
Question for the Ladies as well as the gents.-- A bit wordy--sorry
PynnPryce 9225 reads

Let me first start of by saying Hello.  M name is Pyn, I am an independent in the Triad area.  I was formerly known as Kadence of GirlFriend Erotica.  (I miss you Jeana P.!!!)  Anyway, I have been having a bit of an issue lately since I went indy, and it's only been one person who has me totally creeped out.  

He made an appt. we spoke over the phone, but then he proceeded to call me anywhere from 6 to 10 times a day from that day untill the day of the appointment, which was only 2 days later.  

I got scared, I have never even when I was working with Jeana, experience someone so persistent to be overly-personal with me, and calling me more than my own and very close family calls me.  

I told him I did not want to meet, and did not appreciate the constant phoning.  I used the word "stalker" when talking to him in anger, because after we had agreed that our not meeting was for the best, he called me back and told me that he just didn't understand and "wanted to work things out."  I understand that he is new to all of this,  but I guess I just figured that some things should just be comon sense.  

I told him he was out of line and that all contact must now cease completely.  then tonight, I receive a message from him through the appointment form on my site, (I guess to get me to open the mail without deleting it upon seeing his name. ) Teling me I was wrong, etc. etc. about the situation.  Also stating that when I spoke with Jeana bout it I went against not discussin contacts.  Which is completely untrue in my eyes.  I never mentioned names or any identifying information, I merely told her the situation itsel and asked her what her thoughts were on it.  

I have friends I see that dont act like this, heck I have never had someone act like this before.  Even after meeting.  

My question finally (LOL sorry, I'm a writer and a bit verbose at times,):  Am I wrong in how I handled the situation, and for how I felt abot the contact?  also, am I wrong for being fearful, or just needlessly paranoid?

Probably the only thing you did wrong was letting it go that far. I don't know if his number was blocked when he called you. All providers should make it clear to potential customers that they do not take calls from blocked numbers. By not taking calls from blocked numbers, you can then program his number into your phone so that when he calls you can ignore him.

Regarding sharing information with other providers/agencies, OF COURSE YOU SHOULD DO THAT!!! The caps don't mean that I'm upset with you but I see this in so many different cities. PROVIDERS: You need to share information! If you choose not to see a potential client because your instinct tells you that he may be dangerous, you should share this information with other providers. Guys get nervous when they hear about bad client list but the lists do exist and THEY SHOULD EXIST! If you're a good client, you have nothing to worry about.

As to whether you were wrong about being fearful? Your most important tool in keeping you safe is your instinct. WHENEVER SOMETHING DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT, TRUST YOUR INSTINCT!

You did the right thing.


PynnPryce7243 reads

Thanks thirsty :)  I really appreciate your input on this.  Oh, but no he never blocked his number, he had the audacity to call 'like that' and not block his number.  I tried to just gnore the constant calls, and would not answer until the day of the appointment.  But the numerous voicemails were well... too much to say the least.  I think the thing that worries me about this the most is this creep trying to either resch. with me under an assumed identity, or posting a bad review.  Blah... I worry too much  LOL  (Can I add WorryGirly as an alias?)  LOL

Another thing that all providers should be doing is getting the client's real name and advising him up front that you will the first thing you need to do upon meeting him is to check his driver's license. If the name on his license and the picture don't match his face and the name that he gave you, you don't go through with the appointment. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!


If somone said that to me, I would understand.  All I can say is that the guy likely looks at you as a "commodity" or "business" and not a person.

I do agree that you have to go with your instinct.  He can find some "fun" somewhere else.  Hope it works out better for you in the future.

I agree with Thirsty. I also think discussing it with your peers is a great idea. I think the only other thing I can think of is a forehead warning shot LOL, Just kidding, but this guy no matter what his hobbyiest status is at best and obsessive compulsive, and I mean really do you need that,,, I think not. Good Job!

PynnPryce7167 reads

Thank you all for your responses.  I would post the e-mail correspondence and starring out the name for anonymity, but I believe that would even be taking it too far.  LOL let's just say, I'm still receiving  e-mails where he obviously still has a bad case of the 'Angries'.  I don't think he is aware of the fact that cyberstalking is a punishable offense now, unfortunately my hands are tied with the position I myself am in.  Gotta love that.  

Again thank you all for your thoughtful and informative input.


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