
Ive never used one..BUT
Addison-Gray See my TER Reviews 530 reads

Thats because I refuse to pay for TER. I totaly get the reasoning...cause god forbid you piss off one of the ladies on here who thinks she owns the Carolinas board...the backlash is crazy. Ive been fowarded emails some ladies have sent out about me after I do not agree with their opinion. Women are nuts....sometimes you have to protect yourself. And men and women do it to get a reaction....which totaly worked in your case......

I see this all the time on this board and I don't get it..
Can someone explain to me a logical reason as to why you would do that?

I have never done and I would like to think That I never will.
Either you own it or you don't..

This board is full of all kinds and all kind of opinions already hidden behind a fake
computer name and a screen so why hide further. ????

The only thing that comes to my mind is that you are up to no good to begin with...?

This is me trying to find the good in someone and trying to be positive! even started a totally new thread regarding the issue

I'm confused :(

-- Modified on 5/9/2012 9:46:10 AM

Big-Bad-John586 reads

Some people just need to lighten up a little.

Thats because I refuse to pay for TER. I totaly get the reasoning...cause god forbid you piss off one of the ladies on here who thinks she owns the Carolinas board...the backlash is crazy. Ive been fowarded emails some ladies have sent out about me after I do not agree with their opinion. Women are nuts....sometimes you have to protect yourself. And men and women do it to get a reaction....which totaly worked in your case......

It is constantly  washed away from Alias's whom pick fights with everyone.. Needless to say i think they dont do any good towards a board.. Scared by always speaking your mind through an alias... I have a close friend in NYC who is constantly doing alias's. The shit can be so ridiculous sometimes LOL.... I think it totally takes the attention away from the ladies too!!

Anways, happy hobbying...


one of many bad Marie-isms ;)

The above cartoon actually fits me. Got one with a squirrel?

Big-Bad-John602 reads

Of course I knew I knew that. I was just a playin

Remember posing for this?

I think you know as well as I do there are some reasons to use an alias.

I can see a provider using one in order to say what she thinks without losing cliental, such as replying to a posted question.

Sometimes it can be used just to add to humor.  

Other times I think it is used just to hide.  A person then can play the game they have in mind without any repercussions.  If it is a hobbyist then when they come to you for a date under the true handle and you will have no idea you’re inviting them into your world. If you knew the association you may decline.   And if it is a provider, it wouldn’t affect business but again if the association was known then the gents may be less likely to request a date.  

But I think Marie is absolutely correct.  It is for reaction.  And do remember one thing,  "It is not smart to argue with a fool,  listeners cant tell which is which".  So just let it slide.

Roadie.. God, I must live in a bubble! Are you telling me that you use an alias to see one provider who does not know you are seeing the other or one who does not like the other?? I hope I have misunderstood. Because that is crazy high school drama and we are all adults here...

Why can't you add humor and just be you?
Hiding.... as tempting as it is from time to time.. Not my thing but ok...

Um the Hobbyist... really.. you know all about me and if I decline do you really want to spend your time with someone who does not want to truely see who you are.. ( back to my bubble and remembering that the little head leads)

As to your providers.. There are clients who won't see ladies because she sees black men and Indian men and hobbyist.. the list goes on and on.. It really is none of anyone's business as to who she see when.. ( I must crawl back under my rock..)

I hate judgement and high school games. This is my problem working in the corporate world I guess I was hoping to escape it here........

Thanks Roadie..
Love ya lots...
I will seriously go back to my bubble, somethings are better left alone

ROTFL.  Naw I have an alias I used before, remember when we did that game that if a hobbiest was a provider what name would they be????  I was Buddy Love. lol.  I lost.........   I use it on occasion if the situation calls for it.  But what I meant was I could use an alias like 'JackAss', cause all kinds of meyham and piss a bunch of people off and still be able to get a date as Roadie. And no one is the wiser.  And do take note,  a person cannot use an alias and the normal handle in the same thread.  I know this cause the old mod smacked my fingers for doing it once.  I can be taught. lol  

Well back to work.

Jessica, I know what you are talking about. However, isn't it ironic that we all use an alias on here. For all I know, some of the guys on here are my friends. However, I have never told anyone that I have hobbied. Only the ladies I have met know my identity. So, we are all hiding. Didn't you mention recently that your SO doesn't even know you hobby?  

From another of your post. I voted for Amendment 1.  Marriage is based on religion. The gov't should have no say in it at all! Change them all to civil union. Then if you are a couple you get the benefits of being together. Of course, you would have to change tax laws and other things as well. Do I have a problem with gay people? No! Do I go to church? No! However, if people want to keep church and state separate, these mus change the words they use. Marriage is between a man and woman. Civil unions can be between what ever the gov't wants it to be.

As you know, I really enjoyed the few times I have met you. And, I love living in Clt now. Guess I should change my alias :))))

Here is what was voted on.

Civil unions are not recognized in NC.  That is why laws and other things would need to be changed to recognize them. My employer allows gays to put their partner on their insurance. I can't put my live in girlfriend on my insurance though. I am not whining that I am being sexual discriminated against.

The gov't has several laws that ban things most consider moral. If murder, prostitution, stealing are all based on morals should we then make them legal???

I do respect others opinions. They do matter. I didn't vote for our President. He is still our President, though. I don't say if you voted for him you are an idiot.

...for some to be mean behind one without ruining an otherwise good repuation you might have on here  OR you want to say something maybe not exactly malicious but you're not interested in getting flamed for it lol *shrugs*.

the whiners whined, admin listened and found a compromise. Is Mistressjessica on your birth certificate or is it an Alias ? Enough Said

I think I made the point already that we already hide behind an alias..
Me being Mistress Jessica. I don't need to make up another name because I am afraid of
pissing someone off...

THat was my entire point..

It was a simple question...

Been real quiet lately. Maybe since I got off work earlier than usual.....the month of May, Spring is in the air?????? Late to this thread! Whatever.

Ok buckle your seat belts sports fans.

Ok the marriage thingy. Preface, this is my opinion and I am not interested, swayed, impressed, depressed by the opinion of anyone else. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

I am a Deist. Google it. I have about the same opinion of Evangelicals as Jefferson did. Now I am not going to go so far as to write my own version of the Bible to prove my point BUT leave those folks alone. Did not know he did that or why? Google away!

Not many people whackier on the planet than the religious. Why provoke them by trying to take their moniker? Leave them be. Be gentle and let them figure out on their own a mind is like a parachute, works lots better when OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Civil Unions are the ticket. I am not gay and I find men about the most disgusting creatures on the planet. I am REGULARLY amazed woman seemingly have ANY attraction to us at all. Simply befuddling. On the other hand being friends with a guys guy is great! Intimacy with a male, MAN I am gonna lose my lunch! YUCK!

Ok the point it, I know Johnny can have two Mommies so I am not leaving out lesbians in the gay conversation. Bottom line is THE RIGHTS. Chad ought to have the right to hold Allen's hand at the hospital during sick time just like Mary ought to hold Jay's hand. Rights are cool but just take the rights gay people without demanding the religious name of the union. Keep the MAIN THING the main thing why don't ya! Why the need to rub it in the faces of the religious? Just not necessary or smart. The deeply religious got PLENTY on their hands trying to keep repeating what they have been told over and over and over and they STILL do not believe it(that is why they call what they are doing as practicing faith)! Don't distract them cause they might start in on the TALK. If they do that they get that glaze in their eyes and all bets are off!

So I am disappointed in the Tar Heel State today!

Alias's. I have been an unfortunate soul between two ladies. Maybe should have tried an alias. NOT FUN!

For those who care I will celebrate 28 years off the sauce and drugs on the 22nd. Always love May! One dear dear lady friend I met years ago helped me with shifting my paradigm about what other people think of me. I have had the same handle the entire time here on TER and will keep it as long as I am here cause it is really cool! Liz shifted shifterp's paradigm.

What she told me, she said "shifterp", no she used my real name for those of you who know me use it when reading this, the others of you fake it, she said SP, "don't worry about what other people think of you, cause they rarely do"!!!!!!!!!!! Now for those of you who take yourself very seriously you are likely to not get the joke but trust me the rest of us do. Try easing up if you did not laugh your ass off at that statement.

Here is a little help. Get naked, we all like that, right? Find a full length mirror and just stare at yourself. If you are not giggling in about a minute TURN SIDEWAYS! That ought to help you get a healthy perspective on your serious self. hehe

Think real hard about what you think about all day long, BE HONEST, no one is looking, listening! YOURSELF! That is not really a bad thing WE ALL DO! So the funny thing is what do we spend some or a good bit of that time thinking? "What do THEY think of me"? Maybe a single person or a group but the basic theme is always the same and 95% of what we think about, US. The HILARIOUS thing is we are all doing that, spending our time thinking what other folks are thinking about us. They are not thinking about US, they are thinking "I wonder what they are thinking about me"! Is it just me or can anyone else see just how absurd that is.  LOL Remember it ONLY makes you chuckle if there is a grain of truth in it!

Ok so I am done, anyone want me to go back to lurking?????? Maybe I will, maybe I won't!

In conclusion, just feel the need to end by saying I have and have said before and will continue to believe I am the luckiest guy in the world! In the hobby I have been the most fortunate fella ever. The ladies I have met, the experiences I have had, the friends I have made, heck even the one enemy, it is all good. Just want to publicly thank once again all the beautiful women I have had the pleasure to be able to spend some time with! Ya'll are the greatest! Trust me I am a picky little guy and if I called on you it was after exhaustive research and lots of time pondering! And to the one on top of the list of wish I could but probably won't DAMN! Maybe one day, somehow, someway......never underestimate how attrative being a great human being is. That endures, body bags get to sagging cause gravity is RELENTLESS. hehe

Till next time Sports Fans,

Shifterp OUT!

Well at least there are two of us!

Still do not know what happened with the crowd of Deists who were Founding Fathers.

Started this great country off great and then kinda slid into the woodwork.

Washington, Jefferson, Adams, both Father and Son, Paine(Common Sense) GO FIGURE!

Guess they were just supposed to get things started on the right track.

Good Onya!

Shifterp OUT!  ps hey NL you ever get really tired of saying Deist and people thinking Atheist? Jeez Louise I am montheistic too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL  Mono.....Not No-No!!!!!!!!!!!!!  hehe  Does D really sound like A?????

Oooooo.....chop, chop.

Posted By: shifterp
Been real quiet lately. Maybe since I got off work earlier than usual.....the month of May, Spring is in the air?????? Late to this thread! Whatever.

Ok buckle your seat belts sports fans.

Ok the marriage thingy. Preface, this is my opinion and I am not interested, swayed, impressed, depressed by the opinion of anyone else. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

I am a Deist. Google it. I have about the same opinion of Evangelicals as Jefferson did. Now I am not going to go so far as to write my own version of the Bible to prove my point BUT leave those folks alone. Did not know he did that or why? Google away!

Not many people whackier on the planet than the religious. Why provoke them by trying to take their moniker? Leave them be. Be gentle and let them figure out on their own a mind is like a parachute, works lots better when OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Civil Unions are the ticket. I am not gay and I find men about the most disgusting creatures on the planet. I am REGULARLY amazed woman seemingly have ANY attraction to us at all. Simply befuddling. On the other hand being friends with a guys guy is great! Intimacy with a male, MAN I am gonna lose my lunch! YUCK!

Ok the point it, I know Johnny can have two Mommies so I am not leaving out lesbians in the gay conversation. Bottom line is THE RIGHTS. Chad ought to have the right to hold Allen's hand at the hospital during sick time just like Mary ought to hold Jay's hand. Rights are cool but just take the rights gay people without demanding the religious name of the union. Keep the MAIN THING the main thing why don't ya! Why the need to rub it in the faces of the religious? Just not necessary or smart. The deeply religious got PLENTY on their hands trying to keep repeating what they have been told over and over and over and they STILL do not believe it(that is why they call what they are doing as practicing faith)! Don't distract them cause they might start in on the TALK. If they do that they get that glaze in their eyes and all bets are off!

So I am disappointed in the Tar Heel State today!

Alias's. I have been an unfortunate soul between two ladies. Maybe should have tried an alias. NOT FUN!

For those who care I will celebrate 28 years off the sauce and drugs on the 22nd. Always love May! One dear dear lady friend I met years ago helped me with shifting my paradigm about what other people think of me. I have had the same handle the entire time here on TER and will keep it as long as I am here cause it is really cool! Liz shifted shifterp's paradigm.

What she told me, she said "shifterp", no she used my real name for those of you who know me use it when reading this, the others of you fake it, she said SP, "don't worry about what other people think of you, cause they rarely do"!!!!!!!!!!! Now for those of you who take yourself very seriously you are likely to not get the joke but trust me the rest of us do. Try easing up if you did not laugh your ass off at that statement.

Here is a little help. Get naked, we all like that, right? Find a full length mirror and just stare at yourself. If you are not giggling in about a minute TURN SIDEWAYS! That ought to help you get a healthy perspective on your serious self. hehe

Think real hard about what you think about all day long, BE HONEST, no one is looking, listening! YOURSELF! That is not really a bad thing WE ALL DO! So the funny thing is what do we spend some or a good bit of that time thinking? "What do THEY think of me"? Maybe a single person or a group but the basic theme is always the same and 95% of what we think about, US. The HILARIOUS thing is we are all doing that, spending our time thinking what other folks are thinking about us. They are not thinking about US, they are thinking "I wonder what they are thinking about me"! Is it just me or can anyone else see just how absurd that is.  LOL Remember it ONLY makes you chuckle if there is a grain of truth in it!

Ok so I am done, anyone want me to go back to lurking?????? Maybe I will, maybe I won't!

In conclusion, just feel the need to end by saying I have and have said before and will continue to believe I am the luckiest guy in the world! In the hobby I have been the most fortunate fella ever. The ladies I have met, the experiences I have had, the friends I have made, heck even the one enemy, it is all good. Just want to publicly thank once again all the beautiful women I have had the pleasure to be able to spend some time with! Ya'll are the greatest! Trust me I am a picky little guy and if I called on you it was after exhaustive research and lots of time pondering! And to the one on top of the list of wish I could but probably won't DAMN! Maybe one day, somehow, someway......never underestimate how attrative being a great human being is. That endures, body bags get to sagging cause gravity is RELENTLESS. hehe

Till next time Sports Fans,

Shifterp OUT!

My Hero OT is Larry David. Funniest man in the history of the world.

So TJ had the God thingy right and the manlove thing he was still a little rough on!

He wanted to lop off johnsons instead of killing the dudes, that was progress
wasn't it?

Even I have one enemy!


Shifterp OUT!

gumdoor443 reads

I'm using an alias right now. The fake computer name I signed up with is too easily associated with my RL name (also I use it in other places on the internet when I didn't really want to hide my identity.)

If there's someway I could get my regular name changed I would. Anybody have any ideas about that.

This is my very first post (aside from an earlier one where I was testing my alias that got pulled), so I am not a troublemaker.

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