
Leon3798 52 Reviews 362 reads

I do not know the circumstances of your life and its trials, but from experience I know that your past is a pesky little bastard that follows you wherever you go eventually.  At some point you have to face him down and beat him to submission, and that can sometimes be hard and take a long time.  There are good people out there who dont judge (like myself and so many others in the community) and those are the ones you should try to surround yourself with.  Starting all over with complete strangers sounds great, but that darkness will find you and the cycle will start all over again.  You have to beat it if you want to be free of it.
I hope I have selected the right utube to go with my message. Gosh after watching so many upbeat people dancing and singing it is had to choose.

I just wanted to share a moment and thoughts with whoever wishes to read. I just saw the sad News on Robin Williams and his suicide. I have just returned from Mexico after a month of fun and healing with my friend Cathy who does speak Spanish, Thank God.  

I received PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)and Ozone therapy into my herniated discs and I am now pain free. It is sad that the FDA does not approve these holistic healing methods. It makes me wander if Robin Williams would still be here with us today.

All I want to say is don't give up until the Miracle happens. Mexico, Thailand, etc have been practicing theses methods for over 40 years. I do know the answer to my question. Yet, if this message does save on life it is worth it. Ozone Therapy is injected into the body as Oxygen3. It kills and bacteria and virus. This includes Cancer, HIV, Hep C, Addiction of any kind, including smoking and Alcoholism, any autoimmune system, Parkinson disease, MS, Autism, Alzheimer's etc.  

I did not find out all these things until I was in Mexico. Having lunch in the Restaurant and talking to people who were there from all over the world .Just waiting on the Miracle to Happen.  

And it did for me. I hope this message spreads Hope for anyone who is suffering from any kind of disease. There is a way out. Please do not give up until "The Miracle Happens "All my best, Kelley White

Posted By: kelleywhite  
 I hope I have selected the right utube to go with my message. Gosh after watching so many upbeat people dancing and singing it is had to choose.  
 I just wanted to share a moment and thoughts with whoever wishes to read. I just saw the sad News on Robin Williams and his suicide. I have just returned from Mexico after a month of fun and healing with my friend Cathy who does speak Spanish, Thank God.  
 I received PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)and Ozone therapy into my herniated discs and I am now pain free. It is sad that the FDA does not approve these holistic healing methods. It makes me wander if Robin Williams would still be here with us today.  
 All I want to say is don't give up until the Miracle happens. Mexico, Thailand, etc have been practicing theses methods for over 40 years. I do know the answer to my question. Yet, if this message does save on life it is worth it. Ozone Therapy is injected into the body as Oxygen3. It kills and bacteria and virus. This includes Cancer, HIV, Hep C, Addiction of any kind, including smoking and Alcoholism, any autoimmune system, Parkinson disease, MS, Autism, Alzheimer's etc.  
 I did not find out all these things until I was in Mexico. Having lunch in the Restaurant and talking to people who were there from all over the world .Just waiting on the Miracle to Happen.  
 And it did for me. I hope this message spreads Hope for anyone who is suffering from any kind of disease. There is a way out. Please do not give up until "The Miracle Happens "All my best, Kelley White

The Monkees - I'm a Believer [official music video] Thank you for your reply Old Toad, You do not need to pray for my recovery. I am already there.  I am ready to move from this stupid, judgmental state and make a new beginning in San Diego, or Californian  where the land is free and there is no judgment upon me., Thank you for your reply. Kelley White

Judgement is everywhere my fair lady.  You cannot escape it or run from it.  As Im sure you've heard and read, you cannot controls others actions only your own.  Dont let it get you down.  I fear you will only find more of the same regardless of where you hang your hat.  GL to you!

Posted By: kelleywhite
The Monkees - I'm a Believer [official music video] Thank you for your reply Old Toad, You do not need to pray for my recovery. I am already there.  I am ready to move from this stupid, judgmental state and make a new beginning in San Diego, or Californian  where the land is free and there is no judgment upon me., Thank you for your reply. Kelley White

I do not know the circumstances of your life and its trials, but from experience I know that your past is a pesky little bastard that follows you wherever you go eventually.  At some point you have to face him down and beat him to submission, and that can sometimes be hard and take a long time.  There are good people out there who dont judge (like myself and so many others in the community) and those are the ones you should try to surround yourself with.  Starting all over with complete strangers sounds great, but that darkness will find you and the cycle will start all over again.  You have to beat it if you want to be free of it.

I get Infusions/IVs that help me to a point. I'll be happy to give you his info if you want a maintenance plan here in the US.

I've considered going to Mexico but that scares me. I too wish the US wouldn't be so close minded.

Steph xoxo

I visited quite often over the many years I spent nearby---you probably waited on me in the early days when mom owned it:)) I was furious about how you were treated by "the good folks" in Shelby, yeah, they gonna go to heaven for being so pious---NOT!!!  
You take care:))

Kelley and I go back at least 10-12 years.  I know her story and her struggles, and they have been many - yet she persevered.  I can only admire her for that.

Her best attempt to make what society considers a "legal" living was destroyed by "good" locale people bent upon making her "pay."

Deep inside Kelley is a wonderful lady.  Wherever she goes my blessings are with her.

OMG! We are both telling our Age! Ain't it Great! Smile.........Kelley

GaGambler480 reads

Am I the only one who was appalled that she not only admitted to, but actually bragged about telling someone she thought was just another client that she had a date with the District Attorney???!!! If she ran her mouth about the DA, I can imagine just how safe everyone else's information is/was with this woman

I mean WTF??? Can someone explain this to me? PLEASE

Panthera12468 reads

Everyone knows that LE reads these boards, and it is really stupid to post what she did. No doctor can cure diarrhea of the mouth.  

PS: Kelly: I am glad that your medical problems are seeming at bay and while your procedures may not be considered holistic, the term alternative medicine is more appropriate in your case. Alternative medicine in Mexico is well known, but any success rates are blown off by the AMA in cahoots with the almighty pharmaceutical mafia.

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