
Re: As much as I dislike you sometimes, you are right :P
lamboblue14 1620 reads
1 / 24

Good morning fellas. Well I am almost over a bladder infection so I started looking for a new encounter. Since Alexandria went to another city. :( just an amazing lady their. Anyways I noticed the ads with the same pics different numbers. One goes by April. One by peaches, the other amber. This girl has an amazing body. And I'm curious as to which is the real one. Could anyone clarify which one is the true girl in the pics. I would appreciate thi

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 621 reads
2 / 24

Is this a trick question?

Posted By: lamboblue14
Good morning fellas. Well I am almost over a bladder infection so I started looking for a new encounter. Since Alexandria went to another city. :( just an amazing lady their. Anyways I noticed the ads with the same pics different numbers. One goes by April. One by peaches, the other amber. This girl has an amazing body. And I'm curious as to which is the real one. Could anyone clarify which one is the true girl in the pics. I would appreciate this  

1743906 68 Reviews 589 reads
3 / 24

And getting a date after admitting you're "Almost over it". As for the rest of your message. I'm sure I speak for pretty much everyone else on TER when I say What The Fuck??? Learn to do your own research. It's only been posted on here about 5000 times how to do it. So the first thing to do is learn to read and you will be half way there.

However I would be willing to bet that NONE of the girls are the one in the pics. Just a wild ass guess.

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 959 reads
4 / 24

Is it a full moon or what? I fail to see the humor in your reply. As far as a bladder infection. I have none. And as a matter  of fact men can not get one. The urethras of a man has 8 inches and when he has an orgasm it kills all bacteria .  

So, I have no idea what you are talking about, yet, being an RN....Certified, I will take you head on.... Please explain your derogatory  statement with facts, not Anger........Thank you and have a wonderful , beautiful day.............Kelley White

Panthera12 482 reads
5 / 24

How many years ago did you receive this alleged certification and was it from a 3rd world country? Men can and do get bladder infections. They increase with age and there is also a correlation to having an enlarged prostate.  

If you want to go head to head with someone, you can ask the OP for his physician's name to dispute his diagnosis. Good luck with that!

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 528 reads
6 / 24

Men can and do get bladder infections, as well as UTI's, kidney infections, and all other assorted urinary system malfunctions and mishaps.

Kelly, I don't know where you got your information.... But a refresher course, mayhaps?

My g-ma was a nurse for 30 yrs and I grew up knowing that!
Then again, I was always prone to UTI's, so I got drilled with it....

On a side note:

PLEASE REFRAIN from "playing" until your bladder infection is "ALL THE WAY GONE" not "almost."
Yes, it is spreadable. Thankyou, I appreciate that.  


FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 413 reads
7 / 24

Me love you..... long time!! LOL!!

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 484 reads
8 / 24

The Mayo Clinic web site says,
Although bladder infections are more common in women, men can get them, too. Signs and symptoms of bladder infection in men include:

Frequent urination
Strong, persistent urge to urinate (urgency)
Burning or tingling sensation during or just after urination (dysuria)
Low-grade fever
Cloudy urine with a strong odor
Blood in urine (hematuria)
Common causes of bladder infection in men include:

Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH)
Kidney stones
Abnormal narrowing of the urethra (urethral stricture), which may result from urethral catheterization, surgery, disease or infection

Jesus people ... GOOGLE things.
Posted By: FoxyNC
Men can and do get bladder infections, as well as UTI's, kidney infections, and all other assorted urinary system malfunctions and mishaps.  
 Kelly, I don't know where you got your information.... But a refresher course, mayhaps?  
 My g-ma was a nurse for 30 yrs and I grew up knowing that!  
 Then again, I was always prone to UTI's, so I got drilled with it....  
 On a side note:  
 PLEASE REFRAIN from "playing" until your bladder infection is "ALL THE WAY GONE" not "almost."  
 Yes, it is spreadable. Thankyou, I appreciate that.  

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 382 reads
10 / 24
1743906 68 Reviews 490 reads
11 / 24

Apparently you misunderstood my comment. Go back and read it again. I never said the OP didn't have one. I merely said good luck with it and good luck getting a date when admitting he was "almost over it" I don't know if it's contagious or not but who want's to take the risk. Whenever I hear the word infection I tend to shy away and if I happen to be the one with an infection (and yes I have had one myself) then I will be a good boy and take all of my medications and be damn sure I'm clear before I play.

1743906 68 Reviews 389 reads
12 / 24

Please ignore my post before this one. I had placed someone on ignore when I received a couple of PMs and since I couldn't see that persons post I mistook yours for being aimed at me. I apologize for any offense I may have caused you

GaGambler 515 reads
13 / 24

but she is in the habit of spouting off about shit that she knows nothing about, Nothing new there.

You might also want to try using the "tree" version on TER instead of the "flat" version. It makes it a little clearer as to who is responding to who. Don't feel bad, people respond to the wrong posts all the time when in flat mode. I wish they would simply do away with it.

1743906 68 Reviews 380 reads
14 / 24

Yeah I took her off of ignore long enough to read her post and then realized what had happened. Hence my apology to Panthera. That's all I wanted to say.

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 388 reads
15 / 24

No, wait wait....... is that right?  

No, I'm not, I'm just a.....    


Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 473 reads
16 / 24

You mean the world isn't flat? Damn .... you're correct about using the tree version tho.

Posted By: GaGambler
but she is in the habit of spouting off about shit that she knows nothing about, Nothing new there.

You might also want to try using the "tree" version on TER instead of the "flat" version. It makes it a little clearer as to who is responding to who. Don't feel bad, people respond to the wrong posts all the time when in flat mode. I wish they would simply do away with it.

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 341 reads
17 / 24

FoxyNC, I never said I had a bladder infection Kelley
WTF are you referring to. I was never prone to bladder infections.......So sorry for you weak immune system.....Kelley

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 364 reads
18 / 24

You must be hanging with the wrong type of escorts..............FoxyNC, I know all of the above. Excuse me, why did it happen to you and not me. I must be a bit cleaner than you or not take as many dates...........Are you are drugs?????????Kelley

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 318 reads
19 / 24

Yes, what are you saying? Kelley

-- Modified on 2/2/2015 1:39:48 AM

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 329 reads
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kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 261 reads
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You mean you follow others to look good.....Read above posts! Kelley

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 305 reads
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FoxyNC, I never said I had a bladder infection..............Kelley

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 332 reads
24 / 24

Checked out your site. Hmmmm. Kelley

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