
Isn't it tragic when cousins marry? Lmaoteeth_smile
Ciscodog 3 Reviews 523 reads


We all push the envelope a little enjoying the hobby due to the inherit risk associated with the hobby.  Luckily most do the homework (providers and hobbiest) before hand.  What about pushing the envelope after you have met a time or two before?  How many increase the risk in little ways and how so?

There is a bridge I drove over daily with a pull out between the divided highway.  I've always thought how fun it would be to head down the little beaten path and park for some dusk/dark fun.  Enjoy the outdoors a little maybe on a blanket or the back end of the SUV.  Either way I think the excitement of hearing vehicles passing by or the lights of said vehicles would add to the moment.  

Care to share some of your fantasy thoughts?

Aside from the typical lying about my whereabouts last week I ended up driving 300 miles from where I was supposed to be, performed at a comedy club and spent the night and all of the next day with a lovely lady. That was a pretty big envelope pusher for me.

Went to a swingers club with a gal once and damn near got in a fight with a pushy old dude, that would have been a hell of a thing to explain!!

When the weather turns warm this spring, got a plan to help a young lady here have her first tryst in the back of a truck in a deserted hayfield somewhere. Moonlight, night air and a hot woman hell yeah!!!!  

Never thought I'd do much in this hobby other than meet a lady in a room now and then but it's fun to look for ways to push the envelope.

You sure do seem to get all riled up over nothing whenever he's in the vicinity.

And I mean that in the correct usage of the word ignorant. Ignorant means "unlearned or uneducated" in its proper usage. You know nothing about me yet you are stereotyping me as a cross burning, racist jackass.  
Yes that sterotype is sadly true with people from my demographic and the areas of the country I grew up in. I am also ashamed to admit that until my late teens I shared some of those views. I wasn't a bad person just a product of my surroundings and upbringing. No secret meetings or burning crosses here, just ignorant thoughts and the misguided belief that some races were not as superior as my own.
Once I got out into the real world and interacted with differnt cultures and races I quickly made up my mind that the stereotypes and ideas that had been taught to me as a youth were bullshit. I learned how wrong I was to think of others in negative ways due to their race, religion or social status. Am I ashamed of the way I thought growing up? Absofuckingloutley!!! Nothing I can do about it but strive to be a positive person and give everyone a fair shake. I would encourage you to do the same before casting stones at me. I wish you nothing but the best in you're search for the inner peace you seem to have trouble locating. Put some of this negative energy into something positive and go make the world a better place.  
Thanks Aria for having my back, but I'm not one to let a lady defend me.  
Hopefully this post doesn't draw fire but it was meant as a honest answer to stupidity and somewhat of a confession I guess.

whitetrash12735 reads

By the way, aria did not have your back, she asked a question and I answered and so did you.


Posted By: Case321
And I mean that in the correct usage of the word ignorant. Ignorant means "unlearned or uneducated" in its proper usage. You know nothing about me yet you are stereotyping me as a cross burning, racist jackass.  
 Yes that sterotype is sadly true with people from my demographic and the areas of the country I grew up in. I am also ashamed to admit that until my late teens I shared some of those views. I wasn't a bad person just a product of my surroundings and upbringing. No secret meetings or burning crosses here, just ignorant thoughts and the misguided belief that some races were not as superior as my own.  
 Once I got out into the real world and interacted with differnt cultures and races I quickly made up my mind that the stereotypes and ideas that had been taught to me as a youth were bullshit. I learned how wrong I was to think of others in negative ways due to their race, religion or social status. Am I ashamed of the way I thought growing up? Absofuckingloutley!!! Nothing I can do about it but strive to be a positive person and give everyone a fair shake. I would encourage you to do the same before casting stones at me. I wish you nothing but the best in you're search for the inner peace you seem to have trouble locating. Put some of this negative energy into something positive and go make the world a better place.  
 Thanks Aria for having my back, but I'm not one to let a lady defend me.  
 Hopefully this post doesn't draw fire but it was meant as a honest answer to stupidity and somewhat of a confession I guess.
-- Modified on 2/8/2014 6:57:50 PM

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 7:11:50 PM

Wow super intelligent response from you pretty much what I expected though.  I think everyone else got the meaning but you. No need to explain myself to such a close minded troll as yourself.  Those who know me know what kind of person I am and I'll leave it at that. No matter what I say you're going to try and turn it to make me appear a racist or unintelligent. I'm pretty sure it was George Washington who said " it is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" that's some good advice that you should follow. Every post makes you appear more foolish, you won't outwit this old country boy so quit wasteing you're time.

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 11:15:47 PM

whitetrash12754 reads

Owner is the wrong person to quote. His words apply to yourself and him. Even though he had slaves, he had a son by one of those slaves. Very similar to you sleeping with the "colored" (her words) lady defending you here even though you were raised to think she is inferior. You are the one who said you are a redneck , not me. I just called you out based on the history of rednecks & good ole boys that murdered  a lot of people for no reason other than their race. If you are offended and are not a redneck, do not use the term considering the history associated with it.

Posted By: Case321
Wow super intelligent response from you pretty much what I expected though.  I think everyone else got the meaning but you. No need to explain myself to such a close minded troll as yourself.  Those who know me know what kind of person I am and I'll leave it at that. No matter what I say you're going to try and turn it to make me appear a racist or unintelligent. I'm pretty sure it was George Washington who said " it is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" that's some good advice that you should follow. Every post makes you appear more foolish, you won't outwit this old country boy so quit wasteing you're time.  

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 11:15:47 PM

-- Modified on 2/9/2014 1:59:31 AM

Fourteen published reviews in thirteen months. Three white list. Mostly quality provides like you. Friendly online banter with you and others. Those that hide and try to provoke are green with ENVY.

whitetrash12733 reads

At least you are seeking redemption!  

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 7:02:24 PM

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 7:15:13 PM

Targeting one specific person based on their political, personal and religious views is being a bigot. So are you a hypocrite?  

Yes, I did have Case's back because despite the fact that I'm 'colored' he's done nothing but shown me respect as a human being and lady, while you honey on the other stub are purposefully using your handy dandy alias to provoke negativity and drama.  

Please refer yourself to the GD board where you can be pooled in with other miserable homebodies with only their hands to keep em company.  

Kiss kiss,  

Posted By: whitetrash12
At least you are seeking redemption!  
 -- Modified on 2/8/2014 7:02:24 PM

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 7:15:13 PM

whitetrash12732 reads

No one was targeted. He is the one that put it out there for all to see he is a redneck! Sure he treats you nice, you are selling yourself. I wonder what he really thinks of you since you are "colored", as you you stated? Based on his on words, I am sure you are one of the inferior races he mentions. They lynched Asians to "colored" lady!

Posted By: missariarocchi
Targeting one specific person based on their political, personal and religious views is being a bigot. So are you a hypocrite?  
 Yes, I did have Case's back because despite the fact that I'm 'colored' he's done nothing but shown me respect as a human being and lady, while you honey on the other stub are purposefully using your handy dandy alias to provoke negativity and drama.  
 Please refer yourself to the GD board where you can be pooled in with other miserable homebodies with only their hands to keep em company.  
 Kiss kiss,  
Posted By: whitetrash12
At least you are seeking redemption!    
  -- Modified on 2/8/2014 7:02:24 PM  
 -- Modified on 2/8/2014 7:15:13 PM
-- Modified on 2/9/2014 1:26:38 AM

-- Modified on 2/9/2014 1:31:10 AM

Just please go dunk your head. I hope you're fixed so you don't reproduce.  

I'm a history buff with family of every color so please don't try and educate me on what 'my people' went through.  

We already know. It doesn't make me angry. Case didn't personally beat my great great grandmother and rape her repeatedly so why should I express any kind of hostility towards him.  

You did target him by personally calling him out and talking shit.  

Now I'm going to do what every nice country girl would do and pray for you honey. Bless your heart and may Jesus heal your hurt.  


whitetrash12693 reads

You lecturing me about good ole boys and rednecks. I had four relatives murdered by rednecks and good ole boys and any time I meet one or hear someone use the term, I'll make my point of view known. If he is not a redneck or good ole boy, he should not use the term. The meaning and history has not change. It's like these idiots who call themselves the n word as if it's meaning has changed.  I do not need you  to pray for me. Your prayers do not get above your head considering the line of work you are in bless your heart.. A woman of the night talking about not reproducing. If you did, I'm sure you would not know who the father is anyways. So, keep swallowing.

Posted By: missariarocchi
Just please go dunk your head. I hope you're fixed so you don't reproduce.  
 I'm a history buff with family of every color so please don't try and educate me on what 'my people' went through.  
 We already know. It doesn't make me angry. Case didn't personally beat my great great grandmother and rape her repeatedly so why should I express any kind of hostility towards him.  
 You did target him by personally calling him out and talking shit.  
 Now I'm going to do what every nice country girl would do and pray for you honey. Bless your heart and may Jesus heal your hurt.  

Thanks for the giggle, now go do something productive with your time, like sleep in a ditch.  

PS, my profile is incorrect, I don't swallow. Even if I did, it's YMMV.  
Just FYI, I don't need false advertising out there might ruin my lady of the night business.

whitetrash12620 reads

Posted By: missariarocchi
Thanks for the giggle, now go do something productive with your time, like sleep in a ditch.  
 PS, my profile is incorrect, I don't swallow. Even if I did, it's YMMV.  
 Just FYI, I don't need false advertising out there might ruin my lady of the night business.
-- Modified on 2/9/2014 8:01:42 AM

For example, no one that's ever met me has seen me rub myself when they come out of the shower.  

& when you have a tiny load, it's easy to let it kinda fall out of your mouth and smile.  

Besides, doesn't this site have a disclaimer that all of these reviews are works of fiction?  


whitetrash12605 reads

Now you are saying some of your reviews are fiction. Sure. When several say the same thing, it's more than likely true. I see why rednecks & good ole boys like you. You fit their stereotype very well my "colored" (your words) Asian lady. What's so sad is you're to young & ignorant to realize it. Me luv you long time fits you well. I'll admit, you get paid well to be stereotyped. You go "colored" girl!

-- Modified on 2/9/2014 9:56:51 AM

I don't know why you are arguing with this obviously sexually-frustrated manchild. Some of us still hope to meet you. This guy sounds like he has already blown his chance and doesn't know how to handle it. In any event he doesn't deserve your attention or anyone else's for that matter.

Sorry wrong bible. I'm remember him caring for prostitutes, widows, disabled and all without protection. I would personally like to luck your inbred ass. Dickwad.

Posted By: whitetrash12

-- Modified on 2/9/2014 4:52:23 PM

He gets riled about Case and you both. I know he's wrong about Case! I can't imagine what he has against beautiful smart women. He certainly does peruse the reviews. Gosh, he's almost an encyclopedia.


ALL racism, bigotry and judgemental behavior is sickening.  As someone with a multi racial family, I take particular offense.

It is sad that we still judge others despite our own personal faults that need repair.

I am looking forward to doing it on the balcony of my new place in the city over looking the new baseball stadium.

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 7:34:38 PM

If it's like really close to the ball park watch out for foul balls.

A quick shower will cure that most of the time  ha ha ha

One favorite is to have a nice ocean front room with a private balcony, dim the room lights and have fun with the sea breezes and breaking waves in the background.  Of course it is also fun at night for a "swim" in the ocean at less crowded beaches:-)

Summertime in the mountains are also favorites.  Hiking trails and the sound of a nearby stream as the water breaks over the rocks.  Yep, some hikers once came upon us while we were "skinny dipping":-)

Posted By: scazdude
We all push the envelope a little enjoying the hobby due to the inherit risk associated with the hobby.  Luckily most do the homework (providers and hobbiest) before hand.  What about pushing the envelope after you have met a time or two before?  How many increase the risk in little ways and how so?  
 There is a bridge I drove over daily with a pull out between the divided highway.  I've always thought how fun it would be to head down the little beaten path and park for some dusk/dark fun.  Enjoy the outdoors a little maybe on a blanket or the back end of the SUV.  Either way I think the excitement of hearing vehicles passing by or the lights of said vehicles would add to the moment.    
 Care to share some of your fantasy thoughts?

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