
Re: All of them visiting on the same day?
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 812 reads
1 / 10

I go weeks without spotting a girl who I want to see then .... BOOM!
They all decide to tour at the same time. Fuck my life sometimes.

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 12:54:31 PM

Superdave00101 1 Reviews 375 reads
2 / 10

Nice to know I am not the only one this happens to...damn it!!!

ftu398 26 Reviews 338 reads
3 / 10

Usually it happens when I'm out of town though...  Which presents its own challenges because I'm somewhere new and I've found 3-4 I want to see there too.  Come on freaking lottery!  

When I'm in town though and it happens...  

Hell.. I go get two extra half gallon bottles of Pineapple juice, some bananas, and a pound a walnuts... If you saw that thread you'll know what I mean..  

Of the ones that are here pick one my friend...  The others will come back at some point and you'll have that opportunity to look forward to.  

Happy Monday

MollyDaniels See my TER Reviews 405 reads
4 / 10

I go weeks without spotting a girl who I want to see then .... BOOM!  
 They all decide to tour at the same time. Fuck my life sometimes.

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 12:54:31 PM
That's your 'karma' for hanging out with me twice last time I was home :)

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 292 reads
5 / 10

Too funny, but I'm sure the stars aligned also.

bluegrana 14 Reviews 349 reads
6 / 10

and only staying for one day? If that's the case, then it's terrible luck.

But I have done it before where I would go for months without seeing a provider and then see three in a week.  
You just have to set the money aside for when that happens.

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 6:49:23 PM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 291 reads
7 / 10

There are not enough days ...

Posted By: bluegrana
and only staying for one day? If that's the case, then it's terrible luck.  
 But I have done it before where I would go for months without seeing a provider and then see three in a week.  
 You just have to set the money aside for when that happens.

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 6:49:23 PM

birdluvr69 75 Reviews 246 reads
8 / 10

You're a Young fella;P~~  Think of the memories, AND bragging rights---LOL

AvaRay See my TER Reviews 251 reads
9 / 10

Maybe some would be willing to share ;)

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 299 reads
10 / 10
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