
Re: Elementary My Dear Watson
alabama1963 7 Reviews 399 reads

1-screening is difficult for me due to being self employed, along with the fact that I often go over 6 months without seeing a provider, so references are tough to come by.

2-LOCAL.  Like everybody else so far, I highly prefer local talent.  

1. I wonder why guys don't like to get screened . Is it really a big deal giving a bit of info for mutual safety and security?  
I understand keeping the privacy but if I were a hobbyist I wouldn't want to see a girl that doesn't screen clients.

2. Do hobbyists prefer to see visiting girls or local girls?



Mr.M.Johnson612 reads

Actually, I can't remember the last time a Provider didn't wanna bother to screen me.

I virtually never see visiting girls - I wouldn't wanna "fall in love" so-to-speak and never see 'em again.  A big-thing about this hobby - for me - is forming informal relationships.   My game-plan is to have several favs and see them regularly rather than play-the-field.  I travel a lot on biz so I have favs in several cities

My $.02

Thats what I would think too.... it's nice to have a regular or two.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
Actually, I can't remember the last time a Provider didn't wanna bother to screen me.  
 I virtually never see visiting girls - I wouldn't wanna "fall in love" so-to-speak and never see 'em again.  A big-thing about this hobby - for me - is forming informal relationships.   My game-plan is to have several favs and see them regularly rather than play-the-field.  I travel a lot on biz so I have favs in several cities  
 My $.02

Second question is easier to answer without ruffling feathers, local gals no question easier to build a rapore and have more fun after the first session butterflies.  

As for info I've always figured P411 and quality provider reference should be good enough. A lot of times it's not that I don't trust a lady with my info it's her email getting hacked by a stalker client or inadvertently getting uncle Leo seeing my info.

Many guys don't like giving out their personal info because they don't know for sure if it will come back to haunt them. We are strangers to the men as much as they are strangers to us. I only screen if the guy triggers my spidy sensors when he contacts me.

being screened..I would not want to see a lady that didn't screen her clients.

over the visiting gals because of the friendships that are developed and easier maintained because they are local..

And I love your reply and wish I could "like" it more than once! ;-)

Steph xoxo

1-screening is difficult for me due to being self employed, along with the fact that I often go over 6 months without seeing a provider, so references are tough to come by.

2-LOCAL.  Like everybody else so far, I highly prefer local talent.  

if she screened you or not. Even if one provides the info, which I don't mind, you really don't know .. I guess that is a sort of screening.  

And I prefer local ladies. I might be the one traveling.

she has in on her computer. This can put you at risk if you are dealing with an unstable provider or one that is not careful with the personal information she receives

Hi bxb!!!!! :D

we live in a world full of risk. Some risks are worth taking and some are not. If I have done my homework, I can minimize that risk. However, I have know folks that were OK for a while and then they just snapped. I was married to one hundreds of years ago, and I still got married again. Go figure. So, it always somewhat of a risk.

hugs to you Marie.

"I have know(n) folks that were O.K. for a while, and then they just snapped."  

Several years ago I had an appointment to see a sweet lady in the Piedmont area of NC. She bailed! Nada, nothing, just vanished:(( Some time later she reappears, and I contacted her, and she said that she would explain when I got there. She had moved from just around the corner to me. I got the directions and took off. WOW! She had been seeing a guy for a while, and that day, just before my appt., he shows up and wants Greek, she said that she does not do that, soooo, he pulls a gun and chokes her unconscious and gets what he wants! THANK GOD she went to LE and had him arrested:)) Screwed up his life---YEA:)) I hope LE, as much as we do not like Vice LE, would continue to want to arrest a purp rather than an escort, in such a case! I think she moved to another state, and there is no need to bring up her name. I don't know what happened to the purp:(( Would be nice to know that he is in lock up and is the bitch to Bubba---ROTFLMAO:))

There is risk on both sides.  And once it is on someone's computer it is there.  The same with email.  It's never "totally" gone or erased.  And there are some looney tunes on both sides.  I have had the unpleasant experience of a provider try to threaten me.  Fortunately for me I know how and had the means to put an immediate halt to it.

That's true...sometimes you can easily screen with phone numbers and/or email addresses.  In that case he may not even know he's been screened.

Mr.M.Johnson423 reads

I hadn't really thought about it, but I "screen" Providers by looking at their website and some reviews.  There's no threat that a Provider with a website and reviews is LE.

As for Providers screening me, I've been hobbyin for 12 years on TER.  I have WhiteLisings.  I've never ever not once provided my name to ANYONE, and that includes ladies that I've seen 20 times.  Occasionally a Provider will ask me for references and I've given those.

No Provider has ever refused to see me.

I have seen it happen and people get busted on more than one occasion.  It is nothing to create a website and nothing to get some fake reviews up.

1: Personally, I don't mind it at all. I do understand that Mutual Trust is an issue and the concerns regarding an unstable provider, personal info getting tossed around, etc... Yet I also understand why it is better for both as well. A provider needs that security for many reasons other than the obvious. Their personal safety... So to me, no it isn't a big deal at all. I'm sure there are far more unstable Clients than providers out there. (I've had a few share some stories and some mad me sad and extremely Angry! Would love to catch a guy treating a Lady bad...)  

2: Most difficult question to me because of my location. What do I call Local? For the 15 plus years I lived in MB, SC., it would have been a different answer. Yet after moving back to my hometown in the Upstate of SC, there isn't really such a thing as local. I'm 45 mins away from Gville, and 50 away from the Queen City.  

So I guess in a way, I'm a visiting client, vice versa. Yet I don't mind driving these distances at all. Just the opposite. Would I meet a traveling provider as most see it? Yes. My Preference would be to really establish just a few local providers in what I consider my Local Range. And the possibility of only One has been in my mind of late. (And preferably, Queen City or NC in general over SC)

I know the risk of a no show and explained my thinking about it elsewhere as follows. When I choose to see someone I make sure that I have plenty of time. Will usually come to stay a day or more anyway so if anything falls through, at the worst, I'm going to go out and have good time somewhere. Explore a New Club or Bar, one I've already been to,  the Town, etc... I'll find something to do. lol...

you give her quite a bit of personal info due to her being on TER for 15 years with stellar reviews and because she has a reputation for having a good head on her shoulders.

Suzi Creamcheese, has family that calls and talks to her daily. Her family has not been able to reach her for three days. They call her local LE requesting a courtesy call to her residence. LE break into her home and cannot find her. Her computer, purse, and phone are all there. LE proceeds to go through Suzi Creamcheeses personal belongings in order to locate her. That would include her phone and computer.

This could happen

Posted By: Cochese2
1: Personally, I don't mind it at all. I do understand that Mutual Trust is an issue and the concerns regarding an unstable provider, personal info getting tossed around, etc... Yet I also understand why it is better for both as well. A provider needs that security for many reasons other than the obvious. Their personal safety... So to me, no it isn't a big deal at all. I'm sure there are far more unstable Clients than providers out there. (I've had a few share some stories and some mad me sad and extremely Angry! Would love to catch a guy treating a Lady bad...)  
 2: Most difficult question to me because of my location. What do I call Local? For the 15 plus years I lived in MB, SC., it would have been a different answer. Yet after moving back to my hometown in the Upstate of SC, there isn't really such a thing as local. I'm 45 mins away from Gville, and 50 away from the Queen City.  
 So I guess in a way, I'm a visiting client, vice versa. Yet I don't mind driving these distances at all. Just the opposite. Would I meet a traveling provider as most see it? Yes. My Preference would be to really establish just a few local providers in what I consider my Local Range. And the possibility of only One has been in my mind of late. (And preferably, Queen City or NC in general over SC)  
 I know the risk of a no show and explained my thinking about it elsewhere as follows. When I choose to see someone I make sure that I have plenty of time. Will usually come to stay a day or more anyway so if anything falls through, at the worst, I'm going to go out and have good time somewhere. Explore a New Club or Bar, one I've already been to,  the Town, etc... I'll find something to do. lol...

Marie, you threw a good one out here that is indeed a thought provoking scenario and most certainly could happen.  

I would certainly hope nothing would happen to Suzi, but if so and contacted, I would certainly want to help. Difficult scenario, but at the same time I want providers to know I'm a good Reputable client They can trust.  

Establishing a small set of providers, maybe only one or two, that you have such great rapport with, know you inside and out, and trust enough to not need this info stored around for ages? Whitelists? I think those could be misleading as well. A person could be very good with someone, yet flip out on another. Could present to certain people, yet extremely rude roaming BP, etc...  

So where is the line regarding screening info for Both parties, yet also from many different types of scenarios as you presented?

Lord knows I would hope the above never happened to anyone. Yet I still want providers to do want they deem and feel is safe for them when considering spending time with me.

I saw this one hobbyist for well over five years, even had a tryst with he and his wife. I had been to his house. He had been to mine This guy was no slouch....A Type personality, professional, educated, kind..... I get a call from a provider wanting a reference for this guy, of course I give him a stellar verbal review.  He and I are buds. Days later I get a call from the provider. She is pissed! He got really rough with her. She was scared it was going to be her last appointment....ever. Basically he used me to satisfy a sadistic fantasy. He knew I would talk him up and she would then have her guard down

This is one of the many reasons I rarely screen, also because I know my local LE would go through my stuff in a heartbeat if I came up missing, like I described in that last scenario.

For someone with only one review and whom I am assuming is fairly new to the hobby, you have really good insight

I think that what it boils down to is it being a two way street:

1. Do your homework and research. There are plenty of ways to decide if you feel comfortable with a particular provider asking for what screening info she needs to verify you.  
2. Once you have decided that the provider is worth going thru HER own level of verifictIon (hopefully thinking with the big head and not the smaller one) provide her what she asks for until you reach your level of comfort. Some like Marie may not require much as she relies on her instincts and I think most here would consider her trustworthy, Reputable, and by all accounts a hell of a lot of fun if you have been so lucky. Another lady it may seem requires a full credit report , DNA report, and a note from your mom (you get the idea) .  Both parties have to do their homework and stop when they feel they have given the amount of info they are comfortable with. If it works out great if not then move on.  

Never forget both parties are taking on risks and each must decide how far they will go for a few moments of fun. Some of us have more to lose than other and there are lots of ladies to choose from each with what makes her comfortable to see someone. The trick and in most cases fun is finding the right match. It is not rocket science but it does take some effort, time, and personal instincts to find the right match. Like all things we tend to hear and remember the "horror" stories, but forget that for everyone of them there were hunderds of good times happening.

Happy hobbying

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Mr.M.Johnson594 reads

Yeah, somebody can turn crazy, but, odds are, once OK, almost always OK

I can choose to not drive on the beltline because I might get in an accident


An Accident Is Going To Happen

I've had guys that started out Ok in order to gain my trust and in time began to give me problems....sometimes YEARS down the line

*Wanting/expecting free time

*Ripping me off

*Telling me sob stories hoping to get perks

*One lied about having cancer hoping to get perks. I knew him for around 10 years before he tried this stunt (I could write a book folks)

*Showing up strung out on steroids.....that was scary

Guys starting off Ok and then morphing on me is not all that uncommon

Mr.M.Johnson453 reads

I guess that I've led a sheltered life.  I've been hobbyin for 12 years but I've only been on this Board for ~1 year.  I've learned a lot on this board.  None of the Providers I've seen have ever told me about stuff that you just listed.

I thought that all of the guys are like me - honest, safe and fun.  Turns out I was wrong.

GaGambler551 reads


This can happen to even women with stellar records going back years, one day they wake up simply sick of the business and sick of every guy they have ever had to fuck professionally. It can happen overnight or it can happen gradually over years. I've seen it happen hundreds of times over my many years here.

I am sure everyone who has been here has seen it happen, happy hookers who start out loving life, loving their work and even loving their clients, after several years of doing this start getting resentful about the various negatives that go with the territory of being a hooker and you can see the tone of their posts start to change. The very same woman who can shrug off a NCNS as an "occupational hazard" in her first year or two in the business, now wants to ruin the guys life in her tenth year doing this because of the five hundred guys who have pulled the same shit on her over the years. Not to pick on anyone in particular, but read the thread on GD about blacklists. One of the "older" women here publicly recommended putting guys on national black list sites which expose their personal information for such "serious" transgressions as "time wasting" IOW it's ok to ruin a guys life because he wasted some of her valuable time.

The long and the short of it is you never know who is going to go all BSC on your ass. If you have anything to lose, it's advisable to be VERY careful when providing screening information.

JakeFromStateFarm458 reads

The person you refer to is said to be "on the juice" in a vain effort to stave off aging and build muscle.  The result can be "roid rage" and I'm not talking about hemorrhoids.  It can also lead to an enlarged clit and adam's apple.  One would hope someone would report on this but I believe she claims to have many mens' balls in her purse.  LMAO!

What I do know to be accurate is "roid rage" or anyone strung out on steroids to be very scary. I'm a pretty brave gal, but when I was alone with an admitted steroid user, I was DAMN nervous. It's not the kind of appointment I'd ever want to experience again. I'd also like to throw in that I knew this guy for quite a few years, so I was very familiar with his behavior and appearance before he started using steroids.

Be careful out there folks

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
The person you refer to is said to be "on the juice" in a vain effort to stave off aging and build muscle.  The result can be "roid rage" and I'm not talking about hemorrhoids.  It can also lead to an enlarged clit and adam's apple.  One would hope someone would report on this but I believe she claims to have many mens' balls in her purse.  LMAO!

I don't understand why people are so obsessed with her being on steroids. If she WAS, she'd quite frankly have a lot more muscle. And steroids don't help with aging. You're confusing them with Human Growth Hormone.

JakeFromStateFarm374 reads

1) The person in question bragged continually about growth in muscle mass and drops in body fat.
2) Photos that this person posted showed an increase in muscularity and vascularity.
3) I never said steroids themselves help with aging, simply that they were part of an effort in this case to change body image as a reaction to aging.
I hope this clarifies things for you.

Like whatsoever. Maybe educate yourself on weightlifting and the general lifestyle around it? She and I both are very into fitness and I can boast having the same things happen at different times as her. I certainly don't use anything illegal. Know what happens when you get onto weight lifting? And adopt the overall regimen that goes along with it? You see those exact things happen. DUH. So again- educate yourself on it. Why are you so obsessed with her life Lol?  

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Didn't want to jump into a war, but Gabby is right.  
Everyone should try to stay fit. If you workout, eat right, use the right amount of Protein, you're gonna look good. Add  L-Arginine (An Amino Acid which is also a Vasodilator, among many other potential health benefits) and you will see Veins for sure. All natural and can get at Walmart if need be.  

I can spot a person on Roids a Mile Away. My Brother takes them as do many at my gym. There Is a huge difference and anyone who's been around them can tell. All natural is Real and takes dedication.  

Same applies to a female. If one saw my friend and neighbor, they may believe the same. Yet she has been at it a long time. has a back and Butt to die for. But she puts in the work, Not only at the gym, but Crossfit, Spartan, Yoga, you name it.. All natural...  

Just my .02 on this subject. Don't know anyone involved.

I did not mean that in a snarky way (sometimes I don't come across as I intend). Steroids can change a persons personality (and not necessarily in a good way) and they are illegal to be on without a prescription. I personally would not want to hang out with someone who had a controlled drug on them.....or was under the influence of a controlled substance. I believe anabolic steroids are a schedule lll drug. I'm double checking that info right now

Some steroids are for getting cut while burning fat like Winstrol, Trenbolone and Anavar.  

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I've been around the body building scene for several years now. I've known guys that use them. I know the effects. I can point out effects on people that use because I've been around it so much.  

You should really take all the shit talking these guys do with a grain of salt. In several years of hanging out with Julia I've never seen roid rage. Or obvious steroid use. They just like stirring up shit.

GaGambler484 reads

but she is a VERY angry woman, anyone who has ever read her posts can attest to that fact.

All I did was point out her own words posted on the GD board. I don't have to make up shit about her, her own posts tell the story.

and yes, I do like stirring up shit. but that's not what my post was about. My post was about the very real danger of trusting your personal information to a woman who admittedly will reveal it in retaliation for the most minor of transgressions.

It is one thing for someone like JLS to be on here for the millionth time desperately trying to salvage her bad rep, but for you to WK for her makes you to be the fool.

Unless you are going to claim ignorance to her deceptive business practices? Her getting caught with multiple handles in trying to deceive the guys?  

All her angry, wacky, self-aggrandizing posts? All her false bravado about "kicking ass" with a man that rips her off? Really? You are down with all this dumbass shit?

You really think a girl should physically try to subdue a guy that just ripped her off? Yeah that is her advice to numerous gals here that could lead them 6 feet under.

Are you going to feign ignorance of the VERY lengthy threads on this very board where guys and gals both had issues with her? Are they ALL wrong and she is right?

She is clearly an angry person on the boards and couple that with her deceptive business practices and flat out stupid advice to the women makes you look like a horrible judge of character.  

Rethink this one.

None of my statements show me in ANY kind of light, really. So I could really care less about anything you have to say. I only responded to the statements about her being on steroids. Nothing more. I'm not a board whore like you and the others who sit on here all day obsessing over her. So I don't follow all her posts and I don't read her blog. Has nothing to do with me. I commented on the subject of steroids ONLY. Because extremely ignorant statements were made. Nothing for me to rethink.  


I didn't know you were THIS stupid but WK for JLS gave me an early indication.

This just in sweety...ALL of your statements show you in a light. To think you are the sole person on earth whose thoughts don't reflect who they are is delusional.

And it is clear you DO care what I say otherwise you wouldn't have felt the need to respond back but I love the hypocrisy. LOL

I also see you are checking off all the insecurity boxes with the "I'm not a board whore" idiocy. You are on  fuck board honey. Get over yourself.  

You are not any better or any worse for posting more or less than I do but its nice to know you will look down your nose at people that don't post inside of your approved parameters. LOL

Finally please note JLS's weak response. She didn't even try and defend her "professionalism" for it does not exist. LOL

Thanks for playing though. JLS's check is in the mail. Cash that fkker the day you get it!  

She doesn't have the most honest business practices so I am glad I could educate you out of your ignorance. ;)

Where did that girl go? LOL

Seems like you do care a great bit about what I have to say but its your delusion so you are free to live in it.

Good luck "hanging out" with Julia. I'll bet that's fun. LOL

Just are the company you keep.

It can happen in reverse.  Providers getting to friendly, wanting something free, looking for a handout, sob stories, strung out on drugs, etc.  It's a two way street for sure!

1. As guy you worry the information can used against you for blackmail - being held up. p411 as an intermediary helps until it gets hacked (we are all basically trusting someone with our information).  Screening to me is part of building trust. Irony is for guys is women who require screening are actually the most trust worthy as these ladies are really thinking with their heads.  So in a sense screening is an ironic plus.  

2. I prefer local girls or at least girls who are NC/SC central - take TonkaToy as an example of a visiting local girl - I am in the Charlotte area and she is based in Winston. I want to hopefully have the option to repeat if all goes well for both parties.  And help the local economy :).  

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