
Now I've heard it all...angry_smile
Tabu See my TER Reviews 1264 reads

local fellow who has booked and unbooked with me several times (in other words, has put himself in the category of major timewaster) just wrote me this...

             "Tabu, as you know, I'm dying to see you... but not when others are dying.  
                I find it very distasteful that you're visiting Charleston in the wake of that  
             tragedy. Please let me know when you are visiting at a more appropriate time."

Wow, dude, really? I find it very distasteful that you're using a legitimate tragedy to bust my chops and excuse yourself (once again!) from holding up your end of a commitment. (Not that I take you at all seriously any more.)

Believe me, if I thought that cancelling my 2-day tour would help the victims or their families, I'd do it. But since neither I, nor the lovely fellows who have signed up to meet me, feel that makes any sense, I guess I'll just have to disappoint you.  

Sometimes I really wonder

JoelGoodsen328 reads

Surely what happened in Charleston is horrific on countless levels, but if 'not when others are dying' is the yardstick he's using then he's in the process of making sure he'll never see anyone in any major metropolitan area, mid sized city and small town coast to coast - and from the sounds of your experience with him, it sounds like maybe he's already done that.  

It sounds like the hot, free email buddy is the look he's going for.  Happy Hunting.

I know that it was a trajic happening. But damn that takes the cake.  
Very distasteful to lash out at you like this and for what reason.  We all have lives that continue regardless of what events happen around us. This guy is a big jerk in my opinion.  
  Where is people's respect for others now days.

GaGambler380 reads

I mean honestly, just how much longer you "might" have put up with his timewasting crap if he hadn't sent this last final nail in his coffin with you?

To put this into perspective, if the POTUS can play golf right in the middle of a tragedy like this, surely you can continue to try and make a living.

Yeah, that one left me scratching my head.

... He's an idiot for canceling on you. I can't wait for your visit.

Wow, so sorry to hear that one person can ruin your day. Yep a time waster for sure. My head is still shaking, if that is his excuse for today, I wonder what it would be in the future. Definitely mark that person off your list. You do not deserve that nor does anyone.

Go and I hope you have a wonderful time for all the other people who are looking forward to seeing you. It is hard not to let people like that get under your skin.

I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. Kelley

what a bunch of BS

The things you ladies have to put up with, REALLY DUDE !

He should have considered you a "healing experience"! ;-) Seriously, block him and   put him on those sites for guys like him.

Sorry he wasted your time and I hope the other gentlemen showed you some luv!

Steph xoxo

hidden275 reads

He's one of those creepers who beats off at the idea of meeting someday, but he'll NEVER go thru with it. That's why he left the door open (in his mind) so the fantasy continues. Creepy huh?

Posted By: Tabu
 A local fellow who has booked and unbooked with me several times (in other words, has put himself in the category of major timewaster) just wrote me this...  
              "Tabu, as you know, I'm dying to see you... but not when others are dying.  
                 I find it very distasteful that you're visiting Charleston in the wake of that  
              tragedy. Please let me know when you are visiting at a more appropriate time."  
 Wow, dude, really? I find it very distasteful that you're using a legitimate tragedy to bust my chops and excuse yourself (once again!) from holding up your end of a commitment. (Not that I take you at all seriously any more.)  
 Believe me, if I thought that cancelling my 2-day tour would help the victims or their families, I'd do it. But since neither I, nor the lovely fellows who have signed up to meet me, feel that makes any sense, I guess I'll just have to disappoint you.    
 Sometimes I really wonder.  

Ask him how much time he's taken off work in the wake of said tragedy...

You said it best!

Posted By: ProzacII
Ask him how much time he's taken off work in the wake of said tragedy...

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