
Re: I highly suggest...
Leon3798 52 Reviews 2556 reads
1 / 61

So recently I have realized that Im Super horny.  Maybe its my time of the month.  ;-)  Im not sure whats going on, but the ladies and my right hand dont seem to simmer down the libido for more than a few hours.  I just had a date a little while ago and I could go on another right now, (preferably with the same girl, she was hot)  Nothing has changed in my life, same amount of exercise I eat the same.  Everything is the same.  Job is stable, lifes good mostly with the regular struggles.  Maybe my brain is just chemical dumping for some reason or another.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 879 reads
2 / 61

and avoid thinking about the future when perhaps I can't. We ain't none of us getting any younger. Carpe Diem!!

mconnection 58 Reviews 1004 reads
3 / 61

Been really turned off lately, couple of reasons, life can be cruel I have my oldest and closest brother who is terminally ill.
And recently for a second time in this life style I have had a nasty experience with a not so honest and sincere person!

I guess you could say more is not always better. Maybe it's a sign for some time off or change some things.  
Posted By: Leon3798
So recently I have realized that Im Super horny.  Maybe its my time of the month.  ;-)  Im not sure whats going on, but the ladies and my right hand dont seem to simmer down the libido for more than a few hours.  I just had a date a little while ago and I could go on another right now, (preferably with the same girl, she was hot)  Nothing has changed in my life, same amount of exercise I eat the same.  Everything is the same.  Job is stable, lifes good mostly with the regular struggles.  Maybe my brain is just chemical dumping for some reason or another.  

Leon3798 52 Reviews 963 reads
4 / 61

Sometimes taking a breather is just what you need.  

Posted By: mconnection
Been really turned off lately, couple of reasons, life can be cruel I have my oldest and closest brother who is terminally ill.  
 And recently for a second time in this life style I have had a nasty experience with a not so honest and sincere person!  
 I guess you could say more is not always better. Maybe it's a sign for some time off or change some things.  
Posted By: Leon3798
So recently I have realized that Im Super horny.  Maybe its my time of the month.  ;-)  Im not sure whats going on, but the ladies and my right hand dont seem to simmer down the libido for more than a few hours.  I just had a date a little while ago and I could go on another right now, (preferably with the same girl, she was hot)  Nothing has changed in my life, same amount of exercise I eat the same.  Everything is the same.  Job is stable, lifes good mostly with the regular struggles.  Maybe my brain is just chemical dumping for some reason or another.  

GaGambler 1124 reads
5 / 61

and it turns out that the "other person" wasn't the dishonest or insincere one.

I don't know about anyone else here, but I absolutely detest stalkers, partly from a moral standpoint, the other from a selfish one. Guys who don't respect boundaries make it all the more difficult for the rest of us who do. Yeah, I fully agree that moronconnection should take a nice long vacation and not come back until he learns this lesson that the rest of us seem to just know innately.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 717 reads
6 / 61

Having someone let you now they have your real name and to say they are going to send LE to your incall is just horrible. I'm sure the threats to out you were hard to deal with. Terri you are a straight up honest lady and I guess some people don't know when it's best to say nothing.

Steph xoxo

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 1112 reads
7 / 61

you take some time off! You didn't have a nasty experience with me. Ummmm I had to threaten stalking charges on you and you even threatened to call LE on me along with threats to destroy my rep.  Anyone that wants to question this feel free to email me. I have all his threats and dangerous behavior in writing in his emails to me. Second time? that is laughable! I wasn't even the second OR third person that has dealt with your crazy ass.  They were all just to afraid to come forward. I guess you just think you can just keep on with the "oh poor me" shit when YOU ARE INSANE. I HONESTLY meant to leave me alone and I thought you had but I guess you cant just leave it alone. Who's had the nasty experience? WOW!! I SINCERELY mean to go away and I still do.  
Yea I'd highly suggest taking time off and definitely make some changes

Roadshow2 30 Reviews 630 reads
8 / 61

It's been a long winter.  Now it's time to send the screening info and live a lil lol

Leon3798 52 Reviews 670 reads
9 / 61
ToniLove See my TER Reviews 770 reads
10 / 61

Thanks Steph :) You know the old saying "stupid is as stupid does" lol
Yea it was a nightmare... all fucking day, every day...constantly. Thought he would just let it be but apparently not.
Hugs and kisses

Roadshow2 30 Reviews 780 reads
11 / 61

Mc, that lady did nothing wrong.  When they share personal info it is that personal.  To demand more than what is agreed upon is just wrong.  And it isn't the first time, I know of others dude.  Piece of advice, get some  wood and build a bridge and get over it.  And if I ever get in her neck of the woods I will be beggin that lady for a legit date

GaGambler 878 reads
12 / 61

and what could be more worthy of discussion than warning the community about predators amongst our own ranks?

I am hardly a WhiteKnight, nor am I a BSU, but some behavior needs to be called out, and some member's behavior crosses so many lines that they need to be called out for it and ostracized by the community. I don't subscribe to any of this "bros before hos" bullshit. I am equal opportunity on these kind of issues. If provider was stalking a guy, and trying to blackmail him for better reviews, money, etc. I would call her out in a second for it. Guys who can't seem to color between the lines deserve the same derision and contempt.

I can only wonder how many other women he has done this to? By his own words it appears there has been at least one other, I am willing to be there have been many.

LtNeilBriggs 513 reads
13 / 61

Miserable and angry. Maybe a TO is what you need. Why would you ever dream of harassing such a pretty lady as TL. That sucks.

Leon3798 52 Reviews 896 reads
16 / 61

Yes a few discussions I just started having have suggested there have been many.  Im on board with you that that kind of behavior is not acceptable on either end of the spectrum.  Its unfortunate that you think you know someone enough to give up a little bit and it turns into this kind of nonsense.  I can only hope others read this and know to stay AWAY.

Posted By: GaGambler
and what could be more worthy of discussion than warning the community about predators amongst our own ranks?

I am hardly a WhiteKnight, nor am I a BSU, but some behavior needs to be called out, and some member's behavior crosses so many lines that they need to be called out for it and ostracized by the community. I don't subscribe to any of this "bros before hos" bullshit. I am equal opportunity on these kind of issues. If provider was stalking a guy, and trying to blackmail him for better reviews, money, etc. I would call her out in a second for it. Guys who can't seem to color between the lines deserve the same derision and contempt.

I can only wonder how many other women he has done this to? By his own words it appears there has been at least one other, I am willing to be there have been many.

marvin3 323 Reviews 656 reads
17 / 61
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 875 reads
18 / 61

She's a total sweetheart and didn't see it coming.


inicky46 61 Reviews 770 reads
19 / 61

And it sucks.  Sorry for your trouble terri and hope this clown gets banned here.

GaGambler 747 reads
21 / 61

What ever happened to you ladies looking out for each other, even the ladies you don't like, for the common good of protecting each other from dangerous clients?

Do you REALLY want this swept under the rug so no women thinking about accepting this guy as a client can be warned about a potential stalker?

Woman, what is wrong with you? Are a few dollars so important to you that you would sell your sisters down the river?

katymarie See my TER Reviews 775 reads
22 / 61

TL, you know Ive been there, done that with him also. NASTY DISGUSTING threats! I believe the words "you will be living in a box in the woods when Im done with you!" were uttered to me also. I also remember being told that my entire life would be destroyed. Im still here and he cant hurt me anymore. Guess what? He cant hurt you anymore either. I have NEVER EVER hurt anyone in my entire life. I never would because Im a STRONG believer in Karma (well, thats not the only reason, I truly am just a nice person). I honestly think Mconnection's Karmic number just came up! Stay strong lady! You are sweet AND wonderful and dont deserve this crap ether!

Roadshow2 30 Reviews 650 reads
23 / 61

I know for a fact that that lady is a sweetheart and as straight forward as one can be in a fantasy buisness.  But you are her or anyone shares personal info it is out of friendship and trust same as we guys need to trust the ladies with our info.  So when threats are made and induendos dropped it is a very bad thing.  And makes things tougher on all the good people in this crazy world.

JackDunphy 583 reads
24 / 61

I might have to hire a helper in order to field all the bc shit I am hearing about this dude.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 734 reads
25 / 61

But anyone that knows what happened knew he was speaking about her! You are correct this isn't high school and he's a grown man.

It's ironic that you started a thread on the GDB about men abusing women but you say what you did here.



clarkw.griswold 72 Reviews 587 reads
26 / 61

99% of the ladies I have had the pleasure of meeting are so nice, to stalk someone is just incredible.

GaGambler 802 reads
27 / 61

Come on Mellissa, I would love to hear you try to spin this.

Some guy who calls you a name via email that you will never meet in your entire life is abusive enough to warrant an entire thread on the national discussion board, but a serial stalker in your own hometown only deserves to be swept under the rug. Your sense of right and wrong completely escapes me.

oldted 16 Reviews 484 reads
29 / 61
mconnection 58 Reviews 781 reads
30 / 61

You shouldn't flatter yourself, I didn't mention any names! I wasn't even talking about anyone in this tread.Maybe some others have things to hide, I certainly don't! I have lots of emails and text, but like H. Clinton mine will stay private.
I also will accept inquires about my habits over 8 years.

Maybe some just need more p/r to boost some business .
Posted By: Leon3798
So recently I have realized that Im Super horny.  Maybe its my time of the month.  ;-)  Im not sure whats going on, but the ladies and my right hand dont seem to simmer down the libido for more than a few hours.  I just had a date a little while ago and I could go on another right now, (preferably with the same girl, she was hot)  Nothing has changed in my life, same amount of exercise I eat the same.  Everything is the same.  Job is stable, lifes good mostly with the regular struggles.  Maybe my brain is just chemical dumping for some reason or another.  

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 741 reads
33 / 61

How in the hell did I "out " him? Wtf? Yea n I'd prefer not to call the cops on anyone too if I can help it! Although he had no problem threatening to send them to MY INCALL!!   He's never been there!  I never did a damn thing to him but told him to never contact me again. His post here is just a shitty attempt to do what he threatened to do in his emails. .. to "destroy me"  
So Melissa your opinion in this matter is pretty much useless to me.  Yea this is not high school. . This is MY LIFE!  I do NOT take threats over n over lightly at all!!  He was talking about me in his damned post n I have every right to stand up to this fucker.  I hate it for you if you don't like it or you think it's high school stuff. You deal with his crazy ass then!

-- Modified on 3/10/2015 5:54:02 PM

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 603 reads
34 / 61

Thanks Katy :)  
Hugs and kisses

bluegrana 14 Reviews 753 reads
35 / 61

Damn, I just discovered the "photo board" thanks to you  
I should browse it, at least there is no drama there lol

followme 710 reads
36 / 61

Bragging or complaining?

Thank you
2015 = 28

Leon3798 52 Reviews 547 reads
37 / 61

me take a quick look at Teri's page, and she's quite hot.  So Im still pretty fired up.  Im not gonna let some douche-bag that likes to stalk women ruin my good mood.  Im glad my thread was actually put to good use by outing this fuck-stick so Im good.  I occasionally check threads from where Im from or just random places, and I try to keep Carolina active and not stale so yea Im still pretty turned on, and happy Carolina boards remain active and useful for ladies and Hobbyists alike.  :-)

Leon3798 52 Reviews 574 reads
38 / 61

I was in general just wondering what would cause the change simply out of the blue.

Posted By: followme
Bragging or complaining?  
 Thank you  
 2015 = 28

GaGambler 602 reads
39 / 61

I give people, a LOT of people, a hard time on a pretty regular basis, but 99% of the time it's all in good fun, and I take as much razzing as I give, also all in good fun. Yesterday was different, we not talking about a rude client, we are talking about a serial stalker who still poses a danger to the community, but hopefully who poses a little less danger than he did yesterday as he can't hide in the shadows anymore.

Yes, yesterday should go down as a good day for the boards, and I am also happy to say that KatyMarie got a little belated redemption for what that POS put her through. If we saved even one woman from going what KM and TL had to go through, yesterday was a job well done. Sorry it was at the expense of your rather upbeat OP.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 480 reads
40 / 61

I see one post was deleted where the offender got really nasty with TL and lied! so if anyone show their true colors it was him (mconnection).


GaGambler 771 reads
41 / 61

Make up some stupid story about drugs and STD's of course. I personally wish Admin had left that post up so EVERYONE could see what kind of sociopathic liar we are dealing with.

I can only hope that the other women he has pulled this shit on take courage from KM and TL and come forward and tell their stories too, then we might get rid of this blight on the community for good.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 575 reads
42 / 61

They do not last forever in the way you spoke in your original post. Sadly I must say as most of us men surely know. Even though getting to the point where sex is not on your mind every second of the day is not such a bad thing. The rush of what you described is still some great stuff though!!

Gambler if indeed he is what you all say, then kudos. I don't know either of the two ladies but it just doesn't seem logical they would be lying on the man in a such a way. Nice apology to Leon on his thread as well. I've participated in messing up a few threads (not on purpose) and looking back it was for entertainment reasons only. Yours was for sticking up for your friend Teri and I applaud that. I don't agree with what a poster said to you on the general board that you should come to the defense of all. It seems like you knew actual details of this situation and that matters when doing such a thing. I still must say this though, I still got my eye on you Kenny Rogers. Lol. Much respect with this one though.

katymarie See my TER Reviews 520 reads
43 / 61

Im just so sorry he did it to you, too. Im sorry he's done it to so many before us and I truly hope he never gets to do it to another one. He thinks he's such a big man, pushing around "weaker" people. He's a very very small man in reality. Bullies are cowards.

GaGambler 702 reads
44 / 61

I have said repeatedly that I don't take anything said on a fuck board seriously, but maybe I should amend that statement to read "anything, but things that have real world consequences" Calling each other morons, suckups, or assholes has no real world consequences.

You aren't going to go hang yourself because someone was meant to you on TER, but stalking and threatening to call LE on a provider is not fun and games. It's serious and even a prick like me takes it seriously. On my very next post I am likely to be calling some other hooker BSC for something she might have said on this or some other TER board, but if I get reliable information that her life or liberty is being threatened, fun and games are over and I will stand beside her against any cowardly bully.

I try to be very selective on when to be serious and I never want to get the reputation like tidwit for riding in on his white horse defending EVERY woman for the least little perceived slight or insult. Thank you for acknowledging that I can be serious when the situation calls for it, and lets all do our part to rid ourselves of this cowardly POS.

but don't think this gives you a pass on me ragging on you on your very next post, I am still an asshole with no plans on changing my ways. but unlike this stalker, I am a completely harmless asshole and would never dream of doing any woman who has ever posted here any personal harm.

DavieCakes 2 Reviews 667 reads
45 / 61

How do we get to the Photo Board?

Not aware of that one...

Little-Bit-GFE See my TER Reviews 695 reads
46 / 61

Terry Im really sorry this happened to you!! Im still not really positive what exactly happened but still, girl I am sorry....... MConnection, I seen you a few years back, WTF happened to you??  
Steph, and Katy, I hope you both are good..... Katy Im sorry this happened to you also!!


inicky46 61 Reviews 494 reads
47 / 61
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 371 reads
48 / 61
GaGambler 828 reads
50 / 61

all I can think of is to take away his cloak of total anonymity, sure he can change his handle, and maybe reinvent himself, but no longer can he abuse these women while claiming credibility under his present handle.

At the very least he would have to reinvent himself, and the Carolinas are a relatively small market so it would only be a matter of weeks before the ladies would know who he was and take steps to avoid him.

That is just one of the biggest shames about this industry being illegal, if the hobby were legal they could use LE to protect them, instead of being threatened with being outed to LE. A crying shame indeed.

MrTwister 3 Reviews 605 reads
51 / 61

Got lured over here by posts on the GB and now I am curious. So this guy, he's a certified stalker? What do women do to avoid this? From this thread he's done this more than once. The post about a comment to the affect of being 'buried in a box' is beyond disturbing. Geez.

I don't see a way for this to be stamped out. So much anonymity etc. Aside from asking him to please stop and hoping he does (lest you run the risk of having to explain to the cops the back story and making a bad situation worse)...what the hell can you do???  

Pretty fk'd up

GaGambler 698 reads
52 / 61

and that should never change, but his handle is not out there, and it would be virtually impossible for him to come back as Morondisconnection for example, resume his hobbying as if he were a newbie without it becoming common knowledge among the ladies that Morondisconnection was really the same guy as mconnection but with a new handle.

The only way he could pull that off would be to see no one but women he had never seen before, and even then he would have to pass screening without references, and hope he didn't run into any hookers he knew. Not a small task is market as small as this one. Not to mention he would have zero leverage as a TER reviewer without any TER reviews under his name, so he might be able to come back but his bite would be toothless.

MrTwister 3 Reviews 673 reads
53 / 61

Is that suggestion even possible? Doesn't TER have a strict rule about revealing names? I honestly don't know. And if my assumption is wrong, yikes. I wonder under what circumstances they would allow that, if any. This seems like the best example, if there are any

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 704 reads
54 / 61

Sounds French ... the sniper thing has been claimed already, but I see some Gauloises, a beret, and a baguette under the arm to complete the picture

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 705 reads
55 / 61

He threatened to somehow destroy their credit so and wouldn't be able to live anywhere else. The problem is he comes on very polite and romantic at first.

My experience with him wasn't what these two ladies was, but after I saw him and told him I wouldn't see him again for my own reasons, he played the victim. It's always the lady's fault, never his.

-- Modified on 3/13/2015 7:57:54 AM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 723 reads
56 / 61

Like I threatened HIM! This is completely a lie of course. I didn't want to see him again and so of course he just HAD to spread lies about me. Of course with each new person, he talks shit about the last person that doesn't want to see him again.

I'm REALLY hoping most guys are wise enough to know he's sour grapes on his best day and can be what Teri and Katy Marie on his worst.

NO ONE ever stops seeing him on good terms-EVER it appears.



xyz23 45 Reviews 587 reads
57 / 61
katymarie See my TER Reviews 761 reads
58 / 61

Steph, its not just you, its not just me and its not just TL. Back when I saw him, I heard stories about nearly EVERY lady he saw. Nasty stories. Ones I wont repeat because thats all they were STORIES. FICTION. If the ladies he saw honestly dont believe he is saying things about them to the guys and other ladies he talks to, they are delusional. But thats ok. Let them have their delusions. One day, they will hear about it, I'm sure. Cause the more he talks and the more people he talks TO the more likely it is that it will get back to them. I couldnt care less what he says about me anymore. He cant do anything to me at all anymore. Im above it. I dont stress about it or even think about it anymore. The gentlemen I have the pleasure of spending time with know me well enough to know I'm NOT the person he tries to make me out to be. And the one's that do listen to him, I dont want to see anyway. I think everyone who has heard his nearly weekly rants about a woman he "LOVED" the week before are starting to get the picture. He is a sad, pitiful little man who secretly HATES ALL women. He's a danger to this community, a danger to ANY woman he comes in contact with and one day, he will do something so bad that all this will seem like fun and games. Its sad, but true unfortunately. I just wish that more ladies would come out and tell their stories, but I do understand why they dont. I just hope they can live with it if he ends up hurting someone or actually DOES destroy someones life.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 556 reads
59 / 61
HotCougarMilf See my TER Reviews 720 reads
60 / 61

it's a very unfortunate situation and I'M VERY SORRY YOU LADIES HAD TO EXPERIENCE THAT.  It's not the norm.  TL I'll pm you a little later sweet gal.

Again, my heart goes out to you fine ladies and you shouldn't spend one more minute thinking about it.  Go out and meet new friends and make that money chicas.

Everyone have a healthy and prosperous Sunday. And go Dale Earnhardt Jr. ;)

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 642 reads
61 / 61

he emailed me 50 million times a day and if I didn't respond to every one he got upset THEN he called AT 7AM SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS "WHY WONT YOU RESPOND TO ME??!!!" at 7 in the fucking morning? That's when I said ok I have had enough and do not EVER contact me again! Well that just made him even madder than hell. THEN the threats started over n over n over including threats of LE and "destroying me"  
No this is not the norm and you just wait until one day YOU refuse to deal with it and he freaks out on you. He is very good at being "very good" with a few ladies to make people believe he is nice. I feel like he will eventually hurt someone one day as he is definitely unstable. Hey Katy and I are ONLY 2 that have come forward, there are others that haven't and probably wont due to his threats.  
I am not wasting my good energy on this fucktard anymore. I am done with his ass BUT I do not want another lady to go through this EVER with him.  
I am sure he's probably back channeling all sorts of stuff about me but I don't give a flying fuck what he says about me because I have enough guys that I have known for YEARS that I don't even bother with all that BS.
Glad he was OK with you but he will keep being good to some just to keep on being his crazy ass self to others.
Hope you're well :)
Hugs and kisses

-- Modified on 3/15/2015 8:46:02 AM

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