
Everybody has to cancel sometime
libert1ne 40 Reviews 804 reads
1 / 7

I had a well-reviewed provider on TER cancel twice in the same week? The first time I inquired of availability, she said tomorrow. I tried that day and she said tomorrow again. When I tried the third day, we made appointment. I tried to get a hold of her for directions and she texted me 15 mins after appt time saying she had to cancel. Tried again a week later and set appointment but she never responded back close to time with directions. This provider is well-reviewed with multiple recent reviews from users who have many reviews. Just a little confused?

DJ1985 21 Reviews 504 reads
2 / 7

Well it really sucks when that happens. If it was me, she wouldn't be hearing from me again. Even if you do get another appointment set up you will be wondering right up to the last second if it's going to happen and that will take away from the fun of meeting her. Put her on your waste of time list and find someone who wants to meet you.

ftu398 26 Reviews 430 reads
3 / 7

I'd say move on for the time being for sure.  Recently a lady I've seen several times had the kind of week in real life where she would have had to cancel multiple days in a row.  Life happens on both sides of this coin...BUT..  What you describe certainly doesn't appear to fall into this category.  I would move on for the time being, say for the next six months at least and see ladies who are willing to make the commitment of time to see you.   It doesn't mean you can't try again later if she's someone you really want to see...  My experience has been don't push it.  If its supposed to happen, it will.  If it doesn't there are numerous other well reviewed beautiful ladies here in the Carolina's....  Or we certainly get our share of traveling beauties too.   Don't over think it and pick the next one from your "must see" list...

My 2 cents..

Roadshow2 30 Reviews 496 reads
4 / 7

Real life gets in the way every one has to cancel sooner or later, but twice in a row??  There are plenty of fish in the lake but you are droppin your hook in the wrong place.  With that said, I would agree, fishin in that spot again at some future date may be a good plan

BarbiesPlaying See my TER Reviews 419 reads
5 / 7

I've thankfully NEVER had to cancel an appointment "yet" but at least have enough RESPECT to notify the person at least 24 hours in advance and with an explanation! If it's truly an emergency then that trumps  everything and call later to explain.
Has she been polite and explained why?

Just me

IanMcKee73 84 Reviews 330 reads
6 / 7

given the circumstances you described my honest opinion would be that it's time to drop her for good and move on.  Sh#t on me once shame on you; Sh#t on me twice shame on me.  I had the same thing happen to me from a very high reviewed provider ( with a supposedly good reputation) and yes it happened twice.  No real good excuse.  So, I right then and there decided that I would never waste my time much less my money on her again.  Move on.  You are not important enough. Find someone who will respect the time and effort you put into it!

2labman 26 Reviews 330 reads
7 / 7

Stuff does happen in RL.  I could come up with some scenarios to justify twice in a week, but it's not worth it.  If you really want to see her, wait a couple months and then try again.

Or message her that when things settle down for her, you are still interested and she should contact you if she is still interested.  If she doesn't get back to you in a couple weeks, something's screwed up and you should forget about it.

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