
Re: I was given a quilt after driving to Asheville.......Kelley White.
HannahHeresy See my TER Reviews 566 reads

Just FYI, and I'm not being a smart ass so please don't take this wrong but the phrase "I was given a quilt" is often used in the figurative sense in the hobby and it is NEVER a good thing. It's similar to how some people say "they gave me the gift that keeps on giving" when they are talking about catching herpes.  

Check out this link if you're curious:     Basically, if you say someone "gave you a quilt" in the context of the hobby it could easily be misconstrued as someone infected you with HIV/AIDS and now you are going to wind up as another square on the AIDS memorial quilt.

I have seen alot of postings on BP, that say "highly reviewed" and look for the reviews and don't find any. I will not to see a lady if she does not have any reviews. I also tell providers that I only see reviewed women.  Makes you more of a credible hobbyist. IMHO.  


There are a handful of review sites besides TER. I've even seen reviews that guys (or anyone) can write directly on the providers web page. My guess is they are talking about these

Posted By: WatchDoctor
I have seen alot of postings on BP, that say "highly reviewed" and look for the reviews and don't find any. I will not to see a lady if she does not have any reviews. I also tell providers that I only see reviewed women.  Makes you more of a credible hobbyist. IMHO.    

And some claims of "highly reviewed" are pure bullshit. When I look up the number in Google and get nothing but more ads, then if I'm still at all interested in the lady in question I might hit the reply button (when the ad has one) to ask them where I can find those reviews. If you get a response it's usually something that makes no sense. In that case I lose all interest. Usually the ones that actually have reviews will post their TER ID.

The only ladies I see without reviews are UTR ladies that were referred to me by another hobbyist that I trust. Then if they want a real review, I write them one.

I don't think I am allowed to post the names of other review boards, yet there are a few that are reputable out there. However, if that is your comfort zone, then by all means say with what you feel comy with. I do have to say we all start some where, yet after a few newbies who did not want to give out references, and OMG......this was their first time,sob, sob, I was set up by LE twice.  

Do not blame you for playing it safe. No safety or comfort factor???? Agreed, I am with you. Us girls get ripped off also.

I was given a quilt for driving all the way to Asheville No envelope. So, as I was leaving to go to a hotel to lay my head down, he wrote me a $50 check and told me he would pay me the rest in the morning.

Yea.......right, he wasted my gas money, my time, turned down other calls. It only cost me about $200, so he gave me a quilt, which I proceeded to hammer with nails into the wall to take out my frustration after returning home.Kelley White

Posted By: kelleywhite
I don't think I am allowed to post the names of other review boards, yet there are a few that are reputable out there. However, if that is your comfort zone, then by all means say with what you feel comy with. I do have to say we all start some where, yet after a few newbies who did not want to give out references, and OMG......this was their first time,sob, sob, I was set up by LE twice.  
 Do not blame you for playing it safe. No safety or comfort factor???? Agreed, I am with you. Us girls get ripped off also.  
 I was given a quilt for driving all the way to Asheville No envelope. So, as I was leaving to go to a hotel to lay my head down, he wrote me a $50 check and told me he would pay me the rest in the morning.  
 Yea.......right, he wasted my gas money, my time, turned down other calls. It only cost me about $200, so he gave me a quilt, which I proceeded to hammer with nails into the wall to take out my frustration after returning home.Kelley White

Actually I do like the quilt, yet I do not think it was worth $200 and the time I spent going to Ashevile , having to stay in a hotel room. etc. Live and learn. It is kind of funny. Maybe I will become a comedian some day with my life adventures. LOL. Kelley

Posted By: HectorBlack
Posted By: kelleywhite
I don't think I am allowed to post the names of other review boards, yet there are a few that are reputable out there. However, if that is your comfort zone, then by all means say with what you feel comy with. I do have to say we all start some where, yet after a few newbies who did not want to give out references, and OMG......this was their first time,sob, sob, I was set up by LE twice.    
  Do not blame you for playing it safe. No safety or comfort factor???? Agreed, I am with you. Us girls get ripped off also.  
  I was given a quilt for driving all the way to Asheville No envelope. So, as I was leaving to go to a hotel to lay my head down, he wrote me a $50 check and told me he would pay me the rest in the morning.  
  Yea.......right, he wasted my gas money, my time, turned down other calls. It only cost me about $200, so he gave me a quilt, which I proceeded to hammer with nails into the wall to take out my frustration after returning home.Kelley White

Just FYI, and I'm not being a smart ass so please don't take this wrong but the phrase "I was given a quilt" is often used in the figurative sense in the hobby and it is NEVER a good thing. It's similar to how some people say "they gave me the gift that keeps on giving" when they are talking about catching herpes.  

Check out this link if you're curious:     Basically, if you say someone "gave you a quilt" in the context of the hobby it could easily be misconstrued as someone infected you with HIV/AIDS and now you are going to wind up as another square on the AIDS memorial quilt.

Lord have mercy I have never heard this one before. I am in Mexico having my own blood injected into my spine. The do blood, urine, MRI, X-Rays first, because........Ta Dah, If I had any of those things they would not give me the procedure,because it would cause sepsis, blood poising and I could actually die.

It is like If I have any kind of STD or etc, they are not going to kill me because that would not look good on the Doctor.

I do appreciate the info Hannah and appreciate it so much! Kelley  


Posted By: HannahHeresy
Just FYI, and I'm not being a smart ass so please don't take this wrong but the phrase "I was given a quilt" is often used in the figurative sense in the hobby and it is NEVER a good thing. It's similar to how some people say "they gave me the gift that keeps on giving" when they are talking about catching herpes.    
 Check out this link if you're curious:     Basically, if you say someone "gave you a quilt" in the context of the hobby it could easily be misconstrued as someone infected you with HIV/AIDS and now you are going to wind up as another square on the AIDS memorial quilt.
-- Modified on 3/25/2015 6:26:11 AM

Agreed WD. I'm sure this topic has been covered more times than once but you're thinking is spot on for me and I'm sure for many around these parts. I have seen one companion recently without any reviews who was from a new agency. I Reviewed her. It was taking a chance but it worked out very well plus I knew of a person involved with the agency. No way that could ever be standard practice. Reviews for me just helps to know the companion is legit, professional and safe. I would like to say all very well reviewed ladies are that way but not true :( It is still the best way to go!!!! There will always be men out there willing to TOFTT, lol, so just be patient with any companion who is not reviewed I would tell a fellow friend. May take longer with 90% of the only use BP for advertising companions though, I would think.

Lmao at the "highly reviewed". Some of those statements are meant for those who will not check or maybe the companion could be reviewed under a different number. More times than not I would think, if their reviews were good, they would make sure they tell exactly how to find them in their ad. Credible hobbyist? Idk. Suppose ladies would be the best to tell how they feel on that. If it does or not because you only see reviewed ladies. Probably so I would think but don't know for sure.

Posted By: WatchDoctor
I have seen alot of postings on BP, that say "highly reviewed" and look for the reviews and don't find any. I will not to see a lady if she does not have any reviews. I also tell providers that I only see reviewed women.  Makes you more of a credible hobbyist. IMHO.    

GaGambler643 reads

but who have absolutely horrible reviews that actually link their reviews to their ads. I suppose they get a lot of guys without VIP access to simply assume they are  good reviews or else "why would she link them?"

Posted By: GaGambler
but who have absolutely horrible reviews that actually link their reviews to their ads. I suppose they get a lot of guys without VIP access to simply assume they are  good reviews or else "why would she link them?"

Senator.Blutarsky513 reads long as they are on P411, and have a professional website.  There are a few gals that have a NRP, but have enough of a presence and longevity in business that I will take the chance. So far, they have all worked out very well.  

Now, if they advertise "highly reviewed" and I can't find them, either here or on the several other sites that I check, then I'll pass. Anyone who promotes that, yet can't direct their clients to them is enough for me to move on.

...because many don't. There are a lot of lazy people in the world that believe someone advertising they are a model, yet they have no website and are posting low end rates on BP...or say they are college educated, yet can't craft a grammatically correct sentence in writing or on the phone...or they are #1/top 10 in their area when their reviews are 5's and 7's...  It is a hook to get one to read an ad, and hopefully book...and unfortunately not true as often as one might hope.

And one stands out WAY BEYOND, to this day, my ATF.  Can't wait until our next meeting :)

Thanks all this was helpful. You all rock..

Posted By: WatchDoctor
I have seen alot of postings on BP, that say "highly reviewed" and look for the reviews and don't find any. I will not to see a lady if she does not have any reviews. I also tell providers that I only see reviewed women.  Makes you more of a credible hobbyist. IMHO.    

Agree 100%!!!

With a review, you at least know what you are getting. Ladies web sites also help.

Also, stay AWAY from BP girls who have NO names! That usually means NO reviews.
(Some ladies (girls) only advertise with a phone number, or sometimes with a "REPLY"
function on BP.  

No name, no review, no contact, no encounter.........


Posted By: WatchDoctor
I have seen alot of postings on BP, that say "highly reviewed" and look for the reviews and don't find any. I will not to see a lady if she does not have any reviews. I also tell providers that I only see reviewed women.  Makes you more of a credible hobbyist. IMHO.    

Either that or they have bad reviews under the name they are currently using and are too dumb to change it. Which is actually a good thing. hahaha

JoLeigh401 reads

New but not highly review but I love to get started sometime...... 💋💋💋💋

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