
Moi blunt??? Say it isn't so. lol
TopEntertainer 1760 reads
1 / 15

This is a very serious matter.  
I have met a guy back in January (he is older in his 50s) that at first seemed nice but then ended up being a big liar. He cancelled on me 3 consecutive times and came over for an overnight and once he showed up he said he forgot money at home. He begged me to let him stay over cause he didnt want to drive back home (3 hrs away). Of course I said no. Well that night he promised to pay me for the inconveniences as soon as he would have had the money. He promised a large amount of money, more than he probably owed me. I repeat he promised it, I didnt ask for that much! Anyway, he was supposed to give me this money about a week from that night according to him. Well this happened over 3 months ago and I haven't seen a penny! This guy told me so many lies its not even funny. He was telling me that he was in love with me and that he wanted to see only me. Not that there was going to be a problem if he would have seen other women but I am just stating how much of a liar he is. So long story short he was telling me all these lies and making promises over promises bacause he  wanted to keep his reputation. He said he would have not contact any other provider because he knew my reference wasn't going to be a good one. Well, I just fond out by looking at his handle that he has seen other 6 ladies since he hasn't seeing me (and been paying me). No one of those ladies he has seen ever contacted me for a reference, I wonder how he got to see them. I wish this women would know what kind of liar he is. If they want to see him go ahead but if s*@# gets dirty dont be surprised!  
I want to repeat I didnt ask of that much money but in my book a promise is a promise.

JakeFromStateFarm 185 reads
2 / 15

I'm sorry that sounds harsh but here's the truth: stories like this are told all the time here and have been for years.  In pretty much equal numbers on both sides of the transaction.  It's part of this game because it draws in shady guys and shady gals.  No all of them.  Not even most of them.  But because what's being sold is sex, there always will be lots of neuroses and psychoses that sometimes come along for the ride.
So live and learn.  Don't put too much of yourself out there and trust NO ONE completely until you know them pretty damn well.  And maybe not even then.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 269 reads
3 / 15

to be granted access.  It's a wealth of info on such matters and you'll get some good advice and empathy there. It's HIGHLY doubtful the guy is going to do what he said he's do at this point.  

Best to chalk this one up to him yanking your chain. And put him on your DNS list forever and a day. Forget him!


GaGambler 221 reads
4 / 15

How many guys have come on these boards whining about the money they lent to a hooker that they never got back?

and what kind of response do they get here for all the whining they do?

Just what makes you think your whining, from behind a cowardly alias no less, is going to be any better received than when a clueless john comes on here crying about how badly some "evil hooker" treated him?

Since when is your stupidity our problem?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a dozen times over a period of several months and there is "no fixing stupid"

You're welcome

TopEntertainer 243 reads
5 / 15

Thanks but you dont even know what happened. And this wasn't for you. Was for ladies that like me are honest and provide a great service and get played by jerks. You are a man and of course take the part of men. Like I said thanks for taking time to read the post but I dont need your input.

GaGambler 225 reads
6 / 15

If a guy had come on here whining about some hooker that had given him a sob story and then broken every promise she had made to him, you can bet your fake name that he would have had his ass handed to him much worse than what you got from me.

This isn't the guys against the girls, this is about common sense. You got played, it happens. Warn the other ladies here if you like, but I guarantee you the smart ones are in no need of your warning, just like we don't have to warn the smart guys here not to advance women money unless they want to do so as a "gift" any guy with half a brain knows better than to do something that dumb, just like any hooker with half a brain knows better than to do what you did.  

This isn't rocket science, it's simply common sense, something you seem to be in dire need of.

You might not WANT my input, but you are in desperate need of SOMEONE to set you straight. Or you can continue being the board piñata. It's no skin off my nose (or other parts of my anatomy) either way. Every board needs a piñata, just every village needs an idiot. Thanks for stepping up and doing your part. lol

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 207 reads
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however let me say that in general these kinds of things are best handled not on a public board. First of all IMO you don't want to tell everyone that someone got over on you. Secondly, the guys want to hear about fun, sexy, positive things from the ladies they admire and want to spend time with. You have a lot going for you and your clients seem  to really dig you. So take that good karma and learn from what happened with this dude.

Do what you need to do privately in regards to this guy and move on. More ladies than you can imagine have gone a round or two with a bs client not doing what he was supposed to do.  It happens in this biz and in real life. Not all people are honest and keep their word. And like I said earlier request to be let on the PO board where you can hash this kind of crappy behavior out.  


breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 213 reads
8 / 15

You can't trust anyone to do what they say they are going to do in this biz.  I tend to rant about problematic clients at times too but in the end I realize it's almost always my fault as they tend to give out red flags.  If anyone tries to give you an IOU than show them the door and blacklist their sorry ass.

alabama1963 7 Reviews 197 reads
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Exactly.  If you extend credit and get the shaft, it is your own fault.

InternationalQC 3 Reviews 192 reads
10 / 15

Have you blacklisted him yet?
I mean... that's really what you need to do.
Blacklist him everywhere. Here, and other advertising sites.

GaGambler 220 reads
11 / 15

Let me be very blunt. We have no idea who "she" is, we have even less an idea who "he" is.

All we have is an alias poster whining about her own stupid actions with no way of even knowing if "she" is even a she, much less that any of this actually happened.

but let's stipulate for the sake of argument that EVERYTHING she said is the gospel. Why is it that it's only just now, after months of believing his lies that she FINALLY decided to check his reviews to see if he had been seeing other hookers?

There is no crime in doing something stupid every once in a while, and I think most of us have been taken advantage of at least a few times in our lives, but to come here whining about it without a shred of evidence, what does she really expect from us? If she were a guy whining about a hooker while hiding behind an alias and without naming names she/he would have already been laughed off the board and rightly so.

As I said earlier, "You can't fix stupid"

GaGambler 210 reads
12 / 15

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I said earlier that if a man did something this dumb he too would get called out for it.  

Well just in case anyone doubts me, here's an example. Stupid is stupid, regardless of the sex of the idiot.

Marie69 See my TER Reviews 245 reads
13 / 15

The men don't always understand these things. I contacted Sweet Melissa last time I had a difficult client. I used to call and dump on my sister, but she's over the top Catholic and I could tell I was traumatizing her.  

Contact one of us gals next time a client upsets you. We are more likely to "get it"

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 178 reads
14 / 15
cougarlicious See my TER Reviews 245 reads
15 / 15

She is soooo understanding in this business, many of the ladies know already, new ladies dont be shy to contact her she is the best!!!!  Love U Marie!!!!! Kisses!!!!!

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