
Not a cry for help. Just a cry . . .
Olderguy 37 Reviews 270 reads


It's been a long time since that youthful malady has struck my private parts, but it sure has today.  I'm out of town, had arranged to see a lovely long-time acquaintance, and had abstained for a week from all "activities" that might have affected my performance.  Woke up already somewhat aroused, full of anticipation, and started getting ready.  Then I checked the email.  Holy crap!  She injured herself last night (parts unspecified) and is unable to make our appointment.  Damn!  Somehow, the age-old male solution for this sort of problem just doesn't appeal to me today.  I'm hopelessly forlorn.

My regular has been out of commission with an injury (not from me or anyone else!) for almost two weeks and I feel like I'm going to explode.  I've sworn off solo satisfaction, as it is bad training for shooting at live targets.  Damn, I hope she's OK for tomorrow!

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