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YBenL 94 Reviews 648 reads

They always seems to have s strong line-up and I have enjoyed interacting with their team. Tough to arrange with indies under time pressure/same day;

Will you be returning to the Toronto area soon in the near future?

Short notice but anyone with doubles suggestions for Toronto?  If not that, anyone with a local favorite?

They always seems to have s strong line-up and I have enjoyed interacting with their team. Tough to arrange with indies under time pressure/same day;

Will you be returning to the Toronto area soon in the near future?

You may want to take a look at They have a number of amazing women who offer great doubles play, particularly Victora Lee and Erika Jame's.

Good choice, I know Leigh and she is an exceptional lady. I have enjoyed a number of events with her. Just be clear in what you want and enjoy!

DAVEPHX565 reads

Both mentioned agencies are great.  And there are z zillion others with huge choices at about $US200 or less with our currency advantage $CDN100=%US73.

I stick with the agencies since so much easier and no hassle and no legal issues.  

I avoid downtown as parking and traffic is a huge mess and of course the 401 can be terrible in rush hour.  I usually stay in Mississauga and enjoy the nude-reverse adult parlors and full contact nude strip clubs.  Thanks to long time mayor Hazel who recently retired at about age 90.

Many gals like the agencies since provide drivers and still get better payout than typical of U.S. agencies with the legal issues.  Most ages 20-25 often college students.  Canada follow a harm reduction model so is far safer for all than in the U.S. (C36 really not an issue).

Just wanted to chime in favor of going the independent route instead of with agencies for duos. In general, I think booking through agencies is way less fun for all parties involved. Agencies put limits on their workers so we can't let go and have fun as we might outside of the all-seeing eye of the boss. It's a bummer in general working at an agency because you have more work for less pay, which translates into a less sexy experience for you. Trust me, I have worked for agencies in the past and know many people who work for agencies and I can tell you for sure that the dates I do as an independent are infinitely more filthy fucking fun.

I recommend reaching out to your fave indys and asking them to set something up for you according to your preferences.  I just started a playmates page on my site but there's still a lot of people missing that I definitely love getting naughty with. Feel free to get in touch for many many suggestions/fantasies about duos that will blow your mind!

-- Modified on 8/23/2017 4:32:01 PM

DAVEPHX476 reads

Some of us have zero interest in $400hr vs the great experience we have at about half the cost with the fine agencies.  I have never heard of any limitations with the agencies some even specialize in bondage if that is your thing.  So many more choices, no hassles for appts and for the gal drivers from their homes or agency incall, no ad costs, no taking phone calls etc., etc.   Just makes far more sense to me to use agencies from my customer viewpoint.   However, each his own it just makes no sense to me to pay such high rates for the same level of service, attractiveness etc.   Obviously, the customer is only paying for time, not sex but as consenting adults, without payment, there is no legal issue.  Most agencies have great relationships with LE if any problems, especially in Toronto where LE continues to follow a harm reduction model of the Supreme Court of Canada.

DAVEPHX486 reads

Replying to my own post!
Ironically I just got into a discussion with a gal on a huge Toronto board that gives the opposite perspective of mine that I acknowledge.  

She is about a year in the business, enjoys it but felt more like a sex robot working for an agency since she had no control over who see meets and she wants to be more selective.   So has now gone with one of the great "groups" that are not an agency but have common support, safety checks. and sharing, listing on a website but still making their own appointments if they choose etc.  There are a number of these not quite full agencies in Toronto area since so much demand and supply without the legal issues - especially for incalls (outcall of course never an issue nor were agencies since were not "living off avails" ).  

In Phoenix with so many younger generations gals only wanting to have guys respond by text, other experienced companions only want phone calls to better judge the attitude and character of a potential customer.    

So I agree for the gals agencies has the disadvantage of not knowing anything about a customer until you walk in their door (or they come to your incall).  The problem I have with most indies is they price themselves out of the market for us that are frugal, not just looking for wild sex and big boobs.   In my case I never pay for companionship more than $250/hr - never have - and great experiences in 10 years+ of being active in Toronto/Sauga/Niagara/ Hamilton and before that Victoria B.C. and Montreal.  I know there are lots of frugal guys like me that see no reason to go to $300+ companions.

On the other hand, if you can attract enough business at $400/hr great for you.   Some companions have told me some wealhty guys treat you more like the sex robot than us frugal folks and most of the nice ones do better seeking arrangments relationships vs a companion.   However, I acknowledge your experience is yours and you have to do what is best for you comfort and future.

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