
I'm guilty
whosit 230 reads

I'm guilty of not leaving reviews, but I'm verified through another site. For me, TER is where I research ladies and the other site is where they can research me. I realize I owe a debt to all the guys who leave reviews (Thanks!) and have thought about writing some, but like someone else replied, my reviews would likely be redundant and I'm typically visiting ladies that have pages of reviews already. If a provider ever requested a review from me, I'd happily write one. Maybe I shouldn't assume that a well reviewed provider doesn't need another, too?

doesn't have any verification of any sorts because they don't leave reviews and are not whitelisted.
Gentlemen this site & a few other reputable ones were created for a reason, so you have as much info on the person you would like to see. These sites are to be helpful for both you & the women on them, we all want to be as discreet & safe as possible but you must start divulging some information. Some say they use "_____' agency but will not give up similar info to an indy, why?
I would like to hear from both sides on this matter, I am curious as to why there's so many gents that don't leave reviews, I know some ladies ask not to be reviewed but you must gain a reputable presence as well

TylerCannon441 reads

I have thought many times about leaving reviews, and I love to write so it would probably be a lot of fun.  But I don't want to risk the repercussions of someone associating me with my screen name and reading detailed descriptions of what I do on my dates.  I also feel that those details should stay between the provider and me.  Many providers have told me that they're not thrilled with so much private detail being published in their reviews, and I know that many are "YMMV" and the experience may not be the same with every client.  No one has ever asked me to write a review for them.

On the other hand, I am on P411 with many OKs and I usually schedule my dates on there.  I would never expect to pass screening with only my non-review TER status.

I'm with Tyler. I've only reviewed when asked. Otherwise, the experiense is a private one.  

I've got just the opposite concern though. I've been a long time member of DC with 12 verifications by well known providers. I've been out of the Hobby for awhile due to some personal reasons and all were over a year ago. Just recently, I've started to get back into the action and I've run into issues with some providers not wanting to schedule because none of my verifications have been within the last six months ...... really!  What's the rationale behind that.  

So anyway ........ that's fine. Fortunately there are a lot of more open minded ladies out there with common sense and they're the ones who will be getting my future business.

Rufus-T-Firefly408 reads

I would ask the guys who don't like to write reviews, "Do you read them, and do you find them to be helpful to you?"

As for me, I have written a review for every girl I've met except on the two occasions when I've been asked not to. I don't especially like writing them. For one thing, they tend to be repetitive, since I'm a creature of habit, and I tend to go through the same sequence of activities with every girl. I know that some girls are a bit embarrassed by the graphic detail, but I've also been thanked by providers for writing extremely positive reviews that happened to be very graphic. I've had some reviews rejected because they weren't graphic enough.  

That said, I get an enormous amount of value from reviews by other hobbyists. It would be so easy to waste a lot of time and money on girls who are not what I'm looking for, and the reviews have reduced those risks almost, but not quite, to zero. So, when guys don't write reviews they are cheating the rest of us out of information that makes the hobby much more rewarding.

TylerCannon326 reads

I do read reviews and find them helpful.  I pay TER to be able to read them.  If TER wasn't making money from hobbyists like me, it wouldn't stay in business.

The vast majority of the time, my dates are very similar to what is described in the reviews, so if I did write a review it would be redundant.  And I've decided it's not worth the risk to me.  I've recently decided to become active on the boards here, and that is enough for me for now.

I'd like to see the review system become a bit more discreet, perhaps allowing reviews that are more vague and less specific, or just allowing a rating without a full review.  If that happened, I'd be more likely to participate.

To the guys who do choose to write reviews, I thank you and appreciate what you do

GaGambler291 reads

and I am hardly "unverifiable" my handle is known better than any of these guys with hundreds of reviews, so sorry, but your theory does not hold water.

I don't have a bit of problems scheduling with the ladies. I am a member of P 411 with dozens of okays, and that's all I need

And my reply to you is that you are not the type of person I would like to meet. I know you post obnoxiously  
on this board. From my observation it has been mostly towards females. With that being said, I have noticed that they have quit posting and the board has become a bit dead.

So, I have to ask you are you are you helping or hurting the communication here? Your Ego seems a bit blown. I noticed that you have put me down, Julia, etc, .After a while with all your negative feedback it is like why am I submitting myself to this verbal abusive person?

I am glad you feel great about yourself. Are you by chance Bi-Polar???? Just curious where your anger comes from. Kelley

GaGambler308 reads

but it appears that people seem to gloss right over that.  

I don't put down people. I put down their actions. Well except for guys like moronconnection who I helped run off this board for stalking a couple of the ladies here, ladies who happen to be friends of mine. Yes, I do have lady friends, as much as that might surprise you.

It appears that JLS is taking all of this in stride, why can't you?

Posted By: kelleywhite
And my reply to you is that you are not the type of person I would like to meet. I know you post obnoxiously  
 on this board. From my observation it has been mostly towards females. With that being said, I have noticed that they have quit posting and the board has become a bit dead.  
 So, I have to ask you are you are you helping or hurting the communication here? Your Ego seems a bit blown. I noticed that you have put me down, Julia, etc, .After a while with all your negative feedback it is like why am I submitting myself to this verbal abusive person?  
 I am glad you feel great about yourself. Are you by chance Bi-Polar???? Just curious where your anger comes from. Kelley

I REALLY appreciate what you did for me too GaG :) yeah you and I have been friends for a long time.  After all you're my favorite fucking manwhore! ;)
Hugs and kisses

GaGambler224 reads

Oops, my bad, "you BIG slut" lo

if you can't find out information, & aren't comfortable in meeting with him, don't.  Why chance it, IMHO, it ain't worth the risk.  I always tell friends that are new to the business, never put yourself in a position that you are unsure of who is going to walk in the door.  Do your homework.  If you can't find out information on someone, then pass them by.  Not worth the risk.

BTW, most reviewers ARE NOT whitelisted.  

Oh, & I don't give out ANY information, don't need to at this point.   Someone who asks for references, I tell them to google my email address, and see where that leads them.  And I tell them to join this site.  

Just my $.02


I was merely getting to a point where as what do you expect when some random guy calls or emails you and you doesn't want to divulge ANY information, do you really trust a woman that doesn't have a reputable presence & reviews?(It's the same thing) It's really common sense. I'm talking about the men that don't want to give anything & are NOT on p 411 or similar.
I can't even tell you how many times a guy has told me his TER handle and then when it came down to verifying him here he was really just stealing someones name and couldn't prove anything.
I really don't understand why some many posts become a bitch session, we all have opinions and our reasons but can't something just be discussed on a normal mature level and try to make these discussions worth reading maybe joining with sensible replies that make a better community/hobby.

Posted By: BarbiesPlaying
doesn't have any verification of any sorts because they don't leave reviews and are not whitelisted.  
 Gentlemen this site & a few other reputable ones were created for a reason, so you have as much info on the person you would like to see. These sites are to be helpful for both you & the women on them, we all want to be as discreet & safe as possible but you must start divulging some information. Some say they use "_____' agency but will not give up similar info to an indy, why?  
 I would like to hear from both sides on this matter, I am curious as to why there's so many gents that don't leave reviews, I know some ladies ask not to be reviewed but you must gain a reputable presence as well.  

whosit231 reads

I'm guilty of not leaving reviews, but I'm verified through another site. For me, TER is where I research ladies and the other site is where they can research me. I realize I owe a debt to all the guys who leave reviews (Thanks!) and have thought about writing some, but like someone else replied, my reviews would likely be redundant and I'm typically visiting ladies that have pages of reviews already. If a provider ever requested a review from me, I'd happily write one. Maybe I shouldn't assume that a well reviewed provider doesn't need another, too?

I have contributed a small number of reviews to TER (18 since 2012) and I do believe that it's worthwhile to both contribute them and read them  I also contribute them on other sites.

I do a lot my "hobbying" outside the state and the country so only some of my reviews are of local ladies.  I try to be fair, thorough and respectful in my writing. I contribute reviews partly so that I can get temporary VIP member status so that I can periodically research local ladies whom I might want to see.  

Since I hobby mainly in places where it's not necessary to provide references or get verified, I don't belong to any verification service such as P411. I don't see local ladies often enough to have collected a bunch of references. If I want to meet a local lady, I provide my real name (and if asked, other personal info) and my TER handle and I rely on the lady's common sense to verify me.  It's not hard.

However, I recently attempted to meet a new local lady and after providing her with more than enough personal info and my TER handle, she still insisted that I provide two references.  I wasn't able to do so in time to make an appointment on the day of the intended meeting.  

I feel that some escorts are too insistent on having two ironclad references or membership in a verification site.  Other escorts, who are perhaps more savvy, know when they have enough info to trust a guy for an initial meeting.  I respect an escort's right to use whatever standards and practices she wants to for verification but I think there's more than one way to verify a guy.  Providing some personal info and a TER handle attached to some reviews ought to be good enough.  As for the issue of connecting a real name to a TER handle, there are many easy ways that a guy can signal to a lady who he is via PM or a comment in a TER discussion thread.    

If some personal info and a link to a TER handle with reviews is not good enough verification for a lady, then I won't be seeing her. So while I like to contribute reviews as a way to give back to the community of escorts and clients, they do not always help a guy to meet new local ladies.  


-- Modified on 6/29/2015 12:39:35 PM

seems to be 2 "well-known providers within the past 6 months"---What Tha??? Maybe Roadie, Case, Drew can afford those $600-800 hourly donations every week---LOL, but out of my league now a days:((

No, don't know those ladies. And the names are not important.  I'm just citing one example of a problem that I have experienced before.

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