love and saving many licks for you,  Jimmy

Jimmy, I've alerted Lacy, I told her that she'd have to put a bib on you and feed the soup to you with a no-drip spoon! I told her also that she would have to undress you, and help you to lie down, BUT the difficult part would be to dress you again and put you back on the road. BTW, when you "haul the ashes" in Ashville, you have to pay a state tax. Just kidding, I know you'll have a good time. She'll be easy on you, because she knows that you're over 80!!

Keep dreaming you ol phart.  I am saving some special licks for her(grin)

Candace Of ATL7221 reads

~*LOL*~.... I was taught today how to get into the Carolinas board as well as the Atlanta board!LOL   Now stop picking on Oxygen! You might have a few years on him but don't give him such a hard time. He is just a young 'un trying to have some fun! AND...~U~... ya perv, don't you "eat enough lunch in Atlanta"  *LOL* now ya gotta go all the way to Tenn. & MB to chase the honey's....  just don't know what to think of ya!!! kisses  Candace   (*ok oxygen resume play I called the big 'ole bully off!!*) LMAO

-- Modified on 8/24/2004 3:04:27 AM

-- Modified on 8/24/2004 3:05:05 AM

Thank you Candace honey, he gets dressed up and he thinks that he can go anywhere... Tenn, NC, and back to ATL. He samples all the honey pots in four states. He likes to get his licks on Rt. 66 !

That's true, I've noticed that about the North Carolina board.  You should send some of those guys over here!

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