
9676forfun 55 Reviews 690 reads

Hey, we all love a good bargain, and finding a nice fun lady at a relatively low price is cool. If you never take the step up to the higher priced ladies you will never know what you are missing. I have seen many of the ladies in the 250-400 range, and for the most part you do get more for your hard earned donation. We all have our personal limits, no matter what we can, or can't afford. The main thing is to stick with what you are comfortable with and not begrudge those that charge, or pay, more. There are guys out there in Hobbywood that regularly fork over 500, 600, and even more. More power to them. I only know of one lady that I would pay even higher to see.
Have fun and stay safe.

I see some local providers requesting donations of $250 to $350 per hour. Could I afford to pay that, sure. Am I going to pay that, NO! I guess with those donations, they narrow it to the type of high end client they want.  I am a well groomed, middle aged guy that is a gentleman, and spend sessions trying to pamper the lady with foot massages, backrubs and other things that to try and make the session a pleasure for her. If ladies did reviews, I think I would score pretty good. I have found so many great ladies, (yes, great ladies, not scaggs) that as a regular, will see me anywhere from $60 to $150. (Don't ask for a list, what I negotiate between me and a provider is confidential) No offence to any lady, but there is not a woman on the planet I would give over $200 to be with for an hour.  I was just wondering if I am the only one with this opinion?

really illustrates the differences in opinions. Every guy in Hobbywood has a budget. Sometimes it's based on how much "stash" you have squirled away for hobby-time. However, you have to remember that most of these ladies, especially the GFE's, have business models and they are not interested in quantity............less is more. That works for them, so it's their perogative. To each's own.

You say "I have found so many great ladies, (yes, great ladies, not scaggs) that as a regular, will see me anywhere from $60 to $150."
For me.......... this is just me & my opinion........ there is NOT a woman on the planet that I would want to see if all she wanted was $60. But, that may be just me............ who knows?

Hey, we all love a good bargain, and finding a nice fun lady at a relatively low price is cool. If you never take the step up to the higher priced ladies you will never know what you are missing. I have seen many of the ladies in the 250-400 range, and for the most part you do get more for your hard earned donation. We all have our personal limits, no matter what we can, or can't afford. The main thing is to stick with what you are comfortable with and not begrudge those that charge, or pay, more. There are guys out there in Hobbywood that regularly fork over 500, 600, and even more. More power to them. I only know of one lady that I would pay even higher to see.
Have fun and stay safe.

And they all differ in what they are looking for.  Personally I have been there at to 60 to 150 range in the long ago past.  Good sex, pretty ladies as you point out.  But I took the plunge and went for the brass ring and was totally amazed.  

Its kinda like buying a car.  I can get a nice dependable used car for a few grand.  It will get me where I am going and will look nice.  But it aint a Camaro SS.  (apologies to the Ford dudes)  I would enjoy the Camaro a lot more.  Still takes me where I want to go, just the thrill is worth it.  

But sir to each his own.  Which reminds me I got one of those expensive dates today and I gotta get ready.  

Party on dude.

But it  appears that you have been shirking you duties high up in the thread lol

Appreciate that, and we also prefer the finer ladies as well. Been there did that, not knocking anyone, it just is a preference

Posted By: DATY_Guy
I see some local providers requesting donations of $250 to $350 per hour. Could I afford to pay that, sure. Am I going to pay that, NO! I guess with those donations, they narrow it to the type of high end client they want.  I am a well groomed, middle aged guy that is a gentleman, and spend sessions trying to pamper the lady with foot massages, backrubs and other things that to try and make the session a pleasure for her. If ladies did reviews, I think I would score pretty good. I have found so many great ladies, (yes, great ladies, not scaggs) that as a regular, will see me anywhere from $60 to $150. (Don't ask for a list, what I negotiate between me and a provider is confidential) No offence to any lady, but there is not a woman on the planet I would give over $200 to be with for an hour.  I was just wondering if I am the only one with this opinion?

I don't. Also I am not knocking the ladies that charge those donations or the men that see them. That is their choice. I was just wondering if anyone else shared my opinion.

or the smart ones won't stay in the game.

And ted doesnt have patience with dummies...

Sure I could charge 150 or 200 but why would I..
My rates are typically 300... and I have to ask who or what woman would only charge
60 to 150 bucks.. 60 bucks really???
Hell, that is not even the cost of dinner and a glass of wine....
Those girls would be better off dating....

It is not my goal to see as many as I can but to see just a few special friends..
I am certain I have missed many " nice guys" but I am ok with that too....

I am certain that you are a nice guy, blah, blah, blah. they all are right.. isn't that what they
all say? but how many nice guys does one girl need in a day or a week..

It all goes back to whatever works for you and her..

I can tell you that I am much more inclined to spend extra time and go the extra mile for you if I know your not looking for the cheapest thrill you can find.....

I agree with Red I would rather spend a little extra and know that my date and I are spending special time together and not hopping from my place to someone else.  On the other hand if I shell out bucks for a special event for our date and my date cancels at the last minute and I cannot reclaim my expenditure, I would expect a big discount for the next date.

Yes, there are ladies out there who I would love to see, but my budget doesn't work, but no way I would ever go near the prices you are talking about. I almost think it is a respect, or self respect issue. I have to question why any lady would charge $60. I think it is more about my safety and the lady's safety. I just couldn't do it. I don't really know what to say about this, except I'll stay in my comfort zone.

That is all of us can really do.

given you sound advice & the ladies have been MUCH KINDER & MORE GENTLE than I thought they would be.

I know I keyed in on the $60 & you said up to $150, but really....think about today's economy & how far you stretch a buck. $60 to $150 goes no where FAST !!

Just remember that each xxxperience is unique as is the lady herself. That doesn't mean that they all are equal. Here's a good analogy:
You can go out & buy a steak just about anywhere, right?
 - Shoney's
 - Ryan's
 - Golden Corral
 - Ruby's Tuesdays
 - Even IHOP
then you have a step up
 - Outback
 - Longhorn
 - etc
then you really take a step up
 - Ruths Chris
 - Mortons
 - Del Friscos
& then you finally can afford
 - Peter Luger in NYC
 - Sparks in NYC
 - Chops in Chicago

Now......a steak is a steak, right? Wrong. Not when you have experienced USDA Prime at it's very best!!! There is no way to compare a steak at IHOP to a steak at Del Friscos much less Peter Luger.
A steak at Del Friscos will set you back $40 to $80 bucks for just the steak. Peter Luger even more. IHOP will set you back $10 buck & that includes the sides, desert & tips !!

Are people wrong for going to IHOP? Hell no !! The place is packed.
Are people wrong for wanting to enjoy a finer dining experience? Hell no !! The place is packed.

I have eaten at IHOP. I have eaten at all of the others too. Guess what?? I see, taste, smell & appreciate the difference & go back every chance I get.

Remember, what I said in my first reply -- "Different strokes for different folks."

I agree 100% with what you said. All I really ask was if anyone else shared my opinion. I have seen a lot of people telling my why I am wrong. I am sure someone out there feels the same as me. Maybe they just don't have the guts to admit it!

AND these ladies are worth their weight in that stuff:))  IMHO!  Now, now ladies, don't keep that kind of $$$ on hand, but I hear that that roadie  fellow does---LOL  Anybody who can afford a Hog and A Camero, rag top got to have a "stash" somewhere:))
Whatever the lady says her time is worth, I ain't gonna quibble, just coff it up, plus a bit on the side. Even if it's at the house---gas, you know:((,,,,,,,,, If I become a regular and THEY want to give me a present, other than the standard rate for their time, I don't quibble with that either!

I dont ride hogs, I like my bikes bigger. I am just making up for my .................

We keep high rates to cover everything you may want to do, if we allow one guy to pay for just this or jsut that it would take hundreds of guys to justify being a companion at all!
streetwalkers do that.... I think some people seek services from an obvious out of their budget gir and then browbeat her and it isnt fair, rent, and LE are different in all regions of the nation.

...the Providers you've seen given their price structure but are complaining to others about what?
You've found what works for you...right?
Help me understand the purpose for your initial post?

Original post quote "there is not a woman on the planet I would give over $200 to be with for an hour.  I was just wondering if I am the only one with this opinion? "

I am not complaining about anyones rates, or choices. I was just wondering if anyone shared my opinion?

If he see's so many great girls for 50, what does he care what we ask for? He's obviously full of.....

You my Dear Squirrel.............are PRICELESS!


Posted By: HeathersLuv4u
...the Providers you've seen given their price structure but are complaining to others about what?
You've found what works for you...right?
Help me understand the purpose for your initial post?
Omg! I just LOL'd. Exactly! OP if you are SO satisfied, why are you blabbing?
Why not just keep it to yourself? I have a feeling that you are mad because the 200-350 ladies
won't sleep with you for $60. If you weren't you wouldn't have posted such a stupid rant making a complete fool out of yourself.

Damn now I feel like such a snob for charging $300/400 an hour....NOT! :)


....those that continually take risk on backpage. The people I choose to associate with are a reflection of me as a person. Associating with risk takers puts me in harms way legally and physically (I need no Pimp trying to knock off his competition...this happens more than u know)....I won't have that.!
Don't assume that since we're Hooker we'll bed any one....we'll, scratch that. some jookers will bit not this Hooker!

you found some very good ladies for that price range. It makes me wonder, though, how on earth they pay their living expenses?

At 60$ per client, they would have to see WAAAAAY more clients than I would be willing to see in a WEEK. I couldnt even put a dent in my rent, my car Ins, cable bill, OR electricity with 60$.
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE sex and having fun, but I also like only seeing 1 or 2 a day. I could never do that at 60$ OR 150$

I feel bad for the ladies that charge that little. I can only imagine the lines at their door. I hope they get a least 1 day a month for themselves :(

My intention was not to upset or insult anyone.  If you are a provider charging in the upper range, living in a nice condo, driving a fine car etc etc etc. Congratulations. If you are a client who likes to see these providers, great. I am not telling anyone they are wrong. However, many replys have made the assumption that anyone that would see a client in the $60 to $150 range must be a true slut and stay in a flea bag motel. Well you are guilty of making a wrong assumption! Some claim to be low volume providers, well I am a low volume client. Most of the providers I visit either own their home, or live in a nice apartment. Sometimes they will use an upscale (not luxury) hotel. As far as the purpose of my original post, I will make an analogy. If Kim Kardashian we in town, and I could spend an hour with her doing whatever my heart (or other parts) desired, it would not be worth above $200 TO ME. Notice I said to me. I know for a fact it would be for other people, and that is fine. One post mentioned an analogy with steaks. I LOVE steak, I have found a $10 steak that is tender, juicy, flavorful, cooked to perfection everytime in a clean resturant. So to me there is no steak in the world worth the price they charge in those upscale NY steak houses. My real question was did anyone share my opinion? (I am  pretty sure some do, they just don't have the guts to admit it!)

Simply put, I do not share your opinion. The cool part is .... that's ok !! That's what makes this board what it is.

Bottom-line (the ladies will appreciate that) -- You choose to hobby as you see fit. I think everyone on here shot straight from the hip today & are not trying to hide how they really feel. I know a lot of these folks who replied & they were being honest. I think you got your answer, but everyone was trying to help you see a different perspective.

I will add that I took a peek a some of your reviews & they don't surprise me. I wish I could send you on a "excercise" w/ 5 c notes to go visit one of our Super GFE Ladies (even though you are philisophically opposed). I bet you a steak dinner at your choice of steak houses that you will see & feel the difference. Hell --- you may walk with a limp for a couple of days!!

Keep us posted if you choose to splurge & if you do..............check reviews, stick with well reviewed & known ladies & ask some of the guys ----- nobody is going to B.S. you !!

Hobby-on !!!

tgdavis467 reads

When I think of what marriage has cost me versus the amount of times I've had sex, they could charge $14,000 to $15,000 a pop and it would still be cheap.

Why are there no ladies singing your praises?

Just wondering

I'm not trying to project how great I am. If that is what you think you are wrong. I don't know any of the ladies posting replys, and they don't know me! You should not make assumptions.

-- Modified on 3/28/2012 5:10:17 PM

Posted By: DATY_Guy
Maybe the reason is from what I have seen all the replys have come from the high dollar ladies, and obviously I have never, and will never see any of them.
Dude,,, you keep saying "I won't see you, I won't see you" as if any of us here cares.
Trust me we are happy you will not see us. Who wants to be stuck in a room with someone with such attitude. Get the F off your high horse and do me a favor - Go buy yourself a strap-on and fuck yourself -seriously.


Can even buy a good, reliable, clean strap-on for $60?  LoL

OMG lmfao!

Posted By: krichardssc
Can even buy a good, reliable, clean strap-on for $60?  LoL

the session as well.
Tell me this....Whst makes u assume that she has in fact (remember, u said so) enjoyed some strange (does sge e en know who u really are..NO) man coming to her place (with a hard dick) and rubbing here feet?
I'm willing to bet my first born child that deep down inside she detest you as a person!

Posted By: DATY_Guy
I'm not trying to project how great I am. If that is what you think you are wrong. I don't know any of the ladies posting replys, and they don't know me! You should not make assumptions.

-- Modified on 3/28/2012 5:10:17 PM

So what's your point?

This is a public board. I can respond to whomever I want.

I think that's the problem. You WANT to know the ladies, but don't. Why else would you even post/look on TER?

“Too many people today know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”


“Sex is like art. Most of it is pretty bad, and the good stuff is out of your price range.”

I appreciate your responses.  You seem like a nice sort of fella.  And I for one appreciate what you are trying to say.  

Can I say but?  I read your reviews. You seem to review very honestly.  And I did notice that you have had a few bad expereinces.  And you did review that and we guys thank you for that.  But doesnt that take away from the whole experience?  I read that one and I said dammmmmmmmn, Which way to the Interstate.  She crowded another guy in between you and the last fella during your scheduled time?  Sounded like my doctor.  And then tried to upsell??  You walked out with your donation.... atta boy.  But still that stuff would put a sour taste in my mouth.  

If you look at the guys who responded to your post up on top.  They werent mean at all but go look at thier reviews.  Pretty solid you will find mixed emotions on thier visits,   Joy and Happiness.  Thier cups overfloweth.  

So are you wrong?   Hell no.  You hobby the way you see fit.  Is there more out there in hobby wood that would agree with you,  I betcha.  

But you sure stirred the pot today.  And that is ok.  I didnt read all your posts cause TER is running slow but it appears you are a gentleman.

Thanks, I see you get it! Some of the replys have shown some providers ugly personality. Just based on their attitude, I would not see some of them if they were free! A beautiful face can make some women have an ugly soul!

-- Modified on 3/28/2012 4:21:04 PM

Now you did fine making your point and then you say something like that?   That is very uncool.You are taking things way to personally. You have your point but then you must allow the counterpoint.  And not lash out name calling.  You may like your 10 dollar steak but dont lash out at the Chef that prepares the 40 dollar steak and call him a hack.  Have a little respect.'s sick.!
Of you were a decent MAN you would do what was fair but you didn't..

Knowing so little of the facts, you sure are quick to be judgemental. Some of the ladies I see are strictly under the radar. They don't post ads and they don't want reviews posted. They are in nice homes or appartments and may even be single moms trying to make ends meet. They want to make a little extra cash while having some fun in the process. They set the rates, not me. Since you seem to know so much about my situation, maybe you can share how many times I have paid some of their bills for them, not for a visit, but because we are friends. Everyone does not fit into the mold you have established in your mind.

I have looked, searched and reviewed multiple sites that won't be named besides TER as well as BP and I have seen prices that I could not afford on a months salary as well as the $60 specials for half hour. IMHO, Carolina ladies are offering what many places around this ol world would be considered rather inexpensive. When you throw in the QUALITY of the service, well I honestly think I have cheated the ladies! I am growing accustomed to the type of service that I have so far experienced and would not change what I am doing. If it works for you, so be it, for me, the money I spend does not do justice for the time/pleasure/experience that I recieve in return!

My 2 cents!


I bet the weather is really nice right now!  I miss home!!!

So are there actually girls on TER who advertise for $60?  Where is the OP finding them??? That's just crazy. I'd give it away before lowering myself to a $60 rate.  Well then again, maybe I would if a pair of Louboutins were thrown in!!

Kisses to the Carolinas!


A quote from one of my replys; "Some of the ladies I see are strictly under the radar. They don't post ads and they don't want reviews posted. They are in nice homes or appartments and may even be single moms trying to make ends meet. They want to make a little extra cash while having some fun in the process."

So to answer your question, No they are not advertising, posting or getting reviewed. Also everyone locked in on $60. That is only two ladies I know and they fit the above discription. Most advertise $150-$200

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