
Re: Had good and bad
OXYGEN 37 Reviews 325 reads

Has anyone heard of "getting your tubes tied" or a "Vasectomy".

oscarbee1836 reads

Whoever invented these should be sentenced to the electric chair.  My first experience recently and I won't repeat.  Anyones thoughts on these?

I know they're not for everyone, but I haven't had any sorts of bad experiences with them?

RonMexico561 reads

I've had it with those damn things too! Every time I try one it just keeps slippin' off...............

for the most part to me they are unappealing.  I have had some very nice experiences though.  I have had some providers so adept at using them that not only did you almost not notice them there  but they felt nice.  I have had others "try" and use them and it looks like a hefty bag hanging out of their vajayjay.  Not to visually appealing and a bit of a turn off for me.

Has anyone heard of "getting your tubes tied" or a "Vasectomy".

who are a little sensitivity-deprived, is there any advantage over a decently thin male condom?

because there's no constriction, and that alone seems to be a major advantage. I  just wish they had something like that for Greek, because I have a lot of older clients who are dying to cruise the islands with me... but the condom makes it difficult.  

Inventors???? Someone, get that idea going!!


Posted By: 2labman
who are a little sensitivity-deprived, is there any advantage over a decently thin male condom?

I like them MUCH better than regular condoms for this in particular.

I've been told that the FC-2 is popular with the guy on guy population. I've also been told that the inner ring comes out for those wishing to tour the Islands. I used  an FC-2 for the start of the tour one time, and I left the ring in place during placement, however, she could not tolerate taking all of me and I stopped due to her discomfort---she said the ring did not bother her, sooooooooo, perhaps a lady who has experience and has experienced such can chime in. Miss Aria R. advertises as an Island Tour guide and uses the FC-2 for face to face dancing, any tips for the use of this type party hat for an Island tour;P~~~?

Definitely take out the ring and please still oil up the rig as you would accordingly.  

I actually learned to use them from a gay friend!

Thanks for the iinfo, y'all!


Posted By: birdluvr69
 I've been told that the FC-2 is popular with the guy on guy population. I've also been told that the inner ring comes out for those wishing to tour the Islands. I used  an FC-2 for the start of the tour one time, and I left the ring in place during placement, however, she could not tolerate taking all of me and I stopped due to her discomfort---she said the ring did not bother her, sooooooooo, perhaps a lady who has experience and has experienced such can chime in. Miss Aria R. advertises as an Island Tour guide and uses the FC-2 for face to face dancing, any tips for the use of this type party hat for an Island tour;P~~~?

They take a couple trys to get the hang of 'em:))  LUBE is ESSENTIAL--not just a dab! It keeps it from , sticking to your Johnson and pulling out. Besides, lots of lube makes the sweetest lil juicy sounds. Once in place--fun just putting 'em in---take your time, enjoy playing/licking the kitty^..^ during this time---Foreplay?

How many times have I read reviews to where the guy says he just can't "go" with the guy things in place:(( They have to pull it off and then "go"???  Bummer:(( The girly hats don't pinch---they just seem to adhere to the lady's sugar walls and all you(I) feel is what feels natural, i.e. back in the bare back days---before the "plague":((

When I look down, all I see is my Johnson going cave diving au natural;P~~~  To each his own:))

It felt so awesome, I came in 5 minutes where with a regular condom I struggle to pop.  I am usually a one pop guy so then it's pussy licking and "how's the weather" time for the rest of the date.

Bearing in mind, I have used this product twice, with the same gentleman, who is also more on the larger side....
I did find them awkward at first- but I had a few years ago tried a Nuva ring as BC, so similar-ish ring I actually noticed! However, neither ring, is "user friendly"- kinda have to hold it JUST RIGHT to insert properly. (I quickly got rid of the Nuva ring, btw, it was a pain in the ass when it kept slipping around/out!)

I wish I had known we can remove the ring, it may have made it easier a bit?

As for sensation, it is def a lot more bulky, inside, & perhaps a bit less friction (friction being a good thing... imo) However, I still "got mine." :D  
K-9 & Miss- no issues mechanically, worked quite well; however, CG was a little stop-and-go. I kept hesitating feeling like it was falling out!  
[Stop, check, resume. UGGHHH. :(( ]
(NOT what I want for a "10 performance goal!")

I can understand why a man would want to use this vs the other.
I'd be game, after all, I need the practice apparently lol




Posted By: oscarbee1
Whoever invented these should be sentenced to the electric chair.  My first experience recently and I won't repeat.  Anyones thoughts on these?

at first I thought that a break in the action for insertion might be a drawback but soon realized that making the process part of the foreplay fixed that (try something like using a modest sized dildo for insertion).  Biggest advantage (to me) is if you want to alternate with oral you can just pull your member for some BBBJ and then go right back to f***ing.  Biggest reported problem in use by general population is high failure rate (in pregnancy prevention) due to misuse (guy can get inside her without being inside the FC).

Never thought of the ring removal technique for use in Greek, might make that better as well!

And the FC2 was quite nice. Both ladies enjoyed the sensation (said it felt like nothing in between us) and I was happy to not have to keep switching condoms when switching between the ladies. Makes it a lot more fun in doubles. As for the look of the things, well I enjoy my dining before we get that far and they didn't seem to mind them at all. However if I want to go back to the buffet we can always pull it out. Of course they aren't for everyone and some folks have reported not being able to use them for various reasons.

I don't get req's for them often but now that I'm used to FC2's (used to hate them to) .... I love the experience whenever I get the chance.

Posted By: oscarbee1
Whoever invented these should be sentenced to the electric chair.  My first experience recently and I won't repeat.  Anyones thoughts on these?

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