
Re: YES, I DID...
Tarheelboy 1536 reads
1 / 35

Just in case you don't see my post on the ad boa d I think ya all should know Sweet Melissa is using photos from a well known model this wee

Panthera12 921 reads
2 / 35

She is larger then the picture she posted. Hopefully no one will book her based on that photo alone because they will be very disappointed.

Panthera12 868 reads
3 / 35
cocktail-party 824 reads
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A fake pic on an ad is false advertising, plain and simple. If it was a joke (as her deleted post stated), she should have alluded to that in the ad. Instead, since the ad may be viewed by many who haven't met her, this could bite her on the ass by casting doubt on her website pics.

Leon3798 52 Reviews 840 reads
5 / 35

I for one, dont really care.  Ive seen your pics enough times...........not that Im looking all the time........ahem that I knew it wasnt you.  People need to get a grip.  Anyone who books a lady without doing their homework is a dumb shit anyway.  Who books a date off of one ad and no research........dumb people.  I thought it was kinda funny.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 942 reads
6 / 35

I don't think it's funny at all. I expect that kind of dishonesty from BP, but I'm surprised that it's happening here on TER. I think it was  a really dumb thing to do and I'm glad that it was brought to the community's attention. Any unethical act, by providers or clients, only furthers distrust in the hobby and ultimately hurts us all.

Leon3798 52 Reviews 895 reads
7 / 35

Still didnt bother me.  Not like what we do is TOTALLY honest in first place.  Also if you're booking a date from one picture you're an idiot.  At least she owned it.  

I don't think it's funny at all. I expect that kind of dishonesty from BP, but I'm surprised that it's happening here on TER. I think it was  a really dumb thing to do and I'm glad that it was brought to the community's attention. Any unethical act, by providers or clients, only furthers distrust in the hobby and ultimately hurts us all.

Panthera12 1010 reads
8 / 35

I agree that anyone booking her based on a single photo would be an idiot, but we have seen time and time again that there plenty of idiots to go around.  
Using a fake photo on an ad is inexcusable and could backfire on the one that you are defending. You may think it was funny, but you are in the minority. Under your logic, it is okay for providers to bait and switch and most will say it is not.  

There should be some integrity on the ads that are posted on TER. We are a levels above BP and it is simply not an acceptable practice.

Leon3798 52 Reviews 719 reads
9 / 35

I think everyone is missing the point in that I totally agree with you and providers shouldnt post fake pics.  Im simply posting my opinion about this particular subject, its not a blanket statement like you are suggesting.  There should be some integrity, but lets look at reality for a second.  People can post whatever they want, however they want so to make a statement like "its not an acceptable practice" while I may agree is quite simply laughable.  Mostly because we will do exactly what about that............most likely nothing, but flame about it.  Then call that exact lady in two days and bang her.........So my choice is too laugh it off and move on.  You dont have to make that choice nor am I suggesting for you to do so.

Posted By: Panthera12
I agree that anyone booking her based on a single photo would be an idiot, but we have seen time and time again that there plenty of idiots to go around.  
 Using a fake photo on an ad is inexcusable and could backfire on the one that you are defending. You may think it was funny, but you are in the minority. Under your logic, it is okay for providers to bait and switch and most will say it is not.  
 There should be some integrity on the ads that are posted on TER. We are a levels above BP and it is simply not an acceptable practice.

jroy12 30 Reviews 824 reads
10 / 35

No matter which side anyone falls on I think we can all agree that it's poor form. However,  I like that she owned up to it publicly instead of just taking it down and laying low for a while so at least she deserves some credit for that.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 949 reads
11 / 35

I absolutely agree! Thank you for saving me the trouble of writing a response. Leon is use to the deceptive practices on BP and I'm sure that has a lot to do with his perception of the event. TER was started as a way for clients to stop being taken advantage of by unscrupulous providers. Many of us, myself included, came here after becoming disillusioned with BP and the rampant dishonesty found there. I thought that I found an oasis from dishonesty when I found TER. I hope this recent event is an anomaly because I don't want to go back to the "distrust" days of BP. I enjoy hobblying much more when I have some trust in the lady and I've only found that trust with TER.

IanMcKee73 84 Reviews 685 reads
12 / 35
GaGambler 891 reads
13 / 35

after all the woman depicted is about half her real size. Bargain shoppers might thing they were getting a lot MORE for their money. lmao

We all know that hookers do a lot of dumb things, this one is even dumber than the whole JLS/Corrine/GallopingGourmet debacle.

Come on Melissa fess up. Julia paid you off to knock her out of first place in the "dumb things that hookers do" category, didn't she? lol

Leon3798 52 Reviews 785 reads
14 / 35

Pretty typical response when someone doesnt agree with the Mob assessment.  Makes no difference to me really.  I have my own opinions and Im entitled to them whether or not you agree with me.
    It does surprise me that you truly believe there is full honesty in this game we play.  Has nothing to do with BP which is everyones argument against me every time, it has to do with life.  We're having sex with women for money.  Pretty cut and dry.  There is no full honesty here.  Which is what Ive learned from many people on this board including you Andy.  Im kinda surprised at your answer after some of the burns we have both suffered as well as others.  The best provider on this planet can and WILL burn someone.  To believe otherwise is folly.  So why get upset?  I say, chuckle about it, then have a coke and a smile.  As I do.  :-)

I absolutely agree! Thank you for saving me the trouble of writing a response. Leon is use to the deceptive practices on BP and I'm sure that has a lot to do with his perception of the event. TER was started as a way for clients to stop being taken advantage of by unscrupulous providers. Many of us, myself included, came here after becoming disillusioned with BP and the rampant dishonesty found there. I thought that I found an oasis from dishonesty when I found TER. I hope this recent event is an anomaly because I don't want to go back to the "distrust" days of BP. I enjoy hobblying much more when I have some trust in the lady and I've only found that trust with TER.

GaGambler 876 reads
15 / 35

Honestly dude, how was she supposed to deny it? The woman in the pic is half her size, what was she supposed to say, "I went on a crash diet, lost fifty pounds, but gained it all back this week"???!!!

Is there anything that a hooker can do that some of you guys won't excuse? Dude grow a fucking spine already.

GaGambler 850 reads
16 / 35

I don't see anything the least bit dishonest about what I do. Speak for yourself please.

Guys like you who excuse bad behavior are the biggest part of the problem, if the guys would just man up and stop rewarding bad behavior, the bad behavior would stop as there would be no benefit to it.

GaGambler 779 reads
17 / 35

Keep in mind, I NEVER said, or even implied that all, or even most hookers are dumb. That said, it's undeniable that some hookers do some incredibly dumb things, and this has to be one of the dumbest, except for maybe her response once called out for it.

The first rule on these boards is "when you find yourself in a hole, STOP digging" Mellissa would be well served to have that tattooed on her forehead. lol

but I am sure she will survive this, after all JLS/Corrine/Gallopinggourmet seems to have weathered her storm, but it did provide some entertainment for the rest of us at her gaffe.

Leon3798 52 Reviews 940 reads
18 / 35

My entire post has been speaking for myself if you bothered to read it.  Thats been my whole point.  This is my opinion, my views and my choices, and whenever I go against the 'general flow' of the crowd I get flamed.  That doesnt bother me in the least.  Im not a drone, or a robot or part of the sheeple.  Obviously there are more than single guys in this hobby.  There is nothing honest there, lying to SO's or GF's so dont even go there.  Bad behavior is everywhere.  Here, BP, craigslist everywhere.  And Ive said multiple times, that I do believe that posting fake pics is wrong, but she has obviously owned the problem and has taken some licks.  So me adding my flame to the fire serves nothing.  Therefore I just chuckle and move on.  My not being upset seems to upset everyone else.  So is that a me problem or a you problem?

Posted By: GaGambler
I don't see anything the least bit dishonest about what I do. Speak for yourself please.

Guys like you who excuse bad behavior are the biggest part of the problem, if the guys would just man up and stop rewarding bad behavior, the bad behavior would stop as there would be no benefit to it.

birdluvr69 75 Reviews 823 reads
19 / 35

And you are a Lady(all 3 of you) of quality, don't care what anybody says about you;P~~~

Must I remind everyone that YOU were the 1st MS TER, out of all the possibilities, but TER knew, AND I know you have a good heart for helping a lil lady a few years ago who I sent to you to help her get on the road to a better life---personally, I think she would make a good MS. TER also;P~~~

GaGambler 848 reads
21 / 35

but he just made one hell of a move in the BSU's

John's defending blatantly fake ads, and they wonder why we say that they are the biggest part of the problem.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 922 reads
22 / 35

"Sheeple?" You clearly didn't read HIS post did you? How can anyone defend this? Posting a fake ad doesn't bother you? Wow you're one of the lamest WK's ever. Well done.

MollyDaniels See my TER Reviews 981 reads
23 / 35

If the photos posted are not of you, then you have a responsibility to disclaim that the pics are not you.  If the disclaimer isn't there, then technically you are falsely advertising.

Using someone else's pictures without their consent is plagiarism/copyright infringement.  I would be extremely pissed off if someone was using my pics.  Luckily this hasn't happened to me yet - at least not that I know about.  And can't the original owner of the pics (or copyright) take someone to court for using their likeness without permission?  I've heard about celebrities taking companies to court for using images/etc. without consent on websites/commercials/marketing.

But, kudos to her for 'owning' it.  I would be totally embarrassed if I was trying to pass off someone else's pics as my own and then got busted doing it :)
Posted By: Tarheelboy
Just in case you don't see my post on the ad boa d I think ya all should know Sweet Melissa is using photos from a well known model this week  

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 829 reads
24 / 35

Smart and a total ROCKSTAR in the sack ...
I knew there was something about you ...

IanMcKee73 84 Reviews 874 reads
27 / 35

so I can't read whatever you wrote, which might be a good thing!

Blowing Chunks 1026 reads
28 / 35

When a person knows they are falsely advertising, thinks that it's funny to post a fake photo, and then posts in a way that she did on this thread, I don't even bother trying to talk sense into them, I simply avoid them altogether.  

If she didn't have other photos on her website, her profile would have been changed to "Real photos? NO". That wouldn't have been great for her future business now would it? Think she'd still find it funny when her profile gets updated like that?  

Dishonest advertising isn't the least bit funny it's a serious no no in this business because guys like me go to great lengths to avoid that kind of bait and switch.  

Guys like me walk my ass out the door ASAP if the girl at the door isn't who she says she is. Exceptions would be if the girl at the door was hotter than the girl in the ad lol It happens

BarbiesPlaying See my TER Reviews 1631 reads
29 / 35

steal pics Gina/Hannah  166121, 259692, 243975
Heavenly Hannah/Scotlyn Middleton and of course some fly by night wanna be agencies.
These women advertise on BP and have stolen my pics before and this is why you see my pics with my number plastered across them. Its a hard game out there but I try to keep it as real as possible and kudos to the men and women who do the same. Lets not bring any more shame to the game people.
BP unfortunately has a bad name because a lot of this behavior, fake pics, pimps, unreliable drug heads, std carriers etc... but there are a few legit providers (me) that still use it sometimes as an ave to advertise.
I once had a fellow Reviewed TER provider threaten me because I admittedly  used a "similar worded" ad and she went all Psycho hooker on me. scary peeps out
I'm sure I'll hear something for Not keeping my mouth shut or opinions to ones self again.... O Well its time for another nightcap then put some new batteries in the vibe.

Good night al

Panthera12 770 reads
30 / 35

some providers have "liked" me more then once, one like for each personality, lol.

SCBodyRub 13 Reviews 706 reads
31 / 35

Ms Sexy.... You should have had me take the photos yesterday... I would have LOVED to have done that... ;-

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 791 reads
33 / 35

That's why it's so successful as she so frequently needs to remind us.

Legeis 62 Reviews 898 reads
34 / 35

I'd like to F stacia and Julia.  And someday soon I hope to.  They're on my list as soon as either is near Wilmington!  That's all that matters.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 693 reads
35 / 35

-- Modified on 12/14/2014 12:41:33 PM

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