
Re: thoughts..
laurakennedy See my TER Reviews 567 reads

Great post. Thanks Case.

Had a little down time yesterday just alone in my thoughts, and I course I was thinking about my favorite pastime as I was making lap after lap around the Rancho De Case on the riding mower. I got to thinking about the gals in this biz I've got to meet and some I've just chatted with here. My mind wondered from the usual who has the nicest rack or gives the best BBBJ or most enthusiastic CG ride to the actual women themselves. I mean they are all real women behind the characters they portray after all. I've been lucky enough with a couple to see a good deal of the woman behind the mask to which I'm eternally grateful. And then there's the ones who are so good at separating the "work" from reality.  

What I'm trying to get across here is it takes a special kind of lady to put up with the BS and social stigma of living in the shadows. Us guys have it easy, we show up drop a few bills and if she's a good actress then we leave thinking we are a cross between John Holmes and Channing Tatum. The gals don't have that luxury, with our review system (not bashing it I'm glad it's there, saved me some bad times more than once), the ladies are totally vulnerable. Just saying it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like that, one to meet strange dudes who usually have the physical advantage should they be a sick bastard alone in a comprising situation. And 2 to be critiqued publicly for every part of you're job. I mean does a 60 year old bald dude with a beer guy and ED really have the qualifications to throw off on a 30 year old hottie he wouldn't have a chance in the real world with? Again not bashing, I am the first to admit I pay to fuck out of my league. It's like if us guys got rated on our jobs in a similar matter, " well he showed up to fix my AC and left his wrench in the truck so it kind of killed the illusion for me" or he didnt act real happy about crawling under my flooded crawlspace. Y'all get the point.

So what I'm saying is thanks gals for being there for us fellas. It takes a lot of courage and savvy to pull off what y'all do so well

I think a lot of guys dont think about the whole picture when posting reviews- to them its kind of like I'm paying you you hve to take the attitude I'm giving you w a smile & enjoy this! They never post on the reviews how rude or unhygenic they may have been.

NCtycoon492 reads

well said Case...

It's great to see that someone gets it!!!

It's very hard sometimes, also rewarding when you have great clients. But yet theres still the bs and all the other nasty things we have to go through on a day to day basis. It would be great if a lot of hobbyist thought the way you did!!. And It would be fun to write reviews on the guys ::hehe:

You hit the nail on the head.  

I have a few favorites, and would be okay just staying with them all of the time because of our mutual familiarity.  I'll admit to being a little uneasy on the first time, but I'm certain that the lady is even more uneasy.

It has to be a real treat for the ladies to see a guy for the first time not knowing what to expect.  We do have that luxury, unless you believe the fake photos on BP:-)

TER has been most helpful, and familiarity even helps in spotting fake reviews!

This post speaks volumes and I could just hug you right now for your insight!

Big hugs,


you said well thoughts I've often had.  I try very hard to always be kind & pay attention to hygiene, but I sometimes wonder about what these ladies might encounter.  They put themselves out there and likely entertain guys they would pass on if not for the $$$ and I suppose there are a few real slugs/idiots/Neanderthals among the mix.  
I have met some truly remarkable ladies in this hobby and several I would call friends but I always wonder what their other experiences might be like.  So I agree, they should all be admired for putting themselves out there to any and all willing to pay the fee.  And I freely admit I have been with many, many ladies with whom I would never have a chance if not for the hobby.

you are right on this issue. There's not a woman on here that I'd have a chance with in the real world. I'm not the elephant man or anything. Just a regular guy, with a regular job. These gals certainly entertain down to most of us. And I'm very, very appreciative.

Posted By: Case321
Had a little down time yesterday just alone in my thoughts, and I course I was thinking about my favorite pastime as I was making lap after lap around the Rancho De Case on the riding mower. I got to thinking about the gals in this biz I've got to meet and some I've just chatted with here. My mind wondered from the usual who has the nicest rack or gives the best BBBJ or most enthusiastic CG ride to the actual women themselves. I mean they are all real women behind the characters they portray after all. I've been lucky enough with a couple to see a good deal of the woman behind the mask to which I'm eternally grateful. And then there's the ones who are so good at separating the "work" from reality.  
 What I'm trying to get across here is it takes a special kind of lady to put up with the BS and social stigma of living in the shadows. Us guys have it easy, we show up drop a few bills and if she's a good actress then we leave thinking we are a cross between John Holmes and Channing Tatum. The gals don't have that luxury, with our review system (not bashing it I'm glad it's there, saved me some bad times more than once), the ladies are totally vulnerable. Just saying it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like that, one to meet strange dudes who usually have the physical advantage should they be a sick bastard alone in a comprising situation. And 2 to be critiqued publicly for every part of you're job. I mean does a 60 year old bald dude with a beer guy and ED really have the qualifications to throw off on a 30 year old hottie he wouldn't have a chance in the real world with? Again not bashing, I am the first to admit I pay to fuck out of my league. It's like if us guys got rated on our jobs in a similar matter, " well he showed up to fix my AC and left his wrench in the truck so it kind of killed the illusion for me" or he didnt act real happy about crawling under my flooded crawlspace. Y'all get the point.  
 So what I'm saying is thanks gals for being there for us fellas. It takes a lot of courage and savvy to pull off what y'all do so well.  

I'm with ya dude, if not for the hobby and the pretty much open door policies most gals have no way I would having such great times with the quality of ladies found here. Like you I'm just a regular guy with a regular 9-5 gig.

I think that it is amazing that our ladies can just dawn the smile and sparkle in thier eyes no matter how thier day are week is going.  I couldnt do it.

What these ladies actually give us is priceless.  

When the rest of the world is mad at us, they give us a smile and a kiss.
When no one else cares, they listen to us.
when everyone in the world is rushing by us, they take the time to see us.
When the world seems to be shunning us, they embrace us.
When we are lonely they hold us tight.
When we are up tight, they relax us.
When we are celebrating, they join us.
When we want it sweet and compassionate, they are princesses.
When we want it wild and rough, they are tigeress.

And as long as we treat them like the ladies they all are,
they are there for us.  

Thanks ladies. You make our lives better

" well he showed up to fix my AC and left his wrench in the truck so it kind of killed the illusion for me" or he didnt act real happy about crawling under my flooded crawlspace... LOL

I honestly think it's kind of cool to be on 'this side of the stigma' for a while. I get to see what something really is like. If I ever enter a discussion or debate about it I can 'secretly' have the knowledge I need to put them in their place.

If someone 'shuns' this, they should 'shun' the dangers and the negatives of the profession... Not the girl, (or the guy). If you want something and you can get it, go get it.

Yes, being reviewed on every detail can be daunting, but can also enhance some of our performance as we know we may be reviewed. That's good for you.

If I read someone's reviews, and he sees all 9's and 10's and they're all models, well... that may make me a little shaky. But knowing I'm going to see any dude who sees model-type gal's will make me a tad nervous.

It does mess with one's body image if the gal isn't careful, which can lead to unlealthy behaviors.

On the GD board, "Embrace hunger" was publicly announced on a thread. Girls can read that and think, "In order to be successful in the biz I have to starve?" Umm... no. If you're making money, keep making it. If you want to be healthy, be healthy about it. But some will listen to the bad advice. My heart goes out to women who get sucked into poor body image due to this profession. I know my body image goes down hill every now and then... but pops back up after I see my hobbyist's pee-wees pop up when my clothes come flying off, lol.


-- Modified on 9/15/2013 10:41:47 PM

Sounds like you've got a good handle on things!! And I'm sure you've probally found the natural cure for ED the drug company's don't want folks to know about LOL!!!

I truly feel that I have been extremely lucky to know some very beautiful women, who as Case pointed out, probably would not give me the time of day in the "real" world.  So I just want to say thank you to those of you who have graced me with your presence, and a give a special "shout-out" to {in no particular order} : Erica, Toy, Kennedy, Serena, Victoria & of course Sophia.  

Ladies, you have made me VERY happy.

Sophia?  By any chance are you talking about Sophia Morelli?  Saw her several times a few years ago....but haven't seen her around in a while.

... Not really as new to the hobby as I may seem, but there is a marked positive difference in the ladies who subject themselves to public scrutiny here on TER.  I've been treated better and have had great times with the ladies I've met through this site.  

Please don't let us occasionally detract from the positive feed back you get.  If you do get some negative feedback, please take it for what it is worth (even we get grumpy) and learn from it if it is constructive.  

Please let me add my heart felt thanks from someone just a bit past his prime that you collectively make feel like the best stud on the planet.

Were so good, I dreamed of being a real Walter White so I could afford to see them more often. :D

Tragically my meager brain wasn't up for it. ;)

Providers in my opinion should be not only legal but revered. Kind of like Inara on "firefly".  

And yes, I need to lay off the TV, but all my favorites have left so there is nothing else to lay on. LOL

I love every bit of you & this post! Thank you! From an absolute nobody
Audree Jayme

"2 to be critiqued publicly for every part of you're job. I mean does a 60 year old bald dude with a beer gut and ED really have the qualifications to throw off on a 30 year old hottie he wouldn't have a chance in the real world with? Again not bashing, I am the first to admit I pay to fuck out of my league. It's like if us guys got rated on our jobs in a similar matter, " well he showed up to fix my AC and left his wrench in the truck so it kind of killed the illusion for me" or he didnt act real happy about crawling under my flooded crawlspace. Y'all get the point. So what I'm saying is thanks gals for being there for us fellas. It takes a lot of courage and savvy to pull off what y'all do so well."

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