
Sooo who is still here?regular_smile
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 3020 reads

Gentlemen are you still reading the Carolinas Board? Ladies?  Roll call....

Steph XO

Yes, I am still reading this board.  Anyone who is moderately tech savvy can still access the site.  Hopefully the TER powers will sort things out and do what they need to do to open up fully in the US again.  Other sites know how to do this and so I hope we will be back to normal sooner than later.

I've met too many wonderful people here over the years. This is really a community we have here. I love this site! My reviews speak to what kind of experience to expect with me. Some of the gentlemen I've met though the years have become great friends of mine.

I'm also open to new friends, so if you haven't met me yet, please drop me an email . In these uncertain times, we need each other more than ever.

Love ya'll,

Steph XO

Steph baby how are you doing?  Just wondering give me your switter information if you have it.

tergarsex213 reads

Trying reply again. Yes savvy is the new normal.

Checking in.  
I hope they don't try to take the work around away from us also. Or get things fixed before the beginning of the month I was planning a trip to Raleigh.  

Hope everyone is weathering the storm.  We are all probably  learning  more about the internet than we imagined.

TopG73219 reads

Hope all the ladies and gents here are doing well!

I am still here.  My website is down but I have one in the works that will be up soon.  You can follow me on twitter @leigha704

I'm still here from where ever the TOR browser says' I'm from.

Just hanging around the globe checking things out and hoping they play out for all...

I was able to still log in and access the page. I honestly think a lot of people will not use ter anymore and in a way is better. I've come to realize that each and every experience is different, can't please everybody and tastes are always different, so why give a detailed report of an encounter that should be private?

hello Im still here and Im locatecd in Charlotte , Sexy blondie  

follow my instagram    meetbritaniabalmain

No more PO Board either. 13 years of reviews for me GONE!



Still lurking! I managed to screen shot my reviews so I can put them on a testimonials page once I get a new website. I interact with the Twitter community more now, but will probably switch to SWitter.

Btw my Twitter is @lovephage and my email is love.phage@protonmail or gmail. I'm sorry I didn't make it out to RDU to see my old acquaintances. You guys were the best!

Glad you got your protonmail. I’ll make a note of it. I recently emailed you about meeting in RDU.

Was accustomed to using VPN while in foreign countries just to make it past censors, but now thought police in the "Land of the Free" too?  Shameful.

Being able to access communications unmolested is a huge deal, same for artwork and personal content.  Each of those are hallmarks of a free society.  Other countries have dabbled in altering, restricting, or banning of those and have seen entire generations muted, or even destroyed - sometimes at the hands of the very entities supposed to safeguard them from attack.

Damn, I need a hug.  And not from some government agent!

I'd love some mutual hugging with you sooner than later. It's been a very tough 10 days for sure and the last 2-3 have been brutal!  

Steph XO

Coming to Raleigh 4/19 • Charleston 4/22. Lets have some fun.

Staying strong and getting creative!  



Yep, I'm here in this post-apocalyptic, dystopian world scrounging around for other survivors and signs of life.

I'll be making some more Raleigh and Charleston plans soon enough.

AmberRoseDelights237 reads

I've relocated to Toronto, Canada, but will be back and forth visiting my loved ones in Charlotte.

Amber Rose

I am still around and I am taking a wait and see approach.

Can’t wait for our next workout sesh, babe!  

Smooches! ;-)

I am looking forward to it Bella. It sucks that my body is more beat up than usual and it just taking longer to heal. Back in the day I would normally just work through any type of injury, but now my body is screaming no.

I hope everyone is finding a way to stress release with all this craziness going on. Don’t forget to love yourself and don’t overdose on the junk food lol


I am here.. I am in NC this week. Hope every one is making  out ok! xx

We will all find ways to continue connecting with one another- government censorship and political grandstanding can't stop the oldest profession and consenting adults from having fun! I love touring and plan to continue coming to the Triangle area every few months; I love my friends there!
Ways to find me:  
@HarloweDahl on twitter and switter,

Ladies, get your website url in Canada.  I got mine     It is owned by Canada so it won’t get shut down

Checking in from down in the British west Indies. It is definitely been different not having easy access to this place.

I hope everyone is well and you ladies have not been too negatively affected by this situation

ToEachHisOwn221 reads

I'm here....quiet, but here.

But like many others, watching and waiting. My VIP ran out though ...

Glad to see you here! Hope you are well...

Steph XO

Hi Steph!  
Thanks for your kind words. Doing well over here, no complaints. Hope you’re doing great !!!


Still here. I heard a few of the reliable upstate provides can be found if you had the numbers from before or a fellow monger willing to share

Stay safe


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