
Marie69 See my TER Reviews 2369 reads
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At least twice a day, I get first time texts from people who don't bother to introduce themselves. I get everything from....


*How are you?

*A little birdy told me I should come see you tonight

*Hey Marie

*Would like to see if you would be available today

No name....No introduction.....No manners

And when I tell them not to contact me again, they act shocked. Why would I want to see someone who doesn't even have the decency to introduce himself? It's disrespectful

Granted, I've become a slacker when it comes to e-mailing. I'm not as formal as I used to be, but I still will let people in on who I am.  

Have manners become too 90's for everyone?

What all have you experienced regarding manners and the hobby?

Valerie See my TER Reviews 571 reads
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I get texts with just    "Hey"  I text back sometimes   "Hey"??????

Marie69 See my TER Reviews 541 reads
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"Nice intro"....."Your parents didn't give you a name?"

I'm going to start asking these guys if they were raised by wolverines. I've worked with chickens that had better manners than some of these guys that contact me

Mr.M.Johnson 384 reads
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Cochese2 2 Reviews 410 reads
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As the opposite end speaking, so far I have experienced decent replies, manners, etc...  

Sorry to hear what's been happening to you. Manners haven't left me since childhood. Parent's and especially Grandmothers instilled those deeply with me.  

I don't believe it's too 90's, rather just the simple lack of any... Just my personal take.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 527 reads
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...  lol
I was in a fairly nice and goofy mood that day since I usually ignore, delete and block 1-worder contact.

Marie69 See my TER Reviews 412 reads
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MILFCARESSA See my TER Reviews 430 reads
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Tarheel10 49 Reviews 336 reads
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the raising and the proper way an individual was brought up.
Just my 2 cents..

Jenna_Sunshine See my TER Reviews 380 reads
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I always assume maybe it's someone I know who changed their number...thinking surely someone can't be that rude. I reply with "Hi, I'm sure I must know you since you didn't introduce yourself. Forgive me, your information is not showing up in my contacts. Could you please share your name?" It's never someone I know :/
Do you also have people try to avoid screening by claiming they have seen you before!?!? I've had guys say they saw me about 3 years ago....I've been in the biz for about 18 months lol.

Marie69 See my TER Reviews 409 reads
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That just happened to me this past week. I asked the guy to describe the outside of my house so I would know for sure he had seen me.  I haven't heard from him since!

You are far more kind to your texters than I am with mine.  I'm going to stop responding all together. If I can't be nice, I should delete and not respond at all
Posted By: Jenna_Sunshine
I always assume maybe it's someone I know who changed their number...thinking surely someone can't be that rude. I reply with "Hi, I'm sure I must know you since you didn't introduce yourself. Forgive me, your information is not showing up in my contacts. Could you please share your name?" It's never someone I know :/  
 Do you also have people try to avoid screening by claiming they have seen you before!?!? I've had guys say they saw me about 3 years ago....I've been in the biz for about 18 months lol.

cougarlicious See my TER Reviews 335 reads
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clarkw.griswold 72 Reviews 419 reads
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I was looking at a possible new friends twitter account, and she had posted some of the texts she gets, and frankly, I was amazed at some of the trash people/men texted her.  WTF ?  Where are the manners ?  I guess in today's world of instant gratification, instant messaging, and shorthand writing, anything goes.  I guess I am getting too old....... but I always introduce myself, give a brief description, and let them know how they can verify me.  Yes, it takes a little longer, and no, I generally do not use text, so I am not limited to a certain amount of characters, but to me, I would think the prospective date would appreciate the thought.



kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 216 reads
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Honestly,  Clark it is true...............Lord, sometimes I just change my number......Kelley White

MsKaeleen See my TER Reviews 216 reads
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I get a lot of the same texts. First of all I am not a fan of texts as a first contact, period. If I have not met him previously he should definitely send an email with a proper introduction or better yet fill out my form. Instead a lot of times I get "Hey", 'You available?" thats the one I hate the most!  
I am like, son they read the profile on Eros and read that I need to screen and need info?
I think it's just rude and demonstrate the type of man behind the phone.

TheGreatGasby 17 Reviews 238 reads
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Posted By: Marie69

At least twice a day, I get first time texts from people who don't bother to introduce themselves. I get everything from....  
 *How are you?  
 *A little birdy told me I should come see you tonight  
 *Hey Marie  
 *Would like to see if you would be available today  
 No name....No introduction.....No manners  
 And when I tell them not to contact me again, they act shocked. Why would I want to see someone who doesn't even have the decency to introduce himself? It's disrespectful  
 Granted, I've become a slacker when it comes to e-mailing. I'm not as formal as I used to be, but I still will let people in on who I am.  
 Have manners become too 90's for everyone?  
 What all have you experienced regarding manners and the hobby?
Hey Marie,

This is a business of being as anonymous as possible, it is against the law after-all.  I don't see why you're surprised when guys are not just volunteering their information for you.  How do we know you haven't been picked up and are helping police for a reduced charge?  While unlikely, it still goes through our mind.  

I have seen a lot of different women and I can tell you many have "screening" information which is complete bullshit, I use a burner phone, have never given my real name or contact information and go by "John" and have seen many different women throughout the country, many of which I don't leave reviews on.  With that being said, I am still polite in initial text messages and generally like to book about 2-3 days out or even a few weeks out so I am never asking for last minute availability.  If they ask for references, I give them my TER id and two of the women I have seen a lot (neither knows my real information but can tell them I am safe, friendly, and non-LE).  Only 2 women have declined to see me in over 8 years of mongering because of lack of me giving them my real information.  How many of you women offer your real phone number and real name in first contact?

My general introduction would be along the lines of, "good evening marie, I will be traveling for business between the dates of xx and xx and have read your reviews on TER - are you available on xx date at xx time?  Looking forward to hearing from you - John."  That tells them everything they pretty much need to know, I do research, I am cautious, and I am not a time-waster on text.

That's all they need to know, and I use the "business" excuse even if I am in my home market.  You are naive thinking any respectable guy is going to be eager to share real name and a proper introduction.  Are there guys that do it? Sure and they are idiots.  We're paying for your time to fuck your brains out, why do you care about a proper introduction?

I_am_the_beard 17 Reviews 230 reads
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I always try to introduce myself with my name and a little about myself. I understand some providers have certain age or other things they require. Would much rather get that out of the way

Marie69 See my TER Reviews 225 reads
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When did I say anything about needing personal information?

Did you even read my post?

MsNaomiRose See my TER Reviews 101 reads
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I actually dedicated an entire blog post to this subject on my website. I'm not as strict as others but after I respond and the conversation continues after so long without stating your business I'll politely ask what you need and if banter continues I just ignore. But it urks me every time don't get me started on the ones that are even more foul than "hey are you available".

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