
Stephanie Wannarider
abbajuju 4 Reviews 6808 reads

Does anyone know the status of this provider in Charleston?  I have been trying to contact her thru the email on her website for the past couple of weeks with no response.

Does she usually take a while to respond?  Is she still active?  Any info would be welcome.

Old Phuck6696 reads

She has an approval dinner that you must take  her to.
After you wine and dine her, she'll let you know if you can date her!!!  Good luck, and don't hold your breath. After you dine her, maybe you should tell her whether you approve of her.
Better still send her $5.00 and tell her to get herself a "Happy Meal". What BS!!

Well, with all due respect, I'd like the opportunity to decide for myself.  What I'm looking for is info as to why she has not responded to my inquiries about setting up that first meeting.

I have been visiting in Europe. I was also informed by a well loved client that my yahoo account sent him back his emails.

I do get 200 emails per week from men who want more photos, things not offered on the menu, and men who give me their phone number without telling me their name or more about themselves.

I have several regular clients and try my best to go through all my emails but I do miss one or two with the volume

send me a good paragraph about yourself....age, race, body type, favorite hobbies, career, time slot preference as well as questions you would like asked. I do get nervous on first sessions as most people do get nervous on first dates....

the jerk who responded to your request is a loser. As a provider, I am placing my legal status and physical/emotional well being at stake with every new client. It is an emotional rollercoaster.

Some providers don't see new clients anymore...I wont ever do that but if so many regular clients ask to see me in a week, I will take few new clients as I like to keep myself at peak condition and I also have family and going on so many "dates" does draw attention.

call up an agency and tell them to send over their least popular girl and then fork over the fee to have a session with her.

This isn't a job to me. This is a hobby in which I make money. If you get past the dinner date with me, you are good looking and well mannered enough to date me for free and I genuinely enjoy our time together.  I don't go see a client dreading what he has planned.

Also, if I am too skinny or if I look too much like your sister/daughter and it creeps you out,
you only waste the money that you would spend on an extra dinner.  I am not that expensive since my favorite food is sushi and that costs 4/5 per item.

Xzap9060 reads

"call up an agency and tell them to send over their least popular girl and then fork over the fee to have a session with her".

Or you could change that to read..
call up an indy who's trying to make a buck and ask her to come over at her least popular time and then fork over the fee to have a session with her.



agencies often have so many girls that they don't put all the girls on their website.

I worked at one for a week in florida where the youngest and most physically fit girls were advertised and then the other girls would go to the clients if I wasn't available

I was just telling the guy that us escorts get the bait and switch at times. I had a guy tell me he was in his 30's and physically fit .... he was 85 and very obese with a walker. I like to enjoy my work and be genuinely attracted to the client so I try to get clients who are around my age, physically fit and very clean.  Looks shouldn't matter but they do to me as I don't like faking it.

There are independant girls out there who use other escorts photos or use photos that were taken 10yrs ago but I don't know of any...just the agency where I worked and you may be a very honest agency with the highest standards for employees..I don't know.

I apologize to that

I don't do the dinner date to get pampered. I do it to help both of us relax, make it harder for LE and make sure both of us know what the other one looks like

Xzap7427 reads

None taken Stephanie.
It just seems agencies always get the beating when I know a lot more indy horror stories than I do agency horror stories :)

But I will agree with you that a LOT of agencies do have less than honorable business practices.



CaryGrunt7393 reads

I am going to quote a few of your requisites for an acceptable client! These are taken from statements that you have made in this string.
1. "If you get past the dinner date with me, you are good looking and well mannered enough to date me for free and I genuinely enjoy our time together"... etc.
2. "I like to enjoy my work and be genuinely attracted to the client so I try to get clients who are around my age, physically fit and very clean".

From these statements I would reasonably guess that 90% of your clients are much older than you.
I assume you are about 23 years old, attractive and very clean. I'd venture to say that your clients are probably in their 40s. In other words, about 20 years older than you. I'll bet that there are a good proportion of your clients are in their 50s. That would sort of blow the spec of a client being about your age.

I have spoken to many providers who are in their 30s and 40s and they prefer more mature men who know how to treat a lady with respect. I don't think you find that among the guys your age!!
The older ladies prefer to be treated as lovers.  
I'm sorry that this has turned into a debate between significantly different age groups of clients and providers.

I wish you good luck with those kids that you've been dating and once you've become an experienced lover, I'm sure your tastes will change.
To all the guys out there, I guess we'll have to settle for more mature, intelligent, sophisticated, experienced ladies who know what tis biz is all about!!

Dave, I think you know what the previous poster is talking about. I do!!

I do get older men but they are still in good shape. I do like clean teeth. I have turned away 23yr olds for chewing tobacco...the nastiest habit out there.

I don't want an 80yr old man....he should be with a more mature escort.

I look 23 but I am older than that but I am told by this business that you put your casting age not your real age like in hollywood. You would be surprised by my real age.

Many men are 20 yrs older than me but 20 yrs older than my real age.

Hi Wannarideher,
I've seen your pics and I thought you'd be late 20s, certainly not 23!! BTW, I work out with an 80 yo man and he could pass for 60-65!

chuck norris is 67 and could pass for 45

sean connery could pass for a good age too

When I dated Stephanie,it was in 2002 the first time I saw her. I was 42 and I think Steph said she was 28. She was a beautiful girl. I am not a fan of tattoos and I am glad hers was well hidden and I hope now that she is retired she can have it removed. Where it is having it removed cannot be more painful than having it put on. I think that Stephanie looks better on her regulatr site where she talks about her family and childhood. She looks like the All American Girl Next Door. I enjoyed our nights on the town. Stepkh and I are botrh big fans of The Simpons and Family Guy. We would go out to dinner every time I went to Charleston, then we would watch the Simpsons and Family Guy. Many times we would not do anything else. When we went out to dinner many times it was just like a date. I would kiss her goodnite and go home. Despite her old job, I would never sat she is a girl without morals. She is a well mannered girl, and she is also sweet and very friendly. We had a argument and have not spoke to each other in several years. I do not expect our friendship to ever return, but I do wish her well.
I hope she finds a man who can get past her old job and who can care for her.

Usually 85yo men are not obese! I think Stephanie, that if you go into a home for the elderly you'll not see obese 85 year olds. Obese people people don't get to live that long!! LOL.

I can almost do the splits but too all the way and some guys I have do come close to my limit

I only ask for info so that I can make sure they aren't wasting their time

I had one guy come to me twice and then complain that I needed to gain 25 lbs and he wished I had larger hips. I asked him why didn't he get a BBW escort and then he was dumbfounded.

If your pics are representative, I'd say you have a gorgeous little bod. It looks soft too!
BTW, that guy that came to you twice and commented that you need to gain 25 lbs. Why didn't he mention this the first time????

they will have one client who keeps seeing them just to gripe and complain as to what they look like. I guess they want to be Simon Cowell and not be bitchslapped.  Some guys may have been hurt by a cheerleader and want to turn the tables.

They keep coming a restaurant patron griping about the food

Thanks for your reply Stephanie.  I appreciate your posting in reply.  I'll send an email as you requested and look forward to meeting with you!

daveinsc19651502 reads

Stephanie has stated on many sites that she has stopped escorting and she is working on getting a online diploma in Pshycolodgy and she wants to help battered women and hopefully write a book on battered womens syndrome. She was forced to kill a man to keep him from killig her, and she spent 3 months in jail until she was forced to sell the home left to her when her mom passed away to pay for bail, and to pay Strom Thurman Jr. to defend her, then after 3 months and as soon as her court date approachged the charges where dropped. Stephanie and I had a falling out, but I wish her the best. I thing she shouls=d seek counseling. This had to be very traumatic after killing a ex boyfriend who said he was going to kill her if she did not give him money, then she was told she was being arrested for first degree murder. I know that charge would scare me. I am a Navy Veteran, and I was trained to handle confinement in much worse places tan a jail cell, and I was a aviator and those I may have killed were not people I saw the wonds my weapons caused and I did not see them die. Stephanie had to shoot this huge man 2 times to make sure she was safe. I hoipe that people will leave her alone and join me in hoping that she gets her degree and gets past this. She made easy money, but I wonder if she feels it was worth it. Please respect her choice not to escort any longer. I do not ever expect our friendship to heal, but Stephanie is a beautiful girl, and she can go far if she sticks to it.

daveinsc19651355 reads

Steph said she was going to get a degree and get out of the business due to the trouble she went through due to her ex boyfriend trying to kill her and she spent 3 months in jail for defending herself. She was not tried. The D.A. dropped all charges.

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